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"Rockets" nenori paleisti D.Motiejūno į Brukliną - planuoja naują pasiūlymą

Autorius: Krepš

Hjustono „Rockets“ klubas nenori paleisti Donato Motiejūno. Nors klubo direktorius Darylas Morey pripažįsta, kad 25-erių lietuvis artimiausiu metu turi sulaukti Bruklino „Nets“ pasiūlymo pasirašyti kontraktą, jis užsimena, kad „Rockets“ savo ruožtu ketina pateikti savo variantą ir pranokti konkurentus.

Visgi to padaryti klubas negali, kol nežino, kokio solidumo pasiūlymo aukštaūgis sulauks iš „Nets“, rašo Krepš

Kaip ketvirtadienį paskelbė žurnalistas Adrianas Wojnarowski, ilgai niekur nežaidęs D. Motiejūnas netrukus gali sulaukti pasiūlymo iš Bruklino klubo, kuris turi pakankamai pinigų algų kepurėje.

„Rockets“ vadovas D. Morey patvirtino, kad D. Motiejūnas iš „Nets“ oficialaus pasiūlymo gali sulaukti jau penktadienį. Jei taip nutiks, Hjustono klubas turės lygiai tris paras, per kurias galės pateikti analogišką arba geresnį variantą . Jeigu „raketos“ to nepadarytų, D. Motiejūnas oficialiai taptų „Nets“ žaidėju ir „apriboto laisvojo agento istorija“ būtų baigta.

„Esame dideli Donato gerbėjai. Ir vis dar tikimės jį matyti komandoje. Tačiau kol nesužinosime, koks yra oficialus pasiūlymas, negalime numanyti, kokio dydžio sutartis tai bus“, – „Houston Chronicle“ cituoja D. Morey.

Kad D. Motiejūną norėtų matyti Hjustone, tikina ir klubo treneris Mike‘as D‘Antoni: „Tikrai tikimės, kad susitarti dar pavyks. Mums D. Motiejūnas patinka ir kaip žaidėjas, ir kaip žmogus. Tačiau turime pamatyti, koks tai bus pasiūlymas, o tada D. Morey priims sprendimą, kuris bus geriausias klubui“.

Visgi sprendimas priklausys nuo to, koks bus „Nets“ pasiūlymas. Kol kas žinios apie tai yra vien spekuliacijos, tačiau beveik neabejojama, kad lietuvis Brukline turėtų gauti garantuotą kontraktą bent dviems sezonams.

Abejotina ir tai, ar pats D. Motiejūnas norėtų pasilikti Hjustone. Visai neseniai jis atmetė „Rokcets“ pasiūlymą, kurio vertė siekė 7 milijonus JAV dolerių, tačiau garantuotas buvo tik vienas sezonas komandoje – kiekvienam čempionatui pasibaigus klubo vadovai būtų pasilikę teisę spręsti, ar lietuvį verta toliau laikyti ekipos sudėtyje.

Kad D. Motiejūno sveikatos būklė yra gera, patvirtino ESPN žurnalistas Marcas Steinas, antot kurio, „Nets“ klubas yra patenkintas lietuvio medicinine apžiūra.

Pažymėtina, kad „Nets“ su apribotais laisvaisiais agentais pastaruoju metu nesisekė. Bruklino ekipa vasarą susitarė su Allenu Crabbe dėl 75 mln. JAV dolerių vertės kontrakto, tačiau „Trail Blazers“ klubas šį pasiūlymą „permušė“ ir krepšininkas liko Portlande.

Panašiai „Nets“ vadovams ir derybininkams nutiko ir su Tyleriu Johnsonu. 50 mln. JAV dolerių sutarties pasiūlymą viršijo Majamio „Heat“ komanda.

NBA lygoje šiuo metu yra šešios komandos, turinčios laisvų pinigų ir galinčios pasiūlyti lietuviui naują kontraktą. Tai Denverio „Nuggets“, Filadelfijos Sixers“, Minesotos „Timberwolves“, Jutos „Jazz“, Fynikso „Suns“ ir minėta „Nets“.

Visgi, nepaisant visų teorinių pasiūlymų, paskutinis ėjimas šioje situacijoje turėtų priklausyti Hjustonui, kuriam vis dar priklauso apribotas laisvasis agentas D-Mo.

INSURDox2021-05-20 02:37:52 Cituoti
Lpic devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Lpic devops</h1>
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<h1>Become a certified<br />DevOps professional</h1>
<p>Gain accredited DevOps Tool Engineer certification with LPI</p>
<h2>Boost your career with certified DevOps skills</h2>
<p>The <b>Linux Professional Institute DevOps Tools Engineer</b> certification sets you apart by demonstrating that you are skilled in working with tools that help to increase IT process efficiency and enable product innovation. Whether your focus is on system administration or software development, this certification proves that you have skills that are in high demand ? in every industry.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" styles/w768/public/pic-devops-tools-introduction-s tart-180319.jpg" /></p>
<h2>Certification Overview: Linux Professional Institute DevOps Tools Engineer</h2>
<p>With the Linux Professional Institute DevOps Tools Engineer certification, you affirm your ability to work comfortably in open source tools used throughout DevOps to optimize development and operations tasks.</p>
<h4>Areas of knowledge covered</h4>
<h3>Software Engineering</h3>
<p>including modern software development, standard components and platforms for software, source code management as well as continuous integration and continuous delivery</p>
<h3>Tools Covered</h3>
<h3>Container Management</h3>
<p>including container usage, container deployment and orchestration, as well as container infrastructure</p>
<h3>Tools Covered</h3>
<p>Docker, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes</p>
<h3>Machine Deployment</h3>
<p>including virtual machine deployment, cloud deployment and system image creation</p>
<h3>Tools Covered</h3>
<p>Vagrant, cloud-init, Packer</p>
<h3>Configuration Management</h3>
<p>including Ansible, and other configuration management tools</p>
<h3>Tools Covered</h3>
<h3>Service Operations</h3>
<p>including operations and monitoring and log management and analysis</p>
<h3>Tools Covered</h3>
<p>Prometheus, Logstash and ELK Stack</p>
<h2>Get the free DevOps exam guide</h2>
<p>See if you are ready to earn the DevOps certification now. Download the free DevOps exam guide ? which includes sample exam questions.</p>
<h2>Get the DevOps Exam Guide</h2>

<h2>Stay connected with LPI and keep up to date with the latest LPI DevOps news</h2>
<h2>Get your DevOps certification today</h2>
<p>Get a voucher now to take the exam and<br />become a certified DevOps professional</p>
<h3>Linux Professional Institute is a non profit organization.</h3>
<p>Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is the global certification standard and career support organization for open source professionals. With more than 200,000 certification holders, it's the world?s first and largest vendor-neutral Linux and open source certification body. LPI has certified professionals in over 180 countries, delivers exams in multiple languages, and has hundreds of training partners.</p>
<p>Our mission is to promote the use of open source by supporting the people who work with it.</p>
<p><strong>The content of this page was neural machine translated and reviewed by volunteers. In case of a discrepancy between English and the translation, the English version is canonical.</strong></p>
<p>< strong>Spot a mistake or want to help improve this page? Please let us know.</strong></p>
<p>В© Copyright 1999-2020 Linux Professional Institute Inc. All rights reserved.</p>
<h2>Lpic devops</h2>

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<h4>Lpic devops</h4>
Boost your career with certified DevOps skills The Linux Professional Institute DevOps Tools Engineer certification sets you apart by demonstrating that you are skilled in working with tools that help to increase IT process efficiency and enable product innovation. Whether your focus is on system administration or software development, this certification proves that you have
<h5>Lpic devops</h5>
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SpokaneDox2021-05-20 02:37:49 Cituoti
Visual studio 2019 azure devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Visu al studio 2019 azure devops</h1>
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<h1>Setting up Visual Studio with Azure DevOps FAQs</h1>
<p><strong>Azure DevOps Services</strong></p>
<p>Learn the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about setting up Visual Studio with Azure DevOps.</p>
<h2>Visual Studio</h2>
<h3>Q: Why do I need to sign in?</h3>
<p>A: Your Visual Studio settings, like automatic brace completion, are saved with your profile. These settings roam with your personal Microsoft account, or your work or school account, when you sign in to Visual Studio on any computer.</p>
<p>Sign in to Visual Studio during the 30-day trial period for these benefits:</p>
<li>Visual Studio Enterprise: Extend your trial for 90 days. When your trial expires, learn how to unlock Visual Studio.</li>
<li>Visual Studio Express or Community: Continue to use this edition for free.</li>
<p&g t;When you create your profile, you can also create an organization.</p>
<h3>Q: Why can't I sign in?</h3>
<p>A: Sign in with a personal Microsoft account or a work or school account that's managed by Azure Active Directory.</p>
<h3>Q: Which versions of Visual Studio can I use with Azure DevOps?</h3>
<p>A: You can use the following versions:</p>
<li>Visual Studio 2019</li>
<li>Visual Studio 2017</li>
<li>Visual Studio 2015</li>
<li>Visual Studio 2013</li>
<li>Visual Studio 2012</li>
<li>Visual Studio 2010, which requires Service Pack 1 and KB2662296</li>
<li>Visual Studio 2008 SP1, which requires a GDR update</li>
<p& gt;To connect to Azure DevOps with Visual Studio 2008 through Visual Studio 2012:</p>
<li>Start Visual Studio.</li>
<li>From the <strong>Team</strong> menu or Team Explorer, go to <strong>Connect to Team Foundation Server</strong> ><strong>Select Team Projects</strong> ><strong>Servers</strong>.</li&g t;
<li>Add your organization (<yourorganization></l i>
<li>Select your project and prepare connection.</li>
& lt;p>If you get connection errors, try choosing HTTPS as your protocol.</p>
<p>To connect to Azure DevOps with Visual Studio 2015 and later, learn how to connect to team projects.</p>
<h3>Q: Can I use Visual Studio 2015 with Visual Studio 2013 and 2012 on the same computer?</h3>
<p>A: Yes, you can run all of these versions on the same computer.</p>
<h3>Q: Can I use earlier versions of Visual Studio to connect to Azure DevOps?</h3>
<p>A: Yes, you can use Visual Studio 2013 or 2012. You can also use Visual Studio 2010, but you need to install Service Pack 1 and KB2662296 first. Or, use Visual Studio 2008 SP1, with this GDR update. Launch Visual Studio, and then connect to Azure DevOps <br />and select your project.</p>
<h3>Q: My subscription expired. What do I do?</h3>
<p>A: Here's how to unlock Visual Studio. If you're having subscription problems, try Subscription Support.</p>
<h2>Visual studio 2019 azure devops</h2>

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<h4>Visual studio 2019 azure devops</h4>
Having problems installing Visual Studio, signing in, or handling an expired subscription? Learn answers to these frequently asked questions (FAQs).
<h5>Visual studio 2019 azure devops</h5>
Visual studio 2019 azure devops <a href="">Visual studio 2019 azure devops</a> Visual studio 2019 azure devops
SOURCE: <h6>Visual studio 2019 azure devops</h6> <a href="">Visu al studio 2019 azure devops</a> Visual studio 2019 azure devops
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SANMDox2021-05-20 02:37:48 Cituoti
Tfs build variables - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

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<h1>Mummy's blog </h1>
<h2>As Mother Made It ? Mario Maj?ica's web log</h2>
<h1>Managing VSTS/TFS Release Definition Variables from PowerShell</h1>
<p>Couple of days ago I was trying to provision my Release Definitions variables in my VSTS/TFS projects via PowerShell. As this turned out not to be a trivial Web-Request and as some of the calls I discovered are not yet documented, I decided to share my findings with you.</p>
<p>In the following lines I?ll show you a couple of cmdlets that will allow you to manipulate all of the variables in your Release Definition, those on the definition level, environment specific ones and also variable groups.</p>
<p>For the purpose of adding Release definition, Environment level variables and relating Variable Groups I wrote the following cmdlet:</p>
<p>Don?t get scared by the number of parameters, or apparent complexity of the cmdlet. I?ll quickly explain those parameters, usage and the expected result.</p>
<p>Let?s start with some why?s. As you can see, in the BEGIN block of my cmdlet (which is triggered once per a pipeline invocation) I retrieve the given build definition, in the PROCESS block I add the desired variables (hopefully from the pipeline) then in the END block I persist all of the changes.</p>
<p>If you are unfamiliar with Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Lifecycle, please consult the following article Windows PowerShell: The Advanced Function Lifecycle.</p>
<p>This is intentional, as I want to have a single call to the API for all of the added variables. In this way in the history of the build definition there will be a single entry for all of the variables we added, no matter the number of them. Otherwise, we would persist the changes for each of the variables and our history would be messy.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2017/12/release_history.png" /></p>
<p>If structured differently, we may see a history entry on per each variable that we do add. This obviously applies only if you are trying to add multiple variable in one go.</p>
<p>Following would be a simple invocation to add a single variable into one of our environments defined in a release template:</p>
<p>The above command will add a variable named Mario2 with a value 1 in the DEV environment, defined in the definition with id 23. It will also reference the variable group that has id 25.</p>
<p>Following would be the result:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2017/12/added_variable.png" /></p>
<p>In case you would like to add multiple variables in one go, create an array of PSCustomObject with the following properties:</p>
<p>This will add two variables to the environment called DEV in your Release Definition and two more variables on the Release Definition level. As you can guess, if we omit the environment name, the variables will be added on the Release Definition level. The last variable, var4, is also marked as secret, meaning that once added will not be visible to the user. Also in this case, we will have only a single entry in the change history as a single call to the REST API will be made.</p>
<p>Other options you can specify are:</p>
<li><strong>Reset</strong> ? By setting this switch only the variables that are not passed in the invocation, but are present on the Release definition, will be removed.</li>
<li><strong>Comment</strong> ? In case you want a custom message to be visualized in the history for this change, you can specify it here.</li>
<li><strong>VariableGroups</strong& gt; ? An integer array indicating id?s of the variable groups you wish to link to the Release definition</li>
&l t;p>In case you are using variable groups you can create those via following cmdlet:</p>
<p>This cmdlet will look for the given group and if it exists it will update it with the values you pass in. In case the variable group (matched by name) doesn?t exist, and if the -Force switch is selected, it will create a new group. Working principle is the same as for Add-EnvironmentVariable cmdlet. At the end, it will return the Variable Group Id that you can use later for Add-EnvironmentVariable cmdlet and reference it.</p>
<p>Following an example of invocation:</p>
<p>That?s all folks! You now have 2 new cmdlets that will allow you to automate the management of the Release Definition variables. Use these wisely ??</p>
<h2>Tfs build variables</h2>

