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"Rockets" nenori paleisti D.Motiejūno į Brukliną - planuoja naują pasiūlymą

Autorius: Krepš

Hjustono „Rockets“ klubas nenori paleisti Donato Motiejūno. Nors klubo direktorius Darylas Morey pripažįsta, kad 25-erių lietuvis artimiausiu metu turi sulaukti Bruklino „Nets“ pasiūlymo pasirašyti kontraktą, jis užsimena, kad „Rockets“ savo ruožtu ketina pateikti savo variantą ir pranokti konkurentus.

Visgi to padaryti klubas negali, kol nežino, kokio solidumo pasiūlymo aukštaūgis sulauks iš „Nets“, rašo Krepš

Kaip ketvirtadienį paskelbė žurnalistas Adrianas Wojnarowski, ilgai niekur nežaidęs D. Motiejūnas netrukus gali sulaukti pasiūlymo iš Bruklino klubo, kuris turi pakankamai pinigų algų kepurėje.

„Rockets“ vadovas D. Morey patvirtino, kad D. Motiejūnas iš „Nets“ oficialaus pasiūlymo gali sulaukti jau penktadienį. Jei taip nutiks, Hjustono klubas turės lygiai tris paras, per kurias galės pateikti analogišką arba geresnį variantą . Jeigu „raketos“ to nepadarytų, D. Motiejūnas oficialiai taptų „Nets“ žaidėju ir „apriboto laisvojo agento istorija“ būtų baigta.

„Esame dideli Donato gerbėjai. Ir vis dar tikimės jį matyti komandoje. Tačiau kol nesužinosime, koks yra oficialus pasiūlymas, negalime numanyti, kokio dydžio sutartis tai bus“, – „Houston Chronicle“ cituoja D. Morey.

Kad D. Motiejūną norėtų matyti Hjustone, tikina ir klubo treneris Mike‘as D‘Antoni: „Tikrai tikimės, kad susitarti dar pavyks. Mums D. Motiejūnas patinka ir kaip žaidėjas, ir kaip žmogus. Tačiau turime pamatyti, koks tai bus pasiūlymas, o tada D. Morey priims sprendimą, kuris bus geriausias klubui“.

Visgi sprendimas priklausys nuo to, koks bus „Nets“ pasiūlymas. Kol kas žinios apie tai yra vien spekuliacijos, tačiau beveik neabejojama, kad lietuvis Brukline turėtų gauti garantuotą kontraktą bent dviems sezonams.

Abejotina ir tai, ar pats D. Motiejūnas norėtų pasilikti Hjustone. Visai neseniai jis atmetė „Rokcets“ pasiūlymą, kurio vertė siekė 7 milijonus JAV dolerių, tačiau garantuotas buvo tik vienas sezonas komandoje – kiekvienam čempionatui pasibaigus klubo vadovai būtų pasilikę teisę spręsti, ar lietuvį verta toliau laikyti ekipos sudėtyje.

Kad D. Motiejūno sveikatos būklė yra gera, patvirtino ESPN žurnalistas Marcas Steinas, antot kurio, „Nets“ klubas yra patenkintas lietuvio medicinine apžiūra.

Pažymėtina, kad „Nets“ su apribotais laisvaisiais agentais pastaruoju metu nesisekė. Bruklino ekipa vasarą susitarė su Allenu Crabbe dėl 75 mln. JAV dolerių vertės kontrakto, tačiau „Trail Blazers“ klubas šį pasiūlymą „permušė“ ir krepšininkas liko Portlande.

Panašiai „Nets“ vadovams ir derybininkams nutiko ir su Tyleriu Johnsonu. 50 mln. JAV dolerių sutarties pasiūlymą viršijo Majamio „Heat“ komanda.

NBA lygoje šiuo metu yra šešios komandos, turinčios laisvų pinigų ir galinčios pasiūlyti lietuviui naują kontraktą. Tai Denverio „Nuggets“, Filadelfijos Sixers“, Minesotos „Timberwolves“, Jutos „Jazz“, Fynikso „Suns“ ir minėta „Nets“.

Visgi, nepaisant visų teorinių pasiūlymų, paskutinis ėjimas šioje situacijoje turėtų priklausyti Hjustonui, kuriam vis dar priklauso apribotas laisvasis agentas D-Mo.

ThousandOaksDox2021-05-20 04:19:28 Cituoti
Cloud devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Clou d devops</h1>
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<h1> </h1>
<p>We?re an experienced team in Cloud Engineering and DevOps processes. Our work includes adoption, optimization, migration and monitoring involving cloud platforms and software development process automation.</p>
<p>We offer elite technical teams with extreme efficiency and work quality on each challenge we take, adding substantial and measurable value to your projects.</p>
<h4><strong>80%&l t;/strong></h4>
<h5><strong> Certified</strong><br />team</h5>
<h4><strong>+32& lt;/strong></h4>
<h5><strong> ;New Cases</strong><br />every year</h5>
<h4><strong>+67</s trong></h4>
<h5><strong>Succ ess</strong><br />Stories</h5>
<h3>DinoCloud at <strong>AWS re:Invent | Well Architected Program</strong></h3>
<p>Franco Salonia, CEO of DinoCloud, was one of the LATAM representatives at the AWS re: Invent 2019 held in Las Vegas.</p>
<p>We were pleased to be introduced by Dean Dierickx, Global Program Development Manager of the Well-Architected ? Framework, who highlighted the work and evolution of DinoCloud.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" nt/uploads/2020/05/hqdefault.jpg" /></p>
<h2>Our <strong>services</strong></h2>
<p>We work in a quality, effective and excellence oriented approach, helping our customers reach digital transformation in their products and processes.</p>

<h4>DevOps Practices</h4>
<p>We help you introduce changes in your organization?s culture and processes, providing best practices and the latest technologies.</p>

<h4>Cloud Engineering</h4>
<p>We?ll help you design, install, migrate, develop and customize your scalable, flexible and cost-effective cloud environment.</p>

<h4>Monitoring & Support</h4>
<p>Creating and implementing a monitoring and logging strategy; our professionals; our professional experts are ready to help you manage your environment.</p>

<h4>Infrastructure Management</h4>
<p>We help you create or transform your IT resources into a controlled, managed and replicable infrastructure.</p>
<h5>ASSESSMENT< ;/h5>
<p>We get in touch with your organization analyzing aspects such as culture, processes, people and technologies, evaluating the maturity and defining next steps.</p>
<p>We provide an implementation roadmap according to the industry best practices and recommendations. We help you identify high impact areas of improvement and significant metrics.</p>
<p>We reach your goals providing quality oriented services with a team of certified professionals.</p>
<p>Together we define your KPIs to provide visibility to every area of your organization, whether it is engineering or upper management.</p>
<h2><strong>WHY CHOOSE</strong> US?</h2>
<p>We have more than 60 success cases behind us and over 3 years in the industry. Driven by customer satisfaction, our services are based on:</p>

<h4>Elite Technical Team</h4>
<p>Improve your velocity, efficiency, and excellence in order to acquire the ideal status in terms of availability, security, and performance.</p>

<h4>Flexible Contracts</h4>
<p>We offer flexible month-to-month contracts so you?re not locked in the long term. We have the ability to understand and build the one that fits more with you.</p>

<h4>100% Agile Methodologies</h4>
<p>We focus on building perfect teams following the agile manifesto and staying side-by-side with you and your needs.</p>

<h4>Excellence Driven</h4>
<p>With exhaustive reviews and quality standard we focus on providing the best service following a well-defined definition of done. Your product will be passing through different stages to get quick feedback and improve the quality day-by-day.</p>
<h2>Cloud devops</h2>

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<h4>Cloud devops</h4>
We offer companies the most accurate and qualified DevOps service, Consulting and Mentoring Cloud Engineering. Elite teams managed with professionals.
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SunnyvaleDox2021-05-20 04:19:06 Cituoti
Vsts time tracking - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Vsts time tracking</h1>
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<h1>Azure DevOps Services Time Tracking in One Click</h1>
<p>Connect your Azure DevOps Services (formerly known as Visual Studio Online) workspace to TMetric time tracking app in three simple steps. Track time spent working on a work item with one mouse click. Get broad and precise reports for your projects. Never lose a single minute of your precious time.</p>
<h2>Add Timer Button to Azure DevOps Services Work Item</h2>
<p>Complete these three simple steps to enable time tracking in Azure DevOps Services.</p>
<p>It takes no more than <strong>3 minutes to set up</strong>.</p>
<p>Time tracking app with advanced billing and reporting features</p>

<p>Browser add-on for TMetric that allows one-click time tracking for popular Web apps</p>

<p>Now <strong>login to</strong> your <strong>Azure DevOps Services</strong> account <strong>and start tracking</strong></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" quot; /></p>
&l t;h3>No Manual Input Required</h3>
<li>Timer button is integrated into each Azure DevOps Services work item</li>
<li>It takes a single click to start the timer</li>
<li>No need to stop before switching to another work item</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" intoapp.svg" /></p>
<h3>Backlinks to Azure DevOps Services from TMetric</h3>
<li>Each time entry contains a backlink to an Azure DevOps Services work item</li>
<li>Azure DevOps projects are mapped to TMetric projects</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" thapp.svg" /></p>
<h3>Powerful Time Reports</h3>
<li>See the time of your team in one place</li>
<li>Group, sort, and filter reports</li>
<li>Export Azure DevOps time reports and invoice your clients</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" .svg" /></p>
<h2>How to Use Time Tracking In Azure DevOps Services</h2>
<h4>1. Locate timer button on an Azure DevOps Services work item</h4>
<p>On the <strong>Backlog</strong> tab, select a required work item. A dialog window opens where you can view and edit the contents of the work item. You will see the <strong>Start timer</strong> button next to the title of the work item.</p>
<p> </p>
<h4>2. Start timer on a work item</h4>
<p>Click the <strong>Start timer</strong> button and TMetric will start recording your Azure DevOps Services working time. Notice that the <strong>Start timer</strong> button changes to the <strong>Stop timer</strong> button and displays the time spent on the work item.</p>
<p>If you are the workspace owner or assigned admin in TMetric and start the timer for the first time, TMetric pulls out from Azure DevOps Services and adds to your TMetric workspace:</p>
<li>work item name</li>
<li>work item ID</li>
<li>project name</li>
<p> ;The corresponding time entry appears on the <strong>Time</strong> page in the TMetric web app. You can easily navigate back to the Azure DevOps Services work item simply by clicking the link icon next to the task name.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" entry_tmetric_axosoft.png" /></p>
<h4>3. Edit time entry, if necessary</h4>
<p>A time entry with an external task can be edited. You can edit the name of the task and project without losing a link to the Azure DevOps work item.</p>
<p>To disassociate the task from the Azure DevOps Services work item, click the cross icon next to the task name in the bottom right corner of the time entry editor.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" time_entry_axosoft.png" /></p>
<h4>4. View a time report</h4>
<p>Reports show the time from different external systems, as well as the time entered manually in TMetric.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" report_axosoft.png" /></p>
<p>TMetric is a great time tracking web app allowing to control your time and stay productive throughout the day!</p>
<h3>Read Hundreds of Reviews</h3>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ating-4-5.svg" /></p>
<p>4.5 Customer Rating</p>
<h2>Make time work for you!</h2>
<p>Powered by A software vendor with 20-years of experience.</p>
<h2>Vsts time tracking</h2>

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<h4>Vsts time tracking</h4>
Track time your developers spend on Azure DevOps with TMetric. Monitor development activities and get detailed time reports. Try for free now!
<h5>Vsts time tracking</h5>
Vsts time tracking <a href="">Vsts time tracking</a> Vsts time tracking
SOURCE: <h6>Vsts time tracking</h6> <a href="">Vsts time tracking</a> Vsts time tracking
#tags#<replace> -,-Vsts time tracking] Vsts time tracking#tags# house-inside-2 ajes-mazzocchi-agencia-de-viajes-en-margarita-agen cia-corporativa-de-turismo-asesor-de-viajes-en-mar garita-asesor-de-cruceros-en-margarita-asesor-de-c ruceros-en-venezuela-agencias-d-2
VenturaDox2021-05-20 04:18:47 Cituoti
Microsoft azure devops server 2019 - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Micr osoft azure devops server 2019</h1>
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<h1>Microsoft schiebt Azure DevOps Server 2019 nach</h1>
<p>Ein Cloud-Angebot unter der neuen Marke "Azure DevOps" gab es schon seit September 2018. Nun folgt ein Nachfolger des Team Foundation Server.</p>
<p>Nach der Einf?hrung von Azure DevOps als Nachfolger der Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) im September 2018 stellt Microsoft nun den Azure DevOps Server 2019 vor. Er ist der Nachfolger des Team Foundation Server (TFS), Microsofts Software f?r kollaborative Softwareprojekte, und bringt somit die Funktionen des im Sp?tsommer vorgestellten Cloud-Dienstes in die eigene Unternehmensinfrastruktur beziehungsweise ins eigene Rechenzentrum.</p>
<h3>Vertrautes Feature-Paket</h3>
<p>Azure DevOps Server 2019 umfasst die gleichen Komponenten wie der Cloud-Dienst: Mit den Azure Boards gibt es ein Projekt- und Aufgabenmanagement mit verschiedenen Vorlagen, die Azure Repos sind eine Quellcodeverwaltung mit unter anderem Git. Die sogenannten Azure Pipelines sind Build- und Release-Verarbeitungs-Pipelines f?r Continuous Integration und Continuous Delivery, und die Azure Test Plans k?mmern sich ? nicht verwunderlich ? um den Bereich Testing. Mit den "Azure Artifacts" bekommen Entwickler schlie?lich Hilfe beim Paket-Management und Deployment einer Anwendung.</p>
<p>Diese Tools unterst?tzen g?ngige Programmiersprachen, Plattformen (einschlie?lich macOS, Linux und Windows) oder Cloud sowie lokale Umgebungen. Wie beim TFS steuern Entwickler oder Administratoren, wo die Azure DevOps Server installiert und wann Updates vorgenommen werden sollen. Hier kann man sich wohl auch mit den Azure DevOps Services helfen lassen.</p>
<h3>?berarbeitung der Benutzeroberfl?che</h3>
<p>Als Highlights werden einige Neuerungen ausgemacht, auf die der Blog zur Ank?ndigung kurz eingeht. Hier ist von einer neuen Navigation die Rede, mit der Anwender einfach zwischen den Diensten navigieren k?nnen. Vollmundig wird sie als umfassendste ?berarbeitung der Benutzeroberfl?che seit mehreren Jahren beschrieben. Dann wurden die Azure Pipelines wurde ?berarbeitet, einschlie?lich neuer Build- und Release-Pages und Unterst?tzung f?r YAML-Builds.</p>
<p>Auf die neue Oberfl?che werden sich langj?hrige TFS-Nutzer einstellen m?ssen</p>
<p>Zus?tzlich zur bestehenden Integration zwischen GitHub Enterprise und Azure Pipelines erm?glicht Azure DevOps Server die Integration von GitHub Enterprise Commits und Pull Requests mit Work Items in Azure Boards. Unternehmen, die den Server auf ihren eigenen virtuellen Maschinen auf Azure hosten m?chten, k?nnen die Azure-SQL-Datenbank verwenden, statt ihre eigenen SQL-Server-VMs zu verwalten.</p>
<p>F?r den Umstieg und aufgrund der vielen ?nderungen ist der Blick in die Release Notes sicherlich wertvoll, genauso weist Microsoft auf m?glicherweise ge?nderte Systemvoraussetzungen hin.</p>
<p>Azure DevOps Server 2019 ist ein Serverprodukt, aber Microsoft berechnet trotzdem monatlich die Nutzung der damit verbundenen Azure-Dienste. Es gibt ein Service-Level-Agreement, das eine 99,9-prozentige Verf?gbarkeit verspricht, wenn man den "Paid Azure Test Plans Load Testing Service" gebucht hat.</p>
<h2>Microsoft azure devops server 2019</h2>

