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"Rockets" nenori paleisti D.Motiejūno į Brukliną - planuoja naują pasiūlymą

Autorius: Krepš

Hjustono „Rockets“ klubas nenori paleisti Donato Motiejūno. Nors klubo direktorius Darylas Morey pripažįsta, kad 25-erių lietuvis artimiausiu metu turi sulaukti Bruklino „Nets“ pasiūlymo pasirašyti kontraktą, jis užsimena, kad „Rockets“ savo ruožtu ketina pateikti savo variantą ir pranokti konkurentus.

Visgi to padaryti klubas negali, kol nežino, kokio solidumo pasiūlymo aukštaūgis sulauks iš „Nets“, rašo Krepš

Kaip ketvirtadienį paskelbė žurnalistas Adrianas Wojnarowski, ilgai niekur nežaidęs D. Motiejūnas netrukus gali sulaukti pasiūlymo iš Bruklino klubo, kuris turi pakankamai pinigų algų kepurėje.

„Rockets“ vadovas D. Morey patvirtino, kad D. Motiejūnas iš „Nets“ oficialaus pasiūlymo gali sulaukti jau penktadienį. Jei taip nutiks, Hjustono klubas turės lygiai tris paras, per kurias galės pateikti analogišką arba geresnį variantą . Jeigu „raketos“ to nepadarytų, D. Motiejūnas oficialiai taptų „Nets“ žaidėju ir „apriboto laisvojo agento istorija“ būtų baigta.

„Esame dideli Donato gerbėjai. Ir vis dar tikimės jį matyti komandoje. Tačiau kol nesužinosime, koks yra oficialus pasiūlymas, negalime numanyti, kokio dydžio sutartis tai bus“, – „Houston Chronicle“ cituoja D. Morey.

Kad D. Motiejūną norėtų matyti Hjustone, tikina ir klubo treneris Mike‘as D‘Antoni: „Tikrai tikimės, kad susitarti dar pavyks. Mums D. Motiejūnas patinka ir kaip žaidėjas, ir kaip žmogus. Tačiau turime pamatyti, koks tai bus pasiūlymas, o tada D. Morey priims sprendimą, kuris bus geriausias klubui“.

Visgi sprendimas priklausys nuo to, koks bus „Nets“ pasiūlymas. Kol kas žinios apie tai yra vien spekuliacijos, tačiau beveik neabejojama, kad lietuvis Brukline turėtų gauti garantuotą kontraktą bent dviems sezonams.

Abejotina ir tai, ar pats D. Motiejūnas norėtų pasilikti Hjustone. Visai neseniai jis atmetė „Rokcets“ pasiūlymą, kurio vertė siekė 7 milijonus JAV dolerių, tačiau garantuotas buvo tik vienas sezonas komandoje – kiekvienam čempionatui pasibaigus klubo vadovai būtų pasilikę teisę spręsti, ar lietuvį verta toliau laikyti ekipos sudėtyje.

Kad D. Motiejūno sveikatos būklė yra gera, patvirtino ESPN žurnalistas Marcas Steinas, antot kurio, „Nets“ klubas yra patenkintas lietuvio medicinine apžiūra.

Pažymėtina, kad „Nets“ su apribotais laisvaisiais agentais pastaruoju metu nesisekė. Bruklino ekipa vasarą susitarė su Allenu Crabbe dėl 75 mln. JAV dolerių vertės kontrakto, tačiau „Trail Blazers“ klubas šį pasiūlymą „permušė“ ir krepšininkas liko Portlande.

Panašiai „Nets“ vadovams ir derybininkams nutiko ir su Tyleriu Johnsonu. 50 mln. JAV dolerių sutarties pasiūlymą viršijo Majamio „Heat“ komanda.

NBA lygoje šiuo metu yra šešios komandos, turinčios laisvų pinigų ir galinčios pasiūlyti lietuviui naują kontraktą. Tai Denverio „Nuggets“, Filadelfijos Sixers“, Minesotos „Timberwolves“, Jutos „Jazz“, Fynikso „Suns“ ir minėta „Nets“.

Visgi, nepaisant visų teorinių pasiūlymų, paskutinis ėjimas šioje situacijoje turėtų priklausyti Hjustonui, kuriam vis dar priklauso apribotas laisvasis agentas D-Mo.

NormanDox2021-05-19 03:56:46 Cituoti
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[b]Кабринский Эдуард - Azure devops date format - Eduard Kabrinskiy

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<h1>Setting up code coverage reports in Azure DevOps pipeline</h1>
<h2>Code coverage in .NET Core projects with Azure DevOps</h2>
<p>I while ago I wrote and article about Publishing .NET Core code analysis to SonarCloud from Azure build pipeline. Although SonarCloud is a great platform for analyzing your code coverage and dry code analysis, it can add additional cost to your project. SonarCloud is only free for open-source projects, but if you have your private repository than you will have to pay for commercial tier.</p>
<p>Azure DevOps build pipeline has a code coverage option as well, but in order to have it work with .NET Core you have to setup the reporting yourself. With SonarCloud you only need to publish test results and it will do the reporting for you. With Azure DevOps you need to do this step yourself, meaning that apart from generating the test results with the unit tests step (dotnet test) you need to generate the code coverage report (HTML) manually in the pipeline itself.</p>
<p>This is not so hard considering Visual Studio Test Platform has Coverlet format data collector already integrated in it, so it comes pretty much out of the box. It is pretty much a matter of command line argument to get Coverlet format reports.</p>
<p>It is important that you reference coverlet.collector nuget package in your unit tests project. It is only required to reference it in unit tests project.</p>
<p>Second part, generating HTML report from the Coverlet data can be easily done with .NET Core Report Generator global tool. It is already available from the package repository, so all you need to do is to install it before publishing the coverage results in the pipeline.</p>
<p>I have prepared a sample pipeline for this article which basically executes the following tasks:</p>
<li>restores project packages ( dotnet restore )</li>
<li>build the target project ( dotnet build )</li>
<li>executes the unit tests related to the project previously built (dotnet test) and generate Coverlet format results</li>
<li>install dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool dotnet tool with Command Line task ( dotnet tool install )</li>
<li>execute reportgenerator tool via Command Line task which is previously installed targeting previously generated test results</li>
<li>publish code coverage results to Azure DevOps</li>
<p& gt;To make things as simple as possible, I will only focus on unit tests project and omit the actual project</p>
<p>Let's walk through each step and see how are they configured in Azure DevOps pipeline definition YAML file.</p>
<h3>Restore project packages (dotnet restore)</h3>
<p>First step is to restore nuget packages for the projects before the build. This will pull all packages to local folder of the build agent.</p>
<p>Running dotnet run command implicitly calls dotnet restore so you can omit this step. For more clarity what is going on in the flow I prefer to have both steps invoked explicitly</p>
<h3>Build projects (dotnet build)</h3>
<p>Second step is project build. This will compile project file (.csproj) to assemblies (.dll) which will be later used as an executable.</p>
<h3>Run unit tests</h3>
<p>So far all pipeline tasks were pretty much straight forward, but with unit tests we need to instruct dotnet CLI to collect test results to cobertura format. This is done with a command line argument.</p>
<p>More about fine tuning and options for coverlet with .NET you can find on coverlet project page </p>
<h3>Install report generator tool</h3>
<p>To install report generator tool I used Command Line task, as I had issues configuring .NET Core task to use custom command. Down the line, it translates to a same command which executes on the build agent host.</p>
<h3>Generate reports with reportgenerator tool</h3>
<p>Report generating step is also a Command Line task in the build pipeline but it is a separate task rather than additional line in global tool install task. The reason for that is that once installed, the tool will be available in the new session of bash (on Linux) or cmd (on Windows).</p>
<p>If you bundle lines together, the line that invokes reportgenerator and generates report will fail. For that reason this action is in a separate task which will create a new command line session and therefore have previously installed tool available.</p>
<p>A configured only minimal set of options, but you can add bunch of customizations to your reports by including supported arguments. More details and documentation related to reportgenerator tool you can find on the tool's official page on Github< ;/p>
<h3>Publish code coverage to Azure DevOps</h3>
<p>This is a final step and basically represents uploading of all HTML pages to Azure DevOps pipeline, so that they are visible from the Azure DevOps UI.</p>
<p>For this purpose I use Publish Code Coverage Results task with really minimal configuration of only mandatory fields.</p>
<p>Once the build pipeline is executed, results are visible in Code Coverage Report tab of the build. For some reason Azure DevOps has several places in the build overview that are mentioning code coverage but they are actually available only from one which is marked on this image.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" /build-unittests-reports.jpg" /></p>
<p>As I mentioned, the report is generated with minimal options and configurations involved, to get more out of your code analysis checkout documentation and arguments reports generating tool supports from it's official page on Github< ;/p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" /build-unittests-reports-coverage.jpg" /></p>
<p>Purpose of the code contained in snippets or available for download in this article is solely for learning and demo purposes. Author will not be held responsible for any failure or damages caused due to any other usage.</p>
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<p>It's been a while since my last post - in the past couple of weeks I have played around with some videos of topics I find interesting. One of these topics are a very cool way of displaying a Gantt Chart upon your Azure DevOps board's.</p>
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FriscoDox2021-05-19 03:55:27 Cituoti
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy - Devops borat - Кабринский Эдуард

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<h1>DevOps with waterfall? Don't waste your time</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" om/sites/default/files/styles/profile_image_sm/pub lic/pictures/John-Jeremiah-Technology-Evangeslist- HP.png" /></p>
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<p>Can you do DevOps in a waterfall culture? Sure. You can run sprints across a frozen lake too, but you won't get anywhere. If you try to optimize delivery in a waterfall-siloed world, you'll exert lots of energy and feel like you're working hard, but you probably won't deliver the business results you could. You'll keep people busy improving their silos, but you won't really deliver faster. And to the rest of us watching from the agile shore, you'll look pretty comical.</p>
<p>This isn't about only improving development or operations ? it's about both. It's about improving the business by delivering solutions to the business at whatever speed it needs. DevOps is about changing everything so that IT is no longer the bottleneck and can respond to business needs. It's a combination of processes, best practices, and techniques that enable IT to deliver business solutions faster than ever before, with remarkably high quality.</p>
<p>If you're using the waterfall methodology for development and doing the "dev" part of DevOps, you still can optimize and accelerate build processes and implement automated testing and practices to streamline development. But your new code won't get to users until the next release cycle, and all that speed will have been wasted.</p>
<p>If you're on the "ops" side of DevOps, then you work on automating deployment, infrastructure as code, and making the delivery and deployment of code and infrastructure fast, efficient, and reliable. But if the project can't complete testing for another 12 weeks, you'll have to park your Ops Ferrari and wait for the development team to catch up.</p>
<h2>DevOps is <em>not</em> about optimizing only one part of the delivery chain</h2>
<p>It's about including everything from beginning to end. It's about discipline, focus, and feedback. It starts with understanding the fundamental wisdom from Goldratt's "The Goal": Optimizing in silos can be counterproductive, and you only deliver true value to the business when the entire process speeds up.</p>
<h3>DevOps with watefall doesn't work. unless you're DevOps Borat</h3>
<p>I've had many arguments about whether the DevOps model works in waterfall-type development projects. I guess it does, if you're DevOps Borat and you live in a reality distortion bubble.</p>
<blockquote><p>Word "impossible" is not exist in devops vocabulary. Instead we are use "done by Q4".</blockquote></p>
<p>W aterfall-style projects aren't fast, iterative, or responsive to change. These projects have long cycle times and many hand-offs between parties before anything can be released. Waterfall is designed to work that way.</p>
<p>When you do DevOps on a waterfall project, what you're really doing is streamlining a sub-process. But if you are not actually shortening the end-to-end release cycles and delivering faster to the customer, then what the heck are you doing, really? What business benefit did you deliver faster? None. Implementing DevOps in a waterfall world is an example of siloed thinking, an exercise that optimizes the parts rather than the whole. But you won't find transformative value unless you optimize the entire life cycle.</p>
<p>That is where agile comes in. There's simply no reason to use industrial manufacturing processes such as waterfall to build software anymore. The waterfall method evolved from traditional engineering project management disciplines where much of the work was predictable and repeatable. Building software is inherently different. Software is much more flexible and pliable than concrete or steel. With software, you can be iterative and incremental to deliver value much faster.</p>
<p>When done right, an agile project is both disciplined and structured and can easily be compliant with Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) level four or five process standards. If your goal is to accelerate business value, then it should form the foundation your development teams build upon to increase the velocity of application delivery and decrease cycle times.</p>
<p>You may believe you're doing DevOps in a waterfall world, but unless you're accelerating business value, you probably aren't. Take a hard look at your constraints, and determine what's holding you back. If your waterfall development process is the bottleneck, then perhaps it's time to introduce agile.</p>
<h4>Keep learning</h4>
<p>Continuous delivery and release automation (CDRA) demands speed and quality. Find out how in TechBeacon's guide to CDRA.</p>
<p>Get up to speed on quality-driven development with TechBeacon's guide.</p>
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<h4>Devops borat</h4>
Can DevOps work in waterfall-type software development projects? DevOps in a waterfall world isn't really DevOps at all. Agile is essential to...
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VermontDox2021-05-19 03:55:15 Cituoti
[b]Кабринский Эдуард - Devops blogspot - Кабринский Эдуард

