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"Rockets" nenori paleisti D.Motiejūno į Brukliną - planuoja naują pasiūlymą

Autorius: Krepš

Hjustono „Rockets“ klubas nenori paleisti Donato Motiejūno. Nors klubo direktorius Darylas Morey pripažįsta, kad 25-erių lietuvis artimiausiu metu turi sulaukti Bruklino „Nets“ pasiūlymo pasirašyti kontraktą, jis užsimena, kad „Rockets“ savo ruožtu ketina pateikti savo variantą ir pranokti konkurentus.

Visgi to padaryti klubas negali, kol nežino, kokio solidumo pasiūlymo aukštaūgis sulauks iš „Nets“, rašo Krepš

Kaip ketvirtadienį paskelbė žurnalistas Adrianas Wojnarowski, ilgai niekur nežaidęs D. Motiejūnas netrukus gali sulaukti pasiūlymo iš Bruklino klubo, kuris turi pakankamai pinigų algų kepurėje.

„Rockets“ vadovas D. Morey patvirtino, kad D. Motiejūnas iš „Nets“ oficialaus pasiūlymo gali sulaukti jau penktadienį. Jei taip nutiks, Hjustono klubas turės lygiai tris paras, per kurias galės pateikti analogišką arba geresnį variantą . Jeigu „raketos“ to nepadarytų, D. Motiejūnas oficialiai taptų „Nets“ žaidėju ir „apriboto laisvojo agento istorija“ būtų baigta.

„Esame dideli Donato gerbėjai. Ir vis dar tikimės jį matyti komandoje. Tačiau kol nesužinosime, koks yra oficialus pasiūlymas, negalime numanyti, kokio dydžio sutartis tai bus“, – „Houston Chronicle“ cituoja D. Morey.

Kad D. Motiejūną norėtų matyti Hjustone, tikina ir klubo treneris Mike‘as D‘Antoni: „Tikrai tikimės, kad susitarti dar pavyks. Mums D. Motiejūnas patinka ir kaip žaidėjas, ir kaip žmogus. Tačiau turime pamatyti, koks tai bus pasiūlymas, o tada D. Morey priims sprendimą, kuris bus geriausias klubui“.

Visgi sprendimas priklausys nuo to, koks bus „Nets“ pasiūlymas. Kol kas žinios apie tai yra vien spekuliacijos, tačiau beveik neabejojama, kad lietuvis Brukline turėtų gauti garantuotą kontraktą bent dviems sezonams.

Abejotina ir tai, ar pats D. Motiejūnas norėtų pasilikti Hjustone. Visai neseniai jis atmetė „Rokcets“ pasiūlymą, kurio vertė siekė 7 milijonus JAV dolerių, tačiau garantuotas buvo tik vienas sezonas komandoje – kiekvienam čempionatui pasibaigus klubo vadovai būtų pasilikę teisę spręsti, ar lietuvį verta toliau laikyti ekipos sudėtyje.

Kad D. Motiejūno sveikatos būklė yra gera, patvirtino ESPN žurnalistas Marcas Steinas, antot kurio, „Nets“ klubas yra patenkintas lietuvio medicinine apžiūra.

Pažymėtina, kad „Nets“ su apribotais laisvaisiais agentais pastaruoju metu nesisekė. Bruklino ekipa vasarą susitarė su Allenu Crabbe dėl 75 mln. JAV dolerių vertės kontrakto, tačiau „Trail Blazers“ klubas šį pasiūlymą „permušė“ ir krepšininkas liko Portlande.

Panašiai „Nets“ vadovams ir derybininkams nutiko ir su Tyleriu Johnsonu. 50 mln. JAV dolerių sutarties pasiūlymą viršijo Majamio „Heat“ komanda.

NBA lygoje šiuo metu yra šešios komandos, turinčios laisvų pinigų ir galinčios pasiūlyti lietuviui naują kontraktą. Tai Denverio „Nuggets“, Filadelfijos Sixers“, Minesotos „Timberwolves“, Jutos „Jazz“, Fynikso „Suns“ ir minėta „Nets“.

Visgi, nepaisant visų teorinių pasiūlymų, paskutinis ėjimas šioje situacijoje turėtų priklausyti Hjustonui, kuriam vis dar priklauso apribotas laisvasis agentas D-Mo.

ProvidenceDox2021-05-20 05:00:09 Cituoti
Kibana devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

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<p><strong>NOTE</strong>: You have reached the Kibana 3 repository. Kibana 3 is a completely new version of Kibana written entirely in HTML and Javascript. You can find the Kibana 2 repository at</p>
< ;p>More information about Kibana 3 can be found at</ p>
<p>Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search interface to Logstash and other timestamped data sets stored in ElasticSearch. With those in place Kibana is a snap to setup and start using (seriously). Kibana strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful</p>
<li>Elasticsearch 0.90.9 or above</li>
<li>A modern web browser. The latest version of Chrome, Safari and Firefox have all been tested to work. IE9 and greater should work. IE8 does not.</li>
<li>A webserver. No extensions are required, as long as it can serve plain html it will work</li>
<li>A browser reachable Elasticsearch server. Port 9200 must be open, or a proxy configured to allow access to it.</li>
<li>Download and extract to your webserver.</li>
<li>Edit config.js in your deployed directory to point to your elasticsearch server. This should <strong>not be http://localhost:9200</strong>, but rather the fully qualified domain name of your elasticsearch server. The url entered here <em>must be reachable</em> by your browser.</li>
<li>Point your browser at your installation. If you're using Logstash with the default indexing configuration the included Kibana logstash interface should work nicely.</li>
<p><stro ng>Q</strong>: Why doesnt it work? I have http://localhost:9200 in my config.js, my webserver and elasticsearch server are on the same machine <br /><strong>A</strong>: Kibana 3 does not work like previous versions of Kibana. To ease deployment, the server side component has been eliminated. Thus <strong>the browser connects directly to Elasticsearch</strong>. The default config.js setup works for the webserver+Elasticsearch on the same machine scenario. Do not set it to http://localhost:9200 unless your browser and elasticsearch are on the same machine</p>
<p><strong>Q</st rong>: How do I secure this? I don't want to leave 9200 open. <br /><strong>A</strong>: A simple nginx virtual host and proxy configuration can be found in the sample/nginx.conf</p>
<p><strong&g t;Q</strong>: How to run the grunt build process. <br /><strong>A</strong>: Steps to follow a)Install node & npm b)npm install -g grunt-cli c)npm install in kibana folder d)grunt build</p>
<h2>Kibana devops</h2>

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<h4>Kibana devops</h4>
Kibana 3. Contribute to DevOps-TangoMe/kibana development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Kibana devops <a href="">Kibana devops</a> Kibana devops
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#tags#<replace> -,-Kibana devops] Kibana devops#tags# -locator s-2 inc-akela-pharma-inc-3
DurhamDox2021-05-20 05:00:08 Cituoti
Azure devops build agents - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

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<h1>Azure DevOps build agents</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*HQ XKrEmWud21Wcfl.jpg" /></p>
<h4>Andries Coetzee</h4>
<h4>Jan 31, 2019 В· 3 min read</h4>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*MIXV9-l JV9mzsj1BSWRxdA.png" /></p>
<p>When starting to scale your build and release pipelines in Microsoft?s Azure DevOps, you inevitably need additional build agents to run concurrent builds and releases. I have been using a mixture of hosted and private agents for a while, and wanted to settle on a private agent based on docker images that are only available 6AM ? 6PM on weekdays, because it will be customized, faster and cheaper, right? Well, not really?</p>
<p>The application that will be built is still running on the older .NET Framework, which requires a Windows based agent. I started by creating a docker image based on microsoft/dotnet-framework:4.7.2-sdk-windowsserver core-1803</em>, added Visual Studio 2017 buildtools, add the additional workloads we need, slapped in the build agent and ended up with a build agent that boots up and connects to Azure DevOps in just under a minute. I then fired up a VM in Azure(B8MS, 512GB SSD)and configured docker compose to run 8 agents. Once we started to run concurrent builds on a VM configured like this, the agents would lose connection after a while, usually at the nuget restore</em> step with the error The agent: BAGENT-WIN-04_3 lost communication with the server. Verify the machine is running and has a healthy network connection. For more information, see:</em>< /em> </em>. The VM would restart and the agents would come back online, but the nuget packages and files on disk would be corrupt and would require a wipe. The only reasonable explanation that I could come up with is that the VM?s disk was overwhelmed and caused a restart as per hines/troubleshooting/understand-vm-reboot#storage -related-forced-shutdowns</p>
<p>I started to see success when I scaled back to a B4MS VM with 4 build agents. An initial build, where the first nuget restore occurred, was still slow, but it was no longer failing. With this in place, I started to run some tests and simplistic ?benchmarks? of my awesome new build agent. The results also contains test data for a F4s_v2 VM which failed miserably:</p>
<p>I split the tests into single</strong> one-by-one builds, and concurrent</strong> 4-at-a-time builds and averaged the results across 4 runs. I ran the tests on both cold and warm build agents. Cold</strong>, in this case, means that the docker containers are running on a brand new VM with no previous builds or caches. A warm</strong> build is when an agent has done the same build at least once previously, so the code repository is already cloned and the nuget folders(global and local) are filled with the needed packages. It?s obvious that a warm build is going to be faster than cold, and the numbers confirm this. Some observations:</p>
<li>Cold builds severely affect the VM?s performance, especially with concurrent builds. This is mainly due to disk I/O limitations. In extreme cases the VM restarts, causing data corruption.</li>
<li>Hosted agents are surprisingly fast, considering they have to do a cold build every time.</li>
<li>A cold concurrent build on the private agent has approximately 1 core available, and it seems to correlate well with the hosted agent?s performance with 2 cores.</li>
<p& gt;The private agents are significantly faster with warm builds, but there?s some hurdles to overcome. There?s also the operational overhead of managing your own agents, like keeping them up-to-date and fixing them when they break.</p>
<p>The pricing aspect was surprising(I did not account for network costs):</p>
<p>Our private agents, that are slower than the hosted agents with cold builds, are more expensive than hosted agents! Using private agents might be worth it if we can overcome the cold build issues and potentially scale the agents better. There?s also the customization that plays a big role, as it can lead to huge gains in performance.</p>
<p>So is it worth it doing private agents? It depends. If you need a customized build agent or can leverage warm builds, then maybe.</p>
<p>I realize that there?s no public docker image for a windows build agent. I?m willing to publish ours if there?s demand, just ask :)</p>
<h2>Azure devops build agents</h2>

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<h4>Azure devops build agents</h4>
When starting to scale your build and release pipelines in Microsoft?s Azure DevOps, you inevitably need additional build agents to run concurrent builds and releases. I have been using a mixture of?
<h5>Azure devops build agents</h5>
Azure devops build agents <a href="">Azure devops build agents</a> Azure devops build agents
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops build agents</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops build agents</a> Azure devops build agents
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DelawareDox2021-05-20 04:58:43 Cituoti
Redgate devops - Eduard Kabrinskiy

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<h1>Database DevOps with Redgate Data Tools</h1>
<h2>РћРїРёСЃР° ;РЅРёРµ</h2>
<p>DevOps is a wonderful thing. With it comes better collaboration across teams for early feedback in the development cycle, joint accountability for fixing problems, and working together to get value to customers quickly and efficiently. When considering the database, it can be tricky to extend DevOps processes used for the application to the database. In this demo-heavy session, you'll see how Redgate Data Tools allow you to extend DevOps processes to your SQL Server or Azure SQL databases and reap the benefits of increased productivity, agility, and performance across your teams.</p>
<p>Find out more details by visiting Redgate Data Tools page.</p>
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<p>the add column script shouldn't check first if the column already exist? As is, it is not repeatable (run it twice and 2nd time will error). In my experience, SQL DevOps exists since early 2000 and it always used repeatable scripts created by developer during development</p>
<p>How are script failures dealt with during deployment? If there are multiple migration scripts are they transactional? If one fails do they all fail?</p>
<p>@aljj: It's not necessary to add the 'error prone' conditional code. The tool assures it won't run twice. That's key to how this works.</p>
<p>My big question is: how can I roll back my changes, if I make a mistake and need to go back to a previous release?</p>
<p>@Ben - If you've deployed, the best practice is to roll forward with a migration script to fix the issue. If you haven't deployed and you wish you revert your dev environment, simply delete the errant migrations scripts from the project, which has the effect of returning the object changes to the DBSync window, select the ones you wish to roll back, right click and select Revert Selected Objects from the context menu. This action applies the undo script to your dev environment.</p>
<p>I would be interested in another video where you show your first script in creating the database schema or migrating a database into VS2015 to start the process.</p>
<h2>Redgate devops</h2>

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<h4>Redgate devops</h4>
DevOps is a wonderful thing. With it comes better collaboration across teams for early feedback in the development cycle, joint accountability for fixing problems, and working together to get value to
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FremontDox2021-05-20 04:56:53 Cituoti
Jenkins vsts - Eduard Kabrinskiy

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<h2>?????& lt;/h2>
<h3><Jenkins>??????(?)??TF S???????</h3>
3680 0Jenkins 2018-08-12
<p>Jenkins????????????Git?Sub version?????????????????????TFS(TFVC)???????Daily Build??????TFS plugin????TFS??TFS Check-in???Jenkins???</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1534045467_07584.png" /></p>
<p>?TFS(Team Foundation Server)??????</p>
<li>?????????Jenkins?TFS <strong>?????</strong> ???? <strong>TFS??????????????Jenkins???</stro ng> ???Git Polling the repository??The post-commit Git hook?</li>
<p&g t;?????TFS plugin???????CI Job(??)??????????Git?subversion?????</p>
&l t;p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1527508510_22079.png" /></p>
<h2>Jenkins ??TFS Plugin</h2>
<p>?? Jenkins > ??????</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1527508694_31073.png" /></p>
<p>?? ??? tab????????team?????Team Foundation Server???? ???? ???</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1527508948_58456.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1527509024_64519.png" /></p>
& lt;p>??TFS????????????? > ??> ???? > ?????+?</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1527509156_53319.png" /></p>
<p>?Jenkins > ?? ??? ??</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1527509226_63877.png" /></p>
<p>??????- <strong>??????</strong> > ?? <strong>???</strong> ??</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1527509273_00137.png" /></p>
<p>????Jenkins??URL???Jenki ns???????????? <strong>??</strong> ???</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1527509333_79583.png" /></p>
<p>* ???? Jenkins ????????????????????????????</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" et/user/stanley14/48db4598-3a48-475b-af8d-545c65d4 cf31/1527509373_90902.png" /></p>
<p>??????????????????????CI ???????(Slack and Email)??????Jenkins???CI JOB?</p>
<h2>Jenkins vsts</h2>