<h3>Tfs build variables</h3>
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<h4>Tfs build variables</h4>
Mummy's blog As Mother Made It ? Mario Maj?ica's web log Managing VSTS/TFS Release Definition Variables from PowerShell Couple of days ago I was trying to provision my Release Definitions
<h5>Tfs build variables</h5>
Tfs build variables <a href="">Tfs build variables</a> Tfs build variables
SOURCE: <h6>Tfs build variables</h6> <a href="">Tfs build variables</a> Tfs build variables
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Pasadenasr2021-05-20 02:37:44 Cituoti
Infosys devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Info sys devops</h1>
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<h1>Infosys Launches Open Source DevOps Project</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src="https://3ovyg21t17l11k49tk1oma21-wpengin Mgif" /> By Mike Vizard on November 6, 2018 3 Comments </p>
<p>Infosys has decided to make its DevOps platform?which consists of more than 2,000 prebuilt scripts and more than 150 pipelines spanning 70-plus tools involving more than 25 different classes of technologies?available as an open source project available via GitHub.</p>
Related Categories BlogsDevOps and Open Technologies
Related Topics DevOps platformgithubInfosysopen source
<p>Ravi Kumar, president and deputy COO for Infosys, said the global systems integrator has spent the last several years turning each element of its DevOps platform into a set of microservices based on containers that can now be deployed almost anywhere. That decision made it more practical for Infosys to then offer the up the entire DevOps framework it relies on to drive thousands of projects employing more than 200,000 developers as a single open source project, he said. That framework relies on an instance of the open source Jenkins continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) framework at its core.</p>
<p>Each element of the Infosys DevOps platform can be consumed via a set of templates hat Infosys has developed. The goal is to reduce the amount of time any organization needs to spend developing that framework and processes required to accelerate any digital business transformation project, Kumar noted.</p>
<p>To accelerate the development process, Infosys enables organizations to automate the promotion of any module without having to create any additional scripts. In addition, Infosys makes extensive use of encryption to make sure DevOps workflows are secure.</p>
<p>Most recently, during the DevOps Industry Awards 2018 event, Infosys won awards for Best Overall DevOps Project in the finance, retail and communications, in addition to best automation project and most successful cultural transformation initiative.</p>
<p>Kumar noted that DevOps is now integral to any digital business transformation initiative. Each organization today is required to significantly increase the rate at which applications are developed and updated to create a modern digital experience for customers, employees and business partners, he said.</p>
<p>The single biggest hindrance when it comes to making the transition to DevOps within most organizations is a lack of tools and processes. Most organizations quickly become aware there is a chicken-and-egg relationship between tools and DevOps processes. Without the right set of DevOps tools, it becomes difficult to set up a DevOps process. But the tools in of themselves have no value without a set of well-defined processes in place. To enable organizations to address that issue in a holistic manner, Infosys developed the IT Process Enabler repository alongside a DevOps maturity framework.</p>
<p>Most of the adoption of DevOps within most organizations has been driven by the bottom up by individual development teams resulting in adoption of DevOps that has been uneven at best. But as those individual DevOps initiatives become increasingly successful, there is now a lot of interest at the senior most levels of organizations in finding a way to drive DevOps processes across the entire organization. That requires a level of change process management that tends to proves too elusive for many organizations to achieve on their own.</p>
<h2>Infosys devops</h2>

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<h4>Infosys devops</h4>
Infosys has decided to make its DevOps platform?which consists of more than 2,000 prebuilt scripts and more than 150 pipelines spanning 70-plus tools Infosys has decided to make its DevOps platform available as an open source project available via GitHub.
<h5>Infosys devops</h5>
Infosys devops <a href="">Infosys devops</a> Infosys devops
SOURCE: <h6>Infosys devops</h6> <a href="">Info sys devops</a> Infosys devops
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KibRiDox2021-05-20 02:36:56 Cituoti
Devops day - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Devo ps day</h1>
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<h1>DevOps Day 1: You?ve Committed Your Team to DevOps. How Do You Start?</h1>
<p>You?ve looked at DevOps. Maybe you?ve worked in a DevOps environment in a previous job or situation, and love the way it brings people together to create great software, faster.</p>
<p>You understand that the leading web-scale businesses and developers, Google, Etsy, Amazon, all practice DevOps to continue to grow and stay at the head of the pack.</p>
<p>Now you?d like to implement DevOps for your team. How do you get started?</p>
<h2>DevOps Champion</h2>
<p>?We recommend that your organization should have a DevOps Champion in management, someone in leadership who understands and supports DevOps,? said Brandon Cipes, vice president for DevOps practice at Cprime.</p>
<p>?DevOps is primarily a culture, a culture of collaboration and sharing insight into each other?s work. Cultural change is driven by leadership, from the top, and must be maintained by management so it doesn?t evaporate.</p>
<p>?This is especially important for starting a DevOps practice, because it means drawing together two separate groups, Dev and Ops. Developers and IT Ops people are usually on separate tracks, and may never even talk to each other.?</p>
<p>Find a champion, or become the champion internally. Then start educating your team on DevOps and cultural change. cPrime provides training and strategic consultation to help guide you through this area, making the right decisions for your circumstances. cPrime?s DevOps Strategy Sessions are free of charge.</p>
<p>DevOps can be difficult to define because each team is different: what works at one company might not be a good fit for yours. But DevOps is not about a rulebook or a model, it?s about your goals, and how to reach them faster and more efficiently.</p>
<p>?Some organizations start the DevOps journey by looking at tools they might potentially use,? said Cipes. ?Time enough for tools later. More important is the practice, the culture, the mentality of DevOps ? of constant collaboration, of visibility, of sharing, building bridges, breaking down silo walls. If you?re not breaking down walls, it?s not DevOps.?</p>
<h2>Start Small</h2>
<p>cPrime recommends that a new DevOps team starts small. Put together a small team on a single project. Work together with a high level of autonomy, which is easier at first with a smaller project. A certain degree of independence is critical to the functioning of a DevOps team, and is part of the definition of DevOps. A DevOps team creates software and post updates at a fast pace, quickly and routinely, without constantly needing approval from a manager.</p>
<p>Self-empowerment is critical. This is not common sense, but a learning from years of experience and training. The effective and productive DevOps team is a self-empowered team, that can try new ideas and experiment wildly and creatively. The team can iterate on its own without needing constant, incremental approval of managers.</p>
<p>Some DevOps teams might start with a strategic project, something big and important to their company, to truly test the DevOps process. You?ll have to decide which is the best approach for your group. This is an area where cPrime?s DevOps Strategy Sessions can help you make a decision that leads to a DevOps win.</p>
<h2>Measure everything</h2>
<p>Now you can think about tools, and automate testing of your iterations. Build in test automation from the start. Take the time to start right, and you?ll stay ahead if code needs to be rewritten or patched.</p>
<p>Start early! Don?t wait until it?s too late ? build-in automation when your start and test your scripts, immediately. Then your team can scale as your business takes off. Take the time necessary to be scalable before you start. Test, and understand where you are now and where you?re headed right from the beginning.</p>
<p>If you?re new, some of the things to keep track of immediately are:</p>
<li>Frequency of deployments</li>
<li>Frequency of failed deployments</li>
<li>Mean time to recovery (MTTR)</li>
<li>Mean time to discovery (MTTD)</li>
<li>Lead time</li>
<li>Up time</li>
<li>Customer complaint volume</li>
<li>Service performance</li>
& lt;p>Automate everything ? use analytics to correct issues. Save manual management for high-level, strategic issues that demand conscious decision-making. Let automation take care of the rest.</p>
<p>You can also evaluate and test your process as well as the software you?re producing. How can it work better? Where can it be improved? What part of it can you dispose with?</p>
<h2>Devops day</h2>

<h3>Devops day</h3>
Devops day <a href="">World news</a> Devops day
<h4>Devops day</h4>
DevOps can be difficult to define because each team is different: what works at one company might not be a good fit for yours. But DevOps is not about a rulebook or a model, it?s about your goals, and how to reach them faster and more efficiently.
<h5>Devops day</h5>
Devops day <a href="">Devops day</a> Devops day
SOURCE: <h6>Devops day</h6> <a href="">Devo ps day</a> Devops day
#tags#<replace> -,-Devops day] Devops day#tags# m/news .com .com
ChesapeakDox2021-05-20 02:36:40 Cituoti
Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018 - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018</h1>
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Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018 <a href="">Newspaper headlines</a> Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018
<h1>Splunk Named a Leader for the Sixth Consecutive Year in Gartner?s 2018 Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management</h1>
<h2>Splunk Positioned Highest Overall for Ability to Execute for Security Information and Event Management</h2>
<p><b>SAN FRANCISCO ? December 6, 2018 ?</b> Splunk Inc. (NASDAQ: SPLK), delivering actions and outcomes from the world of data, today announced it has been named a Leader in Gartner?s 2018 Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management for the sixth straight year. Splunk was also positioned highest overall on the ability to execute axis, which we feel is a testament to Splunk?s position at the heart of the Security Operations Center (SOC). For the report, Gartner evaluated Splunk?s security offerings, including Splunk? Enterprise, Splunk Enterprise Security (ES), Splunk User Behavior Analytics (UBA) and Splunk Phantom?. For a complimentary copy of the Gartner 2018 Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management, visit the Splunk website.</p>
<p>According to Gartner?s 2018 report, the security information and event management (SIEM) market is defined by the ?customer?s need to analyze event data in real time for early detection of targeted attacks and data breaches, and to collect, store, investigate and report on log data for incident response, forensics and regulatory compliance.? Splunk significantly expanded its security portfolio offerings this year, adding machine learning capabilities and security automation, orchestration and response (SOAR) technology via its acquisition of Phantom.</p>
<p>?The effective use of threat intelligence, behavior profiling and analytics can improve detection success. SIEM vendors continue to increase their native support for behavior analysis capabilities as well as integrations with third-party technologies, and Gartner customers are increasingly expressing interest in developing use cases based on behavior,? wrote Gartner report authors Kelly Kavanagh, Senior Principal Analyst, Toby Bussa, VP Analyst and Gorka Sadowski, Senior Director Analyst.</p>
<p>?Splunk introduced the concept of analytics-driven security to the market, which has helped thousands of organizations get insights and take action on their data. Today, customers around the world are using a powerful combination of Splunk security solutions to help them detect, investigate and act on security threats faster than ever before,? said Haiyan Song, senior vice president and general manager, security markets, Splunk. ?We believe Gartner?s continued recognition demonstrates Splunk?s vision of building a security nerve center that empowers our customers to act on threats rapidly with data analytics, and then remediate at machine speed while leveraging security orchestration, automation and response.?</p>
<p>The security skills gap is growing - recent estimates state that the industry will be short two million security professionals by next year. With that, security teams are struggling to keep up with an accelerated volume of threats and alerts that are constantly barraging their networks. As more and more customers turn to Security Operations as the center of gravity within the SOC, organizations are demanding solutions that can leverage data to automate and orchestrate threat response. Splunk unveiled its latest suite of security solutions at .conf18, the annual Splunk users conference last month, including:</p>
<li>Splunk Enterprise Security 5.2, Splunk?s flagship security platform, which acts as the ?security nerve center? within the SOC so customers can use their data to continuously monitor, detect and respond to risk</li>
<li>Splunk User Behavior Analytics 4.2, powered by machine learning, which helps customers detect anomalous behavior and known and unknown threats from inside or outside of their networks</li>
<li>Splunk Phantom 4.1, the newest addition to Splunk?s security portfolio, which allows customers to automate and orchestrate a response on their security data to dramatically scale their security operations.</li>
& lt;p>To learn more about Splunk?s security portfolio, visit the Splunk website.</p>
<p>1 Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management, Kelly Kavanagh, Toby Bussa, Gorka Sadowski, 3 December 2018.</p>
<p><i>Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.</i></p>
<h2>About Splunk Inc.</h2>
<p>Splunk Inc. (NASDAQ: SPLK) helps organizations ask questions, get answers, take actions and achieve business outcomes from their data. Organizations use market-leading Splunk solutions with machine learning to monitor, investigate and act on all forms of business, IT, security, and Internet of Things data. Join millions of passionate users and try Splunk for free today.</p>
<p><i>Splunk, Splunk>, Listen to Your Data, The Engine for Machine Data, Splunk Cloud, Splunk Light and SPL are trademarks and registered trademarks of Splunk Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners. В© 2018 Splunk Inc. All rights reserved.</i></p>
<h2>Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018</h2>

<h3>Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018</h3>
<p><youtube></p> ;
Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018 <a href="">America news today</a> Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018
<h4>Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018</h4>
Splunk announced it has been named a Leader in Gartner?s 2018 Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management for the sixth straight year. Splunk was also positioned highest overall on the ability to execute axis, which we feel is a testament to Splunk?s position at the heart of the Security Operations Center (SOC).
<h5>Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018</h5>
Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018 <a href="">Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018</a> Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018
SOURCE: <h6>Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018</h6> <a href="">Gart ner devops magic quadrant 2018</a> Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018
#tags#<replace> -,-Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018] Gartner devops magic quadrant 2018#tags# ani-5 nal-jail-mugshots
KENTUCKYDox2021-05-20 02:36:30 Cituoti
Azure devops office 365 - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops office 365</h1>
Azure devops office 365 <a href="">Headline news</a> Azure devops office 365
<h1>Azure DevOps</h1>
<h3>Introduction</h3&g t;
<p>DevOps enables roles Development, IT operations, quality engineering and security?to coordinate and collaborate to produce better, more reliable products.</p>
<h3>Create an Azure DevOps Project</h3>
<p>We are going to use Azure DevOps for both source code storage and build and deployment automation.</p>
<li>Log onto with your credentials.</li>
<li>Click on your organization in the left panel. Follow the instructions to create a project.</li>
<li>Click Create Project.</li>
< p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2020/02/Create-Project.png" /></p>
<p>When project is completed, you will need to create a Repo to hold the source code. <br />Initialize the repo with the default README by clicking the Initialize button.</p>
<h3>Install and Enable the Azure DevOps Extensions for PowerApps</h3>
<p>Click on the Organization Settings page and, click the Extensions link in the left navigation panel. <br />Click the Shared and Browse marketplace and search PowerApps Build Tool.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2020/02/PowerApps-Build-tools-1.png" /></p>
<p>Click on the PowerApps Build Tools and add Get it free and install it on the DevOps organization.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2020/02/Install.png" /></p>
<p>Once Installation done, go back to the project settings to configure build permission.</p>
<h3>Configure Azure DevOps Permissions for Build Service Account</h3>
<p>The build pipelines that we set up later will be exporting files from an org and checking them into your source code repo. This is not a default permission of Azure DevOps, so we need to configure the appropriate permissions for the pipeline to function properly.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ads/2020/02/Project-settings.png" /></p>
<h3>Create Build Pipeline</h3>
<p>This pipeline will export your solution from your PowerApps development. <b>Click over pipeline and build > New Pipeline > Click Use the classic editor link to create a pipeline > Select Source (Azure Repos git) > and Continue and select Empty Job and save.</b> </p>
<p>In next blog we will share the PowerApps environment and remaining pipeline settings to export the solution.</p>
<h2>Azure devops office 365</h2>

<h3>Azure devops office 365</h3>
Azure devops office 365 <a href="">Top news</a> Azure devops office 365
<h4>Azure devops office 365</h4>
DevOps enables roles Development, IT operations, quality engineering and security?to coordinate and collaborate to produce better, more reliable products.
<h5>Azure devops office 365</h5>
Azure devops office 365 <a href="">Azure devops office 365</a> Azure devops office 365
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops office 365</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops office 365</a> Azure devops office 365
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops office 365] Azure devops office 365#tags# per-classifieds-non-sequitur-comic-strip-dropped-b y-newspapers-over-hidden-trump-profanity
WhichitaFallsDox2021-05-20 02:36:26 Cituoti
Dilbert devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Dilbert devops</h1>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Dilbert devops <a href="">Current news stories</a> Dilbert devops
<h1>When Dilbert came to Nokia</h1>
<h2>Fascinating report shows how bureaucratic fear sealed company's fate in 2003</h2>