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<h3>Building Blocks of DevOps </h3>
<p>DevOps includes both <br /> <br />1. New project management principles : agile and lean <br />2. old-school principles : ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) , ITSM (IT Service Management), and SDLC <br /> <br />Let's see three building blocks of DevOps. <br /> <br />1. DevOps should be extensions of <b>Agile</b> <br /><b><br /></b> Iterative and incremental process <br /> <br /><i><b>Agile Manifesto</b></i> <br /> <br />1.1 Individual and interactions > processes and tools <br />1.2 working s/w > comprehensive documentation <br />1.3 customer collaboration > contract negotiona <br />1.4 Responding to change > following plan <br /> <br /><b><i>12 principles</i></b> <br /> <br />1.1 highest priority is satisfy customer with early + continuous valuable s/w delivery <br />1.2 welcome requirement change <br />1.3 frequent delivery of working s/w <br />1.4 business people and developer works together daily <br />1.5 motivated individual <br />1.6 face to face conversation <br />1.7 working s/w is primary measure of progress <br />1.8 constant pace and sustainable development <br />1.9 technical excellence and good design <br />1.10 simplicity <br />1.11 self organising team <br />1.12 retrospection <br /> <br /><b><i>Methodologies</i>< /b> <br /> <br />Scrum <br />Kanabn <br />DSDM : Dynamic System Development Method <br />FDD : Feature Driven Development <br />ASD <br />eXtreme Programming <br />Lean <br />Crystal <br />Rational Unified Process <br /> <br />Widely used are scrum, Kanban and lean. <br /> <br />1.1 scrum <br /> <br />from rugby game <br />meaning: tight player formation that is trying to move the ball towards goal <br />Scrum Life Cycle : Product backlog -> Sprint Backlog -> Sprint -> Valuable product <br />Sprint = timebox of a month or less <br /> <br /> <br />1.2 kanban <br /> <br />5 principles <br /> <br />1.2.1 Visualize workflow <br />1.2.2 Limit WIP <br />1.2.3 Manage the flow <br />1.2.4 Make process policies explicit <br />1.2.5 Improve collaboratively</p>
<p>SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) to reduce complexity for large scale implementation. <br />2. <b>Lean</b> : <br /> <br />Lean inspired by SPC, Kizen, DoE, JIT, ToC, quality tools <br /> <br />Value Stream Mapping <br /> <br />From Supplier to Customer : What Information and Materials are flowing <br /> <br /><i><b>Seven principles</b> </i> <br /> <br />2.1 Eliminating waste <br /> <br />waste = The effort spend on anything other than creating value <br /> <br />* Muda : Absorbs resources but no value. 7 wastes <br />Type 1: Technical waste for compliance <br />Type 2: Plain waste <br />* Mura : unevenness , No regular flow of work. Overburden <br />* Muri : overburden process, person or system. <i>unevenness</i> </p>
<p> <br />2.1.1 Partially done work <br />2.1.2 Extra Features <br />2.1.3 Re-Learning <br />2.1.4 Handoffs <br />2.1.5 Delays <br />2.1.6 Task Switching <br />2.1.7 Defects <br /> <br />2.2 Amplify Learning <br />2.3 Decide as late as possible <br />2.4 Deliver as fast as possible <br />2.5 Empower the team <br />2.6 Build an integrity <br />2.7 See the whole <br /> <br />Plan Do Check Act of Kaizen <br />is <br />Build Measure Learn Repeat in Lean <br /> <br /><b><i>Four Principles</i></b> <br /> <br />2.1. Pull scheduling <br />2.2. Kanban <br />2.3. Visual Management <br />2.4. Employee empowerment <br /> <br />For software industry <br /> <br />2.1 Limiting WIP <br />2.2 Kanban Visibility to flow <br />2.3 Customer f/b <br />2.4 Empowered team <br /> <br />Upcoming : Lean UX <br /> <br />3. Six principles of <b>Kaizen</b> <br /> <br />3.1. Good process brings good results <br />3.2. Gemba <br />3.3. Speak with data <br />3.4. Take action to correct root cause</p>
<p>* Five Whys <br />* Focus on causes not symptoms <br />* Fish Bone : Equipment, Process, People, Materials, Environment, Management <br />* Do not accept (1) No time (2) human error . People does not fail. Process fails. <br /> <br />3.5. Team work <br />3.6. Kaizen is for everyone <br /> <br />4. ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), ITSM (IT Service Management) and SDLC</p>
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<h4>Devops blogspot</h4>
Express YourSelf ! Building Blocks of DevOps DevOps includes both 1. New project management principles : agile and lean 2. old-school principles : ITIL (Information Technology
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SanJoseDox2021-05-19 03:55:14 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Azure devops office integration - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops office integration</h1>
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<h1>Azure DevOps to build office (Visio) VSTO Add-ins</h1>
<p>These notes basically summarize setting up automated build for Office extensions (such as VSTO) in the cloud (i.e. Azure DevOps). Note that Azure DevOps supports private repositories for free. For open source repositories, it does not even impose any limitations (for private repositories, max build time per month is limited, so you cannot occupy 100% of the server for your builds). Basically I'm fine with "free" layer for now.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" loads/index-hero-300x258.jpg" /></p>
<p>My motivation was to do builds and installers not on my developer machine, but to have this process automated. Microsoft provides cool build services named Azure DevOps. It can build using several technologies right out of the box. I'll try to show my experience with moving build SvgExport (and other my extensions) to Azure Pipelines. My goal was: I edit the code, then I could click one button, and the new version of the extension is build and published on my website for the users to download. No More compiling manual build on local computer, no updating versions, no manual releases on GitHub, no manual signing, no FTP uploads to the hosting.</p>
<h3>The pieces</h3>
<p>I use GitHub to store the source code. Azure DevOps has out-of-the box integration with it.</p>
<p>I build using <strong>Visual Studio</strong>. DevOps can build using Visual Studio. This is pretty straightforward (the only tricky part is related to code signing certificates, see below in details).</p>
<p>I use <strong>WiX</strong> (Windows Installer Xml) to build the installers. This one is also supported on DevOps out of the box (i.e. it is preinstalled). Since most of my Visio extension are based on the Visio Addin Project Template this works fine.</p>
<p>I sign my installers using my own code signing certificate. This is covered with custom scripts and "Secure Files" and "Secure Variables" azure features.</p>
<p>I have versioning for the releases. This is basically all custom.. I've written a PowerShell script that does all these things with versioning for me - the good thing is that you can do basically whatever you want with it on DevOps.</p>
<p>Finally, I want to deploy some files as a release to GitHub and to the website with FTP. Please note that the source code is also stored on GitHub, now it gives you free repositories for both commercial (limited) and free (unlimited) projects.</p>
<p>This is how the steps to build the extension look:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" loads/devops-pipeline-300x285.png" /></p>
<p >I use "vs2017-win2016" image to build (Windows 2016 and Visual Studio 2017). Simply building the release configuration of the solution. It has VSTO (Visual Tools for Office) already installed.</p>
<h3>Certificate</h3 >
<p>VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) signing wants the certificate to be available on the build machine during the build. This is a bit tricky in the cloud (especially if you have an open-source project) but can be done. You can store the certificate in "secure files", and the password in "secure variables" not available to anybody except admin group for example. And during the build apply the certificate (it's wiped out after build anyways). Please see the build script (at the end) for the details.</p>
<p>Basically building installer is pretty much straightforward; you have WiX pre-installed on that build machine. Please note that to workaround occasional hanging of the build, you may need to add parameter to MSBuild: /p:RunWixToolsOutOfProc=true . See the related discussion on the StackOverflow.</p>
<h3>The code</h3>
<p>The current open-source project under development is set has open-source build as well. Please note that it's already migrated to the new yaml pipeline. Now you have a choice of using "classic" pipelines or store the whole build project in yaml file. I have migrated most of the projects already to yaml pipelines, because they allow you to easily reuse them and track any changes.</p>
<h4>GitHub: HtmlSidebar</h4>
<h4>Azure DevOps: HtmlSidebar Pipeline</h4>
<p>If you would like to hear more details, please check the above projects, or comment.</p>
<h2>Azure devops office integration</h2>

<h3>Azure devops office integration</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops office integration</h4>
Azure DevOps to build office (Visio) VSTO Add-ins These notes basically summarize setting up automated build for Office extensions (such as VSTO) in the cloud (i.e. Azure DevOps). Note that Azure
<h5>Azure devops office integration</h5>
Azure devops office integration <a href="">Azure devops office integration</a> Azure devops office integration
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops office integration</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops office integration</a> Azure devops office integration
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ArvadaDox2021-05-19 03:54:51 Cituoti
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy - Azure devops hierarchy - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops hierarchy</h1>
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<h1>Azure DevOps Tutorial: <br />An Introduction to Requirements in Azure DevOps</h1>
<h4>Everything you need to start requirements work in ADO</h4>

<p>If you have recently decided to move your Requirements Management team to Microsoft?s industry-leading Azure DevOps then <b>congratulations!</b> </p>
<p>You have just made the decision to bring your team into the only single-source of truth models that exists for requirements management. You?ve signed up for a world where Developers, Requirements Management, and Quality Assurance Teams all working and collaborating in the same space!</p>
<p>With over 150 million users, Azure DevOps already supports many teams who are using Microsoft?s industry leading ALM platform to host Code Repositories, or Test Plans. But to move your Requirements Management Team into Azure DevOps alongside these existing teams can take a little planning.</p>
<p>In this article I will cover how your Requirements Management team can get started working in Azure DevOps faster than ever before.</p>
<p>These are the topics we will be covering:</p>
<li>What is a Process Template?</li>
<li>Setting up a Process Template</li>
<li>How much customize-ability is there in Azure DevOps?</li>
<li>How do you Manage requirements as your project progresses?</li>
<li>How do you add and interact with Requirements you create in Azure DevOps?</li>
<li>How do Developers interact with your Requirements?</li>
<li>Is it possible to facilitate Reviews in native Azure DevOps?</li>
<li>What else can Azure DevOps do?</li>
<p> As we go through this article, there will plenty of Azure DevOps tutorial videos provided for you to follow along and get started with Azure DevOps quickly!</p>
<p>So get a coffee, grab a free Azure DevOps account, and take the first step to enjoying projects with a single-source of truth.</p>
<h2>What is a Process Template?</h2>
<p>The first step to understanding Azure DevOps is to recognize and discuss this thing called the <br /><b>Process Template</b>.</p>
<p>Is a Process Template difficult to grasp?</p>
<p>Not really. <br /><br />Think about the names your team currently gives to requirements.</p>
<p>If you are an <b>Agile</b> shop, your team likely recognizes requirements as Epics > Features > User Stories. <br />If your team follows <b>SCRUM</b>, then you may be more familiar with Epics > Features > Product Backlog Items.<br />For <b>Waterfall & Compliance</b> teams, you are likely used to the lowest level requirements being called Functional & Non-Functional Requirements.</p>
<p>So what is a Process Template?<br />It is what Azure DevOps uses to define your requirements at each level.</p>
<p>If your team wants to use an Agile Process template, that?s perfectly doable. Simply add that your Backlog should contain Epics as the top level, Features in the level underneath, and User Stories underneath that.</p>
<p>But what if you want custom properties?<br />That?s easily done by customizing your Process Template too!</p>
<p>You can add whatever customizations to your project that you want and it is really not that hard. <br />See the video below for setting up a custom Azure DevOps Process Template.</p>
<h2>Azure devops hierarchy</h2>