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<h4>Jenkins vsts</h4>
Jenkins????????????Git?Subversion ?????????????????????TFS(TFVC)???????Daily Buil
<h5>Jenkins vsts</h5>
Jenkins vsts <a href="">Jenkins vsts</a> Jenkins vsts
SOURCE: <h6>Jenkins vsts</h6> <a href="">Jenk ins vsts</a> Jenkins vsts
#tags#<replace> -,-Jenkins vsts] Jenkins vsts#tags# sieme-significato-di-imperizia
RiversideDox2021-05-20 04:56:48 Cituoti
Travis devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Travis devops</h1>
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<h1>How to Manage Continuous Releases With Travis CI and</h1>
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<p>Here at Sentry, we use Travis CI, a continuous integration tool for GitHub that lets us automate our tests and view the results right within a pull request. In this blog post, we?ll walk through a quick example of how to automatically create Sentry Releases with Travis CI when a commit is pushed to your project?s master branch.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" travis-builds.png" /></p>
<p><strong>Note</s trong>: since we support so many platforms, we use Travis CI to test out code in multiple environments in parallel. You can see the getsentry/sentry repo's Travis config file here if you're curious!</p>
<h3>Setting up Your Travis CI Configuration File</h3>
<p>If you?re new to Travis CI, take a look at their getting-started guide to set up your account. You?ll also need a GitHub repository to run Travis CI; it currently doesn?t support other platforms.</p>
<p>Travis configurations are defined in a .travis.yml file within your project?s repository. At minimum, you?ll need to set one of Travis CI?s supported programming languages and its version number. For example, here?s a super minimal config file using Node.js:</p>
<p>Based on the programming language, Travis CI uses intelligent defaults to build and test your project in two phases: the <em>install</em> phase and the <em>build</em> phase. In the example above, Travis will automatically run npm install for the <em>install</em> phase and npm test for the <em>build</em> phase.</p>
<p>To customize the build process, Travis CI offers <em>hooks</em> to run your own commands at different stages in the job lifecycle. To run a custom build script, you can use the script hook:</p>
<p>Learn more about Travis CI?s job lifecycle hooks in their docs.</p>
<h3>Building When Commits Are Pushed to Master</h3>
<p>Travis CI lets you trigger new builds with two events: when a branch is pushed and when a pull request is created. By default, <em>both</em> events will trigger a build. You can change this behavior in the settings page for your project:</p>
<p>Let?s say we want to run our tests on both events (pull requests and commits/merges), but we only want to create a new Sentry Release for commits/merges ? and only for the master branch.</p>
<p>To set this up, we?ll use the jobs key to run multiple scripts, with the if key to specify conditions for one of the scripts. In this case, if the triggering event is a push and the branch is master :</p>
<p><em>Learn more about conditional builds in the Travis CI docs.</em></p>
<p>When Travis runs the build, you can see the status of each separate job to verify which scripts are being run for each build that?s been triggered:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1584969391717.png" /></p>
<h3>Creating a Sentry Internal Integration</h3>
<p>Our Integration Platform allows developers to connect Sentry with third-party tools ? either as Public Integrations that anyone can use or as Internal Integrations built only for one organization to combine Sentry with their internal tools and custom workflows.</p>
<p>To create a new Internal Integration, navigate to <em>Settings > Developer Settings > New Internal Integration</em> within Sentry. There, you?ll give your new integration a title (for example, ?Create Sentry Releases with Travis CI?), choose which permissions to use, and get your token for authenticating with Sentry?s API.</p>
<h4>Setting Permissions</h4>
<p style="clear: both">You can apply different sets of permissions for each integration. For this one, we?ll need Admin access for ?Release? and Read access for ?Organization?:<img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" 1584969411084.png" /></p>
<p>Next, click ?Save? at the bottom of the page and then grab your token:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1584969566297.png" /></p>
<p>In the next section, we?ll use this Internal Integration token to enable Travis CI to authenticate with Sentry?s API when creating a new Release.</p>
<h3>Creating Sentry Releases With Travis CI</h3>
<p>First things first: you?ll need to enable Sentry Releases by linking your commit metadata to your Sentry project. The simplest way to set this up is to use our GitHub integration to link your repository to Sentry. (Reminder again that Travis CI only supports GitHub.)</p>
<h4>Setting Environment Variables</h4>
<p>To create our Releases, we?ll use the Sentry command line interface (CLI), which uses a few environment variables to connect to your Sentry project:</p>
<li>SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN - Your Internal Integration token.</li>
<li>SENTRY_ORG - Your Sentry organization slug.</li>
<li>SENTRY_PROJECT - Your Sentry project slug.</li>
<p&g t;Travis CI supports both public and private environment variables. For our non-sensitive environment variables, you?ll add them to .travis.yml . For private environment variables, you can add them via the Travis admin backend on the ?Repository Settings? page for your project. (See their docs for details.) Any variables saved there will be redacted in your logs, appearing as <secure> so that your private data can?t be revealed accidentally. This is where you should save your SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN variable:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1584969638687.png" /></p>
<p><em><strong> Note</strong>: If you define a variable with the same name in both your settings page and your config file, the value in your config file will take precedence.</em></p>
<h2>Travis devops</h2>

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<h4>Travis devops</h4>
In this article, we discuss how to manage continuous releases with Travis CI and to improve our CI/CD pipelines.
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MiramarDox2021-05-20 04:56:30 Cituoti
Artifacts in devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Artifacts in devops</h1>
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<h1>Understanding ARM Templates _artifactsLocation</h1>
<p>I?m someone that is always interested in seeing what?s behind the curtain, pulling apart designs to understand the <em>why</em> and the <em>how</em>. When I began working with ARM templates, I noticed there were two parameters that Microsoft always included in the default template. These parameters were used in the template, but generally never had a value assigned to them. I?m talking about:</p>
<li><strong>_artifactsLocation</str ong></li>
<li><strong>_artifactsLocationSasToken </strong></li>
</p> ;
<p>I decided it was time to understand the reason for these parameters and how to best take advantage of them. I find that a lot of people don?t understand these fields. So ? let?s discuss!</p>
<p>If you?ve created a deployment project, you?ve undoubtedly seen these two values in your template. If you?ve used linked templates, you?ll have come to rely on these parameters.</p>
<p>These two values are used to create a URL which represents the complete path to the linked file, usually an ARM template or dependency that?s part of the same deployment. In order to use these values, they are exposed as parameters from the ARM template.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" loads/2019/02/2019-01arm-template.png" /></p>
<p>The first value, _artifactsLocation , represents the base URL for a path where the documents will be staged. This path must be a publicly accessible URL. The _artifactsLocationSasToken is a query string appended to the URI, typically containing a generated SAS token. This ensures that a public reference exists for templates which are hosted in a private location. Concatenated in between these two values is the file being referenced:</p>
<p>"<uri>p arameters('_artifactsLocation'), concat('deploy.json', parameters('_artifactsLocationSasToken') ))]"</p>
<p>So, how do these values get populated? If you attempt to deploy the templates using Visual Studio, those values will show as auto-generated:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" loads/2019/02/2019-01vs-deploy.png" /></p>
<p>A storage location will be created, the files we be uploaded, and the appropriate values generated automatically. If you are deploying in PowerShell using the Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1 created Visual Studio and do not specify values for the parameters, a similar process will occur. The files will be uploaded and the two values will be automatically populated.</p>
<p>For most other cases (or to have more control over the process), you will need to specify those values manually to ensure that any reference templates or files can be properly resolved.</p>
<h2>Artifacts in devops</h2>

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<h4>Artifacts in devops</h4>
A lot of people are not familiar with the variable _artifactsLocation in their ARM templates. In this post, we're going to shed some light on this subject.
<h5>Artifacts in devops</h5>
Artifacts in devops <a href="">Artifacts in devops</a> Artifacts in devops
SOURCE: <h6>Artifacts in devops</h6> <a href="">Arti facts in devops</a> Artifacts in devops
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LOANSDox2021-05-20 04:55:41 Cituoti
Azure devops secret variable - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops secret variable</h1>
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<h1>Azure DevOps: Store secrets in a variable group</h1>
<p>October 29, 2019 50 sec read</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" /2019/10/Setup-your-Github-repository-on-Azure-Dev ops-dave.jpg" /></p>
<p>Hello Folks, on this article I will show you how to store secrets in a variable group on Azure Devops.</p>
<blockquote><p>A variable group is a logical container that stores variables and their properties (like key/value pairs). They can contain API keys, database connection strings, or API endpoints.</p></blockquote>
<p> Let?s create a variable group to store the credentials and secrets needed to access your Azure subscription and provision resources ? as Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Variable groups can also be shared across the pipelines.</p>
<p>Creating a variable group on Azure Devops:</p>
<p>1. Go to your Azure Devops account and select your project ? </p>
<p>2. In your Azure DevOps project, navigate to the Pipelines icon on the left panel and select Library and click on +Variable group as shown below</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/10/01-Azure-DevOps-Store-secrets-in-a-variab le-group-dave-rendon-1024x826.png" /></p>
<p>Now provide a name to the variable group:</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/10/02-Azure-DevOps-Store-secrets-in-a-variab le-group-dave-rendon-1024x606.png" /></p>
<p>Add the variables to the variable group with their corresponding value:</p>
<p><em>If you?re using any secrets/password i.e. a service principals secret you can mark the Service_Principals_Secret variable as a secret by clicking the lock icon to the left of your variable</em></p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/10/03-Azure-DevOps-Store-secrets-in-a-variab le-group-dave-rendon-1024x237.png" /></p>
<p>Once you finish adding the variables click save on the top menu:</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/10/04-Azure-DevOps-Store-secrets-in-a-variab le-group-dave-rendon-1024x588.png" /></p>
<p>Now you have created a variable group to store the credentials and secrets needed to access the Azure subscription and provision resources. This variable group could be shared across the different pipelines you need them for your own purpose.</p>
<h2>Azure devops secret variable</h2>

<h3>Azure devops secret variable</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops secret variable</h4>
WikiAzure is Helping Professionals develop in-demand skills required to advance their career through Cloud and AI Technologies.A blog about Microsoft Azure.
<h5>Azure devops secret variable</h5>
Azure devops secret variable <a href="">Azure devops secret variable</a> Azure devops secret variable
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops secret variable</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops secret variable</a> Azure devops secret variable
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DalyCityDox2021-05-20 04:55:04 Cituoti
Deployment groups azure devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Depl oyment groups azure devops</h1>
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<h1>Azure DevOps Multi-Stage Pipelines: Require Stage Approval</h1>
<p>In last week?s post, we covered taking our existing build pipeline and making it a multi-stage Pipeline with a build stage and a deploy stage. This week we are going to add another stage to our pipeline for production. Since we don?t want the production stage deployed before it has been through QA we will need to hold the stage until it is verified ready, which is what this post is going to be about. If you haven?t read last week?s post, Azure DevOps Pipelines: Multi-Stage Pipelines, you might want to start there before reading the rest of this post if you are new to multi-stage pipelines.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Add an Environment</h3>
<p>In order to require approval on a stage is to associate it with and environment and add the approval requirement to the environment. In Azure DevOps under <strong>Pipelines</strong> select <strong>Environments</strong> and then click the <strong>Create environment</strong> button.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ent/uploads/2020/11/azureDevOpsPipelinesEnvironmen tsCreateSelected.png" /></p>
<p>On the New environment dialog fill in a <strong>Name</strong>. If you had actual resources associated with the environment they can be added to provide traceability, but in this example, we are going to stick with the None option.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ent/uploads/2020/11/azureDevOpsPipelinesEnvironmen tsNewCreateSelected.png" /></p>
<h3>Require Approval for an Environment</h3>
<p>Now that the resource has been created on its details page we can use the <strong>three dots</strong> to open the menu and click <strong>Approvals and checks</strong>.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ent/uploads/2020/07/azureDevOpsPipelinesEnvironmen tsDetailsApprovalsAndChecksSelected.png" /></p>
<p>On the next screen click the <strong>+</strong>button in the upper right corner and then from the lists of check select <strong>Approvals</strong> and then click <strong>Next</strong>. As you can see from the partial list in the screenshot the range of check available for approvals is massive.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ent/uploads/2020/07/azureDevOpsPipelinesEnvironmen tsDetailsApprovalsAndChecksAddNextSelected.png&quo t; /></p>
<p>The next dialog is used to select the uses or groups who should be able to perform approves for the environment. When your approves are set click <strong>Create</strong> to finish.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ent/uploads/2020/07/azureDevOpsPipelinesEnvironmen tsDetailsApprovalsAndChecksAddApprovalsCreateSelec ted.png" /></p>
<h3>Use an Environment in a Pipeline</h3>
<p>If you are following along from a previous post not that the <strong>Deploy</strong> stage has been renamed to <strong>QA</strong> to make the Pipeline results clearer.</p>
<p>Now we are going to add a new stage for our production environment. Notice that instead of a normal job we are using a deployment job which enables us to specify our desired environment. Deployment jobs have a ton more features than we are using so make sure and check out the docs to see what other options are available.</p>
<p>Save and run the Pipeline and we will look at how this new state presents differently than the Build and QA stages.</p>
<h3>Pipeline Results</h3>
<p>As you can see in the following screenshot the results of the Pipeline run have has a section notifying that the Production stage can?t run until it has been reviewed. Also, notice in the Stages section that the Production stage shows a Waiting status.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ent/uploads/2020/07/azureDevOpsPipelinesResultsWit hProductionApprovalNeededReviewSelected.png" /></p>
<p>Clicking the <strong>Review</strong> button will show a dialog that will allow you to approve or reject the stage that is waiting.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ent/uploads/2020/07/azureDevOpsPipelinesResultsSta geApproval.png" /></p>
<h3>Wrapping Up</h3>
<p>The extra layer of options provided environments enables most of the scenarios that I missed when I first started playing with multi-stage Pipelines. Having the build and release steps for an app in source control and the added ability to vary them by branch makes this worth it even if I do have to deal with more YAML.</p>
<h2>Deployment groups azure devops</h2>