<h3>Microsoft azure devops server 2019</h3>
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Microsoft azure devops server 2019 <a href="">New news</a> Microsoft azure devops server 2019
<h4>Microsoft azure devops server 2019</h4>
Ein Cloud-Angebot unter der neuen Marke &quot;Azure DevOps&quot; gab es schon seit September 2018. Nun folgt ein Nachfolger des Team Foundation Server.
<h5>Microsoft azure devops server 2019</h5>
Microsoft azure devops server 2019 <a href="">Microsoft azure devops server 2019</a> Microsoft azure devops server 2019
SOURCE: <h6>Microsoft azure devops server 2019</h6> <a href="">Micr osoft azure devops server 2019</a> Microsoft azure devops server 2019
#tags#<replace> -,-Microsoft azure devops server 2019] Microsoft azure devops server 2019#tags# .com ome-4-sale thdhr-3
DavenportDox2021-05-20 04:18:36 Cituoti
Azure devops custom conditions - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops custom conditions</h1>
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<h1>Variables and Conditional Build Steps in Azure DevOps</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/08/https___blogs-images.forbes.com_janaki rammsv_files_2018_09_azure-devops-1024x683.jpg&quo t; /></p>
<p>Implementing a CI/CD pipeline can be intimidating if you are used to a manual release process. I have heard the concern that tools like Azure DevOps are not flexible enough for more complex build procedures. Even the term pipeline certainly suggests moving in a straight line through your process, which doesn?t seem very adaptable. However, there is always a way to make the build process work for your unique needs and gain the benefits of a CI/CD pipeline. I recently encountered a situation where we only wanted certain tasks to be run inside our pipeline depending on the state of the build. This was relatively straight forward to implement using Azure Pipelines built in custom variables and conditional logic.</p>
<h3>Set variables</h3>
<p>While most people know about Variables in pipelines as a way to store environment specific or secure information, it can also be a great way to share information between tasks in a running job. Anything written to the console during a job with the correct format will modify the variable in the pipeline. This can be then used in future tasks.</p>
<p>In my case, the build had a configuration file that need different sections added based on files that were modified in last build. A powershell script was created to move that file and set the right build variables. A simplified example is below:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/09/1.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/09/2.png" /></p>
<p>This script will move any .MD files found in the solution and set the file count variable to how many files were moved. We will use this amount as a condition for a future task. Note the final line to write output of variable. Azure DevOps variables modified by logging to console only take effect for future tasks, so this will still have original value. However, this task will display correct value.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/09/3.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/09/4.png" /></p>
<p><strong>Conditiona l Values</strong></p>
<p>Now that we?ve set our variable, we can act on it for future tasks. In this example, I?ve made the publish artifacts task only trigger if a certain amount of files are present.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/09/5.png" /></p>
<p>There are a variety of built in conditions that can be used as well as various conditional expressions you can use with either the system variables or your own custom variables. Now that our pipeline is set up, lets run through an example. With the default repo I create, there is just one file, which won?t trigger the threshold for a publish.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/09/6.png" /></p>
<p>Therefore, our first example will skip our publish step. You can see the reason in the description.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/09/7.png" /></p>
<p>Now, if we add a Test.MD file to have another file meet our criteria, which will trigger a new build. When we look at the results of this build we can see publish task ran correctly.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/09/9.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2019/09/8.png" /></p>
<p><strong>Conclusion </strong></p>
<p>Using these tools you can control what parts of your build and release process run based on the state of the repo or the results of previous steps. While some CI/CD pipelines can be simple, there are usually unique elements of every organization that require some customization. Being aware of the tools available to you is always useful when deciding the best course of action. In determining the best path forward, New Signature is here to help.</p>
<h2>Azure devops custom conditions</h2>

<h3>Azure devops custom conditions</h3>
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Azure devops custom conditions <a href="">Current news update</a> Azure devops custom conditions
<h4>Azure devops custom conditions</h4>
Variables and Conditional Build Steps in Azure DevOps Implementing a CI/CD pipeline can be intimidating if you are used to a manual release process. I have heard the concern that tools like
<h5>Azure devops custom conditions</h5>
Azure devops custom conditions <a href="">Azure devops custom conditions</a> Azure devops custom conditions
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops custom conditions</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops custom conditions</a> Azure devops custom conditions
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops custom conditions] Azure devops custom conditions#tags# m sip-3 com rrests
BakersfieldDox2021-05-20 04:17:05 Cituoti
Dev azure - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Dev azure</h1>
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<h1>Visual Studio Dev Essentials</h1>
<h2>Everything you need all in one place</h2>
<p>Get everything you need to build and deploy your app on any platform. With state-of-the-art tools, the power of the cloud, training, and support, it?s our most comprehensive free developer program ever.</p>
<h3>Developer tools</h3>
<p>Editors, designers, and debuggers to develop for any platform</p>
<h3>Cloud services</h3>
<p>Compute, storage, analytics, team collaboration and more</p>
< ;p>Trials and downloads, from operating systems to Office online apps</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ntent/uploads/2019/04/Dev_Essentials_Still.jpg&quo t; /> <img src=" ntent/uploads/2017/04/Dev_Essentials.gif" /></p>
<h2>All the tools you need</h2>
<p>Tools to develop for any platform ? for free. Tools include an extensible integrated development environment and code editors to create apps for macOS, Linux, and Windows, on PC or Mac.</p>
<li>Visual Studio Community</li>
<li>Visual Studio Community for Mac</li>
<li>Visual Studio Code</li>
<li>CODE Magazine*</li>
</ p>
<h2>Comprehensive set of cloud services</h2>
<p>Free access to cloud services such as compute and storage, backend services for your mobile or web apps, services for IoT, machine learning, and analytics.</p>
<li>Azure Free Account ? includes 1 year of free services and $200 credit for the 1st month</li>
<li>Azure DevOps</li>
<li>Visual Studio App Center</li>
<li>App Service free tier</li>
<li>Application Insights free tier</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ntent/uploads/2020/07/Frame-3.svg" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ntent/uploads/2020/07/software_trials_and_download s.png" /></p>
<h2>Software trials and downloads</h2>
<p>Free access to software trials and downloads make it easy for you to develop for multiple platforms.</p>
<li>SQL Server Developer Edition</li>
<li>Universal Windows Platform VM (60 Days)</li>
<li>Power BI</li>
<li>Office Online</li>
<li>Syncfusion Big Data and Dashboard Platforms*</li>
&l t;h2>Dev azure</h2>

<h3>Dev azure</h3>
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Dev azure <a href="">National news headlines</a> Dev azure
<h4>Dev azure</h4>
Everything you need to build and deploy your app on any platform including tools, services, training, and more. Join our free developer program.
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Dev azure <a href="">Dev azure</a> Dev azure
SOURCE: <h6>Dev azure</h6> <a href="">Dev azure</a> Dev azure
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SanFranciscosr2021-05-20 04:15:33 Cituoti
Azure devops variable substitution - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops variable substitution</h1>
<p><youtube>& lt;/p>
Azure devops variable substitution <a href="">Today' s national news headlines</a> Azure devops variable substitution
<h1>Azure Devops Release Pipeline XML Variable Substitution not working</h1>
<p>I have a very simple variable substitution in my release pipeline, but it's not working. I have the variable in the connectionStrings.config file as such:</p>
<p>I then have the variable defined in the release pipeline:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>I also have the XML Variable Substitution enabled in the Deploy Task:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>But I run the release, and the variable doesn't get substituted. I get this message in the logs:</p>
<p>This should be pretty simple, so not sure what setting I am missing. Help!</p>
<h2>2 Answers 2</h2>
<p>You should define your variable name as ExpenseDBConnectionString in the release pipeline. Below is the description of the setting XML variable substitution . The variables are matched against the key or name entries</p>
<blockquote><p>Vari ables defined in the build or release pipeline will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.</p> </blockquote>
<p>So the variable defined should be like below:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>Below screenshot is the result from my test release, you can see the connectionString was replaced.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>For more information about XML variable substitution, please check it out here.</p>
<p>There are also some third party substitution tools(ie. Magic Chunks) that you can use to replace your config settings. Please check out the example for this thread.</p>
<h2>Azure devops variable substitution</h2>

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Azure Devops Release Pipeline XML Variable Substitution not working I have a very simple variable substitution in my release pipeline, but it's not working. I have the variable in the
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CostaMesaDox2021-05-20 04:15:29 Cituoti
Capgemini devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Capgemini devops</h1>
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<h1>Apollo, an open-source platform for running your apps</h1>
<p>Estimated reading time 3 minutes</p>
<p>Today we are releasing Apollo - A platform for running your next generation web services and applications.</p>
<p>This is a project that we have been experimenting with internally to power microservices and big data platforms for our clients.</p>
<p>Apollo is built on top of a number of open source components and has bootstrap scripts for Vagrant, AWS and Digitalocean. We are aiming to expand cloud support and features even further in the coming months. If you are interested in getting involved, or just want to see where we are going you can check out our current roadmap.</p>
<p>Lets have a look at some of the features / components of Apollo.</p>
<h2>Features / Components</h2>
<p>The following open source components are baked into Apollo core:</p>
<strong>Apache Mesos</strong>: The backbone of Apollo. Mesos handles cluster management and orchestration. Highly scalable and fault tolerant out of the box Mesos allows you to simplify the datacenter treating your cluster like one big machine. Mesos handles resource availability (CPU/memory/storage) and is able to distribute arbritrary tasks across your datacenter, making it ideal for big data workloads.</p></ul>
< p>
<strong>Docker</strong>: For packaging and running your applications. We believe Docker will be a big player in the future of building and running applications in the enterprise. In combination with Mesos frameworks like Marathon and Aurora you can build your own platform as a service leveraging Linux containers.</p>
<strong>Consul</strong>: For service discovery and DNS. Never hard-code an application endpoint or service URL in your configuration files again. We use Consul to automatically register service addresses, ports and arbritary information about Docker containers that start in the datacenter. It also comes packed with its own built-in DNS server so you can query services easily.</p>
<strong>Weave</strong>: Weave simplifies the networking for Docker containers. We use Weave to create a separate overlay network which all containers start up in. This removes some of the headaches around Docker networking - no need to carefully co-ordinate which ports are mapped from host > container anymore. All containers inside the Weave network can communicate with each other directly using their Consul DNS and port meaning the end result looks a lot like standard networking (in the bare-metal / VM world).</p>
<strong>Terraform</strong>: Terraform allows you to rapidly and consistently spin up resources in the cloud. Think Amazon Cloud Formation / OpenStack Heat but cloud agnostic. We?ve already built terraform plans that allow you to spin up Amazon VPC and Digitalocean public cloud. We?re looking to expand that with support for Rackspace(Openstack) and Microsoft Azure.</p>
<p>For further documentation on Apollo components see the docs on Github cs.</p>
<p>We think Apollo fits nicely into the following use cases -</p>
<li>Build your own internal Plaform as a service (PAAS) leveraging Docker container runtimes</li>
<li>Large scale Continuous Integration using the Jenkins Mesos framework. The folks at Ebay have already done this in production and we?re looking to provide the Jenkins framework as a Docker container plugin to Apollo soon.</li>
<li>Manage and distribute your big data workloads. There are a number of big data processing frameworks built on Mesos, such as Spark and Storm. Again we?re looking to provide these pluggable to Apollo in the future.</li>
<p >If you manage to get any of the above or other Mesos frameworks working on Apollo, please think about contributing that back via a pull request</p>
<p>Dont take my word for it, give it a spin. We have some more documentation on our github and some getting started guides for various cloud providers.</p>
<p>Thank you to following peeps for providing some amazing open source tools and software that we?ve built upon:</p>
<p>The guys at Docker, Inc, Hashicorp, Weaveworks, All the contributors to Mesos, and anyone who has ever provided a patch into all of the open source good stuff we are using here.</p>
<h2>Capgemini devops</h2>

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<h4>Capgemini devops</h4>
How to get up and running with Apollo
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Capgemini devops <a href="">Capgemini devops</a> Capgemini devops
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BostonDox2021-05-20 04:15:17 Cituoti
Vsts continuous integration - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Vsts continuous integration</h1>
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<h1>Continuous integration and deployment using Data Factory</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/shared/social/round/facebook.p ng" /> <img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/shared/social/round/ g" /> <img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/shared/social/round/linkedin.p ng" /></p>
<p>Posted on April 9, 2018</p>
<p>Azure Data Factory (ADF) visual tools public preview was announced on January 16, 2018. With visual tools, you can iteratively build, debug, deploy, operationalize and monitor your big data pipelines. Now, you can follow industry leading best practices to do continuous integration and deployment for your Extract Transform/Load (ETL) and Extract Load/Transform (ELT) workflows to multiple environments such as Dev, Test, Prod, and more. Essentially, you can incorporate the practice of testing for your codebase changes and push the tested changes to a Test or Prod environment automatically.</p>
<p>ADF visual interface now allows you to export any data factory as an ARM (Azure Resource Manager) template. You can click the <strong>Export ARM template</strong> to export the template corresponding to a factory.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" andler/acomblog/media/Default/blog/ef5fe03b-ec0c-4 1ea-88e8-85dfca0890c4.png" /></p>
<p>This will generate 2 files:</p>
<li><strong>Template file</strong>: Templates containing all the data factory metadata (pipelines, datasets etc.) corresponding to your data factory.</li>
<li><strong>Configuration file</strong>: Contains environment parameters that will be different for each environment (Dev, Test, Prod etc.) like Storage connection, Azure Databricks cluster connection and more.</li>
<p&g t;You will create a separate data factory per environment. You will then use the same template file for each environment and have one configuration file per environment. Clicking the <strong>Import ARM Template</strong> button will take you to the Azure Template Deployment service in Azure Portal that allows you to select a template file, choose the exported template file and import it to your data factory.</p>
<p>ADF visual tools also allow you to associate a VSTS GIT repository to your data factory for source control, versioning and collaboration. Once you enable the VSTS GIT integration, you can use the following lifecycle to do continuous integration and deployment:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" andler/acomblog/media/Default/blog/2dbec9df-260b-4 267-ad56-8b2494e7ccca.jpg" /></p>
<li>Set up a Development ADF with VSTS where all developers can author ADF resources like pipelines, datasets, and more.</li>
<li>Developers can modify resources like Pipelines. They can use <strong>Debug</strong> button to debug changes and perform test runs.</li>
<li>Once satisfied with the changes, developers can create a PR from their branch to master or collaboration branch to get the changes reviewed by peers.</li>
<li>Once changes are in master branch, they can publish to Development ADF using <strong>Publish</strong> button.</li>
<li>When your team is ready to promote changes to <strong>Test</strong> and <strong>Prod</strong> ADF, you can export the ARM template from <strong>master</strong> branch or any other branch in case your master is behind the Live Development ADF.</li>
<li>Exported ARM template can be deployed with different environment parameter files to <strong>Test</strong> and <strong>Prod</strong> environments.</li>