<p>You may have had your fill of Nokia analysis and features, but I'd like to draw your attention to one more - one that's very special. The Finnish daily <em>Helsingin Sanomat</em> has published a report based on 15 interviews with senior staff. It reads like the transcript to an Oscar-winning documentary where the narrative thread is held together entirely by the talking heads.</p>
<p>The report is very long on detail and short on opinionising - and for those of you fascinated by technology and bureaucracy, something quite interesting emerges. What we learn is that the company's current predicament was fated in 2003, when a re-organisation split Nokia's all-conquering mobile phones division into three units. The architect was Jorma Ollila, Nokia's most successful ever CEO, and a popular figure - who steered the company from crisis in 1992 to market leadership in mobile phones - and who as chairman oversaw the ousting of Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo this year.</p>
<p>In Ollila's reshuffle, Nokia made a transition from an agile, highly reactive product-focused company to one that managed a matrix, or portfolio. The phone division was split into three: Multimedia, Enterprise and Phones, and the divisions were encouraged to compete for staff and resources. The first Nokia made very few products to a very high standard. But after the reshuffle, which took effect on 1 January 2004, the in-fighting became entrenched, and the company being increasingly bureaucratic. The results were pure Dilbert material.</p>
<p>For example, have a look at the section which starts here, with "A novel application or feature has been dreamed up that should end up installed in a phone a year from now. This is the beginning of a long day's journey to nowhere."</p>
<p>Innovations produced by the R&D department and designers could no longer be implemented quickly - one example should have taken just a couple of weeks, but instead took months to be incorporated into phones.</p>
<p>Executive managers interviewed note how the result was a large number of indifferent products.</p>
<p>Another consequence was also predictable. It's what political writers call the most morally corrupting effect of bureaucracies: nobody takes responsibility. With the three divisions covering their own backsides, nobody wanted to make the long-term strategic investments necessary to keep platform software up-to-date. This resulted in the Symbian user interface being neglected. Nokia had developed a touch screen UI called Hildon, which became Series 90, starting in 2001 - and that should have been the basis for Nokia's iPhone competitors today. But it was canned in 2005.</p>
<p>"We produced a quite enormous number of rather average products. It would have been smarter to make fewer - and better," says one interviewee.</p>
<p>The masterplan was ripped up by Ollila's successor, Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, in 2007, but by then the units had become enormously wealthy fiefdoms, and many of the problems remained. Lots of people could veto a decision, but the leadership required to drive one through was absent. Nokia's product pipeline all but dried up in 2009.</p>
<h2>Dilbert devops</h2>

<h3>Dilbert devops</h3>
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Dilbert devops <a href="">Latest hot news</a> Dilbert devops
<h4>Dilbert devops</h4>
When Dilbert came to Nokia Fascinating report shows how bureaucratic fear sealed company's fate in 2003 You may have had your fill of Nokia analysis and features, but I'd
<h5>Dilbert devops</h5>
Dilbert devops <a href="">Dilbert devops</a> Dilbert devops
SOURCE: <h6>Dilbert devops</h6> <a href="">Dilb ert devops</a> Dilbert devops
#tags#<replace> -,-Dilbert devops] Dilbert devops#tags# ate-prison-3
MaineDox2021-05-20 02:35:49 Cituoti
Vsts is now azure devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Vsts is now azure devops</h1>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Vsts is now azure devops <a href="">Recent news</a> Vsts is now azure devops
<h1> Not Your Dad's IT </h1>
<p>Updated Solutions to Classic Challenges</p>
<p>A personal website dedicated to helping IT professionals review where we've been, where we are, and maybe where we are headed.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" nt/v1/52ca3b73e4b04a45ef2c5cb6/1536641974542-O0LZ7 YJ3VU44KDUV0KFB/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kLXlBu0FVLON_m NsJXRKd3VZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJ ZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpwpBtr7uK8pxhO57dxR0-BxfJlRL4 CSBKhPrOR0221RlhbrCEsTAtyAw93lvrRvMNs/Screen+Shot+ 2018-09-11+at+12.58.44+AM.png" /></p>
<h1>VSTS Becomes Azure DevOps</h1>
<p>Microsoft announced on Sept 10th that Visual Studio Team Services would soon become Azure DevOps. Along with the name change are a few alterations to the service names. VSTS users shouldn't feel too out of place. It feels like the same house with the furniture slightly rearranged. So far, I only see upside to the changes.</p>
<p>The changes, however, are more than just cosmetic in some areas. The most welcome change is unlimited build minutes for open source projects. I'm having trouble finding the links tonight, but I believe the old limit was somewhere around 240 build minutes per month. In addition to the free minutes, 10 parallel build jobs are provided. This is huge and puts the service on par with some of it's peers. Getting the world to move towards embracing the cloud for CI/CD is tough enough without users feeling afraid of the bill. The thing most people don't consider is that builds fail. Depending on what you are doing, they might fail a lot. And sometimes they take a long time to error out. This is a huge relief for customers.</p>
<p>I'm ultimately in favor of this change. I think the name change will aid the product in that it's far more descriptive of what it does. The Visual Studio name has a ton of legacy and value in the developer community, but it's not something most Infrastructure / Ops people deal with on a regular basis. In the more extreme cases, the Visual Studio name keeps Operations people away from it. There are many folks out there who think the only way to do DevOps is with Jenkins or other tools, and could have overlooked VSTS because they thought it was strictly for developers. The new name puts it right out in front for all involved.</p>
<p>There's a pretty decent video introduction on youtube for the service. I've embedded that video here .</p>
<h2>Vsts is now azure devops</h2>

<h3>Vsts is now azure devops</h3>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Vsts is now azure devops <a href="">Local news</a> Vsts is now azure devops
<h4>Vsts is now azure devops</h4>
Microsoft announced on Sept 10th that Visual Studio Team Services would soon become Azure DevOps. Along with the name change are a few alterations to the service names. VSTS users shouldn't feel too out of place. It feels like the same house with the furniture slightly rearranged. So far, I only see upside to the changes.
<h5>Vsts is now azure devops</h5>
Vsts is now azure devops <a href="">Vsts is now azure devops</a> Vsts is now azure devops
SOURCE: <h6>Vsts is now azure devops</h6> <a href="">Vsts is now azure devops</a> Vsts is now azure devops
#tags#<replace> -,-Vsts is now azure devops] Vsts is now azure devops#tags#
RanchoCucamongaDox2021-05-20 02:35:40 Cituoti
Gates cannot be used for in vsts - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Gates cannot be used for in vsts</h1>
<p><youtube></p> ;
Gates cannot be used for in vsts <a href="">Latest hot news</a> Gates cannot be used for in vsts
<h1>Gates cannot be used for in vsts</h1>
<p>GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.</p>
<h3>GitHub is where the world builds software</h3>
<p>Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub ? the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.</p>
<p>Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.</p>
<p>Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Xcode</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Visual Studio</h4>
<h2>Latest commit</h2>
<h2>Git stats</h2>
< p>Failed to load latest commit information.</p>
<h2></h2 >
<p>Azure Pipeline extensions for Azure DevOps</h1></p>
<p>This repository is a common place for all the extensions that Azure DevOps team publishes as <strong>Microsoft</strong> or <strong>Microsoft DevLabs</strong> publisher.</p>
<p>Ensure you have installed Node.js. Clone the repository, and go to the root folder of the repository and run the following commands.</p>
<li>npm install will install all the node modules required to run gulp to package, build etc.</li>
<li>gulp build will copy each task to "_build" folder, and install it's dependencies locally (wrt to the task) and copies the common modules required to run the task.</li>
<li>gulp test will run all pester or mocha tests written for each task, in the Tests folder.</li>
<p >How to package extensions</h2></p>
<p>You' ;ll have to run gulp build and gulp test before you start packaging.</p>
<li>gulp package will package all the extensions and stores them in "_package" folder.</li>
<li>gulp package --publisher=</p></ul>
<p>will package all the extensions under a new publisher name that you specify in "_package" folder.</li>
<li>gulp package --extension= will package the single extension you mention, and stores it in "_package" folder.</li>
<p >Feed with various nugets to consume resides at this location</p>
<p>Feed can be updated/republished by executing this build definition</p>
<h2>Gates cannot be used for in vsts</h2>

<h3>Gates cannot be used for in vsts</h3>
<p><youtube></p> ;
Gates cannot be used for in vsts <a href="">Current breaking news</a> Gates cannot be used for in vsts
<h4>Gates cannot be used for in vsts</h4>
Collection of all RM and deployment extensions. Contribute to microsoft/azure-pipelines-extensions development by creating an account on GitHub.
<h5>Gates cannot be used for in vsts</h5>
Gates cannot be used for in vsts <a href="">Gates cannot be used for in vsts</a> Gates cannot be used for in vsts
SOURCE: <h6>Gates cannot be used for in vsts</h6> <a href="">Gate s cannot be used for in vsts</a> Gates cannot be used for in vsts
#tags#<replace> -,-Gates cannot be used for in vsts] Gates cannot be used for in vsts#tags# ty-jail-inmate-search-3 .com
FortWayneDox2021-05-20 02:35:22 Cituoti
Azure devops check in policy - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops check in policy</h1>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Azure devops check in policy <a href="">Current news in english</a> Azure devops check in policy
<h1>TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) check-ins synchronization </h1>
<h2 >Associating Check-In With a Jira Issue</h2>
<h3><strong>Associat ing using a check-in comment</strong> </h3>
<p>Associating a TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) check-in with a Jira issue is very simple and straightforward. The only thing that you have to do is type an issue key as a part of your TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) check-in / Git commit message, as shown below. The key can be anywhere in the comment.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" download/attachments/22906167/CheckinInCommentKey. png" /> <br /></p>
<p>This is the standard Jira way of associating sources with issues, the same method is used in other types of source code repositories (e.g. Subversion).</p>
<h3><strong>As sociating using a check-in note</strong></h3>
<p>It is also possible to associate a check-in with a Jira issue by typing an issue key as a part of any check-in note associated with the check-in. Name of the check-in note is not important - all notes are scanned, but it may be a good idea to name the check-in note accordingly and perhaps even make it mandatory in order to enforce a Jira integration policy.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" download/attachments/22906167/ g" /></p>
<h3><strong>Associati ng using TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) Work Item</strong></h3>
<p>If you have properly set up your <strong>TFS4JIRA Synchronizer</strong> application to perform TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) to-and-from Jira issues synchronization and (in case of Jira Cloud environment) exposed it to web requests from the Internet (see Settings for JIRA Cloud), associating check-ins with Jira issues is even easier - actually it is fully automatic. All you need to do is associate your check-in with a TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item and the Synchronizer will take care of the rest - it will find the work item's matching issue and when you open that issue it will display the change-set.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" download/attachments/22906167/CheckinSynchronizedW I.png" /></p>
<p>Scanning of change-sets associated with a Jira issue synchronized to a work item is done "lazily" for performance reason, because retrieving change-sets from a work item, which in turn must be found for an issue, is a costly operation. Therefore when you initially open a Jira issue page, there will be a noticeable delay before the change-set is displayed. Subsequent opening of the issue page will show the change-set very fast, because it has already been scanned.</p>
<h2>Viewing Change-sets in Jira</h2>
<p>In side panel of Jira issue page you will see "TFS Check-ins" section which contains number of check-ins associated with that issue. Click the link to open pop-up with check-ins details</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" download/attachments/22906167/RightPanelCheckins.p ng" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" download/attachments/22906167/PopupPanel3.png" ; /></p>
<p>In addition to checked-in files, you can also view check-in comment and any non-empty check-in notes:</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" download/attachments/22906167/ChangesetDetails_Com ment.png" /></p>
<p>Each filename is a clickable link which leads to file content in appropriate version or file difference to previous version (depending on change type)</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" download/attachments/22906167/ChangesetDetails_Fil es.png" /></p>
<p>Only users with the <strong>View Development Tools</strong> permission in Jira are able to see the TFS Check-ins section on the issue page. This is Jira's standard way of limiting access to viewing source code to authorized users and <strong>TFS4JIRA</strong> obeys this convention.</p>
<p>Make sure you grant this right to appropriate users. See this page for details.</p>
<h2>Azure devops check in policy</h2>