<h3>Deployment groups azure devops</h3>
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<h4>Deployment groups azure devops</h4>
Azure DevOps Multi-Stage Pipelines: Require Stage Approval In last week?s post, we covered taking our existing build pipeline and making it a multi-stage Pipeline with a build stage and a deploy
<h5>Deployment groups azure devops</h5>
Deployment groups azure devops <a href="">Deployment groups azure devops</a> Deployment groups azure devops
SOURCE: <h6>Deployment groups azure devops</h6> <a href="">Depl oyment groups azure devops</a> Deployment groups azure devops
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ModestoDox2021-05-20 04:54:57 Cituoti
Octopus azure - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Octo pus azure</h1>
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<h2>The latest from the Octoverse</h2>
<p>What makes us so green?</p>
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<p>How switching works</p>
<p>We?ve made it super easy to switch to us. Here's how.</p>
<p>The 'Inside Octopus' Podcast</p>
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<h2>Octopus azure</h2>

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<h4>Octopus azure</h4>
Fair prices forever and greener energy from the UK's largest investor in solar generation. Save hundreds of pounds a year with Octopus Energy compared to the average Big 6 energy tariff.
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PennsylvaniaDox2021-05-20 04:54:20 Cituoti
Vsts jira - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Vsts jira</h1>
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<h1>Installing the Visual Studio Connector </h1>
<p><strong>On this page:</strong></p>
<h2>System Requirements</h2>
<p>3.7 <em>or later</em> <br />3.12 <em>or later</em> recommended</p>
<p>XP or later ? any version of Windows that is able to run Visual Studio. <br /><em>Note:</em> You must have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later installed.</p>
<p>2008, 2010, 2012, 2013</p>
<h2>Installation and Initial Setup</h2>
<p>To install the connector and get started with JIRA:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><ol>
<li>Ensure that you have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later installed. <ul>
<li>Check your installation via the Windows '<strong>Add or Remove Programs</strong>' option. (Click the Windows '<strong>Start</strong>' menu and select '<strong>Settings</strong>' then '<strong>Control Panel</strong>'. Click '<strong>Add or Remove Programs</strong>' and look for '<strong>Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5</strong>' or later.)</li>
<li>If you do not already have it, download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later. <br /><ol>
<li>Download the Atlassian Connector for Visual Studio from the Atlassian Plugin Exchange.</li>
<li>Run the .exe file and follow the prompts. The first screen of the installer looks like this: <br /><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" d/attachments/169118592/VSConnectorSetup1.png" ; /></p></ol>
<p style="clear: both">
The installer informs you when installation is complete: <br /><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" d/attachments/169118592/VSConnectorSetup4.png" ; /></p>
<p style="clear: both"></li>
<li>Restart Visual Studio.</li>
< /ul>
<li>Open a solution in Visual Studio.</li>
<li>Click '<strong>Tools</strong>' and select '<strong>Toggle Atlassian Tool Window</strong>'.</li>
<li>The connector window appears within Visual Studio: <br /><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" d/attachments/169118592/VSAtlassianWindowEmpty.png " /></p>
<p style="clear: both"></li>
<li>Click the '<strong>Project Configuration</strong>' icon near the top left of the window.</li>
<li>The 'Project Configuration' window appears. Click '<strong>Add New Server</strong>'.</li>
<li>The 'Add JIRA Server' window appears. Enter the details of your JIRA server. Here is an example: <br /><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" d/attachments/169118592/ g" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"></li>
<li>Click '<strong>Add Server</strong>'.</li>
<li>Click '<strong>Test Connection</strong>' to make sure the URL and authentication details are correct.</li>
<li>Add more JIRA servers if required.</li>
<li>Close the 'Project Configuration' window.</li>
<li>The connector fetches the data from the JIRA server(s), including your preset and saved filters. Click a filter, such as '<strong>Assigned to Me</strong>'.</li>
<li>The connector loads the issues and displays them in the connector window. Here is an example: <br /><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" d/attachments/169118592/VSJIRAIssues.png" /></li>
<h2& gt;Vsts jira</h2>

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<h4>Vsts jira</h4>
Installing the Visual Studio Connector On this page: System Requirements 3.7 or later 3.12 or later recommended XP or later ? any version of Windows that is able to run Visual
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SeattleDox2021-05-20 04:54:03 Cituoti
Devops extensions - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Devops extensions</h1>
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<h1>Install extensions</h1>
<p><strong>Azur e DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2020 | Azure DevOps Server 2019 | TFS 2018 - TFS 2015</strong></p>
<p>Add new features and capabilities to your organization by installing extensions.</p>
<p>Learn how to install extensions for Azure DevOps.</p>
<p>To learn about building your own Azure DevOps extensions, see developing and publishing extensions.</p>
<h2>Prerequisites< /h2>
<li>Only Project Collection Administrators or organization Owners can install extensions. If you don't have permissions, you can request extensions instead.</li>
<li>Private extensions must be shared with your organization to be installed. Check out the publishing documentation for information on how to share private extensions.</li>
<h2>Ins tall extension</h2>
<p>Sign in to your organization ( <yourorganization>).</p>
<p>Sel ect the shopping bag icon, and then select <strong>Browse Marketplace</strong>.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Find the extension that you want to install.</p>
<p>Select <strong>Get it free</strong>.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" evops/marketplace/media/get-vsts-extensions/get-ex tension.png" /></p>
<p>Select your organization from the dropdown menu, and then select <strong>Install</strong> to install the extension.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" evops/marketplace/media/get-vsts-extensions/select -install-extension.png" /></p>
<p>Your extension is now installed! You can now go to your organization to use your extension. Also, tell your team about this extension, so they can start using its capabilities.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" evops/marketplace/media/get-vsts-extensions/you-ar e-all-set.png" /></p>
<p>You can install an extension with the az devops extension install command. To get started, see Get started with Azure DevOps CLI.</p>
<p>If necessary, first search for an extension with the az devops extension search command.</p>
<h4>Parameters</h4> ;
<li><strong>extension-id</strong> ;: The name of the extension to install.</li>
<li><strong>publisher-id</strong> ;: The name of the extension publisher.</li>
<li><strong>org</strong>: Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization using az devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL . Required if not configured as default or picked up using git config . Example: --org .</li>
<h4>Example</h 4>
<p>The following command installs the <strong>Timetracker</strong> extension and shows the result in YAML format.</p>
<p>Azure DevOps CLI commands aren't supported for Azure DevOps Server 2019 and earlier versions.</p>
<h2>Devops extensions</h2>

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<h4>Devops extensions</h4>
Learn how to install extensions and assign extensions for Azure DevOps
<h5>Devops extensions</h5>
Devops extensions <a href="">Devops extensions</a> Devops extensions
SOURCE: <h6>Devops extensions</h6> <a href="">Devo ps extensions</a> Devops extensions
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IdahoDox2021-05-20 04:53:29 Cituoti
Azure artefacts - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure artefacts</h1>
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<h1>Azure Artifacts</h1>
<p>Create, host, and share packages with your team</p>
<h2>Create and share Maven, npm, NuGet, and Python package feeds from public and private sources</h2>
<p>Add fully integrated package management to your continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines with a single click. Create and share Maven, npm, NuGet, and Python package feeds from public and private sources with teams of any size.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /screenshot.png" /></p>
<h2>Share code efficiently</h2>
<p>Easily share code across small teams and large enterprises.</p>
<h2>Manage all package types</h2>
<p>Get universal artifact management for Maven, npm, NuGet, and Python.</p>
<h2>Add packages to any pipeline</h2>
<p>Share packages, and use built-in CI/CD, versioning, and testing.</p>
<h2>Simplify complex build jobs with Artifacts</h2>
<h3>Keep your artifacts organized</h3>
<p>Share code effortlessly by storing Maven, npm, NuGet, and Python packages together. And there's no need to store binaries in Git?simply store them using Universal Packages.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /organized.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /protect-packages.png" /></p>
<h3>Protect your packages</h3>
<p>Keep every public source package you use?including packages from npmjs and in your feed where only you can delete it, and where it's backed by the enterprise-grade Azure SLA.</p>
<h3>Integrate seamless package handling into your CI/CD pipeline</h3>
<p>Easily access all your artifacts in builds and releases?Artifacts integrates natively with the Azure Pipelines CI/CD tool.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /integrate.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /integrations.jpg" /></p>
<h3>Use with your favorite tools</h3>
<p>Azure Artifacts is based on standard package formats and works with your favorite tools and services.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/shared/customers/swissre_m.png " /></p>
<blockquote><p>With Azure DevOps, we can share packages across all projects at Swiss Re?there's nothing but an upside to this.</blockquote></p>
<p>Alan Wales, Senior Solution Architect, Property and Casualty</p> </blockquote>
<h2>The DevOps Journey at Microsoft</h2>
<p>The road to DevOps adoption is not easy and at Microsoft we believe that the best way to navigate this challenging path is by following the footsteps of those who have already walked it. Explore the challenges and learnings of teams across Microsoft as they adopted a DevOps culture.</p>
<h2>Azure artefacts</h2>

<h3>Azure artefacts</h3>
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<h4>Azure artefacts</h4>
Create Maven, npm, and NuGet package feeds from public and private sources. Share code, get security compliance, and add package sharing to pipelines.
<h5>Azure artefacts</h5>
Azure artefacts <a href="">Azure artefacts</a> Azure artefacts
SOURCE: <h6>Azure artefacts</h6> <a href="">Azur e artefacts</a> Azure artefacts
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure artefacts] Azure artefacts#tags# o-2 m/ eme-significato-di-imperizia 10
LafayetteDox2021-05-20 04:53:11 Cituoti
Azure pipelines trigger - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure pipelines trigger</h1>
<p><youtube></p >
Azure pipelines trigger <a href="">What's the news</a> Azure pipelines trigger
<h1> Adventures in DevOps </h1>
<h2>Wednesday, September 30, 2020</h2>
<h3>Prioritizing Waiting Jobs in Azure Pipelines</h3>
<p>While we are working with Azure DevOps pipelines for build and deployment purpose, we use several private and hosted agents. However, sometimes there are more CI and PR builds in the queues due to limited number of parallel job availability. While we do daily tasks, there can be situations where we need to release a bug fix quickly but pipelines have long queues. At that type of situation, team has to wait prior until all the builds on the queue get completed. This blog explains the feature available in Azure DevOps as a solution to this issue.</p>
<p>Go to the build logs of the build pipeline which need to be started next. In the logs you would be able to see the position of the current build . As the following image the selected build is 4 th in the queue. We can click on the "Run next" to queue this build next as priority.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 3lT6zb6TCI/AAAAAAAAB1s/DoLAdUOrON0MecFwFFC0q1ETBmG hkQhkQCLcBGAsYHQ/w602-h154/1.jpg" /></p>
<p>Once click on the "Run next", you would be able to see the current position in the queue value has changed to 1 as follows.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 3lWey5cZLI/AAAAAAAAB14/jG1_5JeZ0i8WWPvleHyHYcTj_9A 2c-4gACLcBGAsYHQ/w606-h123/2.jpg" /></p>
<p>Go to pipelines and you would be see that selected build started before the other builds in the queue.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 3lW2-7XjGI/AAAAAAAAB2A/xE-13g_kNDkts532I8pgfWuUtxh 7SI_3gCLcBGAsYHQ/w615-h280/3.jpg" /><br /></p>
<p>This post shared a small but very useful feature available in Azure DevOps. This helps you to trigger important builds without staying in the build queues for long time.</p>
<h2>Azure pipelines trigger</h2>

<h3>Azure pipelines trigger</h3>
<p><youtube></p >
Azure pipelines trigger <a href="">Top news stories</a> Azure pipelines trigger
<h4>Azure pipelines trigger</h4>
Adventures in DevOps Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Prioritizing Waiting Jobs in Azure Pipelines While we are working with Azure DevOps pipelines for build and deployment purpose, we use
<h5>Azure pipelines trigger</h5>
Azure pipelines trigger <a href="">Azure pipelines trigger</a> Azure pipelines trigger
SOURCE: <h6>Azure pipelines trigger</h6> <a href="">Azur e pipelines trigger</a> Azure pipelines trigger
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure pipelines trigger] Azure pipelines trigger#tags# com e-home-depot
ReginaDox2021-05-20 04:52:44 Cituoti
Azure dev op - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure dev op</h1>