<p>You can also set up a VSTS Release definition to automate the deployment of data factory to multiple environments. Get more information and detailed steps for doing continuous integration and deployment with data factory.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" andler/acomblog/media/Default/blog/e355b735-a5e7-4 038-a19e-9cfe3d15f18e.png" /></p>
<p>We are continuously working to add new features based on customer feedback. Get started building pipelines easily and quickly using Azure Data Factory. If you have any feature requests or want to provide feedback, please visit the Azure Data Factory forum.</p>
<h2>Vsts continuous integration</h2>

<h3>Vsts continuous integration</h3>
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<h4>Vsts continuous integration</h4>
Azure Data Factory (ADF) visual tools public preview was announced on January 16, 2018. With visual tools, you can iteratively build, debug, deploy, operationalize and monitor your big data pipelines.
<h5>Vsts continuous integration</h5>
Vsts continuous integration <a href="">Vsts continuous integration</a> Vsts continuous integration
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AOLDox2021-05-20 04:15:15 Cituoti
Devops on aws - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Devo ps on aws</h1>
Devops on aws <a href="">Headline news</a> Devops on aws
<h1>DevOps on AWS: Learn to set up your infrastructure on cloud</h1>
<h2>Чем� �ѓ РІС‹ научитеС� �СЊ</h2>
<h2>Материалы РєСѓСЂСЃР°</h2>
<h3>Intr oduction 1 лекция ? 2 мин</h3>
<h3>Introduction to Cloud Computing 4 лекции ? 31 мин</h3>
<h3>Building Infrastructure on AWS 6 лекции ? 53 мин</h3>
<h3>Cloud Formation and Troposphere 6 лекции ? 55 мин</h3>
<h3>Setting a Complete Environment 9 лекции ? 1 ч 22 мин</h3>
<h3>CI/CD Best Practices 10 лекции ? 1 ч 31 мин</h3>
<h3>Summary 2 лекции ? 2 мин</h3>
<h2>РўСЂР&micr o;бования</h2>
<h2>ОписаниР&micr o;</h2>
<p><strong>The one stop shop for learning DevOps on AWS, to help master DevOps concepts, along with the AWS tools.</strong></p>
<p>Developi ng is a time consuming process, that requires coding, testing, bug fixing, recoding, testing, deployment. This process takes weeks, months and sometimes even years depending on how complex the software is. But what if you could reduce this process to hours and weeks, this is exactly what DevOps does.</p>
<p>DevOps looks at automating the entire process of testing and deployment to reduce the amount of work that a developer needs to do. This makes it not only easier to build more products, but it also makes it faster to work on the changes and putting the new updates into the pipeline.</p>
<p>AWS offers powerful cloud features which can help scale your application easily to millions of users. We bring together an unique course which will help you create your production and deployment environment on cloud and will teach you implement the best of cloud computing practices.</p>
<p>This is why companies are looking to hire DevOps and AWS architects that can help them build this process and design better apps and software, faster and in a more sophisticated manner. However, learning DevOps and AWS isn?t easy. It requires an understanding of basic DevOps concepts and AWS tools, along with programming languages.</p>
<p><strong>This is why we have designed this course!</strong> This DevOps on AWS tutorial helps breakdown simple DevOps and AWS concepts and builds upon to them to help you learn exactly how to code using DevOps and AWS, as well as test and deploy your apps on the cloud platform.</p>
<p>The course will cover topics such as what is DevOps, why it is trending and how it came into existence, as well as introduction to cloud computing and how to benefit from the AWS cloud platform. It also includes building a very basic web application on the cloud, utilizing tools like Ansible and Jenkins and also learning how to use AWS tools such as CloudFormation, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline. Lastly, you will also learn how to actually deploy apps on AWS instances automatically and also achieve continuous integration using DevOps and AWS tools.</p>
<p>At the end of this course, not only will you have mastered the concepts required to understand DevOps and AWS, but you will also learn exactly how to get started working with these tools and even how to actually build an app and deploy it on the cloud.</p>
<p>Enroll now and become a DevOps and AWS master with this course!</p>
<h2>Devops on aws</h2>

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<h4>Devops on aws</h4>
A project based unique course which will teach you Cloud Computing and DevOps both from ground up.
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Devops on aws <a href="">Devops on aws</a> Devops on aws
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VirginiaBeachsr2021-05-20 04:15:09 Cituoti
Azure devops secret variable - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops secret variable</h1>
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<h1>I can't pass secret variables to an inline powershell script task #8345</h1>
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<h3>Zazcallabah </strong> commented Sep 19, 2018 </h3>
<p>The arguments textbox disappeared with the 2.0 version of the powershell task. This means that the recommended method of accessing secret build variables to a script has been removed.</p>
<p>How can I pass a secret variable to an inline powershell script task?</p>
<h3>Ajay-MS </strong> commented Sep 19, 2018 </h3>
<p>You can access your release variable directly in your script by specifying in the following format. <br />$( )</p>
<p>e.g. if you have defined variable username in the release. In the inline script, it could be accessed as $(username)</p>
<h3>Zazcallabah </strong> commented Sep 19, 2018 </h3>
<p>Ah, I see, thank you.</p>
<h3>jrb-github </strong> commented Apr 3, 2019 </h3>
<p>Thanks guys, I ran into this. I just wanted to add that the surrounding quotes are required. I wasted some time because I assumed they weren't, and didn't include them. Fail.</p>
<h3>darrenferguson </strong> commented Jun 26, 2019 </h3>
<p>I've tried so many variations of this - but in output - I always get the value ***</p>
<h3>jrb-github </strong> commented Jun 26, 2019 </h3>
<p>Could be it's just an output issue. Have you tried using $secret after the above, and it is failing? If you're trying something like Write-Host "$secret", I think it is intended to not work, to, well, keep it secret. :)</p>
<h3>Zazcallabah </strong> commented Jun 26, 2019 </h3>
<p>It will definitely suppress output for secret variables. You could try outputting $secret.substring(0,10) or something to fool the masking.</p>
<h3>darrenferguson </strong> commented Jun 26, 2019 </h3>
<p>Ah cool thanks. The substring trick does work.</p>
<p>I want to put the value in a connectionstrings config file temporarily while I run some tests.</p>
<h3>darrenferguson </strong> commented Jun 26, 2019 </h3>
<p>though if I try.</p>
<p>Write-Host $Hello.substring(0, $Hello.length)</p>
<p>It masks it again, so i can get some characters but not all of them!</p>
<h3>darrenferguson </strong> commented Jun 26, 2019 </h3>
<p>Ah OK, so i understand that any output to the console has any secret values masked.</p>
<h3>BrianStork </strong> commented Jul 26, 2019 </h3>
<p>Thank you for this. Very frustrating trying to track down what's going on. I hope MS fixes this, or if it's working as intended, updates the documentation to reflect this special case for hidden variables and inline Powershell scripts. There is nothing on their official docs to indicate that hidden variables will cause issues in Powershell.</p>
<h3>internetgdl </strong> commented Jul 31, 2019 ?</h3>
<p>I had a very simple workaround, getting the string in two parts, but always that we join the two strings, TFS change to ***.</p>
<p>in my case I have to write the secret in the settings.json then I write with a string embedded and liminate this, with a replace writing on my json</p>
<p>I hope that can help somebody</p>
<h3>amccool </strong> commented Oct 24, 2019 </h3>
<p>why is this not easily found in the documentation?</p>
<h3>RaphaelYoshiga </strong> commented Oct 15, 2020 </h3>
<p>Because ideally, we wouldn't be able to just extract the secrets that easily =D <br />But as a white-hat, it's better to know is possible.</p>
<h2>Azure devops secret variable</h2>

<h3>Azure devops secret variable</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops secret variable</h4>
The arguments textbox disappeared with the 2.0 version of the powershell task. This means that the recommended method of accessing secret build variables to a script has been removed. How can I pass a secret variable to an inline powersh...
<h5>Azure devops secret variable</h5>
Azure devops secret variable <a href="">Azure devops secret variable</a> Azure devops secret variable
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ISRAELsr2021-05-20 04:14:05 Cituoti
React native devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>React native devops</h1>
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<h1>React Native App development in 2020, why?</h1>
<p>The promising cross-platform app development framework aka React Native has garnered huge popularity in recent times. The technology enables simultaneous mobile app development for multiple platforms using a single and a fraction of resources required for native development. The framework comes with several updates in 2020 compelling business to choose React Native for their cross-platform app development needs. Without further ado, let?s get started.</p>
<blockquote><p>< ;b>Top reasons to choose React Native for Your App Development in 2020</b></p></blockquote>
<p ><b>1.Build Better Quality Apps, Faster, at Lesser Cost</b></p>
<p>React Native framework enables developers to build iOS and Android apps simultaneously using a single JavaScript codebase. The cost of app development depends on factors like the number of resources, and time required developing an app. The use of a single code reduces the development time significantly. React Native app development takes 33% less time when compared to native app development. Talking about resources, you no longer need to hire experts of different technologies. All you need to do is find JavaScript experts. The significant reduction in development time and the number of resources required to complete the project results in faster development with lesser cost.</p>
<p>To ensure the success of your app in 2020 and beyond, organizations must focus on providing a stunning UI experience to their users. Apps developed using React Native offer native-like UI experience. The framework built on JavaScript offers numerous ready-to-use UI components and libraries. The capabilities of the platform open up a world of new possibilities to build interactive and engaging UIs.</p>
<p><b>3. Supports Third-party Plug-in</b> </p>
<p>React Native provides two types of 3rd party modules:</p>
<li>Native modules</li>
<li>JavaScript modules.</li>
< p>Third-party library/plug-in the framework makes things easier for developers while providing them the flexibility to build customized apps to meet the diverse requirements of users. You can find different third-party libraries and components to facilitate various tasks across the app development cycle. From customization, testing to in-app purchases, you just name it.</p>
<p>With React native developers can write once and use everywhere. In other words, they don?t need to build separate mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms. If a React Native app is developed for iOS, almost 90% of the code can be reused to develop the Android version. Besides, an impressive list of ready-to-use libraries and pre-built components facilitates faster development.</p>
<p>React Native offers an amazing feature ?hot reload?. The application reloads automatically whenever code changes are made by the developers. Thus, enabling you to instantly see the results of recent code changes on the app without compiling code.</p>
<p><b>6. Modular and Intuitive architecture</b></p>
<p>The modular and intuitive architecture of React Native offers a plethora of benefits :</p>
<li>Enhanced flexibility within a development team</li>
<li>Enables the developers to delve into someone else?s project and build upon it</li>
<li>Developers can easily upgrade apps</li>
<li>Modules can be reused like codes for web and mobile APIs</li>
<li>Helps testers create appropriate testing procedures based on programming logic</li>
<p&g t;Undoubtedly, the React Native framework has immense potential to thrive in a highly competitive world. There are enough reasons why React Native comes ahead as one of the best cross-platform frameworks. With the arrival of new updates, the framework opens new frontiers of business opportunities in 2020. Let?s take a look</p>
<p><b>a) Better accessibility</b></p>
<p>As per the update in July 2019, the React Native framework comes with improved accessibility for both Android and iOS platforms.</p>
<p><b>b) Auto-linking for OS</b></p>
<p>React Native libraries contain both platform-specific and native code. All thanks to the new update, it is now possible to find and use the code once more during app development projects.</p>
<p><b>c) New Start Screen</b></p>
<p>The latest release brings a new app screen making React Native app development much easier. The new user-friendly screen comes with new UI capabilities designed to introduce the React Native ecosystem to users in a more engaging way.</p>
<p>introduced in the September 2019 release, Fast Refresh feature combines existing ?live reloading? and ?hot reloading? features into one single new feature. It fully supports modern React providing near-instant feedback for the edits. With the whole-new updates, React Native is poised to become the most promising platform for cross-platform mobile app development in 2020.</p>
<blockquote> <p>At Toobler, we are a group of engineers driven by passion with years of experience and cutting-edge expertise in a wide spectrum of frameworks including React Native. Get in touch with our experts to <b>hire React Native App developers</b> , who understand your business requirements and build future-ready app solutions to match.</p> </blockquote>
<h3>Latest stories</h3>
<p>In India and around the world, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic is evident across all sectors of the economy. With COVID-19 spreading rapidly around the world, the pandemic has not only affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of people but also demonstrated a growing impact on the global economy. From companies chalking out <>]</p>
<p>Missing a deadline never feels good! Despite designing perfect workflows from start to finish, we often found our teams chasing deadlines until the very last moment. This upsetting trend led us to a quest to find out what obstacles prevented our teams from getting work over the finish line in time. The biggest factors contributing <>]</p>
<h2>React native devops</h2>