<h3>Azure devops hierarchy</h3>
Azure devops hierarchy <a href="">Headlines today</a> Azure devops hierarchy
<h4>Azure devops hierarchy</h4>
In this article I will cover how your Requirements Management team can get started working in Azure DevOps faster than ever before.
<h5>Azure devops hierarchy</h5>
Azure devops hierarchy <a href="">Azure devops hierarchy</a> Azure devops hierarchy
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops hierarchy</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops hierarchy</a> Azure devops hierarchy
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[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard[/b]
OrlandoDox2021-05-19 03:54:45 Cituoti
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy - Servicenow enterprise devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Servicenow enterprise devops</h1>
S ervicenow enterprise devops <a href="">News updates</a> Servicenow enterprise devops
<h1>ServiceNow lance Enterprise DevOps</h1>
<p>May 17, 2018 Allan Leinwand , Directeur technique, ServiceNow</p>
<p style="clear: both">ServiceNow vient de lancer l?offre Enterprise DevOps, une extension naturelle <img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" loads/sites/3/2018/05/rsz_istock-531240484-300x200 .jpg" />des capacit?s de notre <strong>logiciel de gestion des workflows</strong> et proche du logiciel int?gr? dans des environnements bas?s sur le cloud Agile. Nous savons que les logiciels g?rent le monde et que les</strong> outils</strong> Entreprise DevOps font partie du processus, mais de quoi s?agit-il vraiment ?</p>
<p>Enterprise DevOps est ? la fois un outil, une m?thodologie et une approche culturelle pour encourager au travail collaboratif, et qui est n? du d?sir de surpasser la fa?on dont les logiciels ?taient cr??s avant l?an 2000. Les d?veloppeurs suivaient alors les exigences des utilisateurs, cr?aient le code et envoyaient le tout aux services des op?rations informatiques, qui s?occupaient ensuite d?exploiter, de g?rer et plus g?n?ralement de maintenir en vie ledit logiciel. Les temps changent, et heureusement.</p>
<p>Enterprise DevOps est une nouvelle ?chelle d??quilibre, un yin-yang strat?gique et tactique dans lequel les deux d?partements (d?veloppement et op?rations) fonctionnent en symbiose pour offrir <strong>une prestation continue</strong> ? l?univers du cloud, en permanence actif. Le lancement d?Enterprise DevOps par ServiceNow est tr?s opportun car 80 % des entreprises sont en train ou vont adopter les principes DevOps dans les deux prochaines ann?es.</p>
<h2>De quoi est constitu? ServiceNow Enterprise DevOps ?</h2>
<p>Quand nous avons commenc? ? construire ServiceNow Enterprise DevOps, nous avons analys? l?ensemble de l??quation. Nous savons que les services d?op?rations informatiques veulent du contr?le, de la transparence, la possibilit? d??voluer et de la s?curit?. De plus, nous savons que les services de d?veloppement sont int?ress?s par l?agilit?, la flexibilit? et la rapidit?. Notre approche a donc eu pour but de soutenir l?utilisation de tous les meilleurs outils d?op?rations et de d?veloppement actuellement utilis?s dans les environnements logiciels strat?giques les plus exigeants.</p>
<p>La force de ServiceNow, c?est notre habilet? ? faciliter l?interfonctionnalit? des processus de d?veloppement logiciel complexes qui int?grent de nombreux workflows diff?rents. ServiceNow comprend le besoin <strong>d?offrir en continu</strong> des services num?riques de tr?s bonne qualit? ? des entreprises qui doivent s?adapter au changement constant et naturel du secteur. Pour se faire, ils sont int?gr?s ? une architecture informatique centr?e sur les services.</p>
<p>Notre mission est d?aider nos clients ? abandonner progressivement les pratiques de d?veloppement logiciel habituelles, lorsque les applications ?taient con?ues dans un service puis g?r? par un autre. Un workflow Enterprise DevOps inclut : planification logicielle <strong>DevOps agile</strong> , codage logiciel, cr?ation de logiciels d?application, test, lancement et d?ploiement de l?application, fonctionnement et surveillance de l?application.</p>
<p>Notre strat?gie est de permettre ? ServiceNow d??tre le le <strong>logiciel de gestion</strong> <strong>de workflows</strong> incontournable pour l?ex?cution d?Enterprise DevOps. Notre <strong>logiciel de gestion de workflows</strong> va permettre non seulement de g?rer le d?veloppement d?applications ServiceNow utilisant ServiceNow, mais aussi le d?veloppement d?application par n?importe quelle application d?entreprise utilisant ServiceNow.</p>
<h2>Les composants de ServiceNow Enterprise DevOps</h2>
<p>Avec la version London de notre plateforme centrale, il nous est possible d?offrir des planifications de programme Enterprise DevOps gr?ce ? notre produit SAFe 4.5 (Scaled Agile Framework), des planifications <strong>Agile DevOps</strong> avec notre produit Agile Development, ainsi qu?une collaboration avec les d?veloppeurs avec notre int?gration Slack.</p>
<p>Apr?s la version London et dans l?attente de la version Madrid, nous proposerons <strong>l?int?gration ServiceNow</strong> avec Atlassian Jira (l?outil pour la planification et le suivi des probl?mes Agile), Git (le fameux r?f?rentiel de code source pour le d?veloppement logiciel) et Jenkins (l?outil d?int?gration continue et d?automatisation logicielle) ? ainsi que la collaboration avec les ?quipes Microsoft et Slack.</p>
<p>Les <strong>outils Enterprise DevOps</strong> ServiceNow seront disponibles dans la version London pour les clients qui ont souscrit ? la suite ITBM ou ? la solution ITSA Unlimited. Ce n?est que le d?but de l?aventure. Nous souhaitons vraiment offrir un workflow Enterprise DevOps encore plus complet ? nos clients. Restez ? l??coute dans les mois qui viennent !</p>
<h2>Servicenow enterprise devops</h2>

<h3>Servicenow enterprise devops</h3>
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<h4>Servicenow enterprise devops</h4>
ServiceNow lance Enterprise DevOps May 17, 2018 Allan Leinwand , Directeur technique, ServiceNow ServiceNow vient de lancer l?offre Enterprise DevOps, une extension naturelle des capacit?s de
<h5>Servicenow enterprise devops</h5>
Servicenow enterprise devops <a href="">Servicenow enterprise devops</a> Servicenow enterprise devops
SOURCE: <h6>Servicenow enterprise devops</h6> <a href="">Serv icenow enterprise devops</a> Servicenow enterprise devops
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[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard[/b]
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ARKANSASDox2021-05-19 03:54:38 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Cypress azure devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Cypress azure devops</h1>
C ypress azure devops <a href="">New new new</a> Cypress azure devops
<h1>Cypress screenshots are missing in Azure Pipelines</h1>
<p>My new favorite framework for doing E2E tests in web solutions are Cypress. I usually hook up a pipeline in Azure DevOps that runs the Cypress tests after each deployment.</p>
<p>Its fairly easy to setup a pipeline that runs the test and publishes them to Azure DevOps. Cypress has the Mocha framework integrated as well as a JUnit reporter, which will output a JUnit test report which the Azure Pipeline Publish Test Results task can pickup.</p>
<p>All you have to do is to configure the reporter like this in your <em>cypress.config</em>.</p>
&l t;p>Unfortunately the Publish Test Results task only supports attachments for the TRX format and the NUnit3 format ? which means the build in reporter for JUnit will not work.</p>
<h2>First Attempt on a solution</h2>
<p>The first idea was to find a Mocha reporter that supported TRX. In the end this approach did not fully work. If you are interested in how it was done you can read on. Otherwise skip to the next section to see an alternative approach.</p>
<p>So I found this mocha trx reporter. But looking though the code it turned out there was no support for attachments. Luckily the reporter was based on the node-trx module which happens to have support for attachments in trx.</p>
<p>The source for the customer reporter can be found here.</p>
<p>To use it simply put it in your source control and refer it in the <em>cypress.config</em> like this.</p>
<p>It turns out that the trx format has a semi hardcoded location for the screenshots. They need to be placed in a subfolder next to the trx file in a subfolder called <em>outputscreenshotfolder/In/executionId< ;/em>.</p>
<p>The above parameters needs to be set as following:</p>
<p><em>inputscre enshotpath</em>: Relative path to current working directory where Cypress stores the screenshots.<br /><em>outputscreenshotfolder</em>: Name of the folder next to the trx file where the screenshots are placed.<br /><em>outputpath</em>: The relative path where the trx file and the screenshots are saves / copied to.</p>
<p>I had to do a number of workarounds to get the reporter to work. It turned out that Mocha reporters does not expose the name of the screenshots. So instead I had to implement logic that matched the name of the test with the filename of the screenshots. This worked fairly well.</p>
<p>Finally we have to add tasks to the pipeline. I am using the classic pipelines, but you can use YAML based pipelines too. Just make sure to select VSTest as the Test result format.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" 020/05/image.png" /></p>
<p>So, is that it? <strong>NO</strong> ? unfortunately even though the report was correctly and the attachments where found according to the logs ? the screenshots where not attached. It turns out other people has reported this in general on the TRX format.</p>
<p>You can find the source for the customer reporter here in github.</p>
<h2>Second and final attempt on a solution</h2>
<p>After some consideration I come up with another option. I would keep the JUnit report and then do a post processing task which would simply loop through all failing tests and then call the Azure DevOps api to attach the screenshots.</p>
<p>This turns out to be a fairly simple approach. You can find the sourcecode in Github here.</p>
<p>All you have to do is to add your normal task to run your Cypress Test (using the JUnit reporter), Publish Test Results and then call the PowerShell script afterwards.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" 020/05/image-1.png" /></p>
<p>The PowerShell script has only a single parameter to configure in the top. You could of cause choose to pass it in instead.</p>
<p>Below the configuration is two blocks of setup of authentication. The first one which is commented in is the one that gets the access token, url etc. from Azure DevOps. In order for this to work you have to enable access to the token by checking the option <em>Allow scripts t</em>o access the OAuth token on the job (phase).</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" 020/05/image-2-1024x541.png" /></p>
<p>Remember to set Continue on error in the control options on both the task for running the Cypress Tests and on the Publish Test Results task. Otherwise the PowerShell script will never be executed.</p>
<p>If you run into any issues with the PowerShell scripts feel free to get in touch and I will try to fix it. It seems to work well in my setup.</p>
<h2>Cypress azure devops</h2>