Azure dev op <a href="">Current breaking news</a> Azure dev op
<h1>Randy Aldrich Paulo ? Azure, BizTalk, WCF, SSIS, .NET, Integration Blogs</h1>
<h2>Azure, BizTalk, .NET, SSIS, WCF Blogs</h2>
<h1>How to deploy Azure Logic Apps using Azure DevOps</h1>
<p>If you?re looking answer for the following:</p>
<li><em>How to use Azure DevOps to deploy Azure Logic Apps?</em></li>
<li><em>How to do Continuous deployment of Azure Logic Apps using Azure DevOps?</em></li>
<li><em>How to develop Azure Logic Apps using Visual Studio and deploy it using AzureDevops?</em></li>
& lt;/p>
<p>You?re in the right place.</p>
<p>In this demonstration, I?ll be using the following tools / services</p>
<li>Visual Studio 2017 with Logic Apps Tools</li>
<li>AzureDevOps (as of writing, they?re changing the product every 3 weeks)</li>
<h3 >Walkthough</h3>
<li>Create Azure Logic Apps using Visual Studio 2017 <ul>
<li>Create multiple parameters per environment</li>
<li>Azure DevOps setup <ul>
<li>Setup of AzureDevOps Service Connections</li>
<li>Setup of AzureDevOps Pipelines</li>
<li>Setup of AzureDevOps Release</li>
< /ul>
<h2>Create Azure Logic Apps using Visual Studio 2017</h2>
<li>Open Visual Studio and connect to your AzureDevOps Instance</li>
<li>Once connected, Click File -> New Project -> Cloud -><strong>Azure Resource Group</strong></li>
< p style="clear: both"><img src=" 019/06/logicappproject.png" /></p>
<p>3. Select Logic app template and click next.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 019/06/logicapptemplate.png" /></p>
<p>4. Open the logic app by Right Clicking the LogicApp.json -> Select Open With Logic App Designer.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 019/06/logicappopendesigner.png" /></p>
<p>5. It will prompt the Logic App Properties, from here you?ll have to select the Subscription and resource group.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 019/06/logicappsubscription.png" /></p>
<p>6. Develop the Logic App. You can copy from the list of template already available.</p>
<p>7. Create a copy of parameters file. In this example, I?ll create 3 different parameters files (dev, test and production). In the parameters file, i?ll use different logic app name per environment. The param file will be used later on in the AzureDevOps Release.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 019/06/logicappsparams.png" /></p>
<p>8. Checkin the source code to Azure DevOps and later on we will link the Azure Pipeline to the source control.</p>
<p>Once this is done, we?re ready to configure and deploy using Azure DevOps.</p>
<h2>Azure dev op</h2>

<h3>Azure dev op</h3>

Azure dev op <a href="">To day news</a> Azure dev op
<h4>Azure dev op</h4>
If you're looking answer for the following: How to use Azure DevOps to deploy Azure Logic Apps? How to do Continuous deployment of Azure Logic Apps using Azure DevOps? How to develop Azure Logic Apps using Visual Studio and deploy it using AzureDevops? You're in the right place. In this demonstration, I'll be using the&hellip;
<h5>Azure dev op</h5>
Azure dev op <a href="">Azure dev op</a> Azure dev op
SOURCE: <h6>Azure dev op</h6> <a href="">Azur e dev op</a> Azure dev op
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure dev op] Azure dev op#tags# op-93-reviews-and-complaints-about-abt
NormanDox2021-05-20 04:52:22 Cituoti
Vsts agile - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Vsts agile</h1>
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Vsts agile <a href="">World news</a> Vsts agile
<h1>Digital Strategy and IT Innovation</h1>
<h2>TI, Inova??o, Agilidade, DevOps, ALM, Governan?a e Cloud Strategy</h2>
<h1>VSTS ? Process Templates (Scrum, Agile e CMMI)</h1>
<p><strong>Prop?sito desta publica??o</strong>: auxiliar na escolha do template adequado para o seu time de desenvolvimento. Atualmente h? 3 op??es ? Scrum, Agile e CMMI.</p>
<p>Acesse Process Template Manager para download dos templates mais recentes</p>
<p><strong>Vers?es </strong>: VSTS | TFS 2018 | TFS 2017 | TFS 2015 | TFS 2013</p>
<p>De modo geral, os 3 templates possuem diferen?as na estrutura??o do Backlog, no estado das atividades (tasks) e rastreamento do processo. O Scrum tem um modelo mais leve, enquanto o CMMI ? o mais adequado para processos formais e gerenciamento de mudan?a.</p>
&l t;p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /> <br />Recomendado para times que trabalham com Scrum. Permite boa rastreabilidade do PBI (Product Backlog Item) e de Bugs no board de trabalho.</p>
& lt;p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /> <br />Recomendado para equipes que trabalham com m?todos ?geis e rastreiam as atividades de Desenvolvimento e Teste separadamente. As tarefas (tasks) permitem armazenar Estimativa (Original Estimate), Tempo restante para concluir a tarefa (Remaining Work) e Tempo completo de trabalho (Completed Work).</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /> <br />Mais apropriado para os times de desenvolvimento que precisam de processos mais formais e controles de change management. H? rastreamento de requirements, change requests, risks, e reviews.</p>
<h2>Compara??o entre templates</h2>
<p>Independente da escolha do template process que seu time de projeto ir? trabalhar, voc? pode customizar campos na op??o Process > Layout do VSTS. Veja abaixo os status e diferen?as entre WITs dos tr?s templates:</p>
<p><table style="height:774px;" width="697"><tbody><tr>&l t;td width="31%">Tracking area</b></td><td width="25%"><b>Scrum</b>& lt;/td><td width="22%"><b>Agile</b>& lt;/td><td width="22%"><b>CMMI</b>&l t;/td></tr><tr><td>Workflow states</td><td><ul>
</td ><td><ul>
</td ><td><ul>
</td& gt;</tr><tr><td>Product planning</td><td><ul>
<li>Product backlog item</li>
<li>Bug (configurable)</li>
</td> ;<td>? User story <br />? Bug (configurable)</td><td>? Requirement <br />? Bug (configurable)</td></tr><tr>< td>Portfolio backlogs</td><td><ul>
</td ><td><ul>
</td ><td><ul>
</td ></tr><tr><td>Task and sprint planning</td><td><ul>
</td> ;<td><ul>
</td> ;<td><ul>
</td> ;</tr><tr><td>Bug backlog management</td><td><ul>
</td> <td><ul>
</td> <td><ul>
</td> </tr><tr><td>Issue and risk management</td><td><ul>
< /td><td><ul>
</td&g t;<td><ul>
</td& gt;</tr></tbody></table></p&g t;
<p>No site da Microsoft (mencionado nas refer?ncias deste post) voc? pode encontrar mais detalhes sobre as transi??es e status desde a Epic, Feature, PBI/User Story/Requirement, Bug e Task.</p>
<p>Qual o melhor template para o seu time? Avalie sempre os benef?cios de rastreamento, compliance e m?todo de trabalho da sua equipe para ponderar na melhor decis?o.</p>
<h2>Vsts agile</h2>

<h3>Vsts agile</h3>
<p><youtube></p&g t;
Vsts agile <a href="">News news news news</a> Vsts agile
<h4>Vsts agile</h4>
Prop?sito desta publica??o: auxiliar na escolha do template adequado para o seu time de desenvolvimento. Atualmente h? 3 op??es - Scrum, Agile e CMMI. Acesse Process Template Manager para download dos templates mais recentes Vers?es: VSTS | TFS 2018 | TFS 2017 | TFS 2015 | TFS 2013 De modo geral, os 3 templates possuem diferen?as na&hellip;
<h5>Vsts agile</h5>
Vsts agile <a href="">Vsts agile</a> Vsts agile
SOURCE: <h6>Vsts agile</h6> <a href="">Vsts agile</a> Vsts agile
#tags#<replace> -,-Vsts agile] Vsts agile#tags# ng-2 est-credit-score-video .com
GreshamDox2021-05-20 04:52:14 Cituoti
Azure vsts devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure vsts devops</h1>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Azure vsts devops <a href="">World breaking news</a> Azure vsts devops
<h2&g t;7pace</h2>
<h1>7pace Timetracker for Azure DevOps</h1>
<p>Designed for software developers, 7pace Timetracker extends Azure DevOps to include professional time recording, forecasting, and management capabilities. 7pace Timetracker is so seamlessly integrated, you?ll think it?s always been there.</p>
<p>Timetracker 5 with reporting is now available.</p>
<h1>Keep your work, on your work items</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ensions/7pace/timetracker/ 44/description/images/v5/clients-for-marketplace.p ng" /></p>
<p>7pace Timetracker is not just a time tracker. It supports engineers, builds feedback, and helps your team learn and improve over time. It automates standard tasks, lets you create reports, and helps forecast project time. 7pace Timetracker integrates unobtrusively into your existing IT landscape and has its own integrated security and permission model.</p>
<h1>Track as you go or add time later</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ensions/7pace/timetracker/ 44/description/images/v5/timesheet-for-marketplace .png" /></p>
<p>Need to update your work at the end of the week? The Timesheet page displays the week with all work items from the iteration and even remembers which ones were in-progress on which days, without you having to rack your brain. Organize all your work logs with the customizable Times Explorer page and save it as a "layout" that you can return to with just a click. You can even use 7pace Timetracker to keep internal records for time outside of work like parental, holiday, and sick leave.</p>
<h1>NEW! Timetracker 5.0 Reports</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ensions/7pace/timetracker/ 44/description/images/v5/reports-for-marketplace.p ng" /></p>
<p><strong>New to version 5.0.!</strong> Individual, team, and custom reports powered by version 3 of the REST-based reporting API. 7+ customizable widget types that let you see data that you need, how you need it. In addition to the six default reports in Reporting, users can create custom reports for individuals or teams. All report types can be exported to Excel (PDF export coming soon). Version 5.0 updates include a new reporting tab with default and custom reports, 7+ reporting widget types, version 3 of the reporting API, and support of Azure DevOps? dark theme. Upcoming releases to version 5 will include performance updates, geo-distribution, canned reports, report sharing and PDF export, and additions to the widget gallery.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ensions/7pace/timetracker/ 44/description/images/v5/workitem-for-marketplace. png" /></p>
<h1>Forward, engineers</h1>
<p>The paradigm of time recording has changed. Today, it is driven by teams and engineers, taking control of their work. Teams all over the world are using 7pace Timetracker to learn from previous estimations, identify bottlenecks and broken sprints earlier in the development cycle, better forecast and plan, as well as actively join the planning process with informed recommendations.</p>
<p>You can <strong>create your own clients</strong> or connect 7pace Timetracker with your existing application lifecycle tools via the Client API, with full C-R-U-D and tracking capabilities.</p>
<li>Automate the burndown chart and the estimation of remaining hours based on delivered work.</li>
<li>Complete the approval of a working week as a simple handshake between engineers and leads.</li>
<li>Analyze the health of a sprint with the Iterations page and identify how work is progressing or if your sprint needs to be adjusted.</li>
< ;h1>Manage organizations and budgets</h1>
<p>7pace Timetracker provides you with an easier way to manage project time and access budget capabilities.</p>
<li>For Microsoft Project users: Synchronize completed work to keep your project up-to-date and on track.</li>
<li>Visualize and define what is billable to organizations.</li>
<li>Adjust/assign effort to internal or external budgets.</li>
<li>Create unlimited budgets: get the full picture on the current state of spending per epic, feature, project, or budget, directly from within the work item.</li>
<h3& gt;Documentation and help</h3>
< ;p>Our extended business hours are Mondays to Fridays from 9 AM to 8 PM CET. Get help at or email [email protected]. You can also follow us on Twitter at @madeby7pace.</p>
<h3>Feature requests</h3>
<p>We love to hear from you. Is there a feature you?ve been waiting for? Send us a Feature Request in our support center.</p>
<h2>Azure vsts devops</h2>

<h3>Azure vsts devops</h3>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Azure vsts devops <a href="">Newspaper headlines</a> Azure vsts devops
<h4>Azure vsts devops</h4>
Extension for Azure DevOps - The complete solution to track and manage working time on work items.
<h5>Azure vsts devops</h5>
Azure vsts devops <a href="">Azure vsts devops</a> Azure vsts devops
SOURCE: <h6>Azure vsts devops</h6> <a href="">Azur e vsts devops</a> Azure vsts devops
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure vsts devops] Azure vsts devops#tags# eme-significato-di-imperizia 97
EURODDox2021-05-20 04:51:58 Cituoti
Powershell tfs - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Powershell tfs</h1>
Powershell tfs <a href="">News headlines</a> Powershell tfs
<h1>Alistair Mackay</h1>
<h2>Adventures in IT, DevOps and Development</h2>
<h1>Manipulating TFS with PowerShell ? Part 1: Connecting</h1>
<p>This is the first in an occasional series of postings about doing things in TFS using PowerShell. Team Foundation Server has a rich API and you can access pretty much all of it from PowerShell. The Power Tools for Team Foundation Server installation does provide a set of Cmdlets which provide limited functionality (e.g. get source), but if you want total control via the .NET APIs, this is the post for you!</p>
<p>In this post, I?ll provide a script which will authenticate with a TFS collection and return an object which contains interfaces to the most useful services for the collection, namely</p>
<li>BuildServer ? Provides access to the Team Foundation Build system.</li>
<li>IdentityManagementService ? Provides access to the security features within the collection ? Users, Groups etc.</li>
<li>VersionControlServer ? Provides access to the Team Foundation Version Control system.</li>
<li>WorkItemStore ? Provides access to the ALM part of TFS ? Work Items, Bugs, Queries etc.</li>
<p> ;In future postings I will refer back to this script in order to get the connection to the TFS collection. It attempts to authenticate using the credentials of the currently logged in user and if that fails, should pop up a dialog requesting credentials.</p>
<p>Save this script as Connect-TFS.ps1</p>
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<h3><em>Related</ em></h3>
<h2>2 thoughts on ? Manipulating TFS with PowerShell ? Part 1: Connecting ?</h2>
<p>Hi <br />Great stuff. Do you know how to achieve this if you only have Visual Studio 2017 installed? The PowerTools won?t install unless VS 2015 is present. <br />Regards <br />Dejan</p>
<li>fireflycons</b> Post author October 25, 2018 at 12:39 pm</li>
<p>The reason for this is that for later versions of Visual Studio, the TFS client libraries are not placed in the GAC by the installer, so they are not found by default. <br />The workaround I?m afraid is a bit messy and involves first locating the folder where the assemblies reside within the VS2017 installation, then updating the code as follows</p>
<p> <br />Write-Host 'Loading TFS Assemblies. '</p>
<p># This may vary according to the edition of VS2017 you have installed <br />$objectModelPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtension s\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer"</p>
<p>if ($env:Path -inotlike "*$($objectModelPath)*") <br /> <<br /># Add object model assemblies to path so that dependencies may be found. <br />$env:Path = "$<env:Path>;$($objectModelPath)" <br />> <br />'.Client', '.VersionControl.Client', '.VersionControl.Common', '.WorkItemTracking.Client', '.Build.Client', '.Build.Common' | <br />ForEach-Object <</p>
<p>$dllPath = "$($objectModelPath)\Microsoft.TeamFoundation $($_).dll" <br />Add-Type -Path $dllPath <br />></p>
<p>Write-Host "Attempting to connect to TFS Server on $TfsUri . " <br /></p>
<p>They have also made a breaking change to the connection interface so it now has to look like this. It can no longer prompt for credentials using GetTeamProjectCollection but this should not matter if your server is active directory integrated.</p>
<h2>Powershell tfs</h2>