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<h4>React native devops</h4>
React Native framework comes with several updates in 2020 compelling business to choose React Native app development for your cross-platform app needs.
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React native devops <a href="">React native devops</a> React native devops
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SantaRosaDox2021-05-20 04:14:00 Cituoti
Terraform udemy - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Terraform udemy</h1>
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<h1>Udemy DevOps Deployment Automation with Terraform, AWS and Docker</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 0/2985506_a624_2.jpg" /></p>
<p><b>What you'll learn</b><br /><ul>
<li>Define Infrastructure as Code using Terraform to easily create and destroy environment</li>
<li>Design an architecture that is scalable, secure, resilient and facilitates zero downtime deployments</li>
<li>Setup professional development workflows based on GitLab Flow to automate processes and speed up deployments</li>
<li>Manage and administer an AWS account in accordance with best practices to mitigate the risk of it getting compromised</li>
<b>Desc ription</b><br />Welcome to the advanced course on how to set up a deployment automation that?s capable of handling millions of users!</p>
<p>In this course you will learn some of the most in-demand skills in the marketplace today by creating automated workflows to deploy and manage a scalable and secure infrastructure.</p>
<p>The demand for DevOps engineers is skyrocketing because few people have these skills and the value they add to a business?s bottom line is so high. Software development is expensive, and DevOps saves money by automating and streamlining the process. It also makes it easier to deploy more frequently, so you can catch issues early and improve the reliability of your product or service. Not to mention it saves hundreds of hours of manually administering servers and running deployments (like the good old days).</p>
<p>People in DevOps roles are some of the highest earners in the industry, are looking for work the least, and are the most sought after by companies. (Source: Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019 and Indeed).</p>
<p>Needless to say, mastering the technologies and skills used for DevOps is a great return on investment.</p>
<p>Whether you?re a developer, system administrator, or tech entrepreneur - this course will give you the tools to advance your skills in some of the most in-demand DevOps technologies in the marketplace today.</p>
<p>In this course, you?ll be deploying a sample Django REST API to AWS using Terraform, GitLab, Docker and a suite of AWS technologies, including: <br /><ul>
<li>Elastic Container Registry (ECR)</li>
<li>Relational Database Service (RDS)</li>
<li>Elastic Container Service (ECS)</li>
<li>Application Load Balancer (ALB)</li>
<li>Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)</li>
<li>Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)</li>
<li>Simple Storage Service (S3)</li>
<li>Identity and Access Management (IAM)</li>
<li>and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)</li>
This course was designed to deploy a Django application, but it will work for any web application that runs in Docker.</p>
<p>In this course, you will learn how to: <br /><ul>
<li>Define your infrastructure as code so you can easily create and destroy environments as you need them, keeping AWS costs low</li>
<li>Design an architecture that is scalable, secure, resilient and facilitates zero downtime deployments</li>
<li>Setup professional development workflows based on GitLab Flow to automate processes and speed up deployments</li>
<li>Properly manage and administer an AWS account in accordance with best practices to mitigate the risk of it getting compromised (and preventing AWS bill shock)</li>
By the end of the course you will have implemented a fully functioning deployment process, comparable to what you might find at any major tech company.</p>
<p>This is an advanced course that requires previous experience with Django and Docker, and familiarity with AWS. It requires you to have a budget for AWS fees and an acceptable payment method. You must also have a computer that can run Docker desktop (sorry Windows Home users).</p>
<p>This is a high-stakes course, so we encourage you to check out our full Requirements video before enrolling. This video and many others are free to preview, so make sure you check them out to make sure this course is right for you.</p>
<p>This is a hands-on course, with a bit of theory and lots of opportunities to test your knowledge. The content is challenging but rewarding. Ready for it? Let?s dive in! <br /><b>Who this course is for:</b><br /><ul>
<li>Developers/System administrators looking to expand their knowledge into DevOps</li>
<li>Intermediate to advanced developers (or really keen beginners who don't mind jumping in the deep end to learn something exciting)</li>
<li>Junior DevOps developers looking to advance their skills</li>
<h2 >Terraform udemy</h2>

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What you'll learn Define Infrastructure as Code using Terraform to easily create and destroy environment Design an architecture that is scalable, secure...
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Mexicosr2021-05-20 04:13:37 Cituoti
Sap devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Sap devops</h1>
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<h1>DevOps for SAP ABAP - Where to Start</h1>
<h3>Arunkumar GanesanFollow</h3>
<h4>Global Lead SAP C4H | SAP DevOps at Wipro Limited</h4>
<li>Like 79</li>
<li>Comment 15 </ul>
<p><strong>DevOps:</st rong> DevOps is nothing but continuously deploying your requirements to production by orchestrating your Requirements to Deploy cycle. An approach by which better collaboration is enabled between the Development and Operations as most of the elements of operations become programmable. The foundation of DevOps are Continuous Integration(CI) and Continuous Deployment(CD).</p>
<p><strong> DevOps</strong> is based on agile principles in which business owners and the development, operations, collaborate to deliver software in a continuous manner that enables the business to improves time to market.</p>
<p><strong>Dev</ strong> ? People involved in developing product.</p>
<p><strong>Ops< /strong> ? System engineers, administrators, operations staff, release engineers, DBAs, network engineers, Security professionals.</p>
<p><strong>A gile Software Development</strong> ? collaboration of customers, product management, developers and QA to fill in the gaps and rapidly iterate towards a better product.</p>
<p><strong>DevOps& lt;/strong> ? extending Agile principles beyond the boundaries of ?the code? to the entire delivered service.</p>
<p><strong>Continu ous Integration(CI):</strong></p>
<p&g t;CI is an approach in which Developers continuously integrated their code into a shared repository, many times this will be a Git Server. The integrated code is then built for completeness and tested at unit level by set of automated tools. The results of Build and Tests are then shared as a report to the respective developer for their actions.</p>
<p><strong>Continu ous Deployment(CD):</strong></p>
<p> ;CD is the process in which the source code is migrated from one stage to other Automatically right from Development to Production. This is generally achieved using Orchestration tool such Jenkins.</p>
<p><strong>DevOps for ABAP</strong>: While DevOps is familiar with other platforms, it is still in the budding stage for ABAP. SAP is coming up with many new tools like ADT(ABAP Development Tools), ABAP on Hana, so the road map for ABAP looks bright and we cannot get away from it. It is obvious now that we should think of DevOps for ABAP Stack as well.</p>
<p><strong>What is the Bottle neck</strong>: CI and CD are the foundation for any DevOps, this applies to ABAP as well. ABAP comes with its own restriction of having only a centralized version management for the source code, whereas the CI can be achieved only on a distributed source code management system. This limitation makes an ABAP object to be bound only to a single developer at a time which defeats the basic purpose of CI.</p>
<p>Another important prerequisite for CI is Automated Unit tests. Though ABAPUnit is there for a decade, the importance of this not been assimilated by the developers yet.</p>
<p><strong>Where to Start:</strong> </p>
<li>We need to have distributed source code management system for the ABAP stack . abapGit can be the first step to march towards our journey on DevOps. abapGit is a git client and it can run on our ABAP Stack. So now you can have your version control in a Git Server. Thanks to the Opensource project by Lars Hvam.</li>
<li>Now its time to move into Test Driven Devlopment(TDD) with ABAPUnit. There is a myth that TDD can be done only for new developments. That's not true. Almost all legacy code can be converted to a testable code with features like, dependency look up, dependency injection, SEAM etc. Once unit test are written, unit tests can be performed automatically. This can be achieved by calling a set of API provided by SAP along with ADT bundle. The APIs can be called from orchestration tools like Jenkins immediately after the build step.</li>
<li>We can also include Code coverage, Code Inspector check and ATC check also as steps in our CI cycle, These steps can also be called from Jenkins with the standard ADT APIs. This will make your CI process complete. If all the steps of CI are successful then code can be delivered to test system and this activity becomes the part of the CD process.</li>
<li>Next step will be to create a delivery pipeline in the process orchestration tool Jenkins with all the stages that fulfill your Develop to Deploy Cycle. The typical pipeline step will have steps; Build->UnitTests->CodeCoverageCheck->Code InspectorCheck->CodeMigrationToQA->Integrati onTest->AcceptanceTest->DeployToProduction&l t;/li>
<p><s trong>Sample ABAP Delivery pipeline in Jenkins</strong> </p>
<li>Migration of code can be achieved by many tools in ABAP. Tools like ChaRM, CTS+, RevTrac are the most commonly used ones. An API should be exposed from the tool for a particular activity so that it can configured in Jenkins pipeline. Eg. if CodeMigrationToQA is performed by ChaRM we should expose an API from SAP Solman which can perform the Transport migration from Development to QA system.</li>
<p><stro ng>Conclusion:</strong> DevOps on an ABAP stack is possible like any other platform by adapting right set of tools and approach. There is cultural shift required in the way the Ops and the Dev team operate and also on the way ABAP development is done going further. A detailed how to technically achieve this will published in the upcoming article. Hope this will find you a way to start your DevOps journey on ABAP stack.</p>
<h3>Р Р°Р&midd ot;мещено участнико Рј</h3>
<h3>Arunkumar Ganesan</h3>
<h4>Global Lead SAP C4H | SAP DevOps at Wipro Limited</h4>
<p>Wondered when some of your Java colleagues talking about DevOps, and why ABAP is not any way near to it? Here is where you can find how to start DevOps for ABAP</p>
<h2>Sap devops</h2>

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<h4>Sap devops</h4>
DevOps: DevOps is nothing but continuously deploying your requirements to production by orchestrating your Requirements to Deploy cycle. An approach by which better collaboration is enabled between the Development and Operations as most of the elements of operations become programmable.
<h5>Sap devops</h5>
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AkronDox2021-05-20 04:10:37 Cituoti
Devops capgemini - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Devops capgemini</h1>
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<h1>Everest Group names Capgemini a Leader in DevOps Services</h1>
<p>The DevOps Services PEAK Matrix 2019 assessment, analyzed the capabilities of twenty providers, based on its evaluation criteria of vision and capability along with market impact.</p>
<p><strong>Paris, October 17, 2019 ? Capgemini announced that it has been named a Leader in Everest Group?s inaugural PEAK MatrixTM <>] assessment for DevOps Services. Capgemini was recognized for its ?<em>well-articulated DevOps vision encompassing organizational design, culture, architecture, process and automation.</em>?</strong></p>
<p>The DevOps Services PEAK Matrix 2019 assessment, analyzed the capabilities of twenty providers, based on its evaluation criteria of vision and capability along with market impact. The report further recognized Capgemini?s ?<em>wide range of DevOps solutions catering to unique enterprise demands across low to high levels of DevOps maturity.</em>?</p>
<p>Andr? Cichowlas, Head of Delivery at Capgemini, said: ?<em>We are thrilled to be recognized as a Leader by Everest Group in its inaugural DevOps PEAK Matrix. Capgemini?s wide range of DevOps services are built to break down the silos within which many businesses still continue to operate. We are committed to helping our customers in their journey to improve their IT agility and user experience; our end to end DevOps capabilities support organizations to drive innovation and enable collaboration that delivers applications faster, with higher quality, and reduced cost.</em>?</p>
<p>Noting the important role that DevOps plays in applications management, Gopalakrishnan Krishnamurthi, Capgemini?s Group offering Leader for ADMNext said: ?<em>Our prime focus in ADMnext is an industry specific and insights driven approach to transformation. Here, DevOps fortifies the benefits by leveraging the Cloud platform and Microservices to provide business agility and time to market. Due to its vast nature, Capgemini?s ADM engagements have become the lynchpin in laying out enterprise Agile and DevOps for our customers.</em>?</p>
<p>?<em >Enterprises are increasingly embracing DevOps to enhance their business performance by accelerating software time-to-market. We see enterprises across different stages of maturity challenged by siloed adoption, change management issues, and the lack of skilled talent to drive full value realization from DevOps. Capgemini?s range of DevOps solutions enables it to meet enterprise demands across different levels of maturity. It leverages a flexible approach to drive client satisfaction,</em>? said Yugal Joshi, Vice President, Everest Group.</p>
<p>The DevOps Services assessment highlights that leading service providers are leveraging Artificial Intelligence to make substantial business impacts and are helping enterprises to enable enhanced stakeholder and developer experience by incorporating a feedback mechanism in the DevOps lifecycle.</p>
<p>To access a custom version of the report, please click here.</p>
<p><em><>] The PEAK Matrix is a framework to assess the relative market success and overall capability of service providers. Service providers are positioned on the PEAK Matrix based on evaluation across two key dimensions: market impact measured by the market adoption, portfolio mix, and value delivered, and vision & capability measured by vision and strategy, delivery footprint, innovation and investments, and scope of services offered.</em></p>
<p><strong >About Capgemini</strong></p>
<p>Capge mini is a global leader in consulting, digital transformation, technology, and engineering services. The Group is at the forefront of innovation to address the entire breadth of clients? opportunities in the evolving world of cloud, digital and platforms. Building on its strong 50-year heritage and deep industry-specific expertise, Capgemini enables organizations to realize their business ambitions through an array of services from strategy to operations. A responsible and multicultural company of 265,000 people in nearly 50 countries, Capgemini?s purpose is to unleash human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future. With Altran, the Group reported 2019 combined global revenues of ?17 billion.</p>
<h2>Devops capgemini</h2>

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<h4>Devops capgemini</h4>
The DevOps Services PEAK Matrix 2019 assessment, analyzed the capabilities of twenty providers, based on its evaluation criteria of vision and capability along with market impact.
<h5>Devops capgemini</h5>
Devops capgemini <a href="">Devops capgemini</a> Devops capgemini
SOURCE: <h6>Devops capgemini</h6> <a href="">Devo ps capgemini</a> Devops capgemini
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MurrietaDox2021-05-20 04:10:08 Cituoti
Enterprise devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Enterprise devops</h1>
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<h1>An operating model for Enterprise DevOps</h1>
<p>DevOps is seen as the digital foundation for improving time to market and launching innovation initiatives to respond to dynamic and disruptive market scenarios.</p>
<p>The year 2018 was proclaimed the year of Enterprise DevOps by industry experts. Over the past few years, the DevOps concept has rapidly evolved from being just an enabler of ?development efficiency? to being a driver of ?business agility? for enterprises. DevOps is seen as the digital foundation for improving time to market and launching innovation initiatives to respond to dynamic and disruptive market scenarios. Organizations across domains such as automotive, life sciences, healthcare, and manufacturing are creating or aspiring to create their own ?Enterprise DevOps? strategy.</p>
<p>Based on my experience, I am listing key ingredients for a successful Enterprise DevOps strategy:</p>
<li><strong>The ability to run agile teams at scale across the entire business and technology portfolio of an enterprise</strong></li>

<p>An enterprise portfolio should ideally be structured in a logical hierarchy of value chains and products, with the sprint teams being aligned to products. Sprint teams operate seamlessly across the service areas of business, development, and operations to deliver speed, quality, and innovation. Sprint teams take end-to-end responsibility for product(s) within a value chain. ?Product orientation? is a trend many enterprises across sectors are adopting.</p>
<li><strong>A single agile team construct for addressing both development and maintenance activities for applications</strong></li>
</ol> ;
<p>This means managing projects, enhancements, fixes, L2, L3, and operations through an integrated product backlog and a common agile governance. A certain capacity of agile teams needs to be reserved for maintenance and operations work. In addition, service management aspects such as SLAs, 24/7 support, and emergency fixes need to be handled through synergy and rotation within the same agile teams.</p>
<li><strong>A multi-technology DevOps strategy that is attuned to the unique needs of different technology platforms and business domains</strong></li>
&l t;/p>
<p>The typical considerations for a DevOps target model include the nature of skills, tooling, release speed, the platform being used, and the extent of automation. These considerations are quite different (and unique) for different technology clusters such as SAP, digital, and middleware. Moreover, they vary based on whether the application is a system of records, system of innovation, or system of differentiation. DevOps continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) is very specific to the technology platform that is used. For example, we need specific tool chains for Java, .NET, ETL, or BI applications. Packages such as SAP have their own tooling that is native to the platform.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" oads/2019/04/devops.png" /></p>
<li><strong>A centralized DevOps guild</strong></li>
< /p>
<p>Setup a central DevOps team to steer the overall DevOps strategy and way of working for the sprint teams working across the enterprise. This function is also responsible for strategic decisions on standardizing the stack, automation, and scaling across the enterprise.</p>
<li><strong>Automation everywhere</strong></li>

<p>Drive automation across the entire lifecycle of a service: continuous integration (code quality, build, and unit test automation), continuous testing (UI test automation, regression test automation of end-to-end scenarios spanning digital to middleware to ERP), continuous monitoring (flow and feedback ? user telemetry, proactive diagnostics), continuous deployment (deployment strategy integrating application, database, environment configuration aspects across application and infrastructure, infra as code)</p>
<li><strong>Shared KPI framework across partners</strong></li>
& lt;/p>
<p>This is a multi-partner collaboration model defined and driven by the central DevOps guild ? the roles, responsibilities, and shared objectives focusing on end-to-end KPIs.</p>
<li><strong>New-age Infrastructure as an enabler of business agility</strong></li>
&l t;/p>
<p>Modern enterprises choose infrastructure platforms with cloud-native capabilities enabling the creation of ?application services? and not merely ?infrastructure services.? This means highly agile applications running on microservices and powered with native CI/CD can be easily setup on such platforms.</p>
<p>Enterprises have started incorporating these ingredients into their way of working. Hence it has become imperative for IT vendors to incorporate these characteristics into their sourcing models, delivery approaches and contractual constructs.</p>
<h2>Enterprise devops</h2>