<h3>Cypress azure devops</h3>
C ypress azure devops <a href="">Today' s national news headlines</a> Cypress azure devops
<h4>Cypress azure devops</h4>
Cypress screenshots are missing in Azure Pipelines My new favorite framework for doing E2E tests in web solutions are Cypress. I usually hook up a pipeline in Azure DevOps that runs the Cypress
<h5>Cypress azure devops</h5>
Cypress azure devops <a href="">Cypress azure devops</a> Cypress azure devops
SOURCE: <h6>Cypress azure devops</h6> <a href="">Cypr ess azure devops</a> Cypress azure devops
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[b]Кабринский Эдуард[/b]
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ASKDox2021-05-19 03:54:33 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Infosys devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Info sys devops</h1>
I nfosys devops <a href="">Today news live</a> Infosys devops
<h1>Infosys Launches Open Source DevOps Project</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src="https://3ovyg21t17l11k49tk1oma21-wpengin Mgif" /> By Mike Vizard on November 6, 2018 3 Comments </p>
<p>Infosys has decided to make its DevOps platform?which consists of more than 2,000 prebuilt scripts and more than 150 pipelines spanning 70-plus tools involving more than 25 different classes of technologies?available as an open source project available via GitHub.</p>
Related Categories BlogsDevOps and Open Technologies
Related Topics DevOps platformgithubInfosysopen source
<p>Ravi Kumar, president and deputy COO for Infosys, said the global systems integrator has spent the last several years turning each element of its DevOps platform into a set of microservices based on containers that can now be deployed almost anywhere. That decision made it more practical for Infosys to then offer the up the entire DevOps framework it relies on to drive thousands of projects employing more than 200,000 developers as a single open source project, he said. That framework relies on an instance of the open source Jenkins continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) framework at its core.</p>
<p>Each element of the Infosys DevOps platform can be consumed via a set of templates hat Infosys has developed. The goal is to reduce the amount of time any organization needs to spend developing that framework and processes required to accelerate any digital business transformation project, Kumar noted.</p>
<p>To accelerate the development process, Infosys enables organizations to automate the promotion of any module without having to create any additional scripts. In addition, Infosys makes extensive use of encryption to make sure DevOps workflows are secure.</p>
<p>Most recently, during the DevOps Industry Awards 2018 event, Infosys won awards for Best Overall DevOps Project in the finance, retail and communications, in addition to best automation project and most successful cultural transformation initiative.</p>
<p>Kumar noted that DevOps is now integral to any digital business transformation initiative. Each organization today is required to significantly increase the rate at which applications are developed and updated to create a modern digital experience for customers, employees and business partners, he said.</p>
<p>The single biggest hindrance when it comes to making the transition to DevOps within most organizations is a lack of tools and processes. Most organizations quickly become aware there is a chicken-and-egg relationship between tools and DevOps processes. Without the right set of DevOps tools, it becomes difficult to set up a DevOps process. But the tools in of themselves have no value without a set of well-defined processes in place. To enable organizations to address that issue in a holistic manner, Infosys developed the IT Process Enabler repository alongside a DevOps maturity framework.</p>
<p>Most of the adoption of DevOps within most organizations has been driven by the bottom up by individual development teams resulting in adoption of DevOps that has been uneven at best. But as those individual DevOps initiatives become increasingly successful, there is now a lot of interest at the senior most levels of organizations in finding a way to drive DevOps processes across the entire organization. That requires a level of change process management that tends to proves too elusive for many organizations to achieve on their own.</p>
<h2>Infosys devops</h2>

<h3>Infosys devops</h3>
I nfosys devops <a href="">Latest news headlines</a> Infosys devops
<h4>Infosys devops</h4>
Infosys has decided to make its DevOps platform?which consists of more than 2,000 prebuilt scripts and more than 150 pipelines spanning 70-plus tools Infosys has decided to make its DevOps platform available as an open source project available via GitHub.
<h5>Infosys devops</h5>
Infosys devops <a href="">Infosys devops</a> Infosys devops
SOURCE: <h6>Infosys devops</h6> <a href="">Info sys devops</a> Infosys devops
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[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy[/b]
[url=]daily news[/url]
TRAVELDox2021-05-19 03:54:33 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Biz dev ops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Biz dev ops</h1>
Biz dev ops <a href="">New</a&g t; Biz dev ops
<h1>The New Modern Family: Business + Development + Operations = BizDevOps</h1>
<h4>Engineering</h4 >
<h1>The New Modern Family: Business + Development + Operations = BizDevOps</h1>
<p>By Anand Akela | Feb 05,2015 | 3 min read</p>
<p>Hello, from a new member of AppDynamics team! I recently joined the team to lead application performance management (APM) product marketing.</p>
<p>Last month, when I was talking with Jyoti Bansal, CEO of AppDynamics, he shared his vision for the company. Where the market is heading and how application performance and end-user experience insights can influence business outcome. This conversation not only cemented my decision to join the company, but also I came back with a quest to learn more about a term he used ? BizDevOps.</p>
<p>I learned more about BizDevOps during the last few weeks and yesterday when I read a blog by Larry Dragich. After reading some of the comments about the strategic importance of APM for Line of Business, I thought of sharing some of my thoughts about BizDevOps here with all of you.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" ploads/2015/02/Untitled-300x212.png" />Companies everywhere ? both small and large ? are now factoring DevOps it into their business models. However, in today?s agile and increasingly software-defined world, Development (Dev) and Operations (Ops) have to collaborate with Business (Biz) at a very rapid pace. In order to maximize the efficiency at the enterprises, the process of BizDevOps is emerging to utilize DevOps practices that further drive the overall business agenda. BizDevOps isn?t just another fancy buzzword either. DevOps started the collaboration among teams but adding in the business unit provides the actual context and insights from the software.</p>
<p>Software is no longer part of the business, it <em>is</em> the business.</p>
<p>Historically Dev, Ops, and Biz have focused on a different set of priorities, even though, the end goal for everyone is the same ? building a successful business. Dev is looking at how to write the best code and how their code performs. Ops is looking at operational monitoring to make sure performance and availability are good. Biz is looking at Business KPIs like ?Orders Processed? and ?Revenue?, etc.</p>
<p>In the new agile world where Dev, Ops, and Biz have to work together at a very rapid pace, and you need a common language to collaborate. Focusing on a business transaction ? an application transaction like ?Place Order? or ?Deposit money? with business context, can be that common language and is key to BizDevOps.</p>
<p>Dynamically tagging and following a business transaction, that flows through highly distributed application environment, helps address the needs of Dev, Ops, and Biz with unified monitoring. Starting from the user experience, the application performance, how the application interacts with infrastructure, and then finally, how is the business performing. As the business world has become increasingly more software-defined, BizDevOps offers an extremely productive process that integrates the core organizations of IT to push forward business goals and requirements.</p>
<p>Implementing BizDevOps processes in software-defined businesses is becoming more and more vital to company success (or failure). Whenever a company encounters downtime or an outage, all business activities halt at a tremendous cost to the company. Understanding the business impact of any downtime or poor end-user experience, allows businesses to prioritize the resources to address the current issues and plan for proactive remediation and end-to-end optimization.</p>
<p>You can learn more about BizDevOps in a recent Diginomica article that quotes some of Jyoti?s thoughts on this topic.</p>
<p>Looking forward to sharing more of my thoughts on this blog in upcoming weeks and months.</p>
<p>See how AppDynamics APM can help foster BizDevOps in your organization, download a FREE trial today!</p>
<h2>Biz dev ops</h2>

<h3>Biz dev ops</h3>
Biz dev ops <a href="">Today' s news headlines</a> Biz dev ops
<h4>Biz dev ops</h4>
Is BizDevOps just another buzzword, or does it have the backbones for companywide success metrics? Read More
<h5>Biz dev ops</h5>
Biz dev ops <a href="">Biz dev ops</a> Biz dev ops
SOURCE: <h6>Biz dev ops</h6> <a href="">Biz dev ops</a> Biz dev ops
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[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
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MISSISSIPPDox2021-05-19 03:54:18 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Azure continuous deployment - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e continuous deployment</h1>
<p>[youtube]</p> ;
Azure continuous deployment <a href="">Top news</a> Azure continuous deployment
<h1>Azure Functions with Continuous Deployment</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" size/w1100/2018/02/pexels-photo-90807.jpeg" /></p>
<p>A quick guide to setting up continuous deployment for Azure functions.</p>
<p>Continuous Deployment or Continuous Delivery allows us to deploy our application / code into the production or test based on each check in to our source control, this allows us to focus our craft and not on deployments.</p>
<p>Setting up CD for Azure functions is really a simple process.</p>
<p>Source code can be found here</p>
<h3>Create a function</h3>
<p>First we need some functions. I've created a simple GET function. I'm assuming you have setup functions and seen them in action already. If not check out my blog posts on Azure functions</p>
<p>Create a folder for your azure function.</p>
<p>Add a host.json file - Leave this empty for now.</p>
<p>By default the host.json needs to have <> this leaves it empty, leaving it blank will stop the function from starting.</p>
<p>Create a folder for your first function. Each function should have a folder.</p>
<p>In this folder create 3 files.</p>
<p>Note: I've created this function as a GET with anonymous authentication so we can call it with no keys.</p>
<p>Go ahead and commit the function to your source control.</p>
<h3>Create a function</h3>
<p>Back onto the Azure portal. Create a new function app.</p>
<p>Once created head to the "Platform Features" Tab</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2018/02/Azure-Function-platform.png" /></p>
<p>Select Deployment options and select "Setup"</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2018/02/azure-deployment-setup-2.png" /></p>
<h4>Configure sources</h4>
<p>Azure functions allows you to deploy from different sources.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2018/02/azure-function-sources.png" /></p>
<p>Follow the steps to select the source you want. I am going with Github.</p>
<p>Once setup follow the steps to add your functions source. Then click sync or make a change and push to your source control.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2018/02/Azure-Functions-Sync.png" /></p>
<p>That's it go ahead and test the function.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2018/02/Azure-Functions-Test.png" /></p>
<p>When I run the test I get the hello response.</p>
<p>Azure makes it really easy to deploy from source control. There is the ability to add tests aswell, I'll cover that in another post.</p>
< p>I am a location independent software craftsperson. Crafting software, helping other people to build their own software. Building my own products and services.</p>
<h2>Azure continuous deployment</h2>

<h3>Azure continuous deployment</h3>
<p>[youtube]</p> ;
Azure continuous deployment <a href="">News page</a> Azure continuous deployment
<h4>Azure continuous deployment</h4>
Azure Functions with Continuous Deployment A quick guide to setting up continuous deployment for Azure functions. Continuous Deployment or Continuous Delivery allows us to deploy our
<h5>Azure continuous deployment</h5>
Azure continuous deployment <a href="">Azure continuous deployment</a> Azure continuous deployment
SOURCE: <h6>Azure continuous deployment</h6> <a href="">Azur e continuous deployment</a> Azure continuous deployment
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[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy[/b]
[url=]today's news headlines[/url]
StPaulDox2021-05-19 03:54:03 Cituoti
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy - Epam devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Epam devops</h1>
E pam devops <a href="">Breaking news today</a> Epam devops
<h1>EPAM Devops Engineer Interview Questions</h1>
<h2>Interviews at EPAM</h2>
<h3>Experience 6 Ratings</h3>
<h3>Getting an Interview 6 Interview Reviews</h3>
<h3>Difficulty 6 Ratings</h3>
<h3>Difficulty</h3> ;
<h2>Interviewing at EPAM</h2>
<h2>Interviews for Top Jobs at EPAM</h2>
<li>Senior Software Engineer (54)</li>
<li>Software Engineer (38)</li>
<li>Junior Software Engineer (32)</li>
<li>Business Analyst (27)</li>
<li>Software Developer (22)</li>
<li>Java Developer (21)</li>
<li>Senior Software Developer (12)</li>
<li>Senior Java Developer (12)</li>
<li>Lead Software Engineer (11)</li>
<li>Senior Business Analyst (8)</li>
<li>Junior Java Developer (8)</li>
<li>Test Automation Engineer (7)</li>
<li>Senior Test Automation Engineer (7)</li>
<li>Project Manager (6)</li>
<li>Software Test Automation Engineer (6)</li>
<li><strong>Devops Engineer</strong> (6)</li>
<li>Junior Software Developer (5)</li>
<li>Software Test Engineer (5)</li>
<li>Python Developer (5)</li>
<li>QA Engineer (5)</li>
<li>.NET Developer (4)</li>
<li>Senior Systems Engineer (4)</li>
<li>Senior Software Test Engineer (4)</li>
<li>Systems Engineer (4)</li>
<li>Software QA Engineer (4)</li>
<li>Delivery Manager (4)</li>
<li>Frontend Developer (4)</li>
<li>Full Stack Developer (4)</li>
<li>Big Data Engineer (4)</li>
<li>Java Software Engineer (3)</li>
<p>Yo ur trust is our top concern, so companies can't alter or remove reviews.</p>
<h2>Devops Engineer Interview</h2>
<p>I applied online. The process took a week. I interviewed at EPAM (San Francisco, CA) in January 2020.</p>
<p>Interview was an hour and first 30 minutes questions was asked on AWS, Ansible, Docker, OOM exceptions and other 30 min on behavioral. Most of the questions asked on topics based on my resume experience.</p>
<li>How to fix OOM issue within a docker container Answer Question</li>
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<h2>Other Interview Reviews for EPAM</h2>
<h2>Devops Engineer Interview</h2>
<p>I applied through a recruiter. I interviewed at EPAM (New York, NY) in January 2016.</p>
<p>The recruiter contacted me through LinkedIn. After an interview with the HR, I had a phone screen technical interview. There were two interviewers but only one of them was asking questions. First I answered quiz like questions then they gave me a problem to solve. I was free to select a programming language.</p>
<li>Linux bash and Puppet questions Answer Question</li>
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<h2>Devops Engineer Interview</h2>
<p>Writing a job-winning letter for a resume follows certain rules. It should be short, simple, formatted according to a business letter style, and match your qualifications to the job description. However, there are many important nuances you need to know if you want to get your resume read and your personal interviewed. Read the following six recommendations and you?ll find out why you should personalize a generic text and how to sound genuine. For more detail, see the investment analyst cover letter example below.</p>
<li>why do you want to work here Answer Question</li>
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<h2>Devops Engineer Interview</h2>
<p>I applied through a recruiter. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at EPAM (Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico)) in August 2019.</p>
<p>Hard and very productive.<br />At the begining i though I failed, I got a good feedback and finally get hired.<br />All interviews was in english from the start, I had a last interview with the client.</p>
<li>Linux background Answer Question</li>
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<h2>Devops Engineer Interview</h2>
<p>I applied through a recruiter. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at EPAM (Saint Petersburg (Russia)) in November 2018.</p>
<p>Contacted by the HR person, then, after a preliminary phone discussion invited for an in-person interview. Talked to the resource manager and two other people who were connected by remote voice call. Had a glance at the office, went on my way.</p>
<p>Primary impression from the interview process: Good amenities and overall technical level, but an aggressively sterile work environment - minimal human touch (no personal items at the workplace), all decisions passed from top to bottom, projects are varied but not always viable. An excellent, top of the line body shop.</p>
<h2>Epam devops</h2>