<h3>Powershell tfs</h3>
Powershell tfs <a href="">Recent news</a> Powershell tfs
<h4>Powershell tfs</h4>
This is the first in an occasional series of postings about doing things in TFS using PowerShell. Team Foundation Server has a rich API and you can access pretty much all of it from PowerShell. The Power Tools for Team Foundation Server installation does provide a set of Cmdlets which provide limited functionality (e.g. get&hellip;
<h5>Powershell tfs</h5>
Powershell tfs <a href="">Powershell tfs</a> Powershell tfs
SOURCE: <h6>Powershell tfs</h6> <a href="">Powe rshell tfs</a> Powershell tfs
#tags#<replace> -,-Powershell tfs] Powershell tfs#tags# able-trustmark-warranty-auto-warranty-auto-warrant y com
NorfolkDox2021-05-20 04:50:40 Cituoti
Vsts query - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Vsts query</h1>
<p><youtube></p&g t;
Vsts query <a href="">Latest breaking news</a> Vsts query
<h1>Rory Primrose</h1>
<h2>Learn from my mistakes, you don't have time to make them yourself</h2>
<h1>Generating release notes in VSTS</h1>
<p>Writing release documentation is one of those tasks that you need to do, but nobody wants to do it. We want the ability to automate the generation of documentation as much as possible to remove both manual labour and human error.</p>
<p>My team uses VSTS to manage the planning and delivery of software and we have defined it as the source of truth about our software from requirements to release. This means that (assuming good process is followed) VSTS contains all the information about the history of the product. This is the perfect source of information to produce release notes.</p>
<p>There are two parts for automatically generating release notes. Firstly, we need to identify what should be in release notes. Secondly, we need to be able to export that data in a way that is suitable as a release notes document.</p>
<p>We defined the following criteria for release notes contents in our project:</p>
<li>Includes Product Backlog Items and Bugs</li>
<li>Does not include Tasks work items</li>
<li>Does not include removed work items</li>
<li>Must identify the release version per PBI/Bug</li>
<li>Must allow for selectively excluding a PBI/Bug</li>
<h 2>Work Item Query</h2>
<p>Because the source of information for the release notes are work items, the mechanism to automate this originates with a work item query. Already we can easily address the first three of the above criteria using available work item query filters.</p>
<p>The remaining criteria start to get a little tricky with the out of the box implementation of PBI and Bug work items.</p>
<p>Identifying the release version related to a PBI or Bug could be done using the <em>Microsoft.VSTS.Build.IntegrationBuild< ;/em> field. There are issues with this however. Currently this field is not populated with VSTS Build vNext although the old XAML build system still should. Even if this was populated by a build, the build would write to this field and associate the work item (and their parent PBI and Bugs) for the current build. Each of our code changes will participate in many automated builds before they are bundled in an actual production release version. This means that this field will contain pre-release versions which we do not want included in release notes at the point of the work item query. Filtering out pre-release versions on this field would not be easy.</p>
<p>Our solution was to add two additional fields to our project process. We added a field to track the release version and a field for whether the work item should be included in release notes (a Yes/No pick list). You can read about modifying work items on MSDN</p>
<p>These fields were put onto the PBI and Bug work items. From here we can then add those fields into our release notes query to satisfy the remaining criteria.</p>
<p>The release notes query filters on ?Include In Release Notes <> No? to handle work items that have not had a Yes or No value selected for the field. We defined the default value on the field as Yes, but the underlying data storage of the work item stores this as empty until a value is specifically selected and saved. This means that you need to query on <> No instead of = Yes to include both default Yes and specifically selected Yes work items.</p>
<p>The last filter ensures that any PBI or Bug that does not have a release version is not included in release notes.</p>
<p>The final touches to the query are to return all the fields required for the documentation and to define the sort order.</p>
<p>The fields we want to report on are:</p>
<li>Work Item Type</li>
<li>Release Version</li>
<li>Acceptance Criteria</li>
< p>We then sort the results as:</p>
<li>Release Version (Descending)</li>
<li>Backlog Priority (Ascending)</li>
& lt;p>Now we have a query that provides all the information we require to generate release notes. We have several repositories and products in our account so we duplicate this query and include a filter on Area Path so that each query can target a specific product.</p>
<h2>Documentation Generation</h2>
<p>Now we need to export the work item query data in a way that is suitable for release notes. There is an excellent VSTS/TFS extension on the marketplace called Enhanced Export. This allows you to take a work item query or test plan and apply the XML data against an XSLT template. The output of this is HTML which you can then download as a Word or Excel document. This suits our purpose nicely.</p>
<p>I took the ?Requirements Specification? template that came with the extension and started tweaking it to be more appropriate for our release notes. This is a very flexible system that you can modify to output release notes that suit your business purpose.</p>
&l t;p>We made new work item queries similar to the above but with filters of State = Done and Release Version = ?? in order to identify work that was ready for the next release. We then added that query to our team dashboard as a chart.</p>
<h2>Vsts query</h2>

<h3>Vsts query</h3>
<p><youtube></p&g t;
Vsts query <a href="">American newspapers headlines</a> Vsts query
<h4>Vsts query</h4>
Learn from my mistakes, you don't have time to make them yourself
<h5>Vsts query</h5>
Vsts query <a href="">Vsts query</a> Vsts query
SOURCE: <h6>Vsts query</h6> <a href="">Vsts query</a> Vsts query
#tags#<replace> -,-Vsts query] Vsts query#tags# t
CharlestonDox2021-05-20 04:50:02 Cituoti
Devops coach - Кабринский Эдуард

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<h4>Richard Hoedeman</h4>
<h4>Jul 18 В· 3 min read</h4>
<p>Agile coaching has several facets. The Agile coach helps the organization and teams to a higher ?performance level?. In other words, work more efficiently and effectively with better results!</p>
<p>In many organizations, the Scrum Masters are the Agile coaches, but not everywhere Scrum is used as an Agile framework. There are many hybrid situations in practice. For example with Agile project management, Less, SAFe or DevOps, where both Scrum Masters and Agile coaches walk around. And then the question arises, what?s the difference? What exactly does the Agile (DevOps) coach do? And how do you become a good Agile coach?</p>
<h1>The difference between the Agile Coach and the Scrum Master.</h1>
<p>Where the Scrum Master is part of the Scrum Team and looks outside from within the team, the Agile coach has the perspective from the outside in. An Agile coach is not part of the Agile team and does not take up development tasks. One of the goals of the Agile coach is to make the team autonomous and high performing, in collaboration with the Scrum Master, if there is one, and then to distance themselves.</p>
<h1>The tasks of the Agile (DevOps) coach.</h1>
<p>We can divide the execution of the coaching activities into different types of tasks. The Agile coach is a Trainer, Mentor, Consultant, Facilitator, but especially Coach. The Coach is enthusiastic about the Agile way of working and is happy to communicate that. He / she shows a lot of energy and that is pick up by others. The Agile coach works at different levels in the organization and thus supports not only the Agile teams, but also the roles and functions around them. Important personal characteristics of the coach are:</p>
<li>asking deep questions,</li>
<li>enable trading,</li>
<li>reinforce behavior and</li>
<li>increase insight.</li>
< p style="clear: both"><img src="*w7M3kWz wtAZz8QkDYnmjMQ.png" /></p>
<p>Ctrl Improve ? five coach elements</em></p>
<p>An Agile Coach understands the 5 different important modes: Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Facilitation & Consulting. He / she knows when, why and how to apply the correct mode. Below is a list of activities for the different modes. These are also shown in the picture above.</p>
<h2>The coach as a trainer.</h2>
<li>focus on skills development through instruction</li>
<li>develop formal learning outcomes</li>
<li>focus on embedding change in the system</li>
<li>people develop</li>
<li>promote lifelong learning</li>
<h2>The coach as Facilitator.</h2>
<li>focus on formal results without giving advice</li>
<li>own the collaboration process</li>
<li>independent of the results</li>
<li>empathy between parties</li>
<li>focus on continuous improvement</li>
<li>enhance positive behavior</li>
<h2>The coach as a Consultant.</h2>
<li>focus on developing frameworks and toolkits</li>
<li>advice based on skills and expertise</li>
<li>problem solver</li>
<li>develop formal paths for change</li>
<li>organizational design and support</li>
<h2>The coach as Mentor.</h2>
<li>advice based on experience</li>
<li>develop the status of ?trusted advisor?</li>
<li>focus on developing ?how?</li>
<li>minimize restrictions</li>
<li>inspire and align people</li>
<h2>The coach as Coach.</h2>
<li>focus on developing shared goals</li>
<li>make support resources accessible</li>
<li>focus on changing mindset and behavior</li>
<li>develop structures to manage dysfunctions and conflicts</li>
<li>focus on listening</li>
<h1>How do you become an Agile Coach?</h1>
<p>In addition to the necessary practical experience, for example in agile development teams, and experience in (supervising) change processes, you also have the necessary personal characteristics (mentioned above). In order to grow in the role, it is initially nice to be part of a pool of Agile coaches, where you can learn from each other. Intervision and learning from each other?s experiences!</p>
<p>In order to master facilitation and training, you will have to give many trainings and workshops yourself. To learn by practise! Then you will immediately notice that not always things go as planned, and you will immediately learn to improvise.</p>
<p>From the consultant and mentor perspective you ensure that you are at the forefront of knowledge. That means a lot of reading. Books, blogs, whitepapers, LinkedIn articles, etc. Even better if you do your part and publish interesting insights.</p>
<p>If it appeals to you, then you definitely need to follow an Agile (DevOps) Coach training followed by the possibility of certification. That makes it complete.</p>
<p>Important in a certification training is that you not only learn from the trainer, but also from the fellow students and also train and help each other in this process.<br />In addition, it is great if you have the opportunity to join a pool of Agile (DevOps) coaches. To exchange experiences, attend workshops and organize.</p>
<h2>Devops coach</h2>

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<h4>Devops coach</h4>
Agile coaching has several facets. The Agile coach helps the organization and teams to a higher ?performance level?. In other words, work more efficiently and effectively with better results! In many?
<h5>Devops coach</h5>
Devops coach <a href="">Devops coach</a> Devops coach
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LaredoDox2021-05-20 04:48:18 Cituoti
Power bi tfs - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Power bi tfs</h1>
Power bi tfs <a href="">News headlines of the day</a> Power bi tfs
<h1>Power BI Actions</h1>
<h2>Maik van der Gaag</h2>
<p>Power BI Actions is a Build and Release Task for Azure Pipelines. With this tasks you can automate specific tasks within Power BI.</p>
<p>The following tasks can be automated when using this extension:</p>
<li>Upload / Import Power BI dashboard (pbix file).</li>
<li>Create a Power BI workspace.</li>
<li>Remove a Power BI workspace.</li>
<li>Add a new Admin user to a Power BI workspace.</li>
<li>Add a Service Principal to a Power BI workspace.</li>
<li>Add a Group to a Power BI workspace.</li>
<li>Update the connection of a Power BI report.</li>
<li>Refresh a dataset.</li>
<li>Update SQL Direct Query String</li>
<li>Update Gateway</li>
<p >The following organization types are supported from version 5 and higher:</p>
<li>Commercial (Public)</li>
<li>Microsoft 365 Government Community Cloud (US)</li>
<li>Microsoft 365 Government Community Cloud High (US)</li>
<li>US Department of Defense</li>
<li>Microsoft Cloud China</li>
<li>Microsoft Cloud Germany</li>
<p >The task works with a "Power BI" service connection that needs to be configured within the "Service Connections" settings of the project. From version 5 there is one single service connections. In this service connection you can choose between "Username/Password" and "Service Principal" authentication.</p>
<h3>Username/Pass word</h3>
<p>For the service connection to work with a Username password combination you need to configure the following parameters:</p>
<li>Username: The username of the user that will perform the actions. Make sure the account does not have Multi Factor authentication enabled.</li>
<li>Password: The password of the user.</li>
<p&g t;<strong>Note</strong>: The user must have a Power BI Pro license in order to perform the tasks.</p>
<h3>Service Principal</h3>
<p>To configure a Service Principal with PowerBI you will have to go through this guide:Service principal with Power BI</p>
<li>ClientId: The client id of the Azure Active Directory application. This application should have the appropriate rights in order to use the Power BI Api.</li>
<li>ClientSecret: The client secret of the application</li>
<li>Tenant ID: The identifier of the Azure Active Directory tenant</li>
<h2 >Output</h2>
<p>During the execution of the task different values will be placed inside variables:</p>
<li>PowerBIActions.ReportId: The report Id of the uploaded report (only supported when uploading one report).</li>
<li>PowerBIActions.WorkspaceId: The Id of the workspace.</li>
&l t;h2>Documentation</h2>
<p>For the documentation check the wiki.</p>
<p>If you like the extension, please leave a review. File an issue when you have suggestions or if you experience problems with the extension.</p>
<h2>Power bi tfs</h2>