<h3>Azure devops check in policy</h3>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Azure devops check in policy <a href="">News headlines</a> Azure devops check in policy
<h4>Azure devops check in policy</h4>
Associating a TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) check-in with a Jira issue is very simple and straightforward. The only thing that you have to do is type an issue key as a part of your TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) check-in / Git commit message, as shown below. The key can be anywhere in the c...
<h5>Azure devops check in policy</h5>
Azure devops check in policy <a href="">Azure devops check in policy</a> Azure devops check in policy
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops check in policy</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops check in policy</a> Azure devops check in policy
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops check in policy] Azure devops check in policy#tags# city-jail ynn-masters-gossip-girl ll-positions-merck-pharma .com
FairfieldDox2021-05-20 02:34:52 Cituoti
Azure pipelines powershell - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure pipelines powershell</h1>
<p><youtube>< ;/p>
Azure pipelines powershell <a href="">Important news today</a> Azure pipelines powershell
<h1>An Example Azure DevOps Build Pipeline for PowerShell modules</h1>
<h2>Introduction</h2& gt;
<p>A few months ago did a demo at the Bristol WinOps Meetup showing an example Azure DevOps Build Pipeline for PowerShell modules. I told everyone I?d get a blog post up ?soon? with more information, so here it is; better late than never!</p>
<p>I?ll go over the goals for the example PowerShell Module, then break down the Build Pipeline tasks for Azure DevOps.</p>
<h2>Goals for the Example PowerShell Module (PSvCloud)</h2>
<p>PSvCloud was a very old PowerShell module I started working on several years ago whilst I was using VMware vCloud every day. I changed jobs shortly after starting it, so didn?t add much. However, it was good enough as an example module for the Azure DevOps Build Pipeline.</p>
<p>I applied the latest methods and best practices learned at the time to PSvCloud, with a focus on the process around <br />The Release Pipeline Model (Source > Build > Test > Release).</p>
<p>Git was used with the practical common flow branching model.</p>
< p>psake was used to develop build scripts that can be used both locally using Task Runners in Visual Studio Code, and by a CI/CD system like Azure DevOps.</p>
<li>Compiling separate function files into a single .psm1 module.</li>
<li>Automatically updating documentation in Markdown, ready for a 3rd-party like ReadTheDocs.</li>
<p>Testing the compiled code for known issues and ensuring it aligned to defined standards.</p>
<li>Code analysis using PSScriptAnalyzer.</li>
<li>Code testing (unit, and common) using Pester.</li>
<h 3>Release</h3>
<p>Publishing the module build artifact to multiple Azure DevOps Artifacts (NuGet) feeds; one per environment. Each environment shows the current version available using Status Badges:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" es/powershell-build-pipeline/build-status-badges.p ng" /></p>
<h2>Build Pipeline Tasks for Azure DevOps</h2>
<p>For the build pipeline definition I opted for the YAML method, opposed to GUI method. Using a YAML file allowed me to save the file within my repo alongside all other files under source control.</p>
<p>I?ll go over each build step below, but you can also view the complete file, azure-pipelines.yml.</p>
<h3> 1</h3>
<p>You?ll notice below that every task name is passed to a script called build.ps1. This script is responsible for bootstrapping the environment - ensuring all dependencies are installed - initialising environment variables, and finally invoking the specified build task(s).</p>
<p>The <strong>Init</strong> task includes the -ResolveDependency switch which triggers the use of <strong>PSDepend</strong>. <strong>PSDepend</strong> uses the psvcloud.depend.psd1 config file to install the required PowerShell modules.</p>
<h3>CombineFunctionsAndS tage</h3>
<p>The <strong>CombineFunctionsAndStage</strong& gt; task combines all public and private PowerShell functions into single module file, then stages other required folders and files like /Documentation , /Examples , and .</p>
<p&g t;The <strong>Analyze</strong> task runs <strong>PSScriptAnalyzer</strong> against the code to ensure quality and best practices are used.</p>
<p>The <strong>Test</strong> task runs the <strong>Pester</strong> tests located in /Tests.</p>
<h3>UpdateDocumentation&l t;/h3>
<p>The <strong>UpdateDocumentation</strong> task uses <strong>PlatyPS</strong> to create new documentation markdown files from the comment-based help within each PowerShell function.</p>
<h3>CreateBuildArtifact </h3>
<p>The <strong>CreateBuildArtifact</strong> task creates a versioned zip file of all staged files.</p>
<h3>PublishTestResults< /h3>
<p>The <strong>PublishTestResults</strong> task publishes any Pester results files (NUnitXml) it finds in the Artifacts folder.</p>
<h3>PublishBuildArtifacts 1</h3>
<p>The first <strong>PublishBuildArtifacts</strong> task publishes the versioned PowerShell zip file, which is ready to download for offline use.</p>
<h3>PublishBuildArtifacts 2</h3>
<p>The second <strong>PublishBuildArtifacts</strong> task publishes the whole /Staging folder as is (not zipped), to be used in the Release Pipeline.</p>
<h2>What?s Next?</h2>
<p>Updated:</strong> May 27, 2019</p>
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<h1>The Ultimate Guide To Azure DevOps Server</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ault.png" /></p>
<p>Azure <strong>Devops</strong> Server, a combination of mutual understanding Development tools and hosted in official context. Azure Devops server Integrates by guidance of your Existing IDE or editor. This will start your cross operating team to operate effectively on projects of every size. You can Integrate own tool or any other third party tool with help of Azure Devops Implementing REST API and OAuth 2.0. Integrate your nice tools and services from our own market place Extensions. For the most part it shows the Ultimate Guide to Azure DevOps Server.</p>
<p>Especially By making use of Azure Devops server express like Individual Developer or groups of five or more at the rate of no cost. You can Simply Install on your personal laptop or Desktop. Laptop without any need of server. Like a small change upgrade to Azure Devops server, when your group has enlarged like five group of members and take your complete history with you and <b>Azure windows Server</b> .</p>
<p><b>The Ultimate Guide to Azure DevOps Server :-</b></p>
<p>The Azure Devops server 2019 RC1 will provide code base of Microsoft Azure Devops. It created for the best of users who will consider self-host. This will be the situation for some users because they get Azure Devops operate in official context. They need a single example of Azure Devops. Because they required to operate in sectors, in a place, hosted version of Azure Devops not there. Azure Boards will offer user friendly agile tools that start tracing and Implementation of work across your teams. Incidentally your team supports the Ultimate Guide to Azure DevOps Server.</p>
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<p><b>Azure Release Improvements:-</b></p>
<p>If we consider the evolution of Team Foundation Server (TFS). Azure Devops Server has speed Azure Devops user Interface with many things of latest updates. We will have most useful features for our clients. Azure Devops Server contains Support for Azure SQL in addition with SQL Server Support. This starts company to self-host Azure Devops in own Data Center by Implementing SQL server. Especially Users now have the option for self-hosting Azure Devops in cloud and take each and every Advantage of all fantastic Azure SQL capacities and their performance and <b>Azure server</b> .</p>
<p><b>Azure Cloud Development:-</b></p>
<p>With this method of release Azure Devops offers latest cloud development capacities. This will accept users to start on self-host in cloud and they implement world offered Microsoft hosted Service to make use the benefit of latest updates and automatic scaling. The updated point to point point ability in Azure Devops accepts to easily think about Bits that are moved to Designs. You can also club and mix agents that self-hosted in type of Linux, windows, mac. You can simple move Iaas or paas in Azure and starting point of Infrastructure. Subsequently it shows the Ultimate Guide to Azure DevOps Server.</p>
<p>When latest road map and advanced user Experience in Azure Devops has went great testing and feedback in hosted service. We Identify that self-hosting users, latest Navigation sample may have updates to Internal Documentation and Education. By this you have an option to plan because once you upgrade each and every Azure Devops users you can watch latest UI. Especially Older versions of Team foundation server will stay on the old user Interface. Consequently it explains about the Ultimate Guide to Azure DevOps Server.</p>
<p><b>Licensing and Upgrading:-</b></p>
<p>The compatibility and requirements for Azure Devops server 2019 RC1. Operating systems like Azure Devops server or TFS that can be installed on windows server or in Client operating system. Azure Devops server 2019 RC1 will accept 64 bit operating system. TFS 2017,TFS 2018 and Azure Devops server 2019 RC1 will support 64 bit operating systems. For latest versions of TFS, you can Implement 32 bit or 64 bit operating systems. If we have a 32 bit or 64 bit operating system. When a 32 bit version available. We will recommend implementing a server OS unless your azure server or TFS Example used for Evaluating a personal Implementation. Finally all above concepts will explain about the Ultimate Guide to Azure DevOps Server.</p>
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Devops pricing - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Devops pricing</h1>
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<h1>DevOps Pricing Strategies That Ensure Success</h1>
<p>We?ve talked about product pricing a bunch on the Bowery Capital blog but never in the context of devops. DevOps pricing is one of the more interesting elements of the entire infrastructure ecosystem pricing. With such a high emphasis on inbound marketing to drive leads through to conversion the pricing vector requires much more attention than some other spaces Bowery Capital invests in. A while back, I was keyed in by my friend Bob Farzami at Metricly to Adrian Cockroft?s great presentation from Monitorama called ?Monitoring Challenges? which lays out some thinking on devops pricing strategies (particularly slides 24 ? 35) and how you as an entrepreneur should think about this element of your business. If you haven?t, go and watch the video. Below lays out some of the key takeaways from the talk and beyond focused on devops pricing strategies that work.</p>
<p><b>1. Place Equal Importance On Pricing.</b> A lot of companies tend to think about pricing as a narrow part of the overall story when selling their tooling. This can be detrimental to your business when thinking through devops pricing strategies . Your price points and pricing model are as important to your success as your product features, business model, end-user experience and go to market strategy. They deserve as much if not more attention.</p>
<p><b>2. Proportionality Matters A Lot In This Ecosystem.</b> You can?t cost more than the underlying platform that you are helping manage, monitoring, or automating. 5-10% may be a good ratio to think about when thinking through devops pricing strategies for your company.</p>
<p><b>3. This Comes Down To The ?Least Bad? Option.</b> There is no perfect pricing model, especially in devops. So, you will have to pick the one that fewer people dislike. Whether you price based on the value you provide (savings that users derive), your cost for delivering it (API calls or data retention), or based on the number of instances, user seats, tiers, or percentage you ultimately will have a bunch of unhappy people. Knowing this alone can save you a lot of sleepless nights.</p>
<p><b>4. Experiment, Experiment, Experiment.</b> The more users you have, the harder it is to change your pricing. At some point, it may even be impossible. Which is why it remains a good idea to experiment with ?beta accounts? for as long and as often as you can. As Adrian lays out in his talk, new vendors have new schema, and an order of magnitude lower cost than per node. Thus, they are going to be trying to kill you from the moment you get started. Having this experimentation layer is another one of the smart devops pricing strategies.</p>
<p><b>5. Simple Is Always Better.</b> If you are an early stage company, chances are you have an engineering background and have an analytical mind which means that you are likely to create a complicated pricing model. After you have designed it then take a few passes at simplifying it. Send it around to as many people as you trust and get their opinion on the pricing page.</p>
<p><b>6. It Is Way Easier To Go Up.</b> There is a ton of research around this, but if you have a high price on your web site and lots of customers on a monthly pricing plan then you may lose over 10% of your MRR if you decide to lower your price. It is much easier to raise pricing and grand-father in your early customers than lower your pricing.</p>
<p><b>7. Anchored Pricing Creates Opportunity.</b> This is probably the most important point. Now that you have designed the perfect pricing model, and grow to be a successful company, you will have a hard time changing it. As Adrian talks about, new vendors will exploit it against you and use your devops pricing strategies against you . So you should exploit industry leaders in the markets that you are trying to disrupt. Vendor pricing models are anchored in the era during which they became successful (ex. client/server, cloud, container, server-less, etc.) and your company is likely not anchored in that schema. Use this to your advantage.</p>
<p>Adrian Cockcroft?s video implicitly and explicitly emphasizes items 1, 2, 6 and 7 however we think all of them are key to building a successful devops company.</p>
<p><em>If you liked ?DevOps Pricing Strategies That Ensure Success? and want to read more content from the Bowery Capital Team, check out other relevant posts from the Bowery Capital Blog.</em> </p>
<h2>Devops pricing</h2>

<h3>Devops pricing</h3>
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<h4>Devops pricing</h4>
Michael Brown, Managing Partner, discusses &quot;DevOps Pricing Strategies That Ensure Success&quot; and our view on the devops vendor ecosystem on the Bowery Blog.
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RENTDox2021-05-20 02:34:14 Cituoti
Udemy jenkins - Eduard Kabrinskiy

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<h1>Torrentz 2 </h1>
<h2><FreeCourseLab>com] Udemy - Jenkins 2 Bootcamp Fully Automate Builds to Deployment 2019 2 torrent download locations</h2>
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<h2>Trackers</h2 >
<h2>Torrent Contents</h2>
<li><FreeCourseLab>com] Udemy - Jenkins 2 Bootcamp Fully Automate Builds to Deployment 2019 <ul>
<li>1. Introduction <ul>
<li>1. Welcome Course Objectives and Overview.mp4 16 MB</li>
<li>1. Welcome Course Objectives and Overview.vtt 4 KB</li>
<li>2. Course Focus and Approach.mp4 16 MB</li>
<li>2. Course Focus and Approach.vtt 3 KB</li>
<li>3. Build Maturity.mp4 15 MB</li>
<li>3. Build Maturity.vtt 4 KB</li>
<li>4. What is Jenkins.mp4 20 MB</li>
<li>4. What is Jenkins.vtt 5 KB</li>
<li>5. About the Instructor.mp4 36 MB</li>
<li>5. About the Instructor.vtt 6 KB</li>
</ul&g t;
<li>10. Course Errata and Updates <ul>
<li>1. Jenkins Incompatibility with Java 9, 10 and 11.html 3 KB</li>
<li>2. Known Issue Maven Projects Fail with POM Parse Error.html 14 KB</li>
<li>3. Maven Repository Server plugin causes Build Failure.html 9 KB</li>
<li>4. Resolve Problem with MacOS Upgrade Breaking Git (new!).mp4 108 MB</li>
<li>4. Resolve Problem with MacOS Upgrade Breaking Git (new!).vtt 6 KB</li>
</ul&g t;
<li>11. Conclusion <ul>
<li>1. Final Thoughts.mp4 10 MB</li>
<li>1. Final Thoughts.vtt 2 KB</li>
</ul&g t;
<li>12. Bonus Full Install on Windows <ul>
<li>1. 32 vs 64-bit Windows.mp4 5,496 KB</li>
<li>1. 32 vs 64-bit Windows.vtt 922 B</li>
<li>10. Jenkins Installation on Windows.mp4 11 MB</li>
<li>10. Jenkins Installation on Windows.vtt 11 MB</li>
<li>10.1 Jenkins 1.651.3 LTS.html 121 B</li>
<li>11. Jenkins Getting Started.mp4 14 MB</li>
<li>11. Jenkins Getting Started.vtt 2 KB</li>
<li>12. Starting and Stopping Jenkins via Windows Services.mp4 23 MB</li>
<li>12. Starting and Stopping Jenkins via Windows Services.vtt 4 KB</li>
<li>13. Installation Notes for Windows 10 (Updated).html 12 KB</li>
<li>13.1 Installation.pdf.pdf 67 KB</li>
<li>2. Google Chrome on Windows.mp4 21 MB</li>
<li>2. Google Chrome on Windows.vtt 5 KB</li>
<li>2.1 91 B</li>
<li>3. Git for Windows.mp4 44 MB</li>
<li>3. Git for Windows.vtt 9 KB</li>
<li>3.1 81 B</li>
<li>4. Git Configuration.mp4 8,680 KB</li>
<li>4. Git Configuration.vtt 3 KB</li>
<li>5. Atom Installation on Windows.mp4 12 MB</li>
<li>5. Atom Installation on Windows.vtt 4 KB</li>
<li>5.1 Atom Text Editor Website..html 77 B</li>
<li>6. Atom Configuration.mp4 27 MB</li>
<li>6. Atom Configuration.vtt 8 KB</li>
<li>7. Java Installation on Windows.mp4 31 MB</li>
<li>7. Java Installation on Windows.vtt 4 KB</li>
<li>7.1 Java Download.html 145 B</li>
<li>8. Java Configuration.mp4 17 MB</li>
<li>8. Java Configuration.vtt 3 KB</li>
<li>9. Maven Installation on Windows.mp4 39 MB</li>
<li>9. Maven Installation on Windows.vtt 6 KB</li>
<li>9.1 Apache Maven 3.3.9 Binary Archive (Zip).html 148 B</li>
</ul> ;
<li>13. Bonus Special Offers <ul>
<li>1. Bonus Exclusive Student Discounts.html 14 KB</li>
</ul&g t;
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WichitaDox2021-05-20 02:34:06 Cituoti
Azure devops vpn - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops vpn</h1>
Azure devops vpn <a href="">Latest news</a> Azure devops vpn
<h1> AzureDevops </h1>
<p>Learn Windows and Azure focused DevOps with me!</p>
<h3>What is Azure DevOps and why aren't you using it?</h3>
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<li>Other Apps</li>
<p>I wanted to answer what the "Azure Devops" Microsoft suite is as many people may not understand the powerful tool that it is and as a former consultant I see a lot of people have a ton of disparate tools when Microsoft makes it easy.</p>
<p>So - here are 5 reasons to use Azure Devops.</p>
<p>Azure Boards can replace your backlog in JIRA. If you run an agile team, you probably use Jira - however you can easily use Azure Boards and replace your JIRA backlog. The benefits are that you are buying into the Azure DevOps suite and have one tool to manage your code and backlog. JIRA can be expensive, so it makes sense to start a new project with Azure Boards - no need to default to JIRA.</p>
<p>2) Replace Bitbucket, Gitlab, TFS, etc.</p>
<p>Azure Repos enables users to write to private cloud hosted repos. This way you can not only take advantage of having a Microsoft hosted and private repo, but you can easily integrate with the other tools in the Azure Devops suite like Test Plans & Pipelines.</p>
<p>3) Replace your testing tools like Zephyr.</p>
<p>A tool like Zephyr allows you to integrate tests into your SDLC pipelines, however Azure Test Plans can replace this functionality and easily allow tests as part of your SDLC process.</p>
<p>4) Replace tools like Artifactory</p>
<p>As an Azure Devops engineer you can retire tools like artifactory and instead use the public and private Azure Artifacts to enable package management solutions like npm, and pip server to host your system artifacts.</p>
<p>5) Replace your Jenkins pipelines</p>
<p>Finally, you can get rid of having Jenkins and use Azure Pipelines to run CI/CD. This enables the single plane of glass and allows you to run your code, your tests, and your deployments in the same workflow.</p>
<p>Buying into this eco-system enables you to have a single pane of glass view of your entire software development lifecycle for a ridiculous value.</p>
<h2>Azure devops vpn</h2>