<h3>Epam devops</h3>
E pam devops <a href="">Latestnews& lt;/a> Epam devops
<h4>Epam devops</h4>
6 EPAM Devops Engineer interview questions and 6 interview reviews. Free interview details posted anonymously by EPAM interview candidates.
<h5>Epam devops</h5>
Epam devops <a href="">Epam devops</a> Epam devops
SOURCE: <h6>Epam devops</h6> <a href="">Epam devops</a> Epam devops
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[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
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ErieDox2021-05-19 03:54:01 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Informatica devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Informatica devops</h1>
I nformatica devops <a href="">Latest news</a> Informatica devops
<h1>Informatica devops</h1>

<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 18/09/Informatica-blog.jpg" /></p>
<p><iframe src=" M"></iframe></p>
<p>For over 25 years, Informatica has helped their customers unleash the disruptive power of data. Once known as the data integration company, their position now as the leader in Enterprise Cloud Data Management allows them to be at the forefront of data-driven digital transformation.</p>
<p>Informatica?s solutions allow organizations using AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud to accelerate cloud integration and data management goals. For example, organizations can leverage Informatica to unlock the power of Amazon Redshift to modernize data warehousing and provide actionable insights.</p>
<h2>9,000+ customers and processing 2.5+ trillion cloud transactions per month across all ecosystems</h2>
<p>Now entering into Data 3.0, Informatica has embraced public cloud computing, adopting a multi-cloud approach within the organization. Within Informatica, multiple teams use cloud services and each team operates their own cloud accounts. As Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud usage grew, the executive team needed a manageable platform to extract insights, comprehensive visibility and the ability to manage risks across all of their public cloud environments.</p>
<p>At Informatica?s core is securing customer data. We sat down with Pathik Patel, the Director of Cloud Security of Informatica?s Cloud Trust Center , whose team is responsible for managing the organization?s cloud business which recently on-boarded RedLock Cloud 360 across their public cloud environments.</p>
<blockquote><p&g t; <i>?The best thing is [using RedLock] built up the trust between the security and DevOps team? <br /></i> <i>- Pathik Patel</i> </p></blockquote>
<p>Since using RedLock, Informatica was able to strengthen security and DevOps collaboration within the organization. The insights surfaced through RedLock?s network visualization, dashboards, and compliance reporting gave the organization a better understanding of their infrastructure. More specifically, by using RedLock Query Language (RQL), Patel?s team can now discover critical assets and create custom policies by defining the risks they would like to alert the corresponding teams about.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" 18/08/PathikPatel.png" />Patel recalls working with a DevOps team lead during the onboarding of their account to the RedLock Cloud 360 platform. The team lead was surprised to see a number of open alerts within the environment, despite adhering to security best practices. After further investigation, the security team validated the findings and were able to decrease the time to resolution through RedLock?s integration with various incident response technologies. This exercise provided immediate value to the DevOps team and encouraged cross-team collaboration.</p>
<p>RedLock provided a single pane of glass across their multi-cloud environment. While each CSP may offer its own suite of security services, Informatica required a cloud security platform that could aggregate disparate datasets across all clouds, to give their security teams and cloud users comprehensive visibility in a single-pane view.</p>
<h2>Next Steps to Strengthen Your Security and DevOps Collaboration</h2>
<p>See the RedLock Cloud 360 platform in Action</p>
<p> Get a <b>demo</b> to see how RedLock can help you with:</p>
<li>Compliance assurance</li>
<li>Security governance</li>
<li>Security operations</li>
&l t;h2>Informatica devops</h2>

<h3>Informatica devops</h3>
I nformatica devops <a href="">Today' s news headlines</a> Informatica devops
<h4>Informatica devops</h4>
Entering into Data 3.0, Informatica has strengthened its Security and DevOps Collaboration while embracing a multi-cloud strategy with RedLock.
<h5>Informatica devops</h5>
Informatica devops <a href="">Informatica devops</a> Informatica devops
SOURCE: <h6>Informatica devops</h6> <a href="">Info rmatica devops</a> Informatica devops
#tags#[replace: -,-Informatica devops] Informatica devops#tags#[/b]
[b]Кабринский Эдуард[/b]
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KansasCityDox2021-05-19 03:53:09 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Akamai devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Akamai devops</h1>
A kamai devops <a href="">Breaking news english</a> Akamai devops
<h1>DevOps Engineer Akamai <br />Cambridge, MA </h1>
<p>Akamai Technologies is a provider of cloud services for delivering, optimizing and securing online content and business applications across any device.</p>

<h3>Companies like Akamai <br />are looking for tech talent like you.</h3>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" -6a84e606b38780494823b80fdf56e8a1fc2074ba15c46e103 c542e1087a84286.svg" /> <img src=" x-d51779a09b855c7d74e5ec721004e284bc9bd12c11213b9e 16599b1f17606905.svg" /> <img src=" -6e2e5b6269025d6c866daf31084447e0ffdfc22d85d80e14f 82312ea3e4085ce.svg" /> <img src=" -afdaf50c40137b5f31644e2b4fb7121e493e0867b8e7ff9ba d41a24903c02488.svg" /> <img src=" -666ddcfa4ce677356a0c1937a920e869b2fe1cf821751d3a0 86cf5825ddff3e6.svg" /></p>
<h3>About Akamai</h3>
<h3>Job Description</h3>
<p>The Akamai Platform Engineering team is looking for a DevOps Engineer to help evolve our private cloud infrastructure and services. The Akamai Private Cloud (APC) enables our internal product development teams to innovate by providing similar features to public cloud offerings. If you have experience developing/operating software in any form of cloud environment and are looking for a new challenging opportunity to work on the next generation of the Akamai network, we want to talk with you!</p>
<p>As a DevOps engineer in the System Security and Communication (SysComm) team, you can play a major part in this effort to evolve the Akamai platform and enable our strategy for creating highly inventive technology solutions for our customers and driving more traffic on the Internet. This job requires a developer who is focused on operations and ensuring our managed services rarely need any humans involved to keep them running and maintained. There is a large gap between setting up an open source system once and making that system reliable and available instantly at the click of a button or via an API call. We're working and leveraging technologies such as the open source project Vault from Hashicorp, containers, Kubernetes orchestration on Istio.</p>
<p>As a DevOps Engineer, you'll be responsible for:</p>
<p>* Becoming a subject matter expert (SME) of several internal, distributed and managed services<br />* Automating the installation, configuration and maintenance of services on our virtual compute platform<br />* Managing system-level performance tuning to optimize for reliability and efficiency<br />* Guiding software releases and activations for new features and platform configuration while prioritizing safety<br />* Supporting users by consulting on their designs and guiding their use of the Akamai's private cloud</p>
<p>Part of our Platform Engineering organization, the SysComm team is in charge of developing global managed services for use by internal teams for economically deploying highly scalable products. These systems operate behind the scenes to secure our network, help product teams bring their latest ideas to market faster and provide the fault-tolerant and highly-scalable core of Akamai's platform as a service for internal users.</p>
<p>Required Education and Experience</p>
<p>Applicants must meet one of the following education and experience requirements:</p>
<p>* 2 years of relevant experience and a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent or<br />* Relevant experience and a Master's degree or PhD<br />* Relevant Professional Experience</p>
<p>* 1+ year of experience with Linux<br />* 1+ year of experience with programming languages such as Python, Go or Bash<br />* 1+ year of experience with CI/CD tools (e.g. Jenkins, Travis, gitlab ci)<br />* 1+ year of experience with Kubernetes or Istio<br />* 1+ year of experience with different cloud service models (e.g. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Serverless)</p>
<p>* Linux System Administration Knowledge (e.g. server administration, internals, package management)<br />* Experience with container technology and microservices<br />* Experience with deployment/configuration management tools (e.g. Ansible, puppet, chef, fabric)<br />* Experience with Monitoring/Logging/Performance Analytics (e.g.. Logstash/Kibana, DataDog, Splunk, FluentD)<br />* Experience operating fault-tolerant distributed systems (e.g. Redundancy, Availability Zones, Data Reliability)<br />* Experience with SQL and noSQL database technologies such as PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka, or Cassandra<br />* Experience with AWS or equivalent technologies (e.g. EC2, EBS, RDS, Elasticache, Kinesis)</p>
<h3>About Akamai</h3>
<p>Akamai Technologies is a provider of cloud services for delivering, optimizing and securing online content and business applications across any device.</p>
<h2>Akamai devops</h2>