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<h4>Power bi tfs</h4>
Extension for Azure DevOps - Build and Release Management tasks for Power BI.
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TylerDox2021-05-20 04:48:10 Cituoti
Azure devops calculated field - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops calculated field</h1>
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<h1>Azure devops calculated field</h1>
<p>GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.</p>
<h3>GitHub is where the world builds software</h3>
<p>Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub ? the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.</p>
<p>Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.</p>
<p>Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more.</p>
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<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
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<h2></h2 >
<blockquote><p>Currently only available on TFS 2017 or later and Visual Studio Team Services.</p></blockquote>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ards_calculated_fields/raw/master/img/form.png&quo t; /></p>
<p>How to get started</h1></p>
<p>Visual Studio Team Services</h2></p>
<p>Navigate to your work item form customization page and add a CSE calculated fields control.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ards_calculated_fields/raw/master/img/definition.p ng" /></p>
<p>Edit the control so it can use the right field to store your final value and the formula. It supports formulas on the javascript notation, example:</p>
<blockquote><p>< ;Custom>MyField] * 2.5 + <Custom>MyField2] + ((<Custom>MyField3] * 2) / 2) + Custom.Myfield4</p></blockquote>
< p>Specify the fields by the fully qualified name "Prefix.FieldName" and enclosed on square brackets <></p>
<p>The value is being saved to a string, integer or decimal field. It follows the same rules for query as the original field.</p>
<p>The source for this extension can be found on github.</p>
<p>You can also learn how to build your own custom control extension for the work item form here.</p>
<p>We appreciate your feedback! Here are some ways to connect with us:</p>
<blockquote><p>This is a personal project. Feedback is appreciated, however, this extension is not supported nor are any commitments made as to their longevity.</p></blockquote>
<h2> ;About</h2>
<p>Azure DevOps Boards (prev VSTS) calculated fields field</p>
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Azure DevOps Boards (prev VSTS) calculated fields field - AlanMcBee/azdevops_boards_calculated_fields
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Azure devops calculated field <a href="">Azure devops calculated field</a> Azure devops calculated field
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FullertonDox2021-05-20 04:47:27 Cituoti
Ios devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Ios devops</h1>
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<h1>DevOps Manager 4+</h1>
<h2>AzureDevOps Project Management</h2>
<h2> DevTard Development Limited </h2>
<h3>Designed for iPad</h3>
<li>2.4 ? 9 Ratings</li>
< /ul>
<li>Offers In-App Purchases</li>
&l t;/ul>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" 1-42817eea7ade52607a760cbee00d1495.gif" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" 1-42817eea7ade52607a760cbee00d1495.gif" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" 1-42817eea7ade52607a760cbee00d1495.gif" /></p>

<p>Meet Bob*.<br />Bob is a Full Stack Developer. <br />Bob takes pride in his work.<br />Bob manages his work items on the train. <br />Bob completed Pull Requests while using the toilet.<br />Bob manages his Google Tasks and check his AppFigures data on the go.</p>
<p>Do you want to be like Bob?</p>
<p>Bob uses DevOps Manager. You should too.</p>
<p>* While Bob is a functional character created for the sole purpose in telling you about our app, he does have feelings. For every second that goes past without you downloading our app Bob gets sad++.</p>
<p>Now for the serious introduction:</p>
<p>DevOps Manager provides you with the tools you need to effectively manage your DevOps projects wherever you like (we wont judge! Honest!)</p>
<p>Unlike the other apps on the store we are updated regularlyish (sorry), in the future an update will be released at least every two months (hopefully more frequently).</p>
<p>We support full Pull Request Management, for the times you just need to merge something.</p>
<p>Create, Edit and View work items. Make them all happy by linking them together, how else are their relationships supposed to form? You can even give them pointers, or simply put created work items can be linked with each other, comments can be added.</p>
<p>We are always listening, correction, We listen whenever you create a user voice or vote on one. Almost all features added in this app were requested by you!</p>
<p>Thank you for helping make the app better. Keep your feedback coming.</p>
<p>Did someone say Free trial? That's right, you can experience 7 days of heaven** before spending a single penny.</p>
<p>**We cannot guarantee heaven of any sort will be experienced.</p>
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<h4>Ios devops</h4>
?Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about DevOps Manager. Download DevOps Manager and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
<h5>Ios devops</h5>
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ElizabethDox2021-05-20 04:46:25 Cituoti
Toptal devops - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Toptal devops</h1>
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<h1>Toptal launches new on-demand DevOps specialization to serve enterprise shift to the cloud</h1>
<p>Toptal, a global network of top engineers, designers, and finance experts that empowers companies to accelerate, adapt and scale, today announced it is launching a new on-demand talent specialization that is focused on meeting the rising need for skilled DevOps engineers. Tapping into Toptal?s private network of highly skilled software professionals, the new specialized service will connect businesses and organizations with freelance DevOps professionals who are experts in virtualization, containerization, automation, continuous integration and delivery, and cloud application distribution.</p>
<p>Since 2016, Toptal has seen a 109 percent annual growth rate in demand from its clients for DevOps positions, growing consistently by more than 25 percent for each of the last four quarters. Similar data from the Linux Foundation?s 2017 Open Source Jobs Report finds that 60 percent of open source professionals and hiring managers are currently looking to fill vacant DevOps engineering positions. Andreessen Horowitz?s Scott Weiss calls DevOps ?More than just a methodology. It?s a must-have skill set for the modern programmer ? and is increasingly becoming its own department.? He agrees that ?the rise of the hyperscale cloud datacenter has made this job much harder.? The 2017 State of DevOps Report has found that high performing organizations spend 21 percent less time on unplanned work and rework, and 44 percent more time on new work.</p>
<p>?As organizations undergo DevOps transformations to more quickly deliver applications and services and compete more effectively in the market, most still don?t have access to the right talent who can make this happen,? said Alvaro Oliveira, VP of Talent Operations at Toptal. ?Our new DevOps specialization provides a reliable pipeline of qualified software professionals who can enable shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency, and more dependable releases, among other agile software development goals.?</p>
<p>Toptal?s new DevOps specialization builds on recent successes working with clients like Motorola Solutions and Arduino. Toptal?s DevOps specialization provides the talent needed for organizations to successfully move business applications to the Cloud and compete more effectively.</p>
<p>One such DevOps expert in the Toptal network is Andrea Villa, a former DevOps engineer at Atlassian and system architect at CloudReach with 15 years of experience in system administration, information security, and networks, having worked as a specialist in cloud migration, deployment, and automation.</p>
<p>?To be effective, today?s DevOps Engineer needs to have a developer background and possess a wide knowledge of system administration and network knowledge,? Villa said. ?It?s important that they be able to bridge the gap between the raw code and the challenges that the business has to face everyday ? such as reducing friction between ideas, delivery, and consumers.?</p>
<p>Another Toptal expert with 12+ years experience in DevOps is Fredrik H??rd, who specializes in back-end product development and lifecycle maintenance. H??rd was a Senior Cloud Architect at McKinsey and at Wondersign ensured the success of their final migration to the cloud.</p>
<p>?Good DevOps engineers must be a champion ? and take responsibility for ? all the areas that might not be prioritized by the organization such as data security, disaster recovery, mitigation, and audits,? H??rd said. ?The choices you make in DevOps can have long-lasting effects at a company.?</p>
<p>Toptal attracts the best talent across software development, design, and business. Applicants undergo a rigorous screening process that accepts less than three percent of applicants. Toptal then looks for the perfect fit between talent expertise and the needs of clients.</p>
<p>By leveraging a curated, expert-driven matching process that ensures that the right individual or team is found without time-consuming resume reviews and interviews, Toptal?s proprietary technology platform automates the hiring process, driving speed and efficiency. The outcome is a highly qualified workforce with specialized skills to meet the needs of companies ? saving both time and money. This model has led Toptal to become the largest distributed workforce in the world with annual revenues exceeding $100 million and growing at approximately 300 percent over the prior two years.</p>
<h2>Toptal devops</h2>

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<h4>Toptal devops</h4>
Software Development News
<h5>Toptal devops</h5>
Toptal devops <a href="">Toptal devops</a> Toptal devops
SOURCE: <h6>Toptal devops</h6> <a href="">Topt al devops</a> Toptal devops
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SanMateoDox2021-05-20 04:46:04 Cituoti
Biz dev ops - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Biz dev ops</h1>
Biz dev ops <a href="">Headlines&l t;/a> Biz dev ops
<h1>BizDevOps: The Evolution from Agile and DevOps</h1>
<p>Improve efficiency, encourage innovation, and align your organization's IT efforts and desired business objectives by implementing a BizDevOps methodology that breaks down organization and information silos.</p>
<h2>What is BizDevOps?</h2>
<p>BizDevOps is an agile software development methodology that encourages greater communication and collaboration among business, development, and operations teams throughout the software development lifecycle.</p>
<p>The philosophical shift towards DevOps demonstrated the wide-ranging value of combining operations and development teams. Creating a shared understanding of each team's objectives made it possible to expedite the deployment cycle of software with strategies like continuous delivery and continuous integration while simultaneously improving performance and user experience.</p>
<p>BizDevOps takes this mindset of inclusivity a step further by incorporating business teams into the development process. BizDevSecOps is a similar philosophy that includes security teams in order to support more rapid deployments without sacrificing safety or risk mitigation. Both represent a holistic company-wide approach to achieving better business outcomes from IT efforts.</p>
<p>Encouraging communication and collaboration between teams throughout the software development lifecycle creates an environment that supports innovation, efficiency, and ultimately, benefits the bottom line in the form of a reduction of costs and a greater return of profits.</p>
<h2>Implementing BizDevOps</h2>
<p>Implementing a successful BizDevOps strategy isn't just about breaking down organizational silos, it is also about collecting and sharing data that correlates IT efforts with end-user experience and its impact on business outcomes. Consider the following as you transition towards a BizDevOps methodology:</p>
<h3>Build your team</h3>
<p>The best way to transition to a BizDevOps methodology is to identify key members of business, development, and operations teams to serve as leaders, and begin to create new process around communication methods and business practices to improve collaboration across the teams. Start with a small project to create familiarity with the new procedures and to discover which processes are helpful or are still in need of improvement.</p>
<p>Identifying key performance indicators and tracking relevant metrics helps serve as an objective source of truth. This can validate the effort involved with creating structural and procedural changes to your teams and stakeholders. The ability to quantify the effect of application performance on business outcomes can help prioritize projects and build momentum towards the goal of integrating your business, development, and operations teams into one cohesive unit.</p>
<h3>Find the best tools</h3>
<p>Last, but certainly not least, research and implement the tools necessary to facilitate this endeavor. From project planning and communication software to performance monitoring and metrics, having the right tools in place can be the defining factor of whether a BizDevOps plan succeeds or not.</p>
<h2>How AppDynamics helps</h2>
<p>AppDynamics offers a suite of products and monitoring solutions to help ensure that deployments are in alignment with your organization's business goals. Improve the visibility of your application and infrastructure and support your BizDevOps goals with the following functionality:</p>
<li>Analyze end-user behavior and learn from their actions with deep code-level end-to-end transaction tracing.</li>
<li>Reduce MTTR and improve user experience with AI/ML based automated anomaly detection, proactive alerting, and root cause analysis.</li>
<li>Automate time-consuming repetitive tasks and establish performance baselines to streamline DevOps processes .</li>
<li>Build curated dashboards that correlate application performance to business health, making it easier to prioritize projects or to identify which areas of the application most heavily impact business.</li>
<li>Identify, invest, and measure ROI on digital properties to optimize spending and validate development efforts.</li>
< h2>Biz dev ops</h2>