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TorranceDox2021-05-20 02:33:43 Cituoti
Add user to azure devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Add user to azure devops</h1>
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<h1><Feature>Request]Add/Remov e User to/from Team #543</h1>
&l t;p>Copy link Quote reply</p>
<h3>dexterlakin </strong> commented Apr 17, 2019 ?</h3>
<p><strong>Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.</strong> <br />We frequently get asked to add/remove users from teams. Currently I've got a Powershell command which is just a wrapper around the REST API.</p>
<p>Please forgive me if I've missed something in the documentation, but I can't see a way to do this currently with the az devops cli.</p>
<p>I'd love to jump in and contribute to this project, I'd just like confirmation that this is a valid Feature Request/a good idea.</p>
<p><strong>Describe the solution you'd like</strong> <br />Something like this?</p>
<p>EDIT: Having read #319 I guess this should be</p>
<p>And list-member should then be <br />az devops member list</p>
<p>as originally proposed</p>
<p><strong>Additio nal context</strong> <br />I'd also like to be able to pipe the output of <br />az devops user show --user <br />to the command</p>
<h3>gauravsaralMs </strong> commented Apr 17, 2019 </h3>
<p>@ishitam8 : is this already supported?</p>
<h3>ishitam8 </strong> commented Apr 17, 2019 </h3>
<p>This is not yet released, but the functionality would be coming up in next release (i.e version 0.5.0) <br />Every team would be considered as a group as well , and you can manage teams the same way you manage groups . Please find the details of command structure in this issue #471</p>
<p>Add/remove member functionality is supported as a part of group management commands where you can create/update/list and delete groups as well.</p>
<p>Currently, you can list members for the team anyway with this command <br />az devops team list-member --team / <br />But for rest of the operations you will have to use Group related commands.</p>
<p>Check az devops team list-member --help for more details.</p>
<p>What do you mean by following? <br /><em>I'd also like to be able to pipe the output of <br />az devops user show --user <br />to the command</em> <br />Could you please tell me what is the scenario you are trying to solve here?</p>
<h3>dexterlakin </strong> commented Apr 17, 2019 </h3>
<p>Thanks for clarifying @ishitam8 , I did see that issue but I didn't think that teams would fall inside the same scope as security groups. IMO that's not intuitive since those are presented to me as separate entities in the UI and by the REST API.</p>
<p>re: piping a user to the add-user command, that would be an intuitive way for me to do it, as I probably won't know a user's ID, but would know their email address. A scenario would be to loop over a list of email addresses, get each user, then add them to a Project Team.</p>
<h3>ishitam8 </strong> commented Apr 26, 2019 </h3>
<p>Thanks @teejam2 for your feedback. I know its not very intuitive when it comes to CLI for managing teams within groups, but UI gives the capability to manage teams from security page itself as well. Hence we thought it would be appropriate to keep the teams along with group management in CLI also.</p>
<p>Scenario : Adding members to team <br />If the users you are trying to add to the team (by looping over a list of email IDs) are already added in the organization , you can directly add them to team via using group commands and corresponding Email IDs</p>
<p>The commands would look something like this <to>add a user to team 'MYPROJECT TEAM'] <br />(I am assuming you have defaults configured for your org and project)</p>
<p>az devops user add --email-id --license-type
<If>user is not already a part of the org]</p>
<p>az devops security group list <br /><You>can get group descriptor for 'MYPROJECT TEAM' by using jmespath query along with this command] <br />Lets say descriptor is vssgp.Uy0xLTXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</p>
<p>< ;strong>To add a user to this team:</strong> <br />az devops security group membership add --group-id vssgp.Uy0xLTXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --member-id</p>
<p>Does this make sense to you ? <br />You shall be able to use group commands in next release. <br />Please let me know if this would solve your scenario or not.</p>
<h2>Add user to azure devops</h2>

<h3>Add user to azure devops</h3>
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Add user to azure devops <a href="">English news</a> Add user to azure devops
<h4>Add user to azure devops</h4>
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We frequently get asked to add/remove users from teams. Currently I've got a Powershell command which is just a wrapper around the REST API. Please forgive me if I've missed ...
<h5>Add user to azure devops</h5>
Add user to azure devops <a href="">Add user to azure devops</a> Add user to azure devops
SOURCE: <h6>Add user to azure devops</h6> <a href="">Add user to azure devops</a> Add user to azure devops
#tags#<replace> -,-Add user to azure devops] Add user to azure devops#tags# .com 01 2
MinneapolisDox2021-05-20 02:33:31 Cituoti
Simplilearn devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Simplilearn devops</h1>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Simplilearn devops <a href="">National news in english</a> Simplilearn devops
<h1>Simplilearn and Caltech CTME to Launch Online Post Graduate Program in DevOps</h1>
<p>Collaboration Will Offer a Comprehensive Program in DevOps for Learners Around the Globe BANGALORE, June 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Simplilearn, a global provider of digital skills training, today announced its collaboration with CTME (Caltech's Center for Technology and Management Education) to offer a specialized Post Graduate Program in DevOps. CTME joins Purdue University and a growing list of higher education partners offering joint professional learning programs with Simplilearn. This is the first of Simplilearn's Post Graduate Programs to be launched simultaneously around the globe.</p>
<p>The Post Graduate Program (PGP) in DevOps brings together the academic excellence of CTME, the professional education arm of Caltech, with Simplilearn's award-winning Blended Learning delivery model. The Blended Learning environment combines live online classes, self-paced learning, labs and projects, extensive peer-interaction, and 24/7 access to Teaching Assistants (TA's).</p>
<p>The online program will be offered in India and select international locations to help prepare a global workforce for advances in software engineering. Aspiring developers and technologists will learn essential skills in architecture, coding, and cloud computing.</p>
<p>On completion of the program, learners will have a core understanding of various automation tools for developing digital pipelines (Continuous Integration/Continuous Development) and designs, and implementing software integration across the DevOps lifecycle. Learners will be equipped with the skillset to manage workflow automation through integration and deployment processes, along with front-end and back-end coding skills.</p>
<p>Along with a comprehensive curriculum that covers the core concepts and the latest industry best practices, the program also provides over 20 live projects to work on, Capstone projects in four industry domains, and Masterclass from experts at CTME. This blended learning approach ensures that the program participants receive an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals and abundant opportunities for hands-on practice and learning.</p>
<p>Speaking on the launch of the program, Anand Narayanan, Chief Product Officer, Simplilearn said, 'With rapid technological advancements, the expectation from organizations to expedite delivery of quality tech products and services is a given. It is this need gap that efficient implementation of DevOps can address, also indicating the growing career prospects for DevOps based job roles. At Simplilearn, we use our understanding of the growing sectoral requirements to make our PGP program more comprehensive: we deep-dive into each program module and cover a wide range of related subjects. By introducing the PGP DevOps program in collaboration with CTME, we aim to create a job-ready workforce by equipping learners with industry-specific skills.' 'Today, the world is in the process of digital transformation, and professionals urgently need to equip themselves with the right skills to stay ahead of the curve. CTME's Post Graduate Program, in association with Simplilearn, offers a comprehensive curriculum and provides an opportunity for career growth in the DevOps domain,' said Dr. Rick Hefner, Program Director, CTME. 'We are happy to collaborate with a leading digital training company to offer these certificate programs to aspiring engineers and coders. The organizations that harness digital capabilities help spark the innovations that can help society.' On completion of the PGP DevOps program, participants will receive a joint industry-recognized certificate from CTME and Simplilearn, CTME Circle Membership, and be eligible for 25 CEUs (Continued Education Units) that can be applied to professional qualifications and employer development requirements. The program graduates of the PGP will also be enrolled in Simplilearn's JobAssist job placement service.</p>
<p>About Simplilearn Simplilearn enables professionals and enterprises to succeed in the fast-changing digital economy. The company provides outcome-based online training across digital technologies and applications such as Big Data, Machine Learning, AI, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Digital Marketing, and other emerging technologies. Based in San Francisco and Bangalore, India, Simplilearn has helped more than one million professionals and 1,000 companies across 150 countries get trained, acquire certifications, and reach their business and career goals. The company's Blended Learning curriculum combines self-paced online learning, instructor-led live virtual classrooms, hands-on projects, student collaboration, and 24/7 global teaching assistance.</p>
<h2>Simplilearn devops</h2>

<h3>Simplilearn devops</h3>
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<h4>Simplilearn devops</h4>
Collaboration Will Offer a Comprehensive Program in DevOps for Learners Around the Globe BANGALORE, June 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Simplilearn, a global provider of digital skills training, today announced its collaboration with CTME (Caltech&#x27;s Center for Technology and Management Education) to offer a specialized Post Graduate Program in DevOps. CTME joins Purdue University and a growing list of higher education partners offering joint professional learning programs with Simplilearn. This is the first of Simplilearn&#x27;s Post Graduate Programs to be launched simultaneously around the globe.
<h5>Simplilearn devops</h5>
Simplilearn devops <a href="">Simplilearn devops</a> Simplilearn devops
SOURCE: <h6>Simplilearn devops</h6> <a href="">Simp lilearn devops</a> Simplilearn devops
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REALESTATEDox2021-05-20 02:32:45 Cituoti
Azure devops billing - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops billing</h1>
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<h1>Set up billing</h1>
<p><strong>Azure DevOps Services</strong></p>
<p>Set up billing in Azure DevOps before you make purchases. That way, you have it in place once you're ready to buy. You only need to set up billing once for your organization.</p>
<p><em>All services are billed via Azure</em>. You're not required to use any other Azure services.</p>
<p>To estimate costs for Azure DevOps, see the Pricing calculator or the Azure DevOps pricing page.</p>
<h2>Prerequisites</h2> ;
<li>If you don't have an Azure subscription, create one.</li>
<li>To set up billing, you must have Project Collection Administrator or organization Owner permissions in Azure DevOps.</li>
<h2>Set up billing for your organization</h2>
<p>A user interface limitation prevents the subscription picker from displaying more than 50 subscriptions. If your user account has access to more than 50 subscriptions and the target subscription you want to change the billing for isn't visible, you can create a new user account. Grant the account Owner/Contributor rights to the target subscription and administrative privileges to the Azure DevOps organization. Use the new account to link the organization to the target subscription.</p>
<p>Sign in to your organization ( <yourorganization>).</p>
<p>Sel ect <strong>Organization settings</strong>.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" evops/media/settings/open-admin-settings-vert.png& quot; /></p>
<p>Select <strong>Billing</strong>.</p>
& lt;p style="clear: both"><img src=" evops/organizations/billing/media/shared/select-bi lling-organization-settings.png" /></p>
<p>Select <strong>Set up billing</strong>.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" evops/organizations/billing/media/shared/set-up-bi lling.png" /></p>
<p>Select your Azure subscription, and then select <strong>Save</strong>.</p>
< p style="clear: both"><img src=" evops/organizations/billing/media/shared/select-az ure-subscription.png" /></p>
<p>Billing is set up for your Azure DevOps organization.</p>
<h2>Azure devops billing</h2>

<h3>Azure devops billing</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops billing</h4>
Use an Azure subscription to configure billing and pay for users, CI/CD concurrency, and extensions for Azure DevOps.
<h5>Azure devops billing</h5>
Azure devops billing <a href="">Azure devops billing</a> Azure devops billing
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AustinDox2021-05-20 02:32:43 Cituoti
Devops vsts - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Devops vsts</h1>
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<h1>Migration Tools for Azure DevOps</h1>
<h2>naked Agility with Martin Hinshelwood</h2>
<h1>Azure DevOps Migration Tools <img src=" s-sync-migrator.svg" /> <img src=" dAgility/vsts-sync-migration.svg" /> </h1>
<p>The Azure DevOps Migration Tools allow you to bulk edit and migrate data between Team Projects on both Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Azure DevOps Services. Take a look at the documentation to find out how. This project is published as code on GitHub as well as a Azure DevOps Migration Tools on Chocolatey.</p>
<p> </p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" lity/azure-devops-migration-tools/master/src/Migra tionTools.Extension/images/azure-devops-migration- tools-naked-agility-martin-hinshelwood.png" /></p>
<p><strong>WARNING: This tool is not designed for a novice. This tool was developed to support the scenarios below, and the edge cases that have been encountered by the 30+ contributors from around the Azure DevOps community. You should be comfortable with the TFS/Azure DevOps object model, as well as debugging code in Visual Studio.</strong> <strong>Community support is available through GitHub and StackOverflow; Paid support is available through our recommended consultants as well as our contributors and many DevOps consultants around the world.</strong></p>
<h2>What can you do with this tool?</h2>
<li>Migrate Work Items , TestPlans & Suits , Teams , & Shared Queries from one Team Project to another</li>
<li>Migrate Work Items , TestPlans & Suits , Teams , & Shared Queries from one Organisation to another</li>
<li>Bulk edit of Work Items accross an entire Project .</li>
<h3>What versions of Azure DevOps & TFS do you support?</h3>
<li>Work Item Migration Supports all versions of TFS 2013+ and all versions of Azure DevOps</li>
<li>You can move from any Tfs/AzureDevOps source to any Tfs/AzureDevOps target.</li>
<li>Process Template migration only supports XML based Projects</li>
<h3>Typica l Uses of this tool</h3>
<li>Merge many projects into a single project</li>
<li>Split one project into many projects</li>
<li>Assistance in changing Process Templates</li>
<li>Bulk edit of Work Items</li>
<li>Migration of Test Suites & Test Plans</li>
<li>Migrate from one Language version of TFS / Azure Devops to another (<em>new v9.0</em>)</li>
<p> ;<strong>NOTE: If you are able to migrate your entire Collection to Azure DevOps Services you should use Azure DevOps Migration Service from Microsoft. If you have a requirement to change Process Template then you will need to do that before you move to Azure DevOps Services.</strong></p>
<h2>Devo ps vsts</h2>

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<h4>Devops vsts</h4>
Extension for Azure DevOps - Azure DevOps Migration Tools allow you to migrate Teams, Work Items, and Plans &amp; Suits from one Project to another in Azure DevOps/TFS both within the same Organisation, and between Organisations.
<h5>Devops vsts</h5>
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DentonDox2021-05-20 02:31:45 Cituoti
Azure devops angular build - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops angular build</h1>
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<h1>Using azure devops File Transform to deploy a same angular build to multiple environments.</h1>
<p>For an angular application, at build time, if you pass in a configuration name, then the webpack build tool replaces the content of the environment.ts file with the content of the environment. For instance, if you run the command ng build --prod , angular replaces the content of environment.ts with that of the Similarly, if you run ng build --staging , angular replaces environment.ts with environment.staging.ts, provided the file exists. This approach works but it requires building multiple times for different environments. In this post, I show you the approach I learn from my coworker to build one time and deploy to multiple environments, using angular APP_INITIALIZER and the File Transform task in azure devops.</p>
<p>You can find complete source code for this post on my github.</p>
<h3>What I had tried</h3>
<p>A few months ago, I wrote the post about using the Replace Tokens extension to replace variables in an angular application. I used the extension in a build pipeline to replace the tokens in the environment.ts file to display the build number from azure devops in the angular app. However, because the webpack build tool bundles the environment.ts together with other files and minifies the result file, I could not use the extension to replace the tokens in a release pipeline.</p>
<p>Another option I considered was fetching the configurations from the backend as part of initializing the angular app. This technique works but it requires making a call to the server and so can have an impact on the load time.</p>
&l t;p>The idea is to load configurations from a json file, which resides under the assets directory such that webpack does not bundle it when building with the --prod configuration, then use the File Transform task to replace the values in the file at release time.</p>
<p>Below I describe the high level steps of an example implementation.</p>
<li>Put the configurations in a json file, and place it under the assets directory.</li>
<li>Load the configs in a service.</li>
<li>Use APP_INITIALIZER to ensure the configs are loaded before using the service.</li>
<li>Inject the service in places where you need to reference the configurations.</li>
<li>Set up azure release pipeline to replace the values in the json file with environment based variables in azure devops.</li>
<p >In the next sections, I describe the steps in more details.</p>
<h3>Put the default configurations in a json file.</h3>
<p>Suppose you have a configs.json file with the following content:</p>
<p>You would place this file under <baseDir>/src/assets directory where baseDir refers to the base directory of your angular app.</p>
<h3>Load the configs in a service.</h3>
<p>In the snippets below, I load the file using HttpClient. It?s a good practice to put the codes in a dedicated service.</p>
<p>In the above snippets, I use a separate HttpClient. In my project, I have an interceptor that intercepts http request to add an access token in the header. In this case, I don?t need or want the interceptor to add the access token. You can just inject and use the default instance of HttpClient.</p>
<h3>Calling loadConfigs method using APP_INITIALIZER</h3>
<p>It would be nice if we can just call the loadConfigs method from the constructor. However, one of the thing I have learned is that you cannot have asynchronous codes in your constructor. For more info, you can checkout this StackOverflow post. Another thing I have learned is APP_INITIALIZER waits for asynchronous calls to finish.</p>
<p>The below snippets show how to call and await the loadConfigs method using APP_INITIALIZER.</p>
<p>That?s it in terms of the angular part. In the next section, I show how you can use the File Transform task in a release pipeline to replace the values in the json file with variables in azure devops.</p>
<h3>Replace values in json file with environment based variables in azure devops.</h3>
<p>In an azure devops release pipeline, add the <strong>File Transform</strong> task to run on an agent. Configure the settings as similar to the below screenshot. Obviously, you need to run this task before the actual deployment.</p>
<p>Go to <strong>Variables</strong>, add the key/value pairs to match with the structure of the json file. If you have nested variables in your json configs, you can use JSONPath expressions to specify them in the name.</p>
<p>If you deploy to multiple environments, you can have multiple variables of the same name with different values for different environments and scope the variables for each environment. In the below screenshot, I scope the environment to Development, which is the stage name I set in the release pipeline. If I add another stage called Staging, I can add another set of variables and scope them to Staging, so that when I deploy to Staging, azure would use the variables for Staging, not Development. That way, I can use different values for different environments without having to build multiple times.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" content/uploads/2019/09/Screen-Shot-2019-09-29-at- 2.55.43-PM.png" /> Scope variables for multiple environments in Azure Devops</p>
<h2>Azure devops angular build</h2>