<h3>Akamai devops</h3>
A kamai devops <a href="">The news</a> Akamai devops
<h4>Akamai devops</h4>
Get the inside scoop on landing a job at Akamai. Find salary details, reviews &amp; interview tips to help you find a job you love.
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Akamai devops <a href="">Akamai devops</a> Akamai devops
SOURCE: <h6>Akamai devops</h6> <a href="">Akam ai devops</a> Akamai devops
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[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
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OhioDox2021-05-19 03:53:07 Cituoti
[b]Кабринский Эдуард - Gene kim devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Gene kim devops</h1>
G ene kim devops <a href="">News websites</a> Gene kim devops
<h1>Gene Kim Explains ?Why DevOps Matters?</h1>
<p>Ever wonder why DevOps gets so much attention these days? The answer is simple: ?DevOps solves the most important business problem of our generation, [which is] how organizations make the transition from good to great.?</p>
<p>That?s according to Gene Kim, co-author of <em>The Phoenix Project</em>, founder of Tripwire, and a DevOps advocate. Gene headlined a New Relic DevOps roadshow with stops in Chicago, Dallas, and Houston last month, regaling attendees with the inside scoop of what DevOps really is, what it does, and how to make it work (more on that in upcoming blog posts). But perhaps his most important point was the overwhelming importance of the effort.</p>
<h3>Traditional IT leads to ?hopelessness and despair?</h3>
<p>According to Gene, the opportunity cost of wasted IT spending is some $2.6 trillion. These days, he says, ?every company is an IT company??we like to say ?every company is a software company,? but you get the message.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" oads/Gene-Kim-254x300.jpg" />Gene observes that 95% of all capital projects have an IT component and 50% of all capital spending is technology related. And every IT organization is pressured to simultaneously respond more quickly to urgent business needs while also providing stable, secure, and predictable IT service.</p>
<p>That chronic conflict created what Gene described as ?a horrible downward spiral that leads to horrendous outcomes. Every time we cut corners, or manually deploy code, or write code that doesn?t have automated testing, it all leads to the accumulation of technical debt.? And the ever-increasing amount of technical debt sets the stage for intertribal warfare that can exist between dev and ops.</p>
<p>Those wars mean that ?Devs submit code at 5 p.m. on Friday, and ops then works all weekend to deploy it by 9 a.m. Monday. Everyone becomes buried in unplanned work, and this deprives our ability to pay down the technical debt being created. This led to hopelessness and despair, with everyone doomed to repeat the same mistakes.?</p>
<h3>DevOps offers a better way</h3>
<p>Fortunately, Gene explained, ?We know now there is a better way. The DevOps exemplars have shown us that we can have incredibly fast flow from dev to ops to deployment while preserving world-class quality and security.?</p>
<p>According to Gene, the top predictors of IT performance are all associated with DevOps:</p>
<li>Version control of all production artifacts</li>
<li>Continuous integration and deployment</li>
<li>Automated acceptance testing</li>
<li>Peer-review of production changes (vs. external change approval)</li>
<li>High-trust culture</li>
<li>Proactive monitoring of the production environment</li>
<li>Win-win relationship between dev and ops</li>
<h3> ;Lead time is the key metric</h3>
<p>Lead time from raw material to finished product is the key metric in manufacturing, ?and that?s true for software, too,? Gene said. ?How long does it take to go from <em>code committed</em> to <em>code successfully running in production</em>??</p>
<p>The standard 9-month software lead time common in waterfall development projects is ?highly correlated with catastrophic deployment errors,? Gene warned. The key, he said, is to have smaller deployments, and to do them more frequently.</p>
<p>That approach is already working for high-performing organizations, he added, who are accelerating away from the herd. ?Ten deploys a day used to be startling,? Gene noted. ?Now it?s probably considered merely average among high performers.? Amazon Web Services deploys every 11.6 seconds! That kind of speed is possible only by doing small deployments more frequently, Gene said. ?The bigger the change, the bigger the crater when it hits.?</p>
<h3>DevOps correlates with business success!</h3>
<p>IT high-performers who incorporate DevOps are much more agile and more reliable, Gene said. Critically, he added, ?They are more likely to win in the marketplace!? The common reaction to that statement is shock. Gene noted he often hears: ?That?s absurd! How can IT ops practices be visible on the bottom line or in the stock price??</p>
<p>But the Puppet Labs 2014 State of DevOps report noted that IT high-performers are twice as likely to exceed profitability, market share, and productivity goals as well as enjoy 50% higher market capitalization growth over three years.</p>
<p>Of course, that doesn?t mean all those good things will happen to <em>your</em> company just by moving to DevOps. But do you really want to risk the ?horrendous outcomes? of staying with outmoded models that lead to excruciatingly long deployment cycles?</p>
<p>Fredric Paul (aka The Freditor) is Editor in Chief for New Relic. He's an award-winning writer, editor, and content strategist who has held senior editorial positions at ReadWrite,, InformationWeek, CNET, Electronic Entertainment, PC World, and PC|Computing. His writing has appeared in MIT Technology Review, Omni, Conde Nast Traveler, and Newsweek, among other places. View posts by Fredric Paul.</p>
<p>The views expressed on this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of New Relic. Any solutions offered by the author are environment-specific and not part of the commercial solutions or support offered by New Relic. Please join us exclusively at the Explorer?s Hub ( for questions and support related to this blog post. This blog may contain links to content on third-party sites. By providing such links, New Relic does not adopt, guarantee, approve or endorse the information, views or products available on such sites.</p>
<p>Interested in writing for New Relic Blog? Send us a pitch!</p>
<h2>Gene kim devops</h2>

<h3>Gene kim devops</h3>
G ene kim devops <a href="">Internation al news</a> Gene kim devops
<h4>Gene kim devops</h4>
The DevOps expert reveals how the approach helps solve ?the most important business problem of our generation??one that potentially wastes $2.6 trillion.
<h5>Gene kim devops</h5>
Gene kim devops <a href="">Gene kim devops</a> Gene kim devops
SOURCE: <h6>Gene kim devops</h6> <a href="">Gene kim devops</a> Gene kim devops
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[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard[/b]
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CharlotteDox2021-05-19 03:52:50 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Lean devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Lean devops</h1>
L ean devops <a href="">News new</a> Lean devops
<h1>Running a lean startup on Azure DevOps</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*4U _rm9qbk2jnLDvgGz10kQ.png" /></p>
<h4>Gilad Khen</h4>
<h4>Jul 14, 2019 В· 6 min read</h4>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*pWcFzHl jPEFe9bWBgB-Fqw.png" /></p>
<h1>TL;DR ? lean epics, features, stories</strong></h1>
<p>We will review our in-house implementation of a lean startup exploratory lifecycle using Azure DevOps epics, features stories and tasks.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*9ErBDuF Pc4Vrq0_qwBzxlw.png" /></p>
<h1>Lean startup exploratory lifecycle</h1>
<p>Lean is a framework that takes a flexible approach to software-based solution delivery. Lean lifecycle is typically followed in situations where you are unsure of who your user base is, or what your user base wants.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*wFfh9BG Mi_XGtBu63sMyzQ.png" /></p>
<h1>Lean software artifacts</strong></h1>
<p>The two main artifacts of lean are MVP and MMP:</p>
<li>Minimum Viable Product (MVP)</strong>.<br />A product with just enough features to satisfy early users. The final, complete set of features is only designed and developed after considering feedback from the product?s initial users. Gathering insights from an MVP is often less expensive than developing a product with more features, which increases costs and risk if the product fails.</li>
<li>Minimum Marketable Product (MMP)</strong>.<br />A product development strategy that is based on the philosophy that ?less is more?. The MMP describes the product with the smallest possible set of features that can address the user needs, creates the desired user experience, and can hence be marketed and sold successfully. The MMP is a tool to reduce time-to-market: It can be launched more quickly than a fat, feature-rich one.</li>
<h1&g t;Lean startup RnD lifecycle</strong></h1>
<p>Inst ead of slowly baking a well known product, we iterate multiple mostly baked MVP -> MMP epics discovery rounds until we find a product market fit.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*oFqIeyJ yM0bA55AbA7a7Cg.png" /></p>
<p>Each ite r ation is a two week sprint shipping stories from the backlog.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*UMJAOAr zRgfBuPRQD_odCQ.png" /></p>
<h1>The 51% experimentation rule</h1>
<p>Mostly inspired by SpaceX RnD model. Each epic should have a 51% chance of success. NASA would wait until they had 80?90% chance of success and there would be lot more meetings about the work or process.</p>
<p>This more rapid testing leads to more rapid development.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*8aw36YB 94pcAl7RwJtfKBA.png" /></p>
<p>Our team includes 6 fullstack engineers and 2 devops, are able to maintain 5 active epics = about 10 concurrent active features. We aim to deliver 5 new epics every 4 * two weeks sprints.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*0wstfbb i8PrEhRowQj39EA.png" /></p>
<p>This model allows us to explore 2?3 hypothesis every quarter, 1?2 of which will mature from MVP to MMP and then productized.</p>
<h1>Lean with Azure DevOps ? a startup?s journey</strong></h1>
<p>The question we will try to answer is ?how good of a fit is Azure DevOps for lean startups??</p>
<p>* DISCLAIMER:<br />My baseline for evaluating was heavily biased towards AWS alternatives.</p>
<p>Spoiler ? 9/10 score ? pretty awesome fit</strong></p>
<p>All in all I think MS has done a killer job</strong> in making their cloud accessible for lean startups, given the following setup time:</p>
<li>2?3 days required for cloud setup</li>
<li>2?3 days for Git / CI / CD setup</li>
<li>2?3 days for lean process and boards</li>
<p& gt;Being Microsoft and all, setup this meant visiting multiple customization forms for states and layouts. All in all not a bad experience, compared with Jira?s awkward UX.</p>
<p>Azure DevOps ? the good</strong></p>
<p>Azure DevOps comes preloaded with everything you need to run end to end RnD:</p>
<li>Goody #1- iterations for sprints</li>
<h 2>Lean devops</h2>

<h3>Lean devops</h3>
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<h4>Lean devops</h4>
We will review our in-house implementation of a lean startup exploratory lifecycle using Azure DevOps epics, features stories and tasks. Lean is a framework that takes a flexible approach to?
<h5>Lean devops</h5>
Lean devops <a href="">Lean devops</a> Lean devops
SOURCE: <h6>Lean devops</h6> <a href="">Lean devops</a> Lean devops
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[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy[/b]
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MaineDox2021-05-19 03:52:49 Cituoti
[b]Кабринский Эдуард - Devops paas - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Devo ps paas</h1>
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<h1>DevOps Bookmarks</h1>

<h3>License& lt;/h3>
<h2& gt;argo-cd </h2>
<p>Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.</p>
<h2>AWSBox </h2>
<p>DIY Platform-as-a-Service tool specialized for NodeJS projects with AWS as the backend, and created by Mozilla</p>
<h2>Bamboo </h2>
<p>Build, test, deploy. Bamboo Server is the choice of professional teams for continuous integration, deployment, and delivery</p>
<h2>Bitrise </h2>
<p>Automate your iOS development: Bitrise helps you automate your daily mobile app development tasks from building through testing to deployment. With Bitrise you can configure these tasks with a unique, visual workflow editor, where all of the steps are open source. If the step you need is not in our collection you can create your own and share it with others.</p>
<h2>boot2docker </h2>
<p>boot2docker is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Tiny Core Linux made specifically to run Docker containers. It runs completely from RAM, weighs</p>
<p>24MB and boots in a couple of seconds. Can be used as a base OS when running your own PaaS with Docker, or other kind of deployments.</p>
<h2>Cloud Application Manager </h2>
<p>Cloud Application Manager is a software-defined managed services orchestration platform that enables the configuration, deployment, management and automation of applications within public, private and hybrid IT environments.</p>
<h2>CloudRepo </h2>
<p>Public and Private Maven and Python (PyPi) repositories. Fully managed and highly available repository hosting.</p>
<h2>Cloudsmith Package </h2>
<p>Just Better Package Management. Manage your software dependencies and distribution with Enterprise-grade package management.</p>
<h2>CloudStack </h2>
<p>Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. CloudStack is used by a number of service providers to offer public cloud services, and by many companies to provide an on-premises (private) cloud offering, or as part of a hybrid cloud solution.</p>
<h2>CoreOS </h2>
<p>CoreOS is an extremely lightweight base OS for Docker. It installs just a kernel, systemd and docker, and then you use Docker to pull in any service that you want. Can be used as a base OS when running your own PaaS with Docker, or other kind of deployments.</p>
<p>Private, fully managed Docker Container Registries and Maven Repositories. Works with native tooling, no plugins required. Reliable, secure, and fast (with a purpose built CDN).</p>
<h2>Docker </h2>
<p>Docker uses LXC to create and manage native, sandboxed virtual containers. LXC containers acts like a separate OSes, can install their own packages without affecting anything else, and overall have almost the same flexibility of VMs but without any of the virtualization overhead! Docker adds a ton of features, like an elegant configuration file that automates many things (like port forwarding, disk/directory mounting, networking, etc), a way to create and share readymade images that can be distributed as appliances, etc.</p>
<h2>Dokku </h2>
<p>It uses docker, git-receive and a few other lightweight and clever libraries to build a quick PaaS, all around just 100 lines of code! An excellent small tool to get started with PaaS systems. The same developer is creating a larger scale, production quality system called Flynn.</p>
<h2>Flynn </h2>
<p>From the creator of Dokku, Flynn is a full fledged, open source PaaS platform built on top of Docker. You just push code with a Procfile, and that?s it, Flynn immediately picks it up, provisions a Docker container and deploys the latest code! Its tagged as ?the product that ops gives to developers?</p>
<p>The Ruby Cloud API library. Provides a Ruby API for interacting and managing many cloud providers, such as spinning up new instances, terminating old ones, attaching storage, etc. Currently supports more than 20 providers, including EC2, Rackspace, Brightbox, etc.</p>
<h2>Foreman </h2>
<p>A complete lifecycle management tool for servers, both self-hosted and in the cloud. It allows you to create and manage instances, build and deploy images, view and audit hosts, and much more! It works with Puppet or Chef, and has multiple interaction facilities like a web frontend, CLI and a RESTful API.</p>
<h2>jclouds </h2>
<p>A Java Library for controlling cloud resources, with various plugins for many popular cloud providers.</p>
<h2>Apache Libcloud </h2>
<p>Python library for interacting with many of the popular cloud service providers using a unified API.</p>
<p>LXD is a next generation system container manager. It offers a user experience similar to virtual machines but using Linux containers instead. It's image based with pre-made images available for a wide number of Linux distributions and is built around a very powerful, yet pretty simple, REST API.</p>
<h2>Nevercode </h2>
<p>Develop apps 20% faster with the leading CI/CD partner Cloud-based continuous integration & delivery for iOS, Android, Cordova, Ionic, React Native & Flutter projects.</p>
<h2>Devops paas</h2>