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<h4>Enterprise devops</h4>
DevOps is seen as the digital foundation for improving time to market and launching innovation initiatives to respond to dynamic and disruptive market scenarios.
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ConcordDox2021-05-20 04:09:26 Cituoti
Azure pipelines conditions - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure pipelines conditions</h1>
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<h1>Azure Pipelines | Variable conditions</h1>
<h2>Scenario</h2&g t;
<p>Let?s imagine that, whatever reason you have, you have a build definition on <strong>Azure Devops</strong> that is running using <strong>Azure Pipelines</strong> through an <strong>azure-pipelines.yml</strong> file and should have conditional step execution based, uppon others, on a variable value that is settable on <strong><em>Pipeline Run</em></strong> time.</p>
<p>How do you should configure your pipeline?</p>
& lt;p>Let?s start from the empty template that Microsoft bring us from their azure-pipelines-yaml GitHub repository.</p>
<p>Just remove the unnecessary parts of the template? and let?s start!</p>

<p>Regardless the official documentation is pretty complete, there are some concepts to have clear.</p>
<p>By default, any step, job or stage is executed after the previous one succeeded.</p>
<p>But, when you want to add some kind of logic to your build definition, and select when to execute a given step based on a value, you should add the condition property on your desired step.</p>
<p>Be carefull, as the file format is <strong>yaml</strong>, the leading spaces should be exactly two (2) in this case.</p>
& lt;p>Any Azure Pipeline definition have, by default, a lot of process variables that can be used on your pipeline execution steps only referencing variable name enclosed in $() .</p>
<p>When you want to create a custom variable, you have to setup it from the azure pipeline edition form. To add any new custom variable (as parameter) to your pipeline, just go to **Pipelines / / Edit > Variables**.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-pipelines-variable-conditions-1.jpg" /></p>
<blockquote><p>Tip: Please, don?t ignore the naming info and suggestions provided on this form, as they are very important when you want to reference your variables from the <em>azure-pipeline.yml</em> file.</p></blockquote>
<p>In example, let?s declare HelloDevs variable. This variable will be true or false , and will be used on the pipeline to execute a new step that will ?say? (write on the stdout with echo command) hello to all devs in the world.</p>
<li>The and() method allow to evaluate all the parameters are true</li>
<li>The succeded() method evaluates if the previous step has been completed successfully</li>
<li>The eq() method evaluates that the first parameter value is equal to the second one</li>
<li>The $true expression converts the true value into boolen, that allow the eq() method to compare any string received ( "true" , or "True" , or "TRUE" ?)</li>
<p>S o, here the conditions is:</p>
<blockquote><p><stro ng>Ensure that the previous step is succeded and the HelloDevs variable is true</strong> </p></blockquote>
<p>To reference a variable, in this case HelloDevs , you have two options:</p>
<li>Reference it through variable<>name'] or</li>
<li>Reference it through</li>

<h2>Use it</h2>
<p>Just run your pipeline, and edit the variable clicking on it, change the variable value and click <strong>Run</strong>.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-pipelines-variable-conditions-2.jpg" /></p>
<p>And the result of this execution, with the HelloDevs variable set to true , will be something like:</p>
<h2>Azure pipelines conditions</h2>

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<h4>Azure pipelines conditions</h4>
<h5>Azure pipelines conditions</h5>
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ISRAEDox2021-05-20 04:09:24 Cituoti
Tfs task management - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Tfs task management</h1>
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<h1>Managing Credentials and Secrets in VSTS Release Management</h1>
<h2>Colin Dembovsky</h2>
<p>Read more posts by this author.</p>
<h4>Colin Dembovsky</h4>
<p>Releases almost always require some kind of credentials - from service credentials to database usernames and passwords. There are a number of ways to manage credentials in VSTS release management. In this post I'll look at a couple of common techniques. For brevity, I'm going to refer to <em>secrets</em> as a proxy for secrets and credentials.</p>
<h2>Don't Store Secrets in Source Control</h2>
<p>One bad practice you want to steer away from is storing secrets in source control. A lot of teams I work with have their build process create multiple environment-specific packages, using tools like config transforms. I like to get teams to think of build and release as two separate (but linked) processes:</p>
<p><strong>Proce ssInputProcessOutput</strong>BuildSource CodeCompile, unit test, packageTokenized build packagesReleaseBuild artifacts, config source codeInfrastructure deployment/config, approvals, integration/functional tests, app deploymentsDeployed application</p>
<p>The point is that the build should be <em>totally environment agnostic</em>. Good unit tests use mocking or fakes, so they shouldn't need environment-specific information. That means that they need to create packages that are, as I like to call them, swiss cheese - they need to have holes or tokens that can have environment-specific values injected at deployment time. You don't need tokens if your deployment process is capable of doing variable substitution - like the IIS Deployment on Machine Group task or Azure App Service Deployment task that can both do inline variable replacement (see my earlier post on how to do this - and this also now applies to the IIS Deployment on Machine Group task).</p>
<h2>Centralized vs Decentralized Secret Management</h2>
<p>I see two broad categories of secret management: centralized and decentralized. Centralized secret management has the advantage of specifying/updating the secret once, even if it's used in many places - but has the disadvantage of being managed by a small subset of users (admins typically). This can also be an advantage, but can be a bottleneck. Decentralized secret management usually ends up in duplicated secrets (so updating a password leaves you hunting for every occurrence of that password) but removes the bottleneck of centralized management. Choosing a method will depend on your culture, auditing requirements and management overhead.</p>
<h3>Decentralized Secret Management</h3>
<p>Decentralized secret management is the easiest to consider, and there's really only one way to do it: in your release definition, define your secrets as variables that are locked and you're done. If you need to use the same secret in multiple definitions, you just create the same variable. Of course if you change the value, you have to change it in each release that uses it. But you don't have to log a ticket or wait for anyone to change the value for you - if it changes, you update it in place for each release and you're done.</p>
<h3>Centralized Secret Management</h3>
<p>There are three types of centralized secret management: Azure KeyVault, Variable Groups and Custom Key Vault. Let's consider each method.</p>
<p>The KeyVault and Variable Group methods both define a Variable Group - but if you use KeyVault, you manage the values in KeyVault rather than in the Variable Group itself. Otherwise they are exactly the same.</p>
<p>Go to the VSTS release hub and click on Library to see variable groups. Create a new Variable Group and give it a name. If this is a "plain" Variable Group, define all your secrets and their values - don't forget to padlock the values that you want to hide. If you're using KeyVault, first define a Service Endpoint in the Services hub for authenticating to the KeyVault. Then come back and link the Variable Group to the KeyVault and specify which Secrets are synchronized.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ostcontent/images/files/3e2a7993-9152-4c88-b60e-54 47179db634.png" /> </p>
<p>Now when you run define a release, you link the Variable Group (optionally scoping it) and voila - you have a centralized place to manage secrets, either directly in the Variable Group or via KeyVault.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ostcontent/images/files/81c1ba4e-e21a-438e-b4bb-15 0ce1d58cf2.png" /> </p>
<p>The variable group can be linked to many releases, so you only ever have to manage the values in one place, irrespective of how many releases reference them. To use the values, just use $(SecretName) in your tasks.</p>
<p>The last method is Custom Key Vault. I worked with a customer a few months back that used some sort of third-party on-premises key vault. Fortunately this vault had a REST API and we were able to create a custom task that fetched secrets from this third-party key vault. If you do this, you need to remember to add in a custom task to get the values, but this was an elegant solution for my customer since they already had an internal key vault.</p>

<p>There are a number of ways to manage secrets and credentials in VSTS/TFS. The most robust is to use Azure KeyVault, but if you don't have or don't want one you can use Variable Groups in-line. Whatever method you choose, just make sure you don't store any secrets in source control!</p>
<h2>Tfs task management</h2>

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<h4>Tfs task management</h4>
Managing Credentials and Secrets in VSTS Release Management Colin Dembovsky Read more posts by this author. Colin Dembovsky Releases almost always require some kind of credentials - from
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ArvadaDox2021-05-20 04:09:21 Cituoti
Azure devops service hooks - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops service hooks</h1>
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<h1>Digital Strategy and IT Innovation</h1>
<h2>TI, Inova??o, Agilidade, DevOps, ALM, Governan?a e Cloud Strategy</h2>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres " /></p>
<h1>Azure DevOps x Zendesk ? Integra??o com service hooks</h1>
<p>O <strong>Service Hooks</strong> ? um recurso interessante do <strong>Azure DevOps</strong> para habilitar a??es, baseadas em eventos que acontecem nos projetos do Azure DevOps. Por exemplo, criar uma notifica??o no Slack (em algum grupo espec?fico) sobre um <em>deploy</em> bem sucedido. Ele funciona da seguinte maneira:</p>
<li><strong>Publisher</strong>: define um conjunto de eventos.</li>
<li><strong>Subscriptions</strong&g t;: recebe os eventos e define as a??es (<strong>Actions</strong>) a serem tomadas. Os consumidores (<strong>Consumer</strong>) s?o servi?os externos que podem executar suas pr?prias a??es, ao ocorrer algum evento.</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /></p>
<p>H? v?rios servi?os dispon?veis no Marketplace que permitem a integra??o com o Azure DevOps Services. Veja a rela??o dos principais abaixo:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /></p>
<p>Neste post, vamos abordar a integra??o do Azure DevOps com o Zendesk.</p>
<h3>1. Criando os conectores</h3>
<p>O primeiro passo ? instalar o IntegrateCloud Connector for VSTS no Zendesk. V? no Marketplace e execute a instala??o.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres " /></p>
<p>Voc? ir? precisar de um <strong>Token</strong> (do lado do Zendesk) para permitir a integra??o com o Azure DevOps. Acesse no Zendesk a <Engrenagem>de Admin] > Canais > API e ative o <strong>acesso por token</strong>, conforme imagem abaixo. Salve este token.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /></p>
<p>Feito isso, acesse o <strong>Azure DevOps</strong> e configure o Service Hook do Zendesk para permitir a manipula??o dos <em>work items</em> externamente. Para isso, acesse <strong>Project Settings > Service Hooks</strong> e adicione um novo Servi?o do Zendesk.</p>
<li>A tela seguinte solicita <em>Area Path</em> e <em>Work Item Type</em> desejado.</li>
<li>Na ?ltima tela, insira a conta, usu?rio e <em>token</em> gerado no Zendesk.</li>
< p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /></p>
<p>Tamb?m adicione um <em>token</em> do lado <strong>Azure DevOps</strong> para prover a <strong>autoriza??o</strong> da configura??o do Service Hook, feito acima. Acesse ?Personal access tokens? e insira um nome para ele. Salve este <em>token</em> tamb?m.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /></p>
<h3>2. Integra??o de work items</h3>
<p>Na sequ?ncia, crie um novo ticket (ou acesse algum j? criado) no Zendesk e configure a ?rea de Aplicativos (lado direito da tela). Insira a URL da conta do Azure DevOps e o Token que acabamos de gerar no passo anterior.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /></p>
<p>Feita a autentica??o, a tela abaixo (do IntegrateCloud Connector for VSTS) ir? aparecer. Preencha o Projeto (<em>Area Path</em>) e a Sprint (<em>Iteration</em>) que deseja publicar esse <em>work item</em>. Salve a modifica??o.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres ot; /></p>
<p>Veja que o ticket criado no Zendesk agora foi criado como work item (pode ser do tipo task / bug / epic / feature / user story) no Azure DevOps. Pronto! A integra??o entre os dois est? funcionando.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://leonardomatsumota.files.wordpres" /></p>
<p>Lembrando que o <strong>Service Hooks</strong> ? um recurso para para habilitar a??es, baseadas em eventos e que pode ser utilizado na integra??o com diversos sistemas (conforme mostrado no in?cio do artigo). Aqui fizemos uma demonstra??o com o Zendesk.</p>
<h2>Azure devops service hooks</h2>

<h3>Azure devops service hooks</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops service hooks</h4>
O Service Hooks ? um recurso interessante do Azure DevOps para habilitar a??es, baseadas em eventos que acontecem nos projetos do Azure DevOps. Por exemplo, criar uma notifica??o no Slack (em algum grupo espec?fico) sobre um deploy bem sucedido. Ele funciona da seguinte maneira: Publisher: define um conjunto de eventos. Subscriptions: recebe os eventos e&hellip;
<h5>Azure devops service hooks</h5>
Azure devops service hooks <a href="">Azure devops service hooks</a> Azure devops service hooks
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops service hooks</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops service hooks</a> Azure devops service hooks
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TacomaDox2021-05-20 04:09:17 Cituoti
Azure devops cloud - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops cloud</h1>
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Azure devops cloud <a href="">Daily news</a> Azure devops cloud
<h1>Become a DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure</h1>

<h6>Estimated Time</h6>
<h5>3 months</h5>
<p>At 5-10 hours/week</p>
<h6>Enroll by</h6>
<p>Get access to the classroom immediately on enrollment</p>
<h6>Prerequisites</ h6>
<h5>Intermediate Python, familiarity with Linux shell scripting and cloud concepts</h5>
<p>In Collaboration With</p>
<h4>What You Will Learn</h4>
& lt;h2>DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure</h2>
<p>Microsoft Azure is one of the most popular cloud services platforms used by enterprises, making it a crucial tool for cloud computing professionals to add to their skillset. The DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure Nanodegree program teaches students how to deploy, test, and monitor cloud applications on Azure, thereby preparing learners for success on MicrosoftРІ??s AZ-400 DevOps Engineer Expert certification exam.</p>
<p>The DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure Nanodegree program teaches students how to deploy, test, and monitor cloud applications on Azure, one of the most popular cloud services platforms.</p>
<p>3 months to complete</p>
<h6>Prerequisite Knowledge</h6>
<p>Intermediate Python, familiarity with Linux shell scripting and cloud concepts. See detailed requirements.</p>
<h4>Azure Infrastructure Operations</h4>
<p>In modern deployments, automated deployment and management of cloud infrastructure is crucial for ensuring the high uptimes that customers expect. Understand the DevOps lifecycle and the basics of infrastructure management in Microsoft Azure. Learn about cloud security best practices to keep infrastructure secure. Leverage modern technologies to create robust and repeatable deployments in Microsoft Azure.</p>
<p>Deploying a Web Server in Azure</p>
<h4>Agile Development with Azure</h4>
<p>Automated Deployment of high quality software using DevOps principles is a critical skill in the cloud era. Master the theory and practice of Agile project management with hands-on examples. Execute a Python centric Continuous Integration strategy that uses testing best practices, including open source code quality tools such as pylint and pytest. Couple Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) with Continuous Delivery using Azure Pipelines to streamline the deployment of applications to Azure.</p>
<p>Building a CI/CD Pipeline</p>
<h4>Ensuring Quality Releases (Quality Assurance)</h4>
<p>Applications that have been built and released into the cloud need to be evaluated to ensure proper performance. Test cloud-based application performance and functionality within the pipeline itself, as well as after it has been deployed by using different types of test suites such as Selenium and Postman. Exercise those test suites against a variety of endpoints, including a sample eCommerce UI, and REST APIs. Build a systemic application monitoring process based on alert triggers in Azure Monitor and custom log files in Azure Log Analytics.</p>
<h2>Azure devops cloud</h2>