<h3>Azure devops angular build</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops angular build</h4>
Using azure devops File Transform to deploy a same angular build to multiple environments. For an angular application, at build time, if you pass in a configuration name, then the webpack build
<h5>Azure devops angular build</h5>
Azure devops angular build <a href="">Azure devops angular build</a> Azure devops angular build
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops angular build</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops angular build</a> Azure devops angular build
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops angular build] Azure devops angular build#tags# fer-railway .com/news llinois-to-chicago-illinois-video
ChristaDox2021-05-20 02:30:50 Cituoti
Tfs service hooks - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Tfs service hooks</h1>
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<h1>Only Domain Left </h1>
<h1>Only Domain Left </h1>
<h2>TFS, Office 365, Test Management and more?</h2>
<h1>Bridging On-Premise TFS and Microsoft Teams using Web Hooks and Node.js</h1>
<p>At the beginning of this year Microsoft release their Slack competitor Microsoft Teams. After having recently migrated Exchange,Skype and SharePoint to Office 365 this seemed a natural next step for us.</p>
<p>My main use for Slack was as a central point for notifications from other applications such as StatusCake and Team Foundation Server. Unfortunately whilst the web hooks were compatible with Microsoft?s online offering of Visual Studio Team Services the output from an on-premise Team Foundation Server (in this case TFS 2015 Update 2) was different. This killed the usefulness of Teams for us completely.</p>
<p>Fast forward to now and I decided to revisit this issue and see if any progress had been made. Unfortunately Microsoft still does not have official support for this however I came across this post which gave me some hope I might be able to work around this.</p>
<p>Taking this code and making some modifications I was able to create a node.js based Windows service that translates the JSON from TFS and forwards it to Microsoft Teams in a format it understands.</p>
<p>Here?s how I did it.</p>
<h2>1. Create Channels in Microsoft Teams</h2>
<p>The first thing you need to do is create the required channels in your Team. For my purposes I needed two channels ?TFS New? and ?TFS Updated? this allows me to mute TFS New when large operations are taking place (such as cloning a test plan with hundreds of tests).</p>
<h2>2. Add Web Hook Connectors to Channels</h2>
<p>Each channel requires a web hook creating in order to post data to. See here for information on how to do create a web hook.</p>
<p>Make sure to save the web hook URLs created.</p>
<h2>3. Create the Application</h2>
<p>I used Visual Studio 2017 for this with the option for Node.js development selected in the installer but you could also use VSCode or similar.</p>
<p>The first thing to do is create a new blank Node.js Web Application:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://onlydomainleft.files.wordpress.c om/2017/05/new-node-application1.png" /></p>
<p>Open the server.js file (if not automatically opened), delete the contents and replace with the code below inserting the web hook URLs for each channel (excluding the first part of where it says WEBHOOKURL and the port you want to run the service on e.g. 8080 where it says TCPPORT.</p>
<p>This will give two endpoints to point TFS at:</p>
<p>At this point if you attempt to debug your application in visual studio it will fail as you do not have the ?restify? package installed.</p>
<p>To fix this open a node.js command prompt and change directory to the root of your project (where the server.js file lives) and type</p>
<p>Accepting all defaults for the above command.</p>
<p>Pressing F5 in Visual Studio or running the application manually by typing</p>
<p>from your node command prompt should result in the service starting with no exceptions. You are now ready to test.</p>
<h2>4. Test the Application</h2>
<p>Create your web hooks in TFS to trigger on new and updated events. Ensure that when you create the web hook that you enter the URL and Port for your test environment where the application is currently running and the correct endpoint e.g:</p>
<p>See this guide for more details on creating service hooks in TFS.</p>
<p>Updating/creating a new TFS item or pressing the test button in the service hook should now update the appropriate Microsoft Teams channel:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://onlydomainleft.files.wordpress.c om/2017/05/new-teams-message-from-tfs.png" /></p>
<h2>5. Install on a Server</h2>
<p>The code will need to run as a service in order to process the requests from TFS 24/7 (the TFS server would be a good location for this but you can use any server that you can connect to from TFS).</p>
<li>Download and install Node.JS on the server from here.</li>
<li>Copy your project to a location on the server e.g. c:\tfs-teams</li>
<li>Follow the instructions here (modifying the code to have details of your server.js location/description etc) to run your application as a Windows service.</li>
< h2>6. Update your TFS Service Hooks</h2>
<p>You must remember to update your TFS service hooks to point at the location you have installed the service (or create new ones and disable the old ones until you need to use them for testing again).</p>
<p>You should now be up and running with your bridge between On-Premise TFS and Microsoft Teams.</p>
<p>If you want to take this further you can look at Office 365 Connectors API Reference to get ideas as to additional customisations you could make (red coloured cards for failed builds, green for successful?).</p>
<h2>Tfs service hooks</h2>

<h3>Tfs service hooks</h3>
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<h4>Tfs service hooks</h4>
At the beginning of this year Microsoft release their Slack competitor Microsoft Teams. After having recently migrated Exchange,Skype and SharePoint to Office 365 this seemed a natural next step for us. My main use for Slack was as a central point for notifications from other applications such as StatusCake and Team Foundation Server. Unfortunately whilst the&hellip;
<h5>Tfs service hooks</h5>
Tfs service hooks <a href="">Tfs service hooks</a> Tfs service hooks
SOURCE: <h6>Tfs service hooks</h6> <a href="">Tfs service hooks</a> Tfs service hooks
#tags#<replace> -,-Tfs service hooks] Tfs service hooks#tags# state-prison-3 .com hek-latest-gossip-6
ElginDox2021-05-20 02:30:46 Cituoti
Accenture devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Acce nture devops</h1>
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<h1>Accenture Named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape for Worldwide DevOps Services</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1101/images/US4.jpg" /></p>
<p>?Feedback from customers revealed that Accenture?s key strengths are its very open and highly strategic thinkers,? noted Pete Marston, a research manager at IDC. ?Also, customers stated that Accenture is a partner that reinvents itself well to handle a variety of service demands, thinks with the client to enable escalation, and is committed to their clients? successes with DevOps delivery.?</p>
<p>?We?re pleased to see that Accenture named as a leader in this report. Our continued investment in DevOps has led us to create adoption strategies that unify development and operations, supported by a culture that promotes innovation and agility,? said John Rudd, managing director and Global Enterprise Transformation Lead, Accenture Technology. ?Our DevOps capabilities such as the Accenture DevOps Platform help clients increase productivity, reduce risk and defects, and reduce time to market by up to 50 percent.?</p>
<p>The report, ?IDC MarketScape: Worldwide DevOps Services 2018,? evaluated a variety of services used to help buyer organizations adopt DevOps, improve DevOps delivery capabilities and execute continuous application delivery. IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor?s position within a given market. The Capabilities score measures vendor product, go-to-market and business execution in the short-term. The Strategy score measures alignment of vendor strategies with customer requirements in a 3-5-year timeframe. Vendor market share is represented by the size of the icons.</p>
<p>The full report can be accessed here.</p>
<p><strong>About Accenture</strong> <br />Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions ? underpinned by the world?s largest delivery network ? Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With 459,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Visit us at</p>
<p><strong& gt;About IDC MarketScape</strong> <br />IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor?s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors. <br /></p>
<p><strong>Contact:&l t;/strong></p>
<p>Copyright В© 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved. Accenture and its logo are trademarks of Accenture. <br /></p>
<h2>Accenture devops</h2>

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<h4>Accenture devops</h4>
Accenture has been named a leader in the IDC MarketScape for worldwide DevOps services.
<h5>Accenture devops</h5>
Accenture devops <a href="">Accenture devops</a> Accenture devops
SOURCE: <h6>Accenture devops</h6> <a href="">Acce nture devops</a> Accenture devops
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SanAntonioDox2021-05-20 02:30:31 Cituoti
Azure devops pull request merge conflict - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops pull request merge conflict</h1>
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Azure devops pull request merge conflict <a href="">Current national news</a> Azure devops pull request merge conflict
<h1>Akshay Ranganath's Blogs</h1>
<p>Blogs about Image Optimization, Web Performance, SEO and web technology.</p>
<h1>Handling a Git Pull request with merge conflict</h1>
<p>When working with Git, the relatively complex tasks are issuing a pull request and then merging with conflicts. Due to the prevalence of UIs, pull requests are now quite simple. However, merge requests that have a conflict are a little bit more hard to handle. Here?s how I get this done.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" th/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto/blog/ g" /></p>
<p>In this example, let?s work with 2 branches:</p>
<li>prod (the final source of truth)</li>
<li>feature-1 (the branch issuing pull request)</li>
< h2>Step 1: Verify your local repo</h2>
<p>To start off, ensure that you have the latest files for the <strong>prod</strong> branch.</p>
<p>This will ensure that the files on local repository are in-sync with your remote git repo (Github/Bitbucket, etc).</p>
<h2>Step 2: Switch to branch</h2>
<p>The next step is to switch to the branch that you want to merge. While doing it, ensure that you also pull the latest files from your remote server.</p>
<h2>Step 3: Try to merge</h2>
<p>At this point, we have the latest files for both the ?prod? and ?feature-1? branch locally. You are also on the branch that needs to be merged. Now try this branch to your target branch/master.</p>
<p>You should see output like this:</p>
<p>So git is saying that:</p>
<li>File <em></em> has some change but, it can be merged with no conflict.</li>
<li>File <em></em> has some changes that overlap. There is a merge conflict and it cannot automatically merge the change.</li>
<p >Git would have also tried to merge the files and added the conflict related information to the file that has issues. In this case, it is a file named <em></em>.</p>
<h2>Step 4: Resolve the merge conflict</h2>
<p>To resolve the conflict, open the file and look for lines like this:</p>
<p>In this case, git says that the line to print <em>?Hello world?</em> from <em>prod</em> branch was over-written with a different print statement in the branch. Manually, you?ll need to fix this. So in my case, I fixed it this way:</p>
<h3>Step 5: Check in changes</h3>
<p>Now, commit the fixes to the branch.</p>
<h3>Step 6: Merge the branch</h3>
<p>At this point, the conflicts should be gone. You can now log in to your remote server like github or bitbucket and hit the merge request. Once this completes, the pull request is automatically marked as complete.</p>
<p>When completing the merge, there is an option to close the branch as well. Use this option if you feel that the branch created is no longer necessary.</p>
<h2>Azure devops pull request merge conflict</h2>

<h3>Azure devops pull request merge conflict</h3>
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Azure devops pull request merge conflict <a href="">Headline news</a> Azure devops pull request merge conflict
<h4>Azure devops pull request merge conflict</h4>
Merging a git pull request with conflicts is not straight-forward for the first time. Here's how to do it.
<h5>Azure devops pull request merge conflict</h5>
Azure devops pull request merge conflict <a href="">Azure devops pull request merge conflict</a> Azure devops pull request merge conflict
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops pull request merge conflict</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops pull request merge conflict</a> Azure devops pull request merge conflict
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops pull request merge conflict] Azure devops pull request merge conflict#tags# l-assad-issues-decree-disbursing-one-time-grant-of -syp-50-thousand-for-civil-and-military-employees- and-syp-40-thousand-for-pensioners .com/news
NewportNewsDox2021-05-20 02:29:49 Cituoti
Udacity devops - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Udacity devops</h1>
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<h1>??? DevOps (?)</h1>
<h5>???????????????????????? ?</h5>
<h5>1 ?? - ? 4 ??</h5>
<h5>???????? Linux ???</h5>
<h 5>?????????</h5>
<h2>????????? DevOps ?????</h2>
<p>?????????????????????? DevOps ??????????????????????????????? Infrastructure as Code ??? AWS ???? CI/CD ?????? Kubernetes ????????????????????? DevOps ????????????????????????????? DevOps ??????????</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ages/shared/placeholder.png" /></p>
<p>Stack Overflow 2018 ???????????????????????DevOps ?????????????? DevOps ?????????? 10 ????</p>
<h 2>??? DevOps</h2>
<p>??????? Infrastructure as Code??????????????????? CI/CD ?????? Kubernetes ??????????????????????????????????????</p>
<p>???? Linux ????????????????????Python?JavaScript????????</ p>
<p>? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? Amazon Web Services (AWS) ????????????????????? AWS ????????????????????????????????</p>
<p& gt; ???? 1?? AWS ???????</p>
<h4>??????? Infrastructure as Code (IAC)</h4>
<p>??????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? CloudFormation ???????CloudFormation ? AWS ? Infrastructure as Code ??????? CloudFormation ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? CloudFormation ???????</p>
<p> ???? 2??? CloudFormation ???????????</p>
<h4>??????? CI/CD ??????????</h4>
<p>?????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? CI/CD ??????????????????????????????????????? Ansible ???????????????Ansible ?????????????</p>
<p> ???? 3?? Blue/Green ???? CI/CD ??</p>
<h4>??????? Kubernetes ?????????</h4>
<p>????????????????? kubernetes ????? kubernetes ??????????? kubernetes ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? (AWS Lambda) ????? (Kubernetes)?</p>
<h2>Udacity devops</h2>