<h3>Biz dev ops</h3>
Biz dev ops <a href="">Current news headlines</a> Biz dev ops
<h4>Biz dev ops</h4>
BizDevOps is a philosophy that encourages the collaboration of business, development, and operations teams throughout the software development lifecycle.
<h5>Biz dev ops</h5>
Biz dev ops <a href="">Biz dev ops</a> Biz dev ops
SOURCE: <h6>Biz dev ops</h6> <a href="">Biz dev ops</a> Biz dev ops
#tags#<replace> -,-Biz dev ops] Biz dev ops#tags# 2020 om .com
ScottsdaleDox2021-05-20 04:45:59 Cituoti
Azure devops calculator - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops calculator</h1>
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<h1>Azure devops calculator</h1>
<p>GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.</p>
<h3>GitHub is where the world builds software</h3>
<p>Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub ? the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.</p>
<p>Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.</p>
<p>Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more.</p>
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<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
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< p>Failed to load latest commit information.</p>
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<p>Calculator.js: node.js ????</h1></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ator/raw/master/calculator-ui.png" /></p>
<p>??mocah???????????????AP I???????????????? mocha-junit-reports ???XML??????????? Azure DevOps ??????????DevOps?????????</p>
<p>< ol>
<li>?? npm install ???????</li>
<li>?? npm test ??????</li>
<li>?? npm start ???????? http://localhost:3000</li>
< ;/p>
<p>?? _demo-assets/demo-dockerfile ??????Dockerfile??</p>
<p>???????? calculator ??????</p>
<li>?? calculator ??</li>
<h2>About</h2 >
<p>Azure DevOps 101 ??????</p>
<h2> Releases </h2>
<h2> Packages 0 </h2>
<h2> Contributors 4 </h2>
<p >You can?t perform that action at this time.</p>
<p>You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.</p>
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TetragotDox2021-05-20 04:45:47 Cituoti
Devops sonarqube - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Devo ps sonarqube</h1>
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<p>Home ? blog ? What is Sonarqube</p>
<h1>What is Sonarqube</h1>
<p>Sonarqube is a tool to check the code quality and provides a platform to write a cleaner and safer code for the developers. It provides the dashboard for a user to show all the issues related to their code like security issues,vulnerability issues, bugs,code smells etc.</p>
<p>If you want to see the video for this article, click here</p>
< ol>
<li>Introduction of Sonarqube</li>
<li>How it works?</li>
<li>What is Quality Profile?</li>
<li>What is Quality Gates?</li>
<li>Analyze your first project</li>
<h3><str ong>Why Sonarqube is so popular?</strong></h3>
<li>It provides lot of rules to scan multiple languages of your projects</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" m/max/800/1*2Ezz9NUpKGPOJ2Pc9shStQ.png" /><ul>
<li>It provides a way to scan all the languages together which are present in one git repo.</li>
<li>For example: In this project, we have jsp and xml file, sonarqube can auto detects all the languages and applied the rules accordingly as shown below:</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" m/max/800/1*Xdt3tTF7PkiIwCSLJMxY_w.png" /><ul>
<li>It provides one place to measure the Maintainability,Reliability and Security of all the languages in your project</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" m/max/800/1*MdYkdkT6cQvhz8AwkVYt6A.png" /><ul>
<li>It provides vast list of rules for each language which helps in checking the quality of code</li>
<p style="clear: both"> <img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" m/max/800/1*qhLVdX1JclZYr_fEwHOHsQ.png" />Language</p>
<h3><strong>I nstallation</strong>:</h3>
<p>F ollow my article on installation of Sonarqube if not already installed.</p>
<h3><strong>How Sonarqube works?</strong></h3>
<li>Check out their official documentation on sonarqube architecture and integration</li>
<li>It uses scanners to scan the code and there is different type of scanners as per the language.</li>
<h3><s trong>Quality Profiles</strong></h3>
<li>Collection of rules that gets applied while scanning the project</li>
<li>Sonarqube provides default set of rules for each language that you can use directly and customized it as per your project need</li>
<li>Sonarqube uses set of plugins for each of the quality profiles. It provides default plugins as part of the installation and others that you can download as per your project needs</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" m/max/800/1*B8RlSGYSaGWrOZqhHJkW1g.png" /><ul>
<li>You can see all the quality profiles in your instance as shown below:</li>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" m/max/800/1*MZL5bUXCz2r2hru1hpjvQw.png" /></p>
<h3><strong>Quality Gates</strong></h3>
<li>A Quality Gate is a set of measure-based, Boolean conditions. You can create a quality gates as per your project needs and decide what rating is acceptable for your application</li>
<li>It helps to identify whether your code is ready to get deployed in production .</li>
<li>You will see the project status on the dashboard whether it passes the quality gate conditions or not.</li>
<li>You can also failed your Jenkins build based on the quality gate status</li>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" m/max/800/1*cXM9EfiFhqcQKi6Ne7uJiw.png" /></p>
<h3><strong>Install Sonarqube Scanner for Java</strong></h3>
<li>Download software as per your operation system.</li>
<li>I have installed for windows OS and extract it on your local drive</li>
<li>Add the path in the environment variable</li>
<p>Sonarqu be Scanner installation and configuration is completed successfully.</p>
<h3><strong>C reate a Sonarqube project</strong></h3>
<li>Its very simple to create a project directly from your project directory</li>
<li>Create a file at the root of your project with below details</li>
<li>Open the command prompt, navigate to your directory and run sonar scanner</li>
<img src=" m/max/800/1*0pgoaHQCZ1taNbLXWOhr0g.png" /><ul>
<li>If you need to pass some values using command prompt then you can pass as below:</li>
<h3><stro ng>Create a sonarqube project using Maven</strong></h3>
<li>Navigate to your directory and run the below command. In this case you don?t need separate sonar scanner to be installed on your system</li>
<p>All projects are created successfully and you can see all the issues related to your project on the dashboard screen</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" m/max/800/1*R6mphU-Rxk62_ajnnk5xOQ.png" /> <img src=" m/max/800/1*4N0z3nenLBzKWNemPlTsNA.png" /></p>
<p>Congratulations, you have successfully installed Sonarqube and created the project directly using properties file and also using maven command.</p>
<h2>Devops sonarqube</h2>

<h3>Devops sonarqube</h3>
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<h4>Devops sonarqube</h4>
Sonarqube is a tool to check the code quality and provides a platform to write a cleaner and safer code for the developers
<h5>Devops sonarqube</h5>
Devops sonarqube <a href="">Devops sonarqube</a> Devops sonarqube
SOURCE: <h6>Devops sonarqube</h6> <a href="">Devo ps sonarqube</a> Devops sonarqube
#tags#<replace> -,-Devops sonarqube] Devops sonarqube#tags# nite-rockstar-2 news nsurance-group-4-insurance-groups-aa es-cars-and-prizes
CoronaDox2021-05-20 04:45:37 Cituoti
Tfs to vsts migration - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Tfs to vsts migration</h1>
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<h1>Architect Azure ? Lead DEVOPS on Microsoft solutions</h1>
<h5>Aghilas Yohan Yakoub</h5>
<h3>How to migrate to VSTS steps by steps</h3>
<p>With the multiples Team foundation server platforms 2015, 2017 etc., and the generalization of the VSTS platform, you have a lot of companies which want move from TFS 2015 to VSTS, without passing by 2017 step. <br />However, for this constraint you add another steps that is to restore your database on TFS2017, before go on VSTS. <br />This post will describe the steps related to this use case.</p>
<p>Here post about differences Between TFS and vsts link</p>
<p>Remark : Before final migration, you pass by DryRun step, this later permit you to check your state of migration.</p>
<p>Below steps about migration :</p>
<p>1. Dettach your collection on TFS 2015.</p>
<p>2. Backup your collection on your TFS 2015 (I suggest you to use administration console in order to backup and restore data layer).</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p>3. Restore your collection on TFS 2017.</p>
<p>Remark : TfsMigrator tool ensure migrating from 2017 to VSTS, so it?s required to pass by this temporary step.</p>
<p>Download TFSMigrator tool from here link, Tfs Mgrator is console application, you have lot of command for each technical need, we begin always by validating your migration, next step is preparing and we finish by importing.</p>
<p>Remark : Preparing process execute always firstly validating process.</p>
<p>4. We run validating command</p>
<p>You have to correct all errors before run migration, if you have warning it?s not important, you can ignore.</p>
<p>For example if you have errors about maching between and group sid, I suggest you to run TFSSecurity (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 15.0\Tools).</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p>Run another times validate command until passe validating process. <br />After validating of your migration, for preparing of your migration run prepare command.</p>
<p>Below screen describing command.</p>
<li>Enter your collection?s url</li>
<li>Enter tenant domain name</li>
<p> ;Remark : With new version ensure that you have added accountregion:WEU.</p>
<p>Below you have set of generated and modified files, in previous sections.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p>Now we can view content of json file, and modify attributes values.</p>
<p>Foreach attributes we have set of actions to execute, in order to define value.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p>We have defined test as name of account name, with this name you can check your migration with this url :</p>
<p>We define flag DryRun, in order to significate that result if test version of migration.</p>
<p>We generate dacpac file in the root of TfsMigrator, so we indicate the path of dacpac file.</p>
<p>For generating of dacpac file corresponding you database, SqlPackage is defined tool for operation.</p>
<p>GO to this link C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin.</p>
<p>Just before execute SqlPackage for generate dacpac file, dettach collection</p>
<p>Below command associated, set values of server and database, ensure that we have target file in output :</p>
<p>After generating dacpac file , we copy this later into migration directory, under TfsMigrator.</p>
<p>Now we try to define storage accoutn url, for this need we follow steps below :</p>
<p>Download Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, connect to your subscription.</p>
<p>Open Storage accounts under your subscription</p>
<p>Open Blob containers,</p>
<p>Right click and create specific container under BlocContainer.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p>Define access signature with Expiry time of unless 1 month.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p>Ensure that you have good expiry data, and all authorizations.</p>
<p>Click on create button.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p>Click on copy button in order to copy and paste this later on your json file as storage?s url into Location attribute.</p>
<p>Upload identity map file and dacpac file into azure explorer, by clicking on Upload button.</p>
<p>Below two files uploaded.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p style="clear: both">Ensure below that we have imported all files.<img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p>Now open command prompt and run import command in order to finalize migration.</p>
<p>After running you have this screen.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://almbyaghilasyakoub.files.wordpre" /></p>
<p>You can also follow migration screen on board.</p>
<h2>Tfs to vsts migration</h2>

<h3>Tfs to vsts migration</h3>
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Tfs to vsts migration <a href="">Top news today</a> Tfs to vsts migration
<h4>Tfs to vsts migration</h4>
With the multiples Team foundation server platforms 2015, 2017 etc., and the generalization of the VSTS platform, you have a lot of companies which want move from TFS 2015 to VSTS, without passing by 2017 step. However, for this constraint you add another steps that is to restore your database on TFS2017, before go on&hellip;
<h5>Tfs to vsts migration</h5>
Tfs to vsts migration <a href="">Tfs to vsts migration</a> Tfs to vsts migration
SOURCE: <h6>Tfs to vsts migration</h6> <a href="">Tfs to vsts migration</a> Tfs to vsts migration
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ALABAMDox2021-05-20 04:44:39 Cituoti
Azure devops issue - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops issue</h1>
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<h1>Synchronising GitHub Issues and Azure DevOps Work Items</h1>
<p>Another integration between Azure DevOps and GitHub is in work planning and tracking, or project management if you like.</p>
<p>While from a technical perspective they will be achieved in a similar way, I believe we have a number of possible scenarios, with a couple of examples below:</p>
<blockquote><p>use Azure Boards for backlog management, as well as having an open source or inner source model where stuff is published to GitHub and issues from consumers are publicly logged from there.</p></blockquote>
<blockquot e><p>be independent from the project and portfolio management side of the story, where the PMO rolls backlog data coming from GitHub Issues into Epics and Features hosted natively in Azure Boards.</p></blockquote>
<p>The solution is very straightforward - use Dan Hellem?s Action as it is, and mapping the Azure DevOps Work Item Type of choice to what makes the most sense in your circumstances. You could even use a different Area Path, if you want:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2020-04-22_21-44-53.png" /></p>
<p>Let?s say we are tackling the first scenario: in that case opening an issue in the GitHub world will create a Bug in Azure DevOps, so that external contributors will have an opportunity of opening something in your backlog, with various reminders of the connection to GitHub:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2020-04-22_21-49-00.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2020-04-22_21-51-53.png" /></p>
<p>This also means that if someone, as part of a Pull Request, mentions that specific issue via the AB# syntax in a comment, commits will be automatically associated to the Azure DevOps Bug!</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2020-04-22_22-02-54.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2020-04-22_22-01-23.png" /></p>
<p>This enables a real contribution workflow at both ends, where the GitHub Issues are treated as first class citizens rather than an afterthought.</p>
<p>The integration is deep both ways, as it requires the Azure Boards GitHub application on the GitHub account or organisation, and it will automatically configure the GitHub Connection on the Azure DevOps side:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2020-04-23_17-33-07.png" /></p>
<p>On top of that, take a look at the Action?s source code - extending that will open the Pandora?s box when it comes to customising the Work Item created by the integration:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2020-04-23_17-36-55.png" /></p>
<p>It is effectively a wrapper around the REST API, so you can tailor it down to your needs!</p>
<h2>Azure devops issue</h2>

<h3>Azure devops issue</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops issue</h4>
Another integration between Azure DevOps and GitHub is in work planning and tracking, or project management if you like.
<h5>Azure devops issue</h5>
Azure devops issue <a href="">Azure devops issue</a> Azure devops issue
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops issue</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops issue</a> Azure devops issue
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops issue] Azure devops issue#tags# .com com
NorthCharlestoneDox2021-05-20 04:42:56 Cituoti
Ops automation - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Ops automation</h1>
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Ops automation <a href="">Latest it news</a> Ops automation
<h1>Ops and Automation</h1>
<p>devops, scripting, networking and everything in between.</p>
&l t;h3>Using Ansible to Update ESXI VIB?s and manage vCenter at scale.</h3>
<p>Recently I?ve been using Ansible to push out updates to vSphere environments that have a lot of hosts, but no working installation of VMWare Update Manager available. During the creation of the below playbook, I found a few interesting caveats to using Ansible to manage your ESXI hosts and vCenter. To resolve this, I?ve created a playbook that does the following:</p>
<li>Puts targeted hosts in mainteance mode and evacuates VM?s</li>
<li>Copies VIB to the host</li>
<li>Checks for existing installation of VIB, Uninstall if found</li>
<li>Installs VIB</li>
<li>Takes host out of maintenance mode.</li>
<h3& gt;Open Source your Patio Lighting</h3>
<p>I?m a massive fan of using Home Assistant for running all aspects of my ?smart home? automation routines. This weekend I decided to put up some spare RGB light strips around my patio. In the span of about 1 hour, I?ve got a LED Strip solution that is entirely controlled by open source software, run locally by me (no cloud required), and is very customizable. I?m using the following parts ?</p>
<h3>Using Azure Runbooks to automate scale set operations with Powershell jobs</h3>
<p>Azure Powershell runbooks are cool. I?ve been exploring using them as a way to avoid using a dedicated VM for running simple PowerShell Scripts in Azure. I have a group of instances that are running from a dedicated Scale Set that I need to reboot nightly. It?s pretty easy to get this going. You can import my PS1 runbook with the following cmdlet</p>
<h3>Using Custom PS Objects to Quickly Filter Data from Custom PS Modules</h3>
<p>Many times when working with Powershell Modules, I?m presented with an object that contains data that I want, but it?s embedded inside nested hash tables, or isn?t quite storing the data in a way that?s useful for me to work with.</p>
<h3>Using Ansible to update Junos Device Configurations</h3>
<p>Lately I?ve been using Ansible to update configurations on my JunOS devices. Here?s a fun little script to get you started. It will print the configuration of the DHCP service on a JunOS device, then update the name-server DHCP option to something new. The following playbook uses the JunOS ansible role </p>
<h2>Nick Shores</h2>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" uploads/2020/07/blog_profile-1024x791.png" /></p>
<p>I?m a networking professional working out of Sacramento California. I work in professional services for a consulting firm, specializing in networking and virtualization projects. I have a passion for technology and love sharing the problems and solutions I come across.</p>
<h2>Ops automation</h2>