<h3>Azure devops cloud</h3>
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Azure devops cloud <a href="">New newspaper</a> Azure devops cloud
<h4>Azure devops cloud</h4>
Our new DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure online course will teach you how to develop and deploy cloud-based applications on Microsoft Azure. Learn online with Udacity.
<h5>Azure devops cloud</h5>
Azure devops cloud <a href="">Azure devops cloud</a> Azure devops cloud
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops cloud</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops cloud</a> Azure devops cloud
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops cloud] Azure devops cloud#tags#
FortCollinsDox2021-05-20 04:09:07 Cituoti
Azure devops widgets - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops widgets</h1>
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<h1>Adventures with Azure DevOps: Create a Custom Dashboard Widget</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2/ 04/528389819366_e7a0672f0480b3e98d21_512.png" /></p>
<p>I have been doing a lot with Azure DevOps lately, from building pipelines to dashboard.</p>
<p>As I was building out a dashboard with various widget, I wondered if it was possible to create a custom dashboard widget!</p>
<p>What do you know? You can!</p>
<p>The widget are a combination of HTML, JavaScript and CSS.</p>
<p>So I decided to create a <s>simple</s> sample custom widget that would display two lists, a list of characters from Star Trek, and another list of characters from Star Wars.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2/ 10/image-22.png" /></p>
<p>This is a very academic sample, just something to get familiar with the widget creation/deployment process.</p>
<p>I started with VS Code to build the custom widget.</p>
<p>While the jQuery library is imported by default, I would recommend, where you can, you stick with JavaScript, one less library you need to rely on, and the more I work with JavsScript the more I discover how far it has come with ease of DOM manipulation.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" 2/ 10/image-21.png" /></p>
<p>Next, I created two fake APIs using to return my list of characters.</p>
<p>The first API returns a list of Star Trek characters in a JSON format.</p>
<p>The second API returns a list of Star Wars characters in a JSON format.</p>
<p>Next, add a widget.js file to the scripts directory. This file will contain the JavaScript function to add li elements to the parent ul element.</p>
<p>Update your hello-world.html with the following code:</p>
<p>We will want to make sure that our JavaScript library, widget.js , is pulled in, which is why we add to the head element.</p>
<p>You are now ready to publish your widget, but first you will need to visit the Visual Studio Marketplace Publishing Portal to creating a publisher profile, don?t worry, your widget will only be available to those organizations you share it with.</p>
<p>In the vss-extension.json file replace the publisher name fabrikam with the name of your publisher profile.</p>
<p>Some things to be aware of:</p>
<p>As you rebuild your widget, you will want to increment the version number in the vss-extension.json file.</p>
<p>To include an additional folder, like in my example, the scripts folder, you will need to include it in the files node of the vss-extension.json .</p>
<p>To allow for different sizes for your widget, add them to the supportedSizes node.</p>
<p>That?s it, pretty straight forward!</p>
<p><strong>Related Links</strong></p>
<p>Accomplis hed, hands-on IT leader with extensive experience in developing and implementing high-performance technology solutions. When not fiddling with new technology Matt enjoys spending time with his family, playing board games, coaching basketball for his kids and is active in his church.</p>
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<h4>About Me</h4>
<p>Accomplished, hands-on IT leader with extensive experience in developing and implementing high-performance technology solutions.</p>
<p>Customer-focused, creative thinker with proven ability to meet and exceed software goals through effective technical, business, and client needs analysis.</p>
<p>Expertise in driving solutions from design and engineering, through successful delivery.</p>
<p>Excellent mentoring, client consultation and problem resolution skills.</p>
<h2>Azure devops widgets</h2>

<h3>Azure devops widgets</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops widgets</h4>
Adventures with Azure DevOps: Create a Custom Dashboard Widget I have been doing a lot with Azure DevOps lately, from building pipelines to dashboard. As I was building out a dashboard
<h5>Azure devops widgets</h5>
Azure devops widgets <a href="">Azure devops widgets</a> Azure devops widgets
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REALDox2021-05-20 04:08:59 Cituoti
Azure devops server pricing - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops server pricing</h1>
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Azure devops server pricing <a href="">News update today</a> Azure devops server pricing
<h1>Buy access to Azure DevOps Server or Azure Test Plans</h1>
<p><strong>Azure Pipelines | Azure DevOps Server 2020 | Azure DevOps Server 2019 | TFS 2018 - TFS 2015</strong></p>
<p>For Azure DevOps Server, you pay per user for Basic features like Code or Agile Planning. Users who have a Visual Studio subscription are free to add because Basic features are included in their subscription as a benefit. It's also free to add Stakeholders, which provides access to a limited set of features.</p>
<p>Paid users are entitled access to Basic features in your company's Azure DevOps Server. Paying monthly for users is a great alternative to buying User CALs, which typically have a 3-year commitment term. When you buy access in this way, you aren't required to use Azure DevOps Services (although you can use Azure DevOps Services in addition to Azure DevOps Server).</p>
<p>You can also buy paid access for your users monthly. This method is an alternative way to buy a Visual Studio subscription that's entitled to use Azure Test Plans in Azure DevOps Server.</p>
<p>To learn more about the requirements to access Azure DevOps Server or Azure Test Plans, see Change access levels. For more information about licensing, see the pricing page. To configure costs for Azure DevOps, see the pricing calculator.</p>
<p>To estimate costs for Azure DevOps, see the Pricing calculator or the Azure DevOps pricing page.</p>
<h2>Buy monthly access to Azure DevOps Server for your users</h2>
<p>Sign up for an organization, if you don't have one already.</p>
<p>You can use Azure DevOps Server features, like Basic or Azure Test Plans up to your total entitlements across Visual Studio subscription purchases, Azure DevOps Server CALs, and paid users in Azure DevOps.</p>
<p>Based on these numbers, pay for Basic users in your organization.</p>
<p>Free users arenРІ??t licensed to use Azure DevOps Server, so add 5 additional Basic users who arenРІ??t going to use your server, to ensure everyone else has paid monthly access.</p>
<p>Users are invited to your organization, but you're not required to use Azure DevOps.</p>
<p>Azure DevOps Server doesn't detect what happens in Azure DevOps Services. Make sure to add these users to Azure DevOps Server and assign them the Basic access level.</p>
<p>If you stop paying for these users within your organization, your administrator should remove the users from Azure DevOps Server or buy Azure DevOps Server CALs for them.</p>
<h2>Buy monthly access to Azure Test Plans</h2>
<p>Sign up for an organization, if you don't have one already.</p>
<p>Based on the amount of users who need Azure Test Plans access in Azure DevOps Server, pay for Basic + Test Plan users in your organization.</p>
<p>These users are invited to your organization, but aren't required to use Azure DevOps Services. By assigning Basic + Test Plans or Microsoft Test Manager within your organization, your users can also run Visual Studio Test Professional 2015 or 2017.</p>
<p>These users must sign in to Visual Studio Test Professional with the same credentials that they used to join your organization.</p>
<p>As the Azure DevOps Server administrator, add these same users. Give them Basic + Test Plans access so they can use Azure Test Plans.</p>
<p>Test Plans installs automatically in Azure DevOps Server.</p>
<p>Sign up for an organization, if you don't have one already.</p>
<p>Based on the amount of users who need Azure Test Plans access in Azure DevOps Server, buy paid access.</p>
<p>Test Plans installs automatically in Azure DevOps Server.</p>
<p>Add users to your organization. Assign them Basic + Test Plans access so you can track these users.</p>
<p>As the Azure DevOps Server administrator, add these same users. Give them Advanced access so they can use Azure Test Plans.</p>
<p>Azure DevOps Server doesn't detect what happens in Azure DevOps Services.</p>
<p>If you stop paying for these users, your administrator should remove those users from Azure DevOps Server.</p>
<h3>Q: Why should I pay via Azure DevOps Services for my Azure DevOps Server users?</h3>
<p>A: You get many benefits, for example:</p>
<li>Paying via Azure DevOps Services gives your users the flexibility to access both Azure DevOps Server and Azure DevOps Services for the same price.</li>
<li>You can pay monthly for users who need temporary access.</li>
<li>You get all the purchasing capabilities that Azure offers like payment via credit card, through a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partner, through the Enterprise Agreement, and more.</li>
<h2& gt;Azure devops server pricing</h2>

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Azure devops server pricing <a href="">To day news</a> Azure devops server pricing
<h4>Azure devops server pricing</h4>
Steps for how to buy monthly access to Azure DevOps Server or Azure Test Plans
<h5>Azure devops server pricing</h5>
Azure devops server pricing <a href="">Azure devops server pricing</a> Azure devops server pricing
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops server pricing</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops server pricing</a> Azure devops server pricing
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MurfreesboroDox2021-05-20 04:08:04 Cituoti
Vsts variables - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Vsts variables</h1>
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Vsts variables <a href="">Latest breaking news</a> Vsts variables
&l t;h2>Visual Studio Team Services : Variables</h2>
<p>When setting up build definitions on VSTS, the various steps take use of variables for identifying folder locations on the Build Agent. These can be a bit confusing and hence here I provide some overview for easy reference.</p>
<p>The way to utilize the variables in the steps are using this syntax: <strong>$(variable) <br /></strong>Reference: <em> build/define/variables</em></p>
<p ><strong>Agent.HomeDirectory</strong&g t;</p>
<p>The directory the agent is installed into. This contains the agent software. For example: c:\agent\</p>
<p><strong>Agent. WorkFolder</strong></p>
<p>The working directory for this agent. For example: c:\agent\_work</p>
<p><strong>A gent.BuildDirectory</strong></p>
< p>The local path on the agent where all folders for a given build definition are created. For example: c:\agent\_work\1</p>
<p><strong> ;Build.SourcesDirectory / Build.Repository.LocalPath / System.DefaultWorkingDirectory <br /></strong></p>
<p>The local path on the agent where your source code files are downloaded. For example: c:\agent\_work\1\s .</p>
<p>By default, new build definitions update only the changed files. You can modify how files are downloaded on the Repository tab.</p>
<p><strong>build.artif actstagingdirectory / Build.StagingDirectory <br /></strong></p>
<p>The local path on the agent where any artifacts are copied to before being pushed to their destination. For example: c:\agent\_work\1\a .</p>
<p>A typical way to use this folder is to publish your build artifacts with the Copy files and Publish build artifacts steps.</p>
<p><strong>Note:< /strong> This directory is purged before each new build, so you don?t have to clean it up yourself.</p>
<p><strong>Common .TestResultsDirectory</strong></p>
&l t;p>The local path on the agent where the test results are created. For example: c:\agent\_work\1\TestResults</p>
<h2> Vsts variables</h2>