<h3>Udacity devops</h3>
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<h4>Udacity devops</h4>
??????????????????????????????D evOps??????????????????????????????????????
<h 5>Udacity devops</h5>
Udacity devops <a href="">Udacity devops</a> Udacity devops
SOURCE: <h6>Udacity devops</h6> <a href="">Udac ity devops</a> Udacity devops
#tags#<replace> -,-Udacity devops] Udacity devops#tags# .com
PearlandDox2021-05-20 02:29:40 Cituoti
Gitlab azure devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Gitl ab azure devops</h1>
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Gitlab azure devops <a href="">Top news</a> Gitlab azure devops
<h1>Managing source repository connections</h1>
<p>App Center supports connections to the following code repository services: Bitbucket, GitHub,, and Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS). Build apps in App Center by connecting to one of these providers.</p>
<p>Except self-hosted GitLab Instances, App Center doesn't support connections to self-hosted or on-prem versions of the above repository services.</p>
<h2>Connecting to a source repository</h2>
<p>To build an app, connect to your code repository service account by selecting the appropriate service from the <strong>Build</strong> tab in your app. Sign-in using the code repository service account credentials if you aren't already signed in. Authorizing App Center is required to complete the connection.</p>
<p>Available repositories will populate in App Center after a successful connection. Select a repository and a branch where your app lives and set up your first build.</p>
<h3>Connecting to Self-Hosted GitLab Instances</h3>
<p>Subdomains aren't supported, the SSL certificate for the GitLab instance must match exactly. Example: can't be served under a wildcard certificate for * .</p>
<p>You may connect to a self-hosted GitLab instance by providing the instance URL, for example, , and a personal access token (PAT). Choose api as the scope when creating the PAT for the connection to App Center. The instance must be reachable over the internet. When the PAT expires, any admin on the App Center app can reconnect the connection using their PAT. Edit the connection settings either in the <strong>Build</strong> service when connecting a repository or in <strong>User Settings > Developer Accounts</strong>.</p>
<h2>Remo ving connections and reconnecting</h2>
<p>With so many identities, apps, and authentication methods, you might end up with your App Center account connected to a different code repository service than where your apps are hosted.</p>
<p>If you connected to a repository service with the wrong account, you must open your User settings in the hosting service (Azure DevOps, GitHub, or Bitbucket) and revoke the Oauth token manually. Then you can reconnect to another account in App Center.</p>
<p>Keep in mind that if you connect to a new account, you'll lose all the build configuration and previous builds for ALL the apps configured with the previous account.</p>
<p>To connect to another Bitbucket account, first revoke the Oauth token. Go to > Access Management (Oauth) > Revoke App Center token. In App Center's <strong>Build</strong> tab, reconnect to Bitbucket and go through the Oauth flow again. Make sure that before you redo the Oauth flow in App Center, you sign out in that browser from Bitbucket first.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" er/build/images/remove-bitbucket-oauth-token.jpg&q uot; /></p>
< p>If you logged in into App Center with a GitHub account, you can only build apps from repositories under that GitHub account.</p>
<p>To connect to another GitHub account, first revoke the OAuth token. Go to the GitHub profile web page > Applications > Authorized OAuth Apps > Revoke App Center token. In App Center's <strong>Build</strong> tab, reconnect to GitHub and repeat the Oauth flow. Sign out from GitHub before reconnecting via the OAuth flow to App Center.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" er/build/images/remove-github-oauth-token.jpg" ; /></p>
<h3>Azure DevOps</h3>
<p>To connect to another Azure DevOps account, first revoke the Oauth token. Go to the <strong>Azure DevOps Me Page > Manage Authorizations (See screenshot below) > Revoke App Center token</strong>. In App Center's <strong>Build</strong> tab, reconnect to Azure DevOps and go through the Oauth flow again. Make sure that before you redo the Oauth flow in App Center, you sign out in the browser from the identity that you used to connect to the previous Azure DevOps account.</p>
<p>It can take up to 60 minutes for the Azure DevOps token to lose access. After access expires, you can connect App Center to another Azure DevOps account.</p>
<h2>Gitlab azure devops</h2>

<h3>Gitlab azure devops</h3>
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Gitlab azure devops <a href="">New new new</a> Gitlab azure devops
<h4>Gitlab azure devops</h4>
How to connect/reconnect to a repository to start building your app
<h5>Gitlab azure devops</h5>
Gitlab azure devops <a href="">Gitlab azure devops</a> Gitlab azure devops
SOURCE: <h6>Gitlab azure devops</h6> <a href="">Gitl ab azure devops</a> Gitlab azure devops
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BoiseDox2021-05-20 02:29:29 Cituoti
Azure devops bitbucket - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops bitbucket</h1>
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Azure devops bitbucket <a href="">News report</a> Azure devops bitbucket
<h1>Now Available: Bitbucket Pipes for Azure</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" /prod/sites/37/2019/03/David-McGhee-150x150.jpg&qu ot; /></p>
<p>Principal Program Manager</p>
<p>Bitbucket Cloud customers can now plumb their Bitbucket Pipelines to Azure, automatically building, testing and deploying their code, all based on a configuration file in their repositories. Bitbucket Pipes for Azure are a set of deployment-oriented pipes for developers to use against common Azure services and scenarios, helping them turn their code into solutions faster.</p>
<h2>Bitbucket Pipes for Azure overview</h2>
<p>Each of the Bitbucket Pipes (listed below) make it possible to deploy code to the Azure cloud in a single step in a Bitbucket Pipeline. You can streamline CI/CD to create new or use existing Azure deployment templates, commands, and patterns as pipes for your favorite Azure services. With every pipe you will find comprehensive guidance and examples for end-to-end scenarios in the documentation.</p>
<h2>User development workflow benefits</h2>
<p>With Bitbucket Pipes you can easily develop and deploy wherever you want: on premises, in the cloud, or take a hybrid approach. With a combination of pipes, you can create a workflow that covers resource creation, code deployment, resource removal, and execution of any Azure command using your existing Azure credentials.</p>
<p>Bitbucket Pipes for Azure also helps you optimize operations and transform project development. Because the pipes are available for all your repos, they can help your team to be more productive, wherever you choose to deploy your Azure code ? in the cloud or at the edge.</p>
<h2>List of Bitbucket Pipes</h2>
<table style="height: 310px"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 21px"> <td style="height: 21px" width="231">azure-aks-deploy</td&g t; <td style="height: 21px" width="647">Azure Kubernetes Service Deployment Pipe</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 41px"> <td style="height: 41px" width="231">azure-aks-helm-deploy< /td> <td style="height: 41px" width="647">Azure Kubernetes Service Helm Deployment Pipe. Helm is an open source project for managing Kubernetes charts.</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 41px"> <td style="height: 41px" width="231">azure-vm-linux-script-dep loy</td> <td style="height: 41px" width="647">Azure Virtual Machine Linux Script Deploy Pipe. Use a Virtual Machine script extension on an Azure Linux Virtual Machine</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 41px"> <td style="height: 41px" width="231">azure-vmss-linux-script-d eploy</td> <td style="height: 41px" width="647">Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Linux Script Deploy Pipe. Use a Virtual Machine script extension on an Azure Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 41px"> <td style="height: 41px" width="231">azure-functions-deploy< ;/td> <td style="height: 41px" width="647">Azure Functions Deployment Pipe, for running your code in an event-driven, serverless compute platform.</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 41px"> <td style="height: 41px" width="231">azure-arm-deploy</td&g t; <td style="height: 41px" width="647">Azure Resource Manager Template Pipe. This allows you to provision your applications using a declarative JSON template</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 21px"> <td style="height: 21px" width="231">azure-cli-run</td> <td style="height: 21px" width="647">Azure Command Line Interface Deployment Pipe. Can be used to execute an Azure CLI command</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 21px"> <td style="height: 21px" width="231">azure-web-apps-deploy< /td> <td style="height: 21px" width="647">Azure Web Apps Deploy Pipe. Deploys an application to Azure Web Apps</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 21px"> <td style="height: 21px" width="231">azure-web-apps-containers -deploy</td> <td style="height: 21px" width="647">Azure Web Apps for Containers Deploy Pipe. Deploys a container to Azure Web Apps for Containers</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 21px"> <td style="height: 21px" width="231">azure-storage-deploy</ td> <td style="height: 21px" width="647">Azure Storage Deployment Pipe. Move files and folders to and from Azure Blob Storage</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
<h2>Get started with Bitbucket Pipes for Azure</h2>
<p>To get started with Bitbucket Pipes, sign up for a free Microsoft Azure account at In addition to Bitbucket Pipes, open source technologies supported on Azure span management, applications, infrastructure, databases, middleware and app frameworks.</p>
<p>Questions or feedback? Let us know in the comments below.</p>
<h2>Azure devops bitbucket</h2>

<h3>Azure devops bitbucket</h3>
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Azure devops bitbucket <a href="">Latest headlines</a> Azure devops bitbucket
<h4>Azure devops bitbucket</h4>
Bitbucket Cloud customers can now plumb their Bitbucket Pipelines to Azure, automatically building, testing and deploying their code.
<h5>Azure devops bitbucket</h5>
Azure devops bitbucket <a href="">Azure devops bitbucket</a> Azure devops bitbucket
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops bitbucket</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops bitbucket</a> Azure devops bitbucket
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops bitbucket] Azure devops bitbucket#tags# om/news 579
Minnesotasr2021-05-20 02:29:26 Cituoti
Azure continuous integration - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure continuous integration</h1>
<p><youtube>&l t;/p>
Azure continuous integration <a href="">Breaking news english</a> Azure continuous integration
<h1>Continuous Integration</h1>
<h3><strong>De vOps</strong> </h3>
<p>DevOps leads to faster delivery and higher quality. DevOps is not just about creating new, efficient, and better apps; it is about building and using continuous integration deployment and delivery to focus on delivering business value. <br />DevOps is an intersection of development and operational aspects in a software development life cycle. The In Time Tec DevOps team emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information technology (IT) professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes. We aim to establish a culture and environment where building, testing, and releasing the software can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably.</p>
<h3><strong>AWS DevOps</strong></h3>
<p>AWS provides the cloud computing capability on a global scale, which you can leverage to provide the application services globally within the span of hours. AWS DevOps has helped thousands of organizations to migrate to the cloud and free-up resources by lowering IT costs. This process improved productivity, operational resiliency, and business agility so that you can reach your business goals quickly and with confidence. <br />Leveraging AWS infrastructure and solutions such as high availability, scalability and disaster recovery can meet the end user needs even under the most demanding conditions.</p>
<h3><strong>Azu re DevOps</strong></h3>
<p>Microso ft azure is one of the leading cloud providers with all kind of services designed to meet all IT needs. Services offered by Azure DevOps encompass three major areas namely software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). It also allows IT companies integrate its on-premise IT infrastructure with Azure providing a hybrid cloud infrastructure. This process has been widely adopted by all kinds of companies dealing in different sectors such as healthcare, financial services, retail, government and manufacturing. Azure DevOps has its datacentre across the globe and is connected through Azure?s global network. One can scale up and down its resources in Azure as per their requirement thereby saving their IT expenditure to a great extent.<br /></p>
<h3><strong>Core Competencies</strong> </h3>
<p>In Time Tec?s expertise in the areas below enables our partners to bridge the gap between ongoing development and operations:</p>
<h2>Azure continuous integration</h2>

<h3>Azure continuous integration</h3>
<p><youtube>&l t;/p>
Azure continuous integration <a href="">Newspaper headlines today</a> Azure continuous integration
<h4>Azure continuous integration</h4>
Our expertise is with AWS, AZURE, Devops, etc. We are a leading Continuous Integration Deployment and Delivery service provider based in India.
<h5>Azure continuous integration</h5>
Azure continuous integration <a href="">Azure continuous integration</a> Azure continuous integration
SOURCE: <h6>Azure continuous integration</h6> <a href="">Azur e continuous integration</a> Azure continuous integration
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure continuous integration] Azure continuous integration#tags# -los-angeles-area-los-angeles-airport-guide-sleepi ng-in-airports ng-metro-jail
JessiDox2021-05-20 02:27:17 Cituoti
Devops boards - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Devops boards</h1>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Devops boards <a href="">News highlights today</a> Devops boards
<p>Visu ally prioritize, manage, and track work execution with powerful and flexible boards.</p>
<h2>Visualize and manage work</h2>
<h3>Manage backlog and team WIP</h3>
<li>Collaboratively track the flow of work.</li>
<li>Prioritize backlog and manage overall work in progress (WIP).</li>
<li>Eliminate silos and enable cross-functional sharing.</li>
<h3>Flexib le Boards</h3>
<li>Visualize the status of work across the lifecycle.</li>
<li>Manage, assign and track the flow of work.</li>
<li>Tailor board layout to match your workflow.</li>
<h1>Featu res</h1>
<h4>Project Issue Board</h4>
<p>GitLab has Issue Boards, each list of an Issue Board is based on a label that exists in your issue tracker. The Issue Board will therefore match the state of your issue tracker in a user-friendly way.</p>
<h4>Group Issue Board</h4>
<p>Issue board scoped at the group level, so that you can view issues in all projects of that group.</p>
<h4>Multiple Project Issue Boards</h4>
<p>Large companies often have hundreds of different projects, all with different moving parts at the same time. GitLab allows for multiple Issue Boards for a single project so you can plan, organize, and visualize a workflow for a feature or product release. Multiple Issue Boards are particularly useful for large projects with more than one team or in situations where a repository is used to host the code of multiple products.</p>
<h4>Multiple Group Issue Boards</h4>
<p>Multiple Group Issue Boards, similar to Multiple Project Issue Boards</p>
<h4>Total Issue Count per Issue Board List</h4>
<p>View the total number of issues in an issue board list, at the top of the list.</p>
<h4>Total Issue Weight per Issue Board List</h4>
<p>View the total weight of issues in an issue board list, at the top of the list.</p>
<h4>Issue Board Label Lists</h4>
<p>An Issue Board is based on its projectРІ??s label structure, therefore, it applies the same descriptive labels to indicate placement on the board. GitLab issues can appear on multiple issues and they still have meaning without the context of a particular board.</p>
<h4>Issue Board Assignee Lists</h4>
<p>Issue board lists that pull in issues assigned to a given user</p>
<h4>Issue Board Milestone Lists</h4>
<p>Issue board lists that pull in issues in a given milestone</p>
<h4>Issue Board Configuration</h4>
<p>Associate a board with a milestone, labels, an assignee, and a weight</p>
<h4>Issue Board Focus Mode</h4>
<p>Get more information at a time with the Issue Board focus mode, which removes all unnecessary elements from the screen to show your Issue Boards.</p>
<h4>Reorder Issues in Issue Board List</h4>
<p>Reorder issues in an issue board list to indicate priority and intended order of implementation.</p>
<h4>Add Multiple Issues to Project Issue Board</h4>
<p>From an Issue Board, you can add multiple issues to lists in the board by selecting one or more existing issues.</p>
<h4>New Issue in Issue Board List</h4>
<p>With GitLab Issue Boards, you can create issues directly from the board and assign multiple labels allowing them to appear on multiple boards.</p>
<h2>Devops boards</h2>