<h3>Ops automation</h3>
<p><youtube>< ;/p>
Ops automation <a href="">World news today live</a> Ops automation
<h4>Ops automation</h4>
Ops and Automation devops, scripting, networking and everything in between. Posts Using Ansible to Update ESXI VIB?s and manage vCenter at scale. Recently I?ve been using Ansible to push
<h5>Ops automation</h5>
Ops automation <a href="">Ops automation</a> Ops automation
SOURCE: <h6>Ops automation</h6> <a href="">Ops automation</a> Ops automation
#tags#<replace> -,-Ops automation] Ops automation#tags# m
StPetersburgDox2021-05-20 04:41:14 Cituoti
Tfs microsoft teams - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Tfs microsoft teams</h1>
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Tfs microsoft teams <a href="">National news stories</a> Tfs microsoft teams
<h1>VSTS Pull Request Alerts in Microsoft Teams</h1>
<p>When you start something new, first on your agenda should be a website! Right?</p>
<p>One of the first things Donovan set up for the new "League of Extraordinary Cloud DevOps Advocates" team was a new website. The "Tour Dates" section will be extremely useful if you'd like to see any of us at an event near you!</p>
<p>He used the extremely useful yo team yeoman generator and had a new ASP.NET Core website, complete with a CI/CD pipeline, running on docker in Azure in just a few minutes. <em>This still blows my mind</em>, but I digress - that's not the point of this post.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" s/2017/06/loecda-website.png" /></p>
<h2>Our dev process</h2>
<p>Even though this is a very simple website, we agreed to make all changes via pull requests (PRs). This helps us in two ways:</p>
<li>We can exercise the PR process in Team Services and Visual Studio</li>
<li>It helps us learn from each other</li>
<p&g t;Exercising features that real dev teams will be using is really important. Half of the Cloud Dev Advocate role is bringing feedback back to the engineering teams. What better way to do that than using the features?</p>
<p>Learning from each other is an often-overlooked benefit of working with pull requests. It forces code reviews, which is a great way to learn about new techniques or better ways to implement features.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" s/2017/06/dotcom-prs.png" /></p>
<p>So every change will occur on a feature branch (or topic branch), we'll submit a PR, another team member reviews and approves it, and merges in those changes. Of course once that happens, CI/CD ensures it gets to production with almost no more effort!</p>
<h2>Finding out about PRs</h2>
<p>We use Microsoft Teams for day-to-day communication, so what better way to learn about new pull requests than through a chat client that's always open?</p>
<p>Teams has a great feature called Connectors, which allows you to integrate with third-party applications. Thankfully, there's a connector for VSTS.</p>
<h3>Configuring the VSTS connector</h3>
<p>The first (optional) step is to set up a new channel in Teams. You can easily add a connector to an existing channel, but having a specific channel for PRs reduces the noise in your other channels.</p>
<p>To do this, just click on the ellipsis next to your team, and choose <em>Add Channel</em>.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" s/2017/06/teams-add-channel.png" /></p>
<p>Now click on the ellipsis next to the new channel, and choose <em>Connectors</em>.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" s/2017/06/teams-add-connector.png" /></p>
<p>Find the Visual Studio Team Services connector. If you already have some VSTS integration, you'll see a <em>Configure</em> button. If not, it will be <em>Add</em>.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" s/2017/06/teams-vsts-connector.png" /></p>
<p>If you're adding a VSTS connector for the first time, you'll need to walk through the steps to connect to VSTS. Once you've done so, you'll be able to choose your connection (or "Profile") for subsequent VSTS connector configurations.</p>
<p>The next part is easy - just go through the fields and choose the appropriate entries from the dropdowns. You'll need to choose a VSTS Account and Project, and you can choose to be alerted by events for individual VSTS teams, or for all teams.</p>
<p>You'll then be asked for an event type. There are a lot of VSTS events you can choose from here.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" s/2017/06/teams-event-type.png" /></p>
<p>In our case, we want to hear about both "Pull request created" events, and "Pull request merge commit created" events - i.e. when there's a new PR, and when one has been merged. Unfortunately you can't choose both at the same time, so we had to go through this configuration twice. Not a big deal - it's a once-off configuration and only takes a couple of minutes.</p>
<p>Once done, going back to <em>Connectors</em> (from the channel ellipsis) allows us to see the connectors we've configured.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" s/2017/06/teams-configured-connectors.png" /></p>
<h2>The end result</h2>
<p>When a new PR is submitted by anyone in the team, there's a new message in the channel - complete with a direct link to view the PR!</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" s/2017/06/teams-vsts-post.png" /></p>
<h4>Damian Brady</h4>
<p>I'm an Australian developer, speaker, and author specialising in DevOps, MLOps, developer process, and software architecture. I love Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, and reducing process waste.</p>
<h4>Share this post</h4>
<h2>Continuous Integration, not Continuous Isolation</h2>
<p>Merging can suck. My first real-world exposure to version control was in the good old Visual SourceSafe days. Back?</p>
<h2>I'm joining Microsoft</h2>
<p>I'm excited to announce that I'm joining Microsoft as a Sr. Cloud Developer Advocate in the Cloud and Enterprise?</p>
<p>Damian Brady В© 2020 Proudly published with Ghost </p>
<h2>Tfs microsoft teams</h2>

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<h4>Tfs microsoft teams</h4>
We use Microsoft Teams, so what better way to learn about new PRs than through a chat client that&#x27;s always open? Here&#x27;s how!
<h5>Tfs microsoft teams</h5>
Tfs microsoft teams <a href="">Tfs microsoft teams</a> Tfs microsoft teams
SOURCE: <h6>Tfs microsoft teams</h6> <a href="">Tfs microsoft teams</a> Tfs microsoft teams
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Po lengvo pasivaikščiojimo Trinchieri vardijo, ko nori iš naujoko, o Šeškus baisėjosi: man gėda
Po lengvo pasivaikščiojimo Trinchieri vardijo, ko nori iš naujoko, o Šeškus baisėjosi: man gėda
LKL reguliariojo sezono nugalėtojų vardo link užtikrintai artėjantys Kauno „Žalgirio“ (23-3) krepšininkai sekmadienį net namuose 101:57 nepasigailėjo Jonavos „CBet“
Naujoko debiuto sulaukęs "Žalgiris" rekordiniu skirtumu nušlavė jonaviečius
Naujoko debiuto sulaukęs "Žalgiris" rekordiniu skirtumu nušlavė jonaviečius
Kauno „Žalgiris“ (23-3) labai lengvai papildė pergalių sąskaitą Lietuvos krepšinio lygoje („Betsafe-LKL“) ir namuose 101:57 (30:15, 21:10, 26:13, 24:19) sutrypė Jonavos
Urbonas uteniškiams užkūrė pirtį, bet "Šiauliai" krito paskutinę minutę
Urbonas uteniškiams užkūrė pirtį, bet "Šiauliai" krito paskutinę minutę
Žydrūnas Urbonas stojo į kovą su klubu, kuriame praleido keliolika metų, tačiau puikiai pažįstama aplinka jo komandai svarbios pergalės neatnešė.Oliverio Kostičiaus treniruojama Utenos
Dominavęs "Rytas" privertė Mažeikių klubą kristi trečiąsyk paeiliui
Dominavęs "Rytas" privertė Mažeikių klubą kristi trečiąsyk paeiliui
Vilniaus „Ryto“ (22-5) komandai neprireikė pilnos sudėties, kad įveiktų Mažeikių „M Basket-Delamode“ (11-16) ekipą.Lietuvos krepšinio lygos („Betsafe-LKL“)
Po krepšiais karaliavęi "Cavaliers" užtikrintai pradėjo atkrintamąsias
Po krepšiais karaliavęi "Cavaliers" užtikrintai pradėjo atkrintamąsias
NBA atkrintamosios varžybos prasidėjo Klivlando „Cavaliers“ pergale, kuri namuose 97:83 (33:26, 15:20, 17:20, 24:25) įveikė Orlando „Magic“ ir serijoje iki keturių pergalių
Žalgiriečių Eurolygos epizodų dešimtuke – Hayeso dominavimas
Žalgiriečių Eurolygos epizodų dešimtuke – Hayeso dominavimas
Praėjusią savaitę stipriausiame Senojo žemyno klubiniame krepšinio turnyre kovas baigę Kauno „Žalgirio“ krepšininkai šį sezoną pažymėjo gausybe efektingų epizodų.„Žalgiris
Sabonio perimtas iš Valančiūno kamuolys bei dėjimas – tarp įspūdingiausių momentų
Sabonio perimtas iš Valančiūno kamuolys bei dėjimas – tarp įspūdingiausių momentų
Nacionalinė krepšinio asociacija (NBA) paskelbė balandžio 19 dieną vykusių įkrintamųjų varžybų gražiausių epizodų penketuką.Į jį pateko ir Lietuvos rinktinės bokštai.Trečią
Sabonio sezonas – baigtas: kelionę link NBA žiedų pratęs tautietį pranokęs Valančiūnas
Sabonio sezonas – baigtas: kelionę link NBA žiedų pratęs tautietį pranokęs Valančiūnas
Naktį iš penktadienio į šeštadienį Naujajame Orleane vykusiose lemiamose NBA įkrintamųjų rungtynėse vietos „Pelicans“ krepšininkai 105:98 (22:24, 32:21, 29:22,
"Heat" ir vėl aplaužė ragus "Buliams" bei įšoko į atkrintamąsias
"Heat" ir vėl aplaužė ragus "Buliams" bei įšoko į atkrintamąsias
Paskutiniais šių metų NBA Rytų konferencijos atkrintamųjų dalyviais tapo praėjusių metų lygos finalininkai Majamio „Heat“ krepšininkai, rašo Krepš
Štreimikytė-Virbickienė: krepšinis tapo pirma meile, kuri nerūdija (interviu)
Štreimikytė-Virbickienė: krepšinis tapo pirma meile, kuri nerūdija (interviu)
Viena žinomiausių ir tituluočiausių Lietuvos krepšininkių – Jurgita Štreimikytė-Virbickienė – turėjo įspūdingą karjerą. Puolėja yra viena iš dviejų Lietuvos
Į Lietuvą jau atvykęs "Žalgirio" naujokas paaiškino, kuo gali padėti kauniečiams
Į Lietuvą jau atvykęs "Žalgirio" naujokas paaiškino, kuo gali padėti kauniečiams
Kauno „Žalgirio“ gretas ketvirtadienį oficialiai papildęs 28-erių metų 203 cm ūgio Demetre Riversas jau penktadienio popietę pasiekė Lietuvą.Su antra puse ir šuniu į Vilniaus
Sedekerskis ir "Baskonia" pačiupo paskutinį Eurolygos atkrintamujų bilietą
Sedekerskis ir "Baskonia" pačiupo paskutinį Eurolygos atkrintamujų bilietą
Penktadienį nuaidėjo pirmųjų istorijoje Eurolygos įkrintamųjų paskutinis mačas, po kurio paaiškėjo paskutinė į atkrintamąsias įšokusi komanda. Paskutinį bilietą sugriebė Tadas
Lemtinga Lietuvos bokštų kaktomuša: ar ji taps paskutine Valančiūno giesme „Pelikanuose“?
Lemtinga Lietuvos bokštų kaktomuša: ar ji taps paskutine Valančiūno giesme „Pelikanuose“?
Naktį iš penktadienio į šeštadienį Naujajame Orleane vyksiančiose lemiamose NBA įkrintamųjų rungtynėse tarp vietos „Pelicans“ ir Sakramento „Kings“
Mažeikiškio Antetokounmpo pokalbiai su teisėju, treneriu ir komandos draugais
Mažeikiškio Antetokounmpo pokalbiai su teisėju, treneriu ir komandos draugais
„Betsafe-LKL TV“ dėmesio sulaukė Mažeikių „M Basket Delamode“ žaidėjas Alexas Antetokounmpo.Jauniausias iš brolių Antetokounmpo, rungtynių metu naudojo sportininkams
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalių mūšių datas
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalių mūšių datas
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalio etapo tvarkaraštį, kuriame aiškūs visi rungtynių laikai, jeigu porose užtektų keturių mačų, rašo Krepš netrūks
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos (LKF) būstinėje ketvirtadienį susirinkę šalies jaunimo rinktinių treneriai pristatė savo pasirengimo ateinančios vasaros pirmenybėms planus ir pasidalino
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
Lietuvos moterų krepšinio žvaigždė Justė Jocytė ateinantį sezoną gali pradėti naujoje komandoje, praneša Prancūzijos žiniasklaida.Skelbiama, kad Vilerbano ASVEL mažins biudžetus
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Paulius Murauskas nusprendė pakeisti universitetą po neitin sėkmingo pirmojo sezono NCAA. 20-metis antrąjį sezoną suvienys jėgas su Augustu Marčiulioniu, rašo Krepš Murauskas
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Ketvirtadienio vakarą Vilniaus „Rytas“, minėdamas 15-ąsias triumfo Europos taurėje metines, LKL rungtynių su Šiaulių „Šiauliais“ ilgosios pertraukos metu savo
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Traumų išretintą Kauno „Žalgirio“ puolėjų liniją netrukus papildys naujokas. Lietuvos čempionų klubas iki sezono pabaigos pasirašė sutartį su 203 cm ūgio amerikiečiu
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
Ketvirtadienį Lietuvos krepšinio federacijoje vyko susirinkimas, kuriame dalyvavo visų Lietuvos jaunimo rinktinių vyr. treneriai. Susirinkimo metu treneriai pristatė rinktinių pasiruošimo
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
38 pražangos ir penki jų limitą išnaudoję vienos komandos krepšininkai – Andrea Trinchieri teatrališkai tvirtino tokio atvejo per savo karjerą nepamenantis, užtat ilgai
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
Reguliariajame NBA sezone Rytuose 9-ą vietą užėmęs Čikagos „Bulls“ klubas namuose pergalingai pradėjo įkrintamąsias varžybas: 131:116 (40:22, 33:45, 37:25, 21:24) pranoko Atlantos

Vartotojo meniu
Krepšinio torentai (220) 10.22 16:33
Ką šiuo metu klausotės? (2364) 12.19 00:07
NBA 2014-2015 (1022) 01.08 18:51
EuroBasket 2015 (56) 01.09 07:15
Nauja versija (755) 11.17 15:45