<h3>Vsts variables</h3>
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Vsts variables <a href="">Newspaper headlines</a> Vsts variables
<h4>Vsts variables</h4>
Visual Studio Team Services : Variables When setting up build definitions on VSTS, the various steps take use of variables for identifying folder locations on the Build Agent. These can be a bit confusing and hence here I provide some overview for easy reference. The way to utilize the variables in the steps are using&hellip;
<h5>Vsts variables</h5>
Vsts variables <a href="">Vsts variables</a> Vsts variables
SOURCE: <h6>Vsts variables</h6> <a href="">Vsts variables</a> Vsts variables
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MINNESOTADox2021-05-20 04:07:47 Cituoti
Jira vsts - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Jira vsts</h1>
Jir a vsts <a href="">Today news live</a> Jira vsts
<h1>TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) to-and-from JIRA issues synchronization </h1>
<p& gt;After you've set up a synchronization profile, you should see the results of <strong>TF4JIRA</strong> <strong>Synchronizer</strong> component working as TFS work items modifications that reflect corresponding Jira issues updates and vice versa. <strong>TFS4JIRA</strong> <strong>Synchronizer</strong> works according to the algorithm specified below.</p>
<h3><strong>Synchron ization process</strong></h3>
<p>For every Jira issue, that has been modified since last successful synchronization run:</p>
<p>if the Jira issue isn't yet paired with any TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item</p>
<li>create a new TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item</li>
<li>copy values of the fields for which mappings are configured from the issue to the work item</li>
<li>pair the issue with newly created work item</li>
<p>i f the Jira issue is already paired with some TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item</p>
<p>copy values of the fields for which mappings are configured from the issue to the work item</p>
<p>Analogical steps are applied for every TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item, that has been modified since last run.</p>
<p>Please refer to the next section to find out how pairing Jira issues with TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work items is performed.</p>
<p>In case of a potential conflict (when both linked Jira issue and TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item has been modified since last run) most recently modified item values are propagated.</p>
<h3><strong>How are issues and work items being paired?</strong></h3>
<p>Jira issue and TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item pairing is being processed as follows:</p>
<li>Jira issue custom field (selected in profile configuration as <em>TFS Custom Field Name</em>) value is set to TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item id</li>
<li>If <em>Store Jira Issue Key in</em><em>History</em> profile option is not checked, TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item custom field (selected in profile configuration as <em>Jira Custom Field Name</em> ) value is set to Jira issue key. If <em>Store Jira Issue Key in</em><em>History</em> option is checked, special comment containing Jira issue key is being added to TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item</li>
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<h4>Jira vsts</h4>
After you've set up a synchronization profile, you should see the results of TF4JIRA Synchronizer component working as TFS work items modifications that reflect corresponding Jira issues updates and vice versa. TFS4JIRA Synchronizer works according to the algorithm specified below.
<h5>Jira vsts</h5>
Jira vsts <a href="">Jira vsts</a> Jira vsts
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IrvineDox2021-05-20 04:06:59 Cituoti
Accenture devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Accenture devops</h1>
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<h3> Grow your team on GitHub</h3>
<p>GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together. Join them to grow your own development teams, manage permissions, and collaborate on projects.</p>
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<p>Python library for Representation Learning on Knowledge Graphs</p>
<h2>R epositories</h2>
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GARYDox2021-05-20 04:06:37 Cituoti
File transform azure devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>File transform azure devops</h1>
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<h1>Ingest, prepare, and transform using Azure Databricks and Data Factory</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/shared/social/round/facebook.p ng" /> <img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/shared/social/round/ g" /> <img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/shared/social/round/linkedin.p ng" /></p>
<p>Posted on 2 April, 2018</p>
<p>Today?s business managers depend heavily on reliable data integration systems that run complex ETL/ELT workflows (extract, transform/load and load/transform data). These workflows allow businesses to ingest data in various forms and shapes from different on-prem/cloud data sources; transform/shape the data and gain actionable insights into data to make important business decisions.</p>
<p>With the general availability of Azure Databricks comes support for doing ETL/ELT with Azure Data Factory.</p>
<p>This integration allows you to operationalize ETL/ELT workflows (including analytics workloads in Azure Databricks) using data factory pipelines that do the following:</p>
<li>Ingest data at scale using 70+ on-prem/cloud data sources</li>
<li>Prepare and transform (clean, sort, merge, join, etc.) the ingested data in Azure Databricks as a Notebook activity step in data factory pipelines</li>
<li>Monitor and manage your E2E workflow</li>
< p style="clear: both"><img src=" andler/acomblog/media/Default/blog/29515ffa-a917-4 ebb-b326-f6655cab3bda.png" /></p>
<p>Take a look at a sample data factory pipeline where we are ingesting data from Amazon S3 to Azure Blob, processing the ingested data using a Notebook running in Azure Databricks and moving the processed data in Azure SQL Datawarehouse.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" andler/acomblog/media/Default/blog/59dffc8c-ffee-4 198-a5d0-a056c93fb19f.png" /></p>
<p>You can parameterize the entire workflow (folder name, file name, etc.) using rich expression support and operationalize by defining a trigger in data factory.</p>
<h2>Get started today!</h2>
<p>We are excited for you to try Azure Databricks and Azure Data Factory integration and let us know your feedback.</p>
<p>Get started by clicking the <strong>Author & Monitor</strong> tile in your provisioned v2 data factory blade.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" andler/acomblog/media/Default/blog/4f457049-78f6-4 aa9-a866-163db29b4ce9.png" /></p>
<p>Click on the Transform data with Azure Databricks tutorial and learn step by step how to operationalize your ETL/ELT workloads including analytics workloads in Azure Databricks using Azure Data Factory.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" andler/acomblog/media/Default/blog/6679559a-6e3d-4 59f-b447-e780b75e5929.png" /></p>
<p>We are continuously working to add new features based on customer feedback. Get more information and detailed steps for using the Azure Databricks and Data Factory integration.</p>
<p>Get started building pipelines easily and quickly using Azure Data Factory. If you have any feature requests or want to provide feedback, please visit the Azure Data Factory forum.</p>
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<li>See where we?re heading. Take a look at upcoming changes to Azure products</li>
Let us know what you think of Azure and what you would like to see in the future</p>
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<h4>File transform azure devops</h4>
Azure Databricks general availability was announced on March 22, 2018. Now Azure Databricks is fully integrated with Azure Data Factory (ADF).
<h5>File transform azure devops</h5>
File transform azure devops <a href="">File transform azure devops</a> File transform azure devops
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AbileneDox2021-05-20 04:06:06 Cituoti
Devops pull request - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Devops pull request</h1>
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<h1>Devops pull request</h1>
<p>GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.</p>
<h3>GitHub is where the world builds software</h3>
<p>Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub ? the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.</p>
<p>Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.</p>
<p>Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more.</p>
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<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
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< p>Failed to load latest commit information.</p>
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<p>Azure DevOps Pull Request Manager Hub</h1></p>
<p>Please report any feedback/issue here:</p>
<p>Manage your Pull Requests of all your projects and repositories at a single place without having to switch between each repository. Track its status and what's most important to focus on your code review process.</p>
<p>These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.</p>
<p>Please make sure you have the following tools installed to proceed</p>
<p>First step is to clone this repo locally on your workspace and then:</p>
<p>These above commands will trigger the compilation and will start a new browser instance pointing to https://localhost:3000/</p>
<p>Develo ping and Testing</h3></p>
<p>The extension supports two modes: DEV and Public. DEV Mode is meant for debugging also to be installed and to run over the https://localhost:3000/. Please follow the below commands to generate the extension for each mode.</p>
<li>Run npm run package-dev and upload the package as a private extension to your Azure DevOps publisher account</li>
<b lockquote><p>Note: You may need to add a directory called build to the project root when running the script. The output of the package-dev script is there.</p></blockquote>
<li>Be sure to update the manifest.json to use your publisher's ID before running the script.</li>
<li>Install the private extension on your Azure DevOps oragnization and test your changes.</li>
<p>Public Mode (Production)</p>
<li>Visual Studio Code - IDE</li>
<li>Git - Repository</li>
<li>NodeJS - Local server</li>
<li>TypeScript - Language</li>
<li>ReactJS - Web framework</li>
<p>Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.</p>
<p>We use SemVer for versioning.</p>
<li><strong>Carlos Alessandro Ribeiro</strong> - cribeiro84</li>
<p>See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.</p>
<p>This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details</p>
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Azure DevOps Pull Request Manager Hub. Contribute to cribeiro84/azure-devops-pull-request-hub development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Planosr2021-05-20 04:05:50 Cituoti
Devops for ai - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Devops for ai</h1>

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<h1>Using AI In DevOps ? Some Use Cases</h1>
<p>DevOps isn?t a new idea; IT teams the world over have adopted its principles for years now. However, given the speed at which processes, technologies and tools are evolving, it?s becoming increasingly difficult to cope with effectively implementing DevOps principles. Besides, businesses are ramping up the pressure on their IT teams, demanding more continuity in integration and delivery ? at the click of a button.</p>
<p>As CI/CD at scale in real-time becomes increasingly harder to achieve, the best solution to keep pace is Data Science. Here are some use cases where the addition of Machine LEarning t othe mikx will help the DevOps cause immensely.</p>
<p><b>Track application delivery</b> <br />Activity data from DevOps tools (such as JIRA, Git, Jenkins, SonarQube, Puppet, Ansible, etc.) provides visibility into the complete application delivery process. You can use machine learning to uncover anomalies in that data ? large code volumes, long build times, slow release rates, late code check-ins ? to discover many of the ?wastes? of the software development .</p>
<p><b>Review software testing efficiency</b> <br />Machine Learning can check QA results and identify novel errors by analyzing the output from testing tools. For example, ML algorithms can provide information on common or typical defects, and malfunction predictions or patterns.</p>
<p><b>Secure application delivery</b> <br />You can apply Machine Learning to analyze the user behaviour of the DevOps team and identify anomalies that may represent harmful activities.</p>
<p><b>Automatio n</b> <br />The ultimate goal of DevOps is complete automation across the project lifecycle. While complete automation is a distant reality for now, we can strive to automate as much as possible, and not just within a single phase or tool.</p>
<p>We use AI to remove data silos within the toolchain, which creates a conducive environment to automate analysis, log and metric data. Eg. correlation of all relevant data within a toolchain. The benefits of automation include greater speed, more accurate root cause analysis and predictive insights that are gained from the entire toolchain, rather than just one individual tool or datasource.</p>
<p><strong>Incr eased Collaboration</strong> <br />Collaboration is a cornerstone (and an important one, at that) of the DevOps paradigm. It is crucial for there to be a free flow of information regarding the best way to run applications and systems, between the IT, engineering and operations teams. This in turn means seamless communication and collaboration.</p>
<p>We can use AI for collaboration within a DevOps team by providing a single view to all project stakeholders, from which relevant toolchain data can be accessed. AI also captures knowledge as it is generated, about how systems and applications should run. ML algorithms then display this knowledge at the times they are needed, for eg. when alerts or anomalies are detected.</p>
<p><b>Software documentation</b> <br />Documentation is difficult to maintain and must be continually updated. AI could also play a huge role in software documentation. The same kind of natural language processing used by Google to automate news writing could be used to document feature change lists, API technical details and processes used by DevOps teams.</p>
<p><b>Pattern discovery</b> <br />Pattern discovery in logs provides a highly effective and automated way of discovering new knowledge in logs and thus making ultimately boring and routine logs into actions. For example, a log file might be discovered to contain a repeating pattern of connections from a seemingly diverse set of source IP addresses. When presented, this pattern might be interpreted as a new exploitation tools, covertly tried on a company network. It can then lead to a set of actions by a security team and even community at large.</p>
<p><b>Analysis of trends and summary</b> <br />Summaries and trends are a common result of log analysis. A long log file might be summarized into a brief ?Top 10 Attacks? or ?Top Suspicious IP Addresses? or an infinite number of other useful summaries. Often, such summary view will prompt an action. For example, it might become obvious from a ?Top Bandwidth Users? report that the top three users in the company utilize 90% of available bandwidth.</p>
<p>This can quickly lead to a disciplinary action, especially if such bandwidth is used to share files on P2P or to download non-work related materials. Similarly, an observation of a router CPU utilization log over a long period of time might reveal periods of unusually high activity, leading to an investigation possibly discovering attacker communication with a compromised system.</p>
<p>AI in DevOps is a new and exciting application of Data Science, and one that we?re actively tracking. Stay tuned to our blog for more!</p>
<h2>Devops for ai</h2>

<h3>Devops for ai</h3>

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<h4>Devops for ai</h4>
Using AI In DevOps ? Some Use Cases DevOps isn?t a new idea; IT teams the world over have adopted its principles for years now. However, given the speed at which processes, technologies and tools
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KnoxvilleDox2021-05-20 04:05:42 Cituoti
Devops google cloud - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Devops google cloud</h1>
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<h1>Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional DevOps Exam ? Study Resources</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" tent/uploads/2020/09/Devops-exam.jpg" /></p>
<h3>Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional DevOps Exam ? Study Resources</h3>
<p><strong>This is one of the numerous posts by TechCommanders in a series for studying for the Google Cloud Professional DevOps Exam</strong></p>
<p>DevOps is an ever in demand skillset that companies and government entities are now clearly in need of.</p>
<p>Passing the Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer exam will distinguish you as a leader in this constantly evolving area of development.</p>
<p>Before discussing my insight into the exam guide here is the official blurb from Google Cloud about what a Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer is about. Ill will follow up with my thoughts about the exam after the following.</p>
<li>They are skilled at using Google Cloud Platform to build software delivery pipelines, deploy and monitor services, and manage and learn from incidents.</li>
<li>The DevOps Engineer exam is not just about DevOps, it?s about how Google looks at DevOps. What this means is that Google takes a very analytical approach to deploying applications. You will need to know the Google way which incorporates Site Recovery Engineering Aspects. This I can assure will challenge you on the exam if you have not read the Google SRE Workbook for example.</li>
< p><strong>Prospective Organizations that would benefit from the exam.</strong></p>
<p>From an organization perspective I would also add that enterprise focused organizations would also gain value from the certification.</p>
<li>IT Vendors</li>
<li>Solutions Integrators</li>
<li>Enterprise Development Organizations</li>
<li>Consulting Organizations</li>

<p><strong>Why should you take this challenging Exam?</strong></p>
<p>I lay out four reasons to consider this exam over other industry DevOps and Cloud certifications.</p>
<li>First reason is the exam will validate your knowledgeable in not only DevOps, but also Site Recovery Engineering, Kubernetes and Google Cloud Services.</li>
<li>DevOps and Kubernetes are ever expanding areas when it comes to demand for certified professionals. Passing this exam will clearly demonstrate you have the knowledge.</li>
<li>Google Cloud is an ever-expanding area as well and having a Google Cloud certification can provide value to your career. This especially true when a significant amount of your competition likely has AWS or Azure already. AWS and Azure certification holders? numbers are much greater than Google Cloud. Distinguishing yourself is very important now adays and obtaining a Google Cloud Certification is one way to do this.</li>
<li>The job market for IT professionals has been clearly documented to be shrinking and the pool of qualified professionals is expanding. Obtaining this career changing certification could very well be the difference between working or not working.</li>
< p>Please note that these references below I was able to use in preparation for the exam from sources both affiliated with my company TechCommanders, LLC and other sources that are not affiliated.</p>
<p>Reference links are provided, and I always encourage readers and students to provide additional resources that they feel are helpful.</p>
<p>Satish V has an extensive and very well maintained Github repository of resources specifically for the DevOps Exam.</p>
<p>Qwiklabs has a pre-packaged lab that you can use to prepare for the exam. There is a cost unless you can find a coupon code from Qwiklabs. Check out the Qwiklabs LinkedIn page for discounts or free coupon codes.</p>
<p>Faun Medium Post by Joe Holbrook ? The post was the first to market on the DevOps exam.</p>
<p>The Art of SLOS by Google. This Site create by Google is a must read to understand how Google looks at how Google measures service reliability.</p>
<p>SRE vs. DevOps: competing standards or close friends?</p>
<p>Techcommanders Course ? Google Cloud DevOps</p>
<p>TechCommanders Course ? Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine ? The Basics</p>
<p><strong>Resources </strong> <strong>Containers at Google</strong></p>
&l t;p><strong>Google Container Story</strong> <strong>Kubernetes Tutorial</strong> sics/</p>
<p><strong>GCLOUD References</strong> <strong>Gcloud Reference</strong></p>
&l t;p><strong>IaaC Resources</strong> <strong>Cloud Deployment Manager</strong></p >
<p><strong>GCP IAM And Security</strong> <strong>GCP Cloud Security Whitepaper</strong> per</p>
<p><strong>Networking in GCP</strong> <strong>Load Balancing Options in GCP</strong> balancing-overview</p>
<p><strong& gt;Cool Related Resources</strong> <strong>GCPING</strong> <strong>GCP ICON Library</strong></p>
<p&g t;<strong>Project Calico</strong> <strong>Pricing Calculator</strong></p >
<p><strong>GCP Focused Blog Posts</strong></p>
<p><s trong>GCP Professional DevOps Engineer All in One Guide</strong></p>
<p><stron g>GCP Flowcharts a DAY</strong></p>
<p>I wish you much success on your career and of course on passing the GCP Exam!</p>
<h2>Devops google cloud</h2>