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<h4>Devops paas</h4>
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[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy[/b]
SpringfieldDox2021-05-19 03:52:17 Cituoti
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy - Microsoft tfs git - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Micr osoft tfs git</h1>
Micr osoft tfs git <a href="">National news stories</a> Microsoft tfs git
<h1>Why TFS with GIT is not working from command line?</h1>
<p>I want to use the git command line tools with the Microsoft Team Foundation Server Git repositories.</p>
<p>But every time I want to access to remote repos the authentication fails. And of course I am using Active Directory (this is a TFS server). The git repo management works perfectly from Visual Studio. (even push, sync, clone, etc).</p>
<p>I have intented using this patters and always fail.</p>
<p>Anyone has get connected using command line tools to a TFS with git server? In my company we use tokens to log on Windows, may be the reason?</p>
<h2>11 Answers 11</h2>
<p>Windows Credentials -> Generic Credentials</p>
<p>Then add a new item with "git:" in front of the http:// i.e.:</p>
<p>add domain\user as user, and password</p>
<p>I did two things to make it work. Try below.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><ol>
<li>Update your git to the latest version.</li>
<li>Open Windows Credential Manager by typing the same in Windows Search and remove the git credentials in the generic credentials as shown below <img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src="" ; /></li>
<p&g t;Finally a collegue hit the solution and I will post it here:</p>
<p>Use the command:</p>
<p>Of course, replace [tfs_server] with your own TFS server host name.</p>
<p>When Credential Manager asks for credentials just leave blanks and press OK. (I this way authentication will be performed using Kerberos).</p>
<blockquote><p>N o matter, how your company use to log on windows, you just need the account which login in the TFS. You can find the account info in Windows-Control Panel- Credential Manager</p> </blockquote>
<p>This is what did it for me. I just opened the Windows Credential Manager as stated above and edited the credentials because some how it was stuck to my previous password.</p>
<p>For myself, I went to Control Panel > Credential Manager > Windows Credentials.</p>
<p>I tried to delete only the Generic Credentials with <em>git:</em> in front of them, but the git commands still didn't work.</p>
<p>After I deleted the Windows Credentials for the TFS server, then the git commands started to work.</p>
<p>If you face this error after changing password for TFS,</p>
<p>Go to Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager</p>
<p>Under the Windows Credentials, Modify the password for the specific Internet or network address.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" WKXvUY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABQ/LIBZPESYbpo/photo.j pg" /></p>
<p>Did you change your AD password recently ?</p>
<li>If so, (or not lol), Go to Control Panel > User Accounts > Credential Manager > Windows Credentials.</li>
<li>Locate entries starting with git:http.</li>
<li>Either Remove that/those entry, or edit the password to the new one. Click on the Down Arrow and you see info about that entry, including the Remove/Edit links</li>
<p&g t;For me it was that a proxy had been set in config. >git config --global --unset http.proxy made it work. Running a VM Windows Server 20196 and TFS2015 usind Kerberos (Windows Authentication).</p>
<p>Open Control Panel > Credential Manager > Windows Credentials.</p>
<p>Under Generic Credentials -> Add a generic credential</p>
<p>Replace google with the domain of your company. Put your EID or credentials to log into TFS.</p>
<p>Remove your git credentials from Windows Control Panel (as what everyone is suggesting)</p>
<p>If cmd still not prompting you for reentering of git credentials. e.g</p>
<blockquote><p>fatal: Authentication failed for .</p> </blockquote>
<p>You may try to uninstall your git-windows and choose the 'None' option. To avoid using a credentials helper.</p>
<p>Try to use the Authentication --username and --password parameters with the command directly such as:</p>
<blockquote><p>-u, --username=VALUE stands for TFS username <br />-p, --password=VALUE stands for TFS password</p></blockquote>
<p>No matter, how your company use to log on windows, you just need the account which login in the TFS. You can find the account info in Windows-Control Panel- Credential Manager</p>
<p>Visual Studio store credentials in the Windows Credential Manager, which is compatible with the Git Credential Winstore. If you install Git Credential Winstore, it should permanently authenticating with Git repositories, you can also give this tool a try.</p>
<h2>Microsoft tfs git</h2>

<h3>Microsoft tfs git</h3>
Micr osoft tfs git <a href="">Latest current news</a> Microsoft tfs git
<h4>Microsoft tfs git</h4>
Why TFS with GIT is not working from command line? I want to use the git command line tools with the Microsoft Team Foundation Server Git repositories. But every time I want to access to
<h5>Microsoft tfs git</h5>
Microsoft tfs git <a href="">Microsoft tfs git</a> Microsoft tfs git
SOURCE: <h6>Microsoft tfs git</h6> <a href="">Micr osoft tfs git</a> Microsoft tfs git
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[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
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WarrenDox2021-05-19 03:51:51 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Azure devops build artifacts - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops build artifacts</h1>
Azure devops build artifacts <a href="">Top news stories</a> Azure devops build artifacts
<h1>What are the pros and cons of Azure Artifacts vs. Artifactory?</h1>
<p>We have a requirement where we need to develop a custom product where the software component life cycle needs to be managed i.e. upload, download, recall etc. one option is to go with Custom API leveraging Azure Artifacts and the other option is to go with Artifactory. Can we have some insight on what are the Pros and Cons of these two solution. some of the links which provides info are itors/alternatives In addition to that i would also like to understand how is their support towards package managers mainly cocoapods, maven etc</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<h2>3 Answers 3</h2>
<p><strong>JFrog Artifactory pros</strong></p>
<p>Artifactor y supports 25+ package types, while Azure supports only Maven, npm, NuGet and Python. You can get Docker and Helm with Azure Container Registry but it?s a separate tool.</p>
<p>Artifactory is fully hybrid - available both for on-premise installations and as SaaS - with full parity between the versions.</p>
<p>With Artifactory you can avoid vendor lock-in - not depending just on one cloud vendor for all of your needs. That also means not being limited to any vendor?s stack for your database, access management, etc. Proxy any remote repository - not just the official ones (like Maven Central and</p>
<p>Artifactory is optimized for multi-site operations - Supports any network topology, over multiple, geographically distant sites and data centers, through different options for replication including pull, push, event-based and multi-push replication.</p>
<p>Rich metadata & AQL - Artifactory provides full metadata capabilities for all major package formats for both artifacts and folders ? including custom metadata. Users can tag artifacts and folders with searchable properties. Artifactory also collects build information for build artifacts as part of the CI server integration (see below). AQL gives you unprecedented flexibility in how you search for artifacts. It offers a simple way to formulate complex queries that specify any number of search criteria, filters, sorting options and output fields.</p>
<p>Build info - Artifactory stores exhaustive metadata for all build artifacts deployed to it. With this ?bill of materials? it is easy to faithfully reproduce a build, and trace the cause of issues to reduce time to resolution (TTR), even if the build is already in production.</p>
<p><strong>Azur e Artifacts pros</strong></p>
<p>if your CI is already built on Azure DevOps, the initial set up for Azure Artifacts may be a bit quicker. The basic functionality of hosting artifacts, so that they can be resolved by other builds will work for you.</p>
<h2>Azure devops build artifacts</h2>

<h3>Azure devops build artifacts</h3>
Azure devops build artifacts <a href="">National news headlines</a> Azure devops build artifacts
<h4>Azure devops build artifacts</h4>
What are the pros and cons of Azure Artifacts vs. Artifactory? We have a requirement where we need to develop a custom product where the software component life cycle needs to be managed i.e.
<h5>Azure devops build artifacts</h5>
Azure devops build artifacts <a href="">Azure devops build artifacts</a> Azure devops build artifacts
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops build artifacts</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops build artifacts</a> Azure devops build artifacts
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops build artifacts] Azure devops build artifacts#tags#[/b]
[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
[url=]online news[/url]
ColoradoSpringsDox2021-05-19 03:51:13 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Azure devops monorepo - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops monorepo</h1>

Azure devops monorepo <a href="">Current news headlines</a> Azure devops monorepo
<h1>Azure Deployment of Mono-Repos in GitHub</h1>
<p>With the increasing adoption of Microservices, one of the questions sometimes discussed is <em>mono-repo</em> vs. <em>multi-repo</em>, which tries to answer if you structure your code to have <strong>one large, single repository</strong> for all/multiple microservices or <strong>individual, small repositories</strong> for each microservice.</p>
<p>If you're in the scenario of using a <em>mono-repo</em>, where you have multiple projects in a single repo, and you want to <strong>deploy this single code-base to multiple applications and services in Azure</strong> , there is a simple way to do this.</p>
<p>Kudu, the engine behind git-deployments in Azure App Service, has documentation on how to customize deployments, but <strong>only one of these ways works well with the <em>mono-repo</em>-scenario</strong >. The approach of using a .deployment -file unfortunately locks the configuration of the specified project into your source-code, so <strong>it won't work</strong> for <em>mono-repos</em>.</p>
<p& gt;Instead, using the <em>Application settings</em> available in all Azure App Services, you use the key PROJECT to <strong>set the value for the path of the project</strong> you want to be deployed to your different Azure App Services. So this solution works for Function Apps, Web Apps, API Apps and much more.</p>
< ;p>If you have the following code-structure in your single repository:</p>
<li>/src/ExampleProject/ExampleProject.cspro j</li>
<li>/src/ExampleProject.FunctionsApp/Example Project.FunctionsApp.csproj</li>
<li>/src/ExampleProject.WebApiApp/ExamplePro ject.WebApiApp.csproj</li>
<li>/src/ExampleProject.WebApp/ExampleProjec t.WebApp.csproj</li>
<li>/test/ExampleProject.Tests/ExampleProjec t.Tests.csproj</li>
<p>Then you'd set up your PROJECT -path in <em>Application settings</em> for your different Application Services like this:</p>
<li><strong>Function App</strong> : "src/ExampleProject.FunctionsApp"</li >
<li><strong>Web App</strong> : "src/ExampleProject.WebApp"</li>
<li><strong>API App</strong> : "src/ExampleProject.WebApiApp"</li> ;
<p>With the <strong>paths relative to the Git-repository's root-path</strong>. You can also point directly to the .csproj -file, if there is any risk of ambiguity in the same file-folder.</p>
<p>When this is done you can configure your Azure App Services for Continuous Deployment <strong>using the same repository</strong> , in GitHub, Bitbucket, local Git or any other source supported in Azure.</p>
<h2>Azure devops monorepo</h2>

<h3>Azure devops monorepo</h3>

Azure devops monorepo <a href="">What's the news</a> Azure devops monorepo
<h4>Azure devops monorepo</h4>
With the increasing adoption of Microservices, one of the questions sometimes discussed is mono-repo... Tagged with azure, github, devops, monorepo.
<h5>Azure devops monorepo</h5>
Azure devops monorepo <a href="">Azure devops monorepo</a> Azure devops monorepo
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops monorepo</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops monorepo</a> Azure devops monorepo
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[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard[/b]
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RiversideDox2021-05-19 03:51:12 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Tfs excel plugin - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Tfs excel plugin</h1>
T fs excel plugin <a href="">Latest news live</a> Tfs excel plugin
<h1>Adding a new task in TFS/Azure DevOps using Excel</h1>
<p>In the previous post, I added the tasks to on-premises TFS using C#. This time I will add similar data using an Excel add-in. I will also learn how to accidentally remove the link from the task to the parent element.</p>
<p>First things first ? if you do not have Azure DevOps Office? Integration 2019 installed (you need it to work with TFS / Azure DevOps from Excel), then go to and pick it from the <em>Other Tools and Frameworks</em> section at the bottom of the page. Install, and you should then see the Team plugin in the Excel menu.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/AzureDevOps_TeamPlugin.png" /></p>
<p>This time I will use my Azure DevOps collection bartekr and the <em>AzureDevOps_APITests</em> project. It uses a <em>Basic</em> process, but I also tested the process on an <em>Agile</em> workflow. To add the elements click <em>New List</em> and connect to the project. If it?s the first time you connect to Azure DevOps or TFS you will be prompted to set up the connection to the collection. After you connect pick the <em>Input list</em> from the options</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/ExcelNewList_InputList-300x185.png" ; /></p>
<p>Now you should see an empty list with information about the connection. The list is ready and you could start filling the columns Title, Work Item Type, State, Reason, Assigned To (ID is read-only).</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/ExcelEmptyList.png" /></p>
<p>But ? we want to add not only the tasks but also the connection to a parent element. In this case, tasks should be connected to the Issue (in a <em>Basic</em> process) or the User Story (an <em>Agile</em> process). To do it we have to work with the tree, not a flat list (notice: List type: Flat on the right side of the yellow header). Click on the list and you should see an enabled <em>Add Tree Level</em> button. Click it.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/ExcelAddTreeLevel.png" /></p>
<p>In the <em>Convert to Tree List</em> select Parent-Child (the default option)</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/ExcelConvertToTreeList.png" /></p>
<p>Now you should see the columns ? <em>Title 1</em> and <em>Title 2</em> and the <em>List type: tree</em>. The first title is for the parent item, the second for the child.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/ExcelEmptyWorkitemsTree-1.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both">Now ? I want to add the new tasks for the Issue 2<img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" ds/2020/05/AzureDevOps_BacklogBefore-600x256.png&q uot; />In the <em>Team</em> toolbar click <em>Get Work Items</em>, find the <em>Issue 2</em> in the opened window, select it and click <em>OK</em>.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/ExcelFindWorkItem.png" /></p>
<p>The spreadsheet looks like below:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/ExcelIssue2Tree.png" /></p>
<p>Nothing unusual. Now ? in the <em>Title 2</em> column add new tasks with Work Item Type == <em>Task</em> and push the button <em>Publish</em>. And that?s it!</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/ExcelIssue2Tree_NewWorkItems.png" /></p>
<p>In Azure DevOps:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" ds/2020/05/AzureDevOps_BacklogAfter.png" />If I wanted to fill more columns (like Assigned To, Sprint, Estimated time and so on) ? I click <em>Choose columns</em> button and add them to the list.</p>
<p>One more small thing for the end. Let?s say you have a lot of Tasks with one parent Issue / User Story. <strong>Do not delete them from the list</strong> <em>?because you want to have a clean sheet with just the Issue / User Story?</em>. Deleting the tasks from the list does not delete the tasks (of course), but it removes the Parent-Child hierarchy for the deleted elements.</p>
<p>If you repeat the steps to get the tasks for Issue 2 and delete them, you will see they lost the connection:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ds/2020/05/AzureDevOps_WorkitemDeletedLink-300x285 .png" /></p>
<p>In short: adding work items to TFS / Azure DevOps using Excel is easy. The trick is to keep breathing to use the <em>Add Tree Level</em> button.</p>
<h2>Tfs excel plugin</h2>

<h3>Tfs excel plugin</h3>
T fs excel plugin <a href="">Latest current news</a> Tfs excel plugin
<h4>Tfs excel plugin</h4>
Adding a new task in TFS/Azure DevOps using Excel In the previous post, I added the tasks to on-premises TFS using C#. This time I will add similar data using an Excel add-in. I will also learn
<h5>Tfs excel plugin</h5>
Tfs excel plugin <a href="">Tfs excel plugin</a> Tfs excel plugin
SOURCE: <h6>Tfs excel plugin</h6> <a href="">Tfs excel plugin</a> Tfs excel plugin
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[b]Кабринский Эдуард[/b]
[url=]breaking news today[/url]
AlaskaDox2021-05-19 03:50:46 Cituoti
[b]Кабринский Эдуард - Thoughtworks devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Thou ghtworks devops</h1>
T houghtworks devops <a href="">New newspaper</a> Thoughtworks devops
<h1>Infrastructure Developer (DevOps) Thoughtworks <br />Dallas, TX </h1>
<p>Thoughtworks is a company operating as a global software consultancy.</p>

<h3>Companies like Thoughtworks <br />are looking for tech talent like you.</h3>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" -6a84e606b38780494823b80fdf56e8a1fc2074ba15c46e103 c542e1087a84286.svg" /> <img src=" x-d51779a09b855c7d74e5ec721004e284bc9bd12c11213b9e 16599b1f17606905.svg" /> <img src=" -6e2e5b6269025d6c866daf31084447e0ffdfc22d85d80e14f 82312ea3e4085ce.svg" /> <img src=" -afdaf50c40137b5f31644e2b4fb7121e493e0867b8e7ff9ba d41a24903c02488.svg" /> <img src=" -666ddcfa4ce677356a0c1937a920e869b2fe1cf821751d3a0 86cf5825ddff3e6.svg" /></p>
<h3>About Thoughtworks</h3>
<h3>Job Description</h3>
<p>We are a global software consultancy and a community of passionate, purpose-led individuals. We think disruptively to deliver technology to address our clients' toughest challenges, all while seeking to revolutionize the IT industry and create positive social change.</p>
<p>As an Infrastructure Developer / DevOps consultant, you are responsible for ensuring that the team and client have an understanding of operational requirements, and take a shared responsibility for designing and implementing infrastructure for delivering and running software services.</p>
<p>This involves hands-on involvement in building deployment and testing pipelines, automated provisioning of cloud infrastructure, and infrastructure support services such as monitoring. There are a lot of moving pieces to fit together so communication is essential to ensure stuff is not missed. You will be depended upon for advice regarding the cross-functional aspects of user stories which may not always be obvious from the start. Watching out for performance bottlenecks and scaling pitfalls are all within the realms of an Infrastructure Developer at ThoughtWorks.</p>
<p>In addition to technical skills, at ThoughtWorks we also need excellent coaches so your patience and a desire to take others along with you is absolutely key. If this sounds appealing then we want to talk to you!</p>
<p>In an Infrastructure Developer role at ThoughtWorks, here's what you'll bring:</p>
<p>* Extensive experience working with server virtualization (VMWare, Xen, etc.), IaaS and PaaS cloud (AWS, Azure, GCE, Rackspace, Digital Ocean, Heroku, OpenStack, CloudStack, CloudFoundry, etc.)<br />* Infrastructure provisioning tools (such as Docker, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Packer, CloudFormation, Terraform)<br />* An eagerness to learn enough and improve everyday.<br />* Scripting and programming languages (Python, Ruby, Perl, PowerShell, Golang, etc.)<br />* Proficiency in building Linux and Windows systems (RHEL, Ubuntu, CentOS, etc.)<br />* Passion for and ability to work with software development teams releasing production-ready software on a daily basis<br />* Experience with continuous integration tools (Jenkins, Travis-CI, GoCD)<br />* Experience administering application servers, web servers, and databases (Jetty, Tomcat, Websphere, Nginx, Mongrel, Microsoft IIS, Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, etc.)<br />* Some experience with unit testing and automated testing tools<br />* Collaborative, team focus<br />* Excellent communication skills</p>
<p>In an Infrastructure developer role at ThoughtWorks you'll get to:</p>
<p>* Think through hard problems in a consultancy environment, and work with amazing people to make the solutions a reality<br />* Work in a dynamic, collaborative, non-hierarchical environment where talent is valued over job title or years of experience<br />* Develop your career outside the confines of a traditional career path<br />* Build bespoke software using the latest technologies and tools</p>
<p>A few important things to know: Projects are almost exclusively on customer site, so candidates should be flexible and open to extensive travel.</p>
<p>Candidates must possess work authorization that does not require H-1B visa sponsorship by ThoughtWorks or dependent EAD.</p>
<p>We value diversity; we support traditional and nontraditional career paths.</p>
<p>Not quite ready to apply? Or maybe this isn't the right role for you? That's OK, you can stay in touch with AccessThoughtWorks, our learning community (click "contact me about recruitment opportunities" to hear about jobs in the future).</p>
<p>It is the policy of ThoughtWorks, Inc. to provide a work environment free of discrimination. The Company will take affirmative action to ensure applicants and ThoughtWorks employees are treated without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnic origin, veteran status, family status, disability, sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity. This also includes individuals who are perceived to have any of the aforementioned attributes. ThoughtWorks will adhere to all federal, state, and municipal laws and regulations governing employment.</p>
<h3>About Thoughtworks</h3>
<p>Thoughtworks is a company operating as a global software consultancy.</p>
<h2>Thoughtworks devops</h2>

<h3>Thoughtworks devops</h3>
T houghtworks devops <a href="">News stories</a> Thoughtworks devops
<h4>Thoughtworks devops</h4>
Get the inside scoop on landing a job at Thoughtworks. Find salary details, reviews &amp; interview tips to help you find a job you love.
<h5>Thoughtworks devops</h5>
Thoughtworks devops <a href="">Thoughtwork s devops</a> Thoughtworks devops
SOURCE: <h6>Thoughtworks devops</h6> <a href="">Thou ghtworks devops</a> Thoughtworks devops
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[b]Кабринский Эдуард[/b]
[url=]breaking news[/url]
PalmBayDox2021-05-19 03:50:44 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Azure devops gantt - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops gantt</h1>
Az ure devops gantt <a href="">Current news headlines</a> Azure devops gantt
< h2>azure devops tips getting the best out of Azure DevOps</h2>
<h1>Wiki ? Mermaid Diagrams</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://azuredevopstips.files.wordpress. com/2020/02/twitter-2.png" /></p>
<p>Have you ever wanted to create some diagrams to explain the flow or sequence along with you documentation. You can use some tool like Microsoft Visio, export or screen grab the picture then paste it into the wiki. Then when it comes to updating it you have to try and find that Visio file make the change and repeat the export.</p>
<p>In the series of Diagrams in Azure DevOps Wiki I will be showing you how you can put diagrams along side you Wiki documentation. In this post we will be looking at the in built Mermaid Diagrams.</p>
<h2>Lets get Started</h2>
<p>Microsoft has added the capability to include Mermaid Diagrams into Azure DevOps. These Diagrams are explained using a the Mermaid syntax to explain different types of Diagrams. At the time of writing the diagrams supported include:</p>
<p>The actual wiki diagram syntax is in the same file as you wiki document. The syntax for the mermaid diagram is surrounded with the notation see below.</p>
<p>In the preview panel to the right of you text will display the below image. Clicking on Load diagram the mermaid syntax is used to generate the diagram.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src="https://azuredevopstips.files.wordpress. com/2020/02/image-29.png" /></p>
<h3>Flow Chart Example</h3>
<p>Generate a picture that looks like the below.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src="https://azuredevopstips.files.wordpress. com/2020/02/image-30.png" /></p>
&l t;p>Generate a picture that looks like the below.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src="https://azuredevopstips.files.wordpress. com/2020/02/image-31.png" /></p>
<h3>Gantt Chart</h3>
<p>. mermaid<br />gantt<br />title A Gantt Diagram<br />dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD<br />section Section<br />A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d<br />Another task :after a1 , 20d<br />section Another<br />Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d<br />another task : 24d<br />.</p>
<p>Generate a picture that looks like the below.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src="https://azuredevopstips.files.wordpress. com/2020/02/image-32.png" /></p>
<h2>Mermaid Resources</h2>
<p>For more information about the Mermaid syntax look at . Be aware not all syntax works for these three types at the moment.</p>
<h2>Editors for Mermaid</h2>
<p>If you are looking at ways to create the Mermaid diagram there is a live editor at and if you like editing you Wiki in VSCode there is a extension to allow you to edit the Mermaid diagram in VSCode and preview the diagram you can find the extension at e=bierner.markdown-mermaid .</p>
<p>Please be careful in using these other editors as some of the syntax that is supported by these editor may not be supported by Azure DevOps Mermaid Generator.</p>
<p>This is a good start, hopeful more diagram types will be added.</p>
<h2>Azure devops gantt</h2>

<h3>Azure devops gantt</h3>
Az ure devops gantt <a href="">News updates</a> Azure devops gantt
<h4>Azure devops gantt</h4>
Have you ever wanted to create some diagrams to explain the flow or sequence along with you documentation. You can use some tool like Microsoft Visio, export or screen grab the picture then paste it into the wiki. Then when it comes to updating it you have to try and find that Visio file make&hellip;
<h5>Azure devops gantt</h5>
Azure devops gantt <a href="">Azure devops gantt</a> Azure devops gantt
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops gantt</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops gantt</a> Azure devops gantt
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops gantt] Azure devops gantt#tags#[/b]
[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
[url=]news headlines[/url]
NEF6Dox2021-05-19 03:50:32 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Azure devops services - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops services</h1>

Azure devops services <a href="">Latest national news headlines</a> Azure devops services
<h1>Microsoft Azure DevOps