<h3>Devops boards</h3>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Devops boards <a href="">American news headlines</a> Devops boards
<h4>Devops boards</h4>
Visually prioritize, manage, and track work execution with powerful and flexible boards.
<h5>Devops boards</h5>
Devops boards <a href="">Devops boards</a> Devops boards
SOURCE: <h6>Devops boards</h6> <a href="">Devo ps boards</a> Devops boards
#tags#<replace> -,-Devops boards] Devops boards#tags# om/news an-diego-video-3 edit-card-online-payment-credit-one-credit-card-on line-payment
Marylandsr2021-05-20 02:26:06 Cituoti
Azure nuget - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure nuget</h1>
<p><youtube></p&g t;
Azure nuget <a href="">News update</a> Azure nuget
<h1>Unable to find package providers (NuGet)</h1>
<p>In this azure tutorial, we will discuss how to fix the error, <strong>Unable to find package providers (NuGet),</strong> and <strong>No match was found for the specified search criteria and provider name ?NuGet?. Try ?Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable? to see if the provider exists on the system</strong> which comes while trying to install the <strong>PowerShell Nuget</strong> and <strong>Azure PowerShell module</strong> using <strong>PowerShell ISE</strong>.</p>
<iframe src=" Q?feature=oembed"></iframe>
<p&g t;Table of Contents</p>
<h2>Unable to find package providers (NuGet)</h2>
<p>Recently, while I was trying to install <strong>PowerShell Nuget</strong>, I got this error ?<strong>Unable to find package providers (NuGet)</strong>?. I was executing the PowerShell script to install <strong>PowerShell Nuget</strong> and I got this error</p>
<p>When I was trying to install the <strong>?Nuget? package</strong> using the below PowerShell cmdlet, I got the above error</p>
<p>I was executing the below line of code to <strong>install Nuget PowerShell</strong>.</p>
<p>I got the below error ?<strong>Unable to find package providers (NuGet)</strong>?, see below <strong>Powershell not able to access ?NuGet? package</strong></p>
<p>Why are we exactly getting this error <strong>Unable to install NuGet provider for PowerShell</strong> and what is the <strong>solution</strong> for <strong>Unable to find package providers (NuGet)</strong>?</p>
<h2>Find the PowerShell version</h2>
<p>You should always use the updated version of PowerShell. You need to run the below PwerShell cmdlet to check the PowerShell version on your system.</p>
<h2>Check the Transport Layer Security protocols</h2>
<p>Let?s check the Transport layer security protocols on the system</p>
<p>Once, you will run the above PowerShell cmdlet, you can see the version of Transport layer security protocols available on your system. If the versions are old and deprecated one then you need to enable at least <strong>TLS 1.2</strong> or above.</p>
<h2>Unable to find package providers (NuGet) <Solved></h2>
<h2>Install-Packa geProvider</h2>
<p>To <strong>fix</strong> ,<strong>Unable to install NuGet provider for PowerShell</strong>, we need to follow the below steps to fix <strong>Unable to install NuGet provider for PowerShell</strong></p>
<p>< strong>Step- 1:</strong></p>
<p>Open <strong>PowerShell</strong> as run as <strong>Administrator</strong> </p>
<p><strong>Step- 2:</strong></p>
<p>Run the below command to <strong>enable TLS 1.2</strong></p>
<p><strong& gt;Step- 3:</strong></p>
<p>Run the below command</p>
<p>See the output here</p>
<p>This is how we can fix the error <strong>Unable to find package providers (NuGet)</strong> or <strong>Unable to find package provider ?NuGet?</strong> and this is <strong>How do I install the Nuget Provider for PowerShell</strong>.</p>
<h2>No match was found for the specified search criteria and provider name ?NuGet?. Try ?Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable? to see if the provider exists on the system.</h2>
<p>Recently, while I was trying to install the Azure Powershell module I got this error. I was executing the below line of code and I got the above error</p>
<p>Ohh, again I am getting the same error</p>
<p>Now to <strong>fix</strong> this we need to follow the below steps</p>
<p><strong>Step-1:< ;/strong></p>
<p>To fix this error, First, we need to install the <strong>?Nuget? package</strong> by following the above steps.</p>
<p><strong>Step- 2</strong>:</p>
<p>Then run the below command which will <strong>De-register</strong> and <strong>register</strong> the <strong>repository</strong> again.</p>
<p><strong>Step- 3:</strong></p>
<p>Now run the below line of code to install the Azure PowerShell module. Now you will not get any error this time. This will install the Azure PowerShell module successfully.</p>
<p><strong>St ep- 4:</strong></p>
<p>Now you can see below it started installing the Azure PowerShell module.</p>
<p>You may like following Azure tutorials:</p>
<h2>Conclusion</h2& gt;
<p>In this article, we learned to fix the error ?<strong>Unable to find package providers (NuGet)</strong>?. The solution to this issue is configuring <strong>TLS1.2</strong> on the system. After that, you can install NuGet for PowerShell without any issue. I hope this Azure tutorial, helps you to fix the error <strong>Unable to find package providers (NuGet)</strong>. The same solution will also fix the below errors</p>
<li>unable to find package provider ?NuGet? PowerShell</li>
<li>get-packageprovider : unable to find package provider ?NuGet?</li>
<li>install PowerShell NuGet provider</li>
<li>PowerShell install NuGet provider</li>
<li>Powershell not able to access packages / ?NuGet? package provider</li>
< p>We also discussed the solution for the issue <strong>No match was found for the specified search criteria and provider name ?NuGet?. Try ?Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable? to see if the provider exists on the system</strong> which I got while trying to install the Azure PowerShell module.</p>
<h2>Azure nuget</h2>

<h3>Azure nuget</h3>
<p><youtube></p&g t;
Azure nuget <a href="">Latest news headlines for today</a> Azure nuget
<h4>Azure nuget</h4>
No match was found for the specified search criteria and provider name 'NuGet'. Try 'Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable' to see if the provider exists on the system, Unable to find package providers (NuGet)
<h5>Azure nuget</h5>
Azure nuget <a href="">Azure nuget</a> Azure nuget
SOURCE: <h6>Azure nuget</h6> <a href="">Azur e nuget</a> Azure nuget
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure nuget] Azure nuget#tags# -heb-careers-heb-careers ail-view
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Atkrintamųjų viltis išsaugojęs "Nevėžis" nutraukė "Neptūno" pergalių seriją
Atkrintamųjų viltis išsaugojęs "Nevėžis" nutraukė "Neptūno" pergalių seriją
Lietuvos krepšinio lygoje („Betsafe-LKL“) intrigos nepašykštėjo mūšis pajūryje. Klaipėdos „Neptūnas“ (14-13) savo arenoje 79:92 (26:24,
Po lenta dominavusio Valančiūno komandai atkrintamųjų starte pritrūko vieno metimo
Po lenta dominavusio Valančiūno komandai atkrintamųjų starte pritrūko vieno metimo
Vienintelė NBA atkrintamosiose varžybose dalyvaujanti „lietuviška“ ekipa savo pirmo etapo seriją pradėjo atkakliu, bet nesėkmingai pasibaigusiu mūšiu favoritų teritorijoje
 Naudingiausiu NBA krepšininku šeštus metus iš eilės taps ne amerikietis
Naudingiausiu NBA krepšininku šeštus metus iš eilės taps ne amerikietis
NBA lyga paskelbė po tris pretendentus į asmeninius reguliaraus sezono apdovanojimus, rašo Krepš žaidėju pretenduoja tapti Denverio „Nuggets“ serbas Nikola
"Juventus" suspendavo savo naudingiausią žaidėją
"Juventus" suspendavo savo naudingiausią žaidėją
Balandį dar nė sykio ant parketo neišbėgęs Utenos „Juventus“ legionierius iš Kroatijos Ivanas Vranešas daugiau komandoje gali ir nebepasirodyti, rašo Krepšų
NBA atkrintamosiose varžybose – favoritų diktatas ir Lillardo fenomenas
NBA atkrintamosiose varžybose – favoritų diktatas ir Lillardo fenomenas
NBA atkrintamosios varžybos kol kas šykšti staigmenų – pergalėmis startavo ir aukščiau už savo varžovus reitinguotos Milvokio „Bucks“, Los Andželo „Clippers“
Po lengvo pasivaikščiojimo Trinchieri vardijo, ko nori iš naujoko, o Šeškus baisėjosi: man gėda
Po lengvo pasivaikščiojimo Trinchieri vardijo, ko nori iš naujoko, o Šeškus baisėjosi: man gėda
LKL reguliariojo sezono nugalėtojų vardo link užtikrintai artėjantys Kauno „Žalgirio“ (23-3) krepšininkai sekmadienį net namuose 101:57 nepasigailėjo Jonavos „CBet“
Naujoko debiuto sulaukęs "Žalgiris" rekordiniu skirtumu nušlavė jonaviečius
Naujoko debiuto sulaukęs "Žalgiris" rekordiniu skirtumu nušlavė jonaviečius
Kauno „Žalgiris“ (23-3) labai lengvai papildė pergalių sąskaitą Lietuvos krepšinio lygoje („Betsafe-LKL“) ir namuose 101:57 (30:15, 21:10, 26:13, 24:19) sutrypė Jonavos
Urbonas uteniškiams užkūrė pirtį, bet "Šiauliai" krito paskutinę minutę
Urbonas uteniškiams užkūrė pirtį, bet "Šiauliai" krito paskutinę minutę
Žydrūnas Urbonas stojo į kovą su klubu, kuriame praleido keliolika metų, tačiau puikiai pažįstama aplinka jo komandai svarbios pergalės neatnešė.Oliverio Kostičiaus treniruojama Utenos
Dominavęs "Rytas" privertė Mažeikių klubą kristi trečiąsyk paeiliui
Dominavęs "Rytas" privertė Mažeikių klubą kristi trečiąsyk paeiliui
Vilniaus „Ryto“ (22-5) komandai neprireikė pilnos sudėties, kad įveiktų Mažeikių „M Basket-Delamode“ (11-16) ekipą.Lietuvos krepšinio lygos („Betsafe-LKL“)
Po krepšiais karaliavęi "Cavaliers" užtikrintai pradėjo atkrintamąsias
Po krepšiais karaliavęi "Cavaliers" užtikrintai pradėjo atkrintamąsias
NBA atkrintamosios varžybos prasidėjo Klivlando „Cavaliers“ pergale, kuri namuose 97:83 (33:26, 15:20, 17:20, 24:25) įveikė Orlando „Magic“ ir serijoje iki keturių pergalių
Žalgiriečių Eurolygos epizodų dešimtuke – Hayeso dominavimas
Žalgiriečių Eurolygos epizodų dešimtuke – Hayeso dominavimas
Praėjusią savaitę stipriausiame Senojo žemyno klubiniame krepšinio turnyre kovas baigę Kauno „Žalgirio“ krepšininkai šį sezoną pažymėjo gausybe efektingų epizodų.„Žalgiris
Sabonio perimtas iš Valančiūno kamuolys bei dėjimas – tarp įspūdingiausių momentų
Sabonio perimtas iš Valančiūno kamuolys bei dėjimas – tarp įspūdingiausių momentų
Nacionalinė krepšinio asociacija (NBA) paskelbė balandžio 19 dieną vykusių įkrintamųjų varžybų gražiausių epizodų penketuką.Į jį pateko ir Lietuvos rinktinės bokštai.Trečią
Sabonio sezonas – baigtas: kelionę link NBA žiedų pratęs tautietį pranokęs Valančiūnas
Sabonio sezonas – baigtas: kelionę link NBA žiedų pratęs tautietį pranokęs Valančiūnas
Naktį iš penktadienio į šeštadienį Naujajame Orleane vykusiose lemiamose NBA įkrintamųjų rungtynėse vietos „Pelicans“ krepšininkai 105:98 (22:24, 32:21, 29:22,
"Heat" ir vėl aplaužė ragus "Buliams" bei įšoko į atkrintamąsias
"Heat" ir vėl aplaužė ragus "Buliams" bei įšoko į atkrintamąsias
Paskutiniais šių metų NBA Rytų konferencijos atkrintamųjų dalyviais tapo praėjusių metų lygos finalininkai Majamio „Heat“ krepšininkai, rašo Krepš
Štreimikytė-Virbickienė: krepšinis tapo pirma meile, kuri nerūdija (interviu)
Štreimikytė-Virbickienė: krepšinis tapo pirma meile, kuri nerūdija (interviu)
Viena žinomiausių ir tituluočiausių Lietuvos krepšininkių – Jurgita Štreimikytė-Virbickienė – turėjo įspūdingą karjerą. Puolėja yra viena iš dviejų Lietuvos
Į Lietuvą jau atvykęs "Žalgirio" naujokas paaiškino, kuo gali padėti kauniečiams
Į Lietuvą jau atvykęs "Žalgirio" naujokas paaiškino, kuo gali padėti kauniečiams
Kauno „Žalgirio“ gretas ketvirtadienį oficialiai papildęs 28-erių metų 203 cm ūgio Demetre Riversas jau penktadienio popietę pasiekė Lietuvą.Su antra puse ir šuniu į Vilniaus
Sedekerskis ir "Baskonia" pačiupo paskutinį Eurolygos atkrintamujų bilietą
Sedekerskis ir "Baskonia" pačiupo paskutinį Eurolygos atkrintamujų bilietą
Penktadienį nuaidėjo pirmųjų istorijoje Eurolygos įkrintamųjų paskutinis mačas, po kurio paaiškėjo paskutinė į atkrintamąsias įšokusi komanda. Paskutinį bilietą sugriebė Tadas
Lemtinga Lietuvos bokštų kaktomuša: ar ji taps paskutine Valančiūno giesme „Pelikanuose“?
Lemtinga Lietuvos bokštų kaktomuša: ar ji taps paskutine Valančiūno giesme „Pelikanuose“?
Naktį iš penktadienio į šeštadienį Naujajame Orleane vyksiančiose lemiamose NBA įkrintamųjų rungtynėse tarp vietos „Pelicans“ ir Sakramento „Kings“
Mažeikiškio Antetokounmpo pokalbiai su teisėju, treneriu ir komandos draugais
Mažeikiškio Antetokounmpo pokalbiai su teisėju, treneriu ir komandos draugais
„Betsafe-LKL TV“ dėmesio sulaukė Mažeikių „M Basket Delamode“ žaidėjas Alexas Antetokounmpo.Jauniausias iš brolių Antetokounmpo, rungtynių metu naudojo sportininkams
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalių mūšių datas
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalių mūšių datas
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalio etapo tvarkaraštį, kuriame aiškūs visi rungtynių laikai, jeigu porose užtektų keturių mačų, rašo Krepš netrūks
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos (LKF) būstinėje ketvirtadienį susirinkę šalies jaunimo rinktinių treneriai pristatė savo pasirengimo ateinančios vasaros pirmenybėms planus ir pasidalino
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
Lietuvos moterų krepšinio žvaigždė Justė Jocytė ateinantį sezoną gali pradėti naujoje komandoje, praneša Prancūzijos žiniasklaida.Skelbiama, kad Vilerbano ASVEL mažins biudžetus
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Paulius Murauskas nusprendė pakeisti universitetą po neitin sėkmingo pirmojo sezono NCAA. 20-metis antrąjį sezoną suvienys jėgas su Augustu Marčiulioniu, rašo Krepš Murauskas
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Ketvirtadienio vakarą Vilniaus „Rytas“, minėdamas 15-ąsias triumfo Europos taurėje metines, LKL rungtynių su Šiaulių „Šiauliais“ ilgosios pertraukos metu savo
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Traumų išretintą Kauno „Žalgirio“ puolėjų liniją netrukus papildys naujokas. Lietuvos čempionų klubas iki sezono pabaigos pasirašė sutartį su 203 cm ūgio amerikiečiu
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
Ketvirtadienį Lietuvos krepšinio federacijoje vyko susirinkimas, kuriame dalyvavo visų Lietuvos jaunimo rinktinių vyr. treneriai. Susirinkimo metu treneriai pristatė rinktinių pasiruošimo
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
38 pražangos ir penki jų limitą išnaudoję vienos komandos krepšininkai – Andrea Trinchieri teatrališkai tvirtino tokio atvejo per savo karjerą nepamenantis, užtat ilgai
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
Reguliariajame NBA sezone Rytuose 9-ą vietą užėmęs Čikagos „Bulls“ klubas namuose pergalingai pradėjo įkrintamąsias varžybas: 131:116 (40:22, 33:45, 37:25, 21:24) pranoko Atlantos

Vartotojo meniu
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