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<h4>Devops google cloud</h4>
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional DevOps Exam ? Study Resources Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional DevOps Exam ? Study Resources This is one of the numerous posts by
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Devops google cloud <a href="">Devops google cloud</a> Devops google cloud
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TemeculaDox2021-05-20 04:05:11 Cituoti
Appdynamics devops - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Appdynamics devops</h1>
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<h1>How SAS is Using AppDynamics to Maintain a DevOps Environment</h1>
<h3>Application Performance Monitoring (APM) solutions are typically associated with optimizaiton for applications. However, as SAS Principal Systems Engineer Peter Anderson explained, APMs can foster a strong DevOps cluture.</h3>
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<p>DevOps is a movement fusing development and operations, and communication between devs and IT ops professionals. At the same time, software development should remain automated. Many major tech companies have adopted the tenants of DevOps, including analytics company SAS. Maintaining a DevOps environment means adopting tools and practices to foster such relationships.</p>
<p>Peter Anderson, Principal Information Systems Engineer at SAS, explored the overlap of DevOps and performance at the inaugural AppDynamics Meet Up on Feb. 25, 2016. ?To support a DevOps culture you need to have tools for continuous delivery and application performance monitoring,? Anderson explained, in a talk given on SAS?s Cary, NC campus. Since deploying AppDynamics? APM platform, SAS has used the unified monitoring solution to great benefit.</p>
<blockquote><p>?Ad opting DevOps culture and tools can maximize the effectiveness of your time? -- Peter Anderson</p></blockquote>
<p>Th e flowmap presented for their ecommerce store clearly exhibited the power of the AppDynamics platform. It included an auto-generated flowmap, which stayed updated with application changes. Agile development, another key concept in the dev world, means that many systems are distributed, and constantly changing. By having an auto-generated flowmap, app changes are accounted for automatically. This, Anderson stated, was a huge plus for SAS.</p>
<p>?The first time I used a flowmap to solve a problem,? Anderson elucidated, ?I was with the developer and we were deploying a second environment for a second application that was under development. The developer called me, and I think it was a Friday afternoon, everything breaks on a Friday afternoon.? Unfortunately, the wrong data was being displayed in the user interface (UI). Anderson and the dev ran down the list of standard checks: data source definitions, external property files, etc. The pair opted to try this new tool, AppDynamics, that had just been deployed. ?Let?s check out this AppDynamics, maybe it can reveal some information we?re missing.? Once they?d pulled up the flowmap, it was soon apparent that the application was unfortunately talking to the wrong database. The developer was then able to diagnose and correct the problem.</p>
<p>AppDynamics has further helped quality assurance, Anderson allowed. A core global production app had a significant data load that was scheduled for weekend maintenance, and estimated to complete in 36 hours. The test environment yielded the potential for improved database queries. Developers were thus able to tune these queries, and go one step further: offering a concrete business impact using AppDynamics. Performance improvements during testing chipped five hours off of the expected data load completion time, with little to no impact on users.</p>
<p>Ever since the digital transformation hit, business has evolved to the point where every company is a software company. Regardless of whether a business produces software, or simply uses various tools, there?s an emphasis on IT and software development. The fusion of operations and development is DevOps. Monitoring is essential for maintaining a DevLosp environment, with the notions of collaboration, testing, reliability, and communication. Transparency hugely helps, and that?s where SAS is applying the AppDynamics platform: for optimizing DevOps culture. While APM solutions like AppDynamics might be associated more commonly with application optimization, as Anderson detailed, monitoring platforms are also crucial for allowing and encouraging a DevOps workplace.</p>
<h2>Appdynamics devops</h2>

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<h4>Appdynamics devops</h4>
How SAS is Using AppDynamics to Maintain a DevOps Environment Application Performance Monitoring (APM) solutions are typically associated with optimizaiton for applications. However, as SAS
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ChrisDox2021-05-20 04:04:58 Cituoti
Devops toolchain - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Devops toolchain</h1>
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Devops toolchain <a href="">Today' s big news</a> Devops toolchain
<h1>Why You Need a DevOps Toolchain <Infographic></h1>
<h3>To maximize the potential afforded by DevOps, businesses need to define the entire lifecycle of activities and tools that support the innovation process. Check out this infographic to see why a toolchain is a necessity.</h3>
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<p>To meet the demands of the modern customer, you must be prepared to deliver products and services faster and better than your competitors. This lofty challenge has driven the expansion of DevOps in recent years from niche to mainstream practices, and it?s not difficult to understand why. Compared with traditional IT, companies that embody DevOps see 60 times fewer failures and recover from failures 168 times faster. For example, a failure that would regularly take 24 total hours to fix would take 8 minutes and 31 seconds flat. These same organizations also deploy 30 times more frequently, and with 200 times shorter lead times, according to a recent report from Puppet.</p>
<p>But it?s not enough to simply implement DevOps methods and expect to reap the benefits. In fact, Gartner has predicted that by 2018, at least 50% of organizations currently using traditional DevOps principles will <em>not</em> be delivering the benefits promised in their original business case. Perhaps these organizations failed to establish a more defined and integrated succession of events for continuous build, delivery, and deployment.</p>
<p>This is where the DevOps toolchain comes in. To maximize the potential afforded by DevOps, businesses need to define the entire lifecycle of activities and tools that support the innovation process. A well-implemented DevOps toolchain orchestrates enhanced collaborative development across an entire IT organization - and beyond - by automating communication across systems and processes. This requires more efficient and effective handoffs between teams, so that they can operate with more velocity without compromising quality and uptime.</p>
<p>A fully-enabled DevOps toolchain allows organizations to focus on <em>an integrated system and culture,</em> rather than specific tools, by unifying components used by disparate teams. The people element gets developers, ops, and executives involved and on the same page. The DevOps toolchain fills in the gaps within the ecosystem to enable IT agility and faster service delivery. Check out the following infographic on why you <em>need</em> a DevOps toolchain.</p>
<h2>Devops toolchain</h2>

<h3>Devops toolchain</h3>
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Devops toolchain <a href="">The news</a> Devops toolchain
<h4>Devops toolchain</h4>
Why You Need a DevOps Toolchain <Infographic> To maximize the potential afforded by DevOps, businesses need to define the entire lifecycle of activities and tools that support the innovation
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Devops toolchain <a href="">Devops toolchain</a> Devops toolchain
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Atkrintamųjų viltis išsaugojęs "Nevėžis" nutraukė "Neptūno" pergalių seriją
Atkrintamųjų viltis išsaugojęs "Nevėžis" nutraukė "Neptūno" pergalių seriją
Lietuvos krepšinio lygoje („Betsafe-LKL“) intrigos nepašykštėjo mūšis pajūryje. Klaipėdos „Neptūnas“ (14-13) savo arenoje 79:92 (26:24,
Po lenta dominavusio Valančiūno komandai atkrintamųjų starte pritrūko vieno metimo
Po lenta dominavusio Valančiūno komandai atkrintamųjų starte pritrūko vieno metimo
Vienintelė NBA atkrintamosiose varžybose dalyvaujanti „lietuviška“ ekipa savo pirmo etapo seriją pradėjo atkakliu, bet nesėkmingai pasibaigusiu mūšiu favoritų teritorijoje
 Naudingiausiu NBA krepšininku šeštus metus iš eilės taps ne amerikietis
Naudingiausiu NBA krepšininku šeštus metus iš eilės taps ne amerikietis
NBA lyga paskelbė po tris pretendentus į asmeninius reguliaraus sezono apdovanojimus, rašo Krepš žaidėju pretenduoja tapti Denverio „Nuggets“ serbas Nikola
"Juventus" suspendavo savo naudingiausią žaidėją
"Juventus" suspendavo savo naudingiausią žaidėją
Balandį dar nė sykio ant parketo neišbėgęs Utenos „Juventus“ legionierius iš Kroatijos Ivanas Vranešas daugiau komandoje gali ir nebepasirodyti, rašo Krepšų
NBA atkrintamosiose varžybose – favoritų diktatas ir Lillardo fenomenas
NBA atkrintamosiose varžybose – favoritų diktatas ir Lillardo fenomenas
NBA atkrintamosios varžybos kol kas šykšti staigmenų – pergalėmis startavo ir aukščiau už savo varžovus reitinguotos Milvokio „Bucks“, Los Andželo „Clippers“
Po lengvo pasivaikščiojimo Trinchieri vardijo, ko nori iš naujoko, o Šeškus baisėjosi: man gėda
Po lengvo pasivaikščiojimo Trinchieri vardijo, ko nori iš naujoko, o Šeškus baisėjosi: man gėda
LKL reguliariojo sezono nugalėtojų vardo link užtikrintai artėjantys Kauno „Žalgirio“ (23-3) krepšininkai sekmadienį net namuose 101:57 nepasigailėjo Jonavos „CBet“
Naujoko debiuto sulaukęs "Žalgiris" rekordiniu skirtumu nušlavė jonaviečius
Naujoko debiuto sulaukęs "Žalgiris" rekordiniu skirtumu nušlavė jonaviečius
Kauno „Žalgiris“ (23-3) labai lengvai papildė pergalių sąskaitą Lietuvos krepšinio lygoje („Betsafe-LKL“) ir namuose 101:57 (30:15, 21:10, 26:13, 24:19) sutrypė Jonavos
Urbonas uteniškiams užkūrė pirtį, bet "Šiauliai" krito paskutinę minutę
Urbonas uteniškiams užkūrė pirtį, bet "Šiauliai" krito paskutinę minutę
Žydrūnas Urbonas stojo į kovą su klubu, kuriame praleido keliolika metų, tačiau puikiai pažįstama aplinka jo komandai svarbios pergalės neatnešė.Oliverio Kostičiaus treniruojama Utenos
Dominavęs "Rytas" privertė Mažeikių klubą kristi trečiąsyk paeiliui
Dominavęs "Rytas" privertė Mažeikių klubą kristi trečiąsyk paeiliui
Vilniaus „Ryto“ (22-5) komandai neprireikė pilnos sudėties, kad įveiktų Mažeikių „M Basket-Delamode“ (11-16) ekipą.Lietuvos krepšinio lygos („Betsafe-LKL“)
Po krepšiais karaliavęi "Cavaliers" užtikrintai pradėjo atkrintamąsias
Po krepšiais karaliavęi "Cavaliers" užtikrintai pradėjo atkrintamąsias
NBA atkrintamosios varžybos prasidėjo Klivlando „Cavaliers“ pergale, kuri namuose 97:83 (33:26, 15:20, 17:20, 24:25) įveikė Orlando „Magic“ ir serijoje iki keturių pergalių
Žalgiriečių Eurolygos epizodų dešimtuke – Hayeso dominavimas
Žalgiriečių Eurolygos epizodų dešimtuke – Hayeso dominavimas
Praėjusią savaitę stipriausiame Senojo žemyno klubiniame krepšinio turnyre kovas baigę Kauno „Žalgirio“ krepšininkai šį sezoną pažymėjo gausybe efektingų epizodų.„Žalgiris
Sabonio perimtas iš Valančiūno kamuolys bei dėjimas – tarp įspūdingiausių momentų
Sabonio perimtas iš Valančiūno kamuolys bei dėjimas – tarp įspūdingiausių momentų
Nacionalinė krepšinio asociacija (NBA) paskelbė balandžio 19 dieną vykusių įkrintamųjų varžybų gražiausių epizodų penketuką.Į jį pateko ir Lietuvos rinktinės bokštai.Trečią
Sabonio sezonas – baigtas: kelionę link NBA žiedų pratęs tautietį pranokęs Valančiūnas
Sabonio sezonas – baigtas: kelionę link NBA žiedų pratęs tautietį pranokęs Valančiūnas
Naktį iš penktadienio į šeštadienį Naujajame Orleane vykusiose lemiamose NBA įkrintamųjų rungtynėse vietos „Pelicans“ krepšininkai 105:98 (22:24, 32:21, 29:22,
"Heat" ir vėl aplaužė ragus "Buliams" bei įšoko į atkrintamąsias
"Heat" ir vėl aplaužė ragus "Buliams" bei įšoko į atkrintamąsias
Paskutiniais šių metų NBA Rytų konferencijos atkrintamųjų dalyviais tapo praėjusių metų lygos finalininkai Majamio „Heat“ krepšininkai, rašo Krepš
Štreimikytė-Virbickienė: krepšinis tapo pirma meile, kuri nerūdija (interviu)
Štreimikytė-Virbickienė: krepšinis tapo pirma meile, kuri nerūdija (interviu)
Viena žinomiausių ir tituluočiausių Lietuvos krepšininkių – Jurgita Štreimikytė-Virbickienė – turėjo įspūdingą karjerą. Puolėja yra viena iš dviejų Lietuvos
Į Lietuvą jau atvykęs "Žalgirio" naujokas paaiškino, kuo gali padėti kauniečiams
Į Lietuvą jau atvykęs "Žalgirio" naujokas paaiškino, kuo gali padėti kauniečiams
Kauno „Žalgirio“ gretas ketvirtadienį oficialiai papildęs 28-erių metų 203 cm ūgio Demetre Riversas jau penktadienio popietę pasiekė Lietuvą.Su antra puse ir šuniu į Vilniaus
Sedekerskis ir "Baskonia" pačiupo paskutinį Eurolygos atkrintamujų bilietą
Sedekerskis ir "Baskonia" pačiupo paskutinį Eurolygos atkrintamujų bilietą
Penktadienį nuaidėjo pirmųjų istorijoje Eurolygos įkrintamųjų paskutinis mačas, po kurio paaiškėjo paskutinė į atkrintamąsias įšokusi komanda. Paskutinį bilietą sugriebė Tadas
Lemtinga Lietuvos bokštų kaktomuša: ar ji taps paskutine Valančiūno giesme „Pelikanuose“?
Lemtinga Lietuvos bokštų kaktomuša: ar ji taps paskutine Valančiūno giesme „Pelikanuose“?
Naktį iš penktadienio į šeštadienį Naujajame Orleane vyksiančiose lemiamose NBA įkrintamųjų rungtynėse tarp vietos „Pelicans“ ir Sakramento „Kings“
Mažeikiškio Antetokounmpo pokalbiai su teisėju, treneriu ir komandos draugais
Mažeikiškio Antetokounmpo pokalbiai su teisėju, treneriu ir komandos draugais
„Betsafe-LKL TV“ dėmesio sulaukė Mažeikių „M Basket Delamode“ žaidėjas Alexas Antetokounmpo.Jauniausias iš brolių Antetokounmpo, rungtynių metu naudojo sportininkams
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalių mūšių datas
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalių mūšių datas
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalio etapo tvarkaraštį, kuriame aiškūs visi rungtynių laikai, jeigu porose užtektų keturių mačų, rašo Krepš netrūks
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos (LKF) būstinėje ketvirtadienį susirinkę šalies jaunimo rinktinių treneriai pristatė savo pasirengimo ateinančios vasaros pirmenybėms planus ir pasidalino
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
Lietuvos moterų krepšinio žvaigždė Justė Jocytė ateinantį sezoną gali pradėti naujoje komandoje, praneša Prancūzijos žiniasklaida.Skelbiama, kad Vilerbano ASVEL mažins biudžetus
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Paulius Murauskas nusprendė pakeisti universitetą po neitin sėkmingo pirmojo sezono NCAA. 20-metis antrąjį sezoną suvienys jėgas su Augustu Marčiulioniu, rašo Krepš Murauskas
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Ketvirtadienio vakarą Vilniaus „Rytas“, minėdamas 15-ąsias triumfo Europos taurėje metines, LKL rungtynių su Šiaulių „Šiauliais“ ilgosios pertraukos metu savo
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Traumų išretintą Kauno „Žalgirio“ puolėjų liniją netrukus papildys naujokas. Lietuvos čempionų klubas iki sezono pabaigos pasirašė sutartį su 203 cm ūgio amerikiečiu
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
Ketvirtadienį Lietuvos krepšinio federacijoje vyko susirinkimas, kuriame dalyvavo visų Lietuvos jaunimo rinktinių vyr. treneriai. Susirinkimo metu treneriai pristatė rinktinių pasiruošimo
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
38 pražangos ir penki jų limitą išnaudoję vienos komandos krepšininkai – Andrea Trinchieri teatrališkai tvirtino tokio atvejo per savo karjerą nepamenantis, užtat ilgai
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
Reguliariajame NBA sezone Rytuose 9-ą vietą užėmęs Čikagos „Bulls“ klubas namuose pergalingai pradėjo įkrintamąsias varžybas: 131:116 (40:22, 33:45, 37:25, 21:24) pranoko Atlantos

Vartotojo meniu
Krepšinio torentai (220) 10.22 16:33
Ką šiuo metu klausotės? (2364) 12.19 00:07
NBA 2014-2015 (1022) 01.08 18:51
EuroBasket 2015 (56) 01.09 07:15
Nauja versija (755) 11.17 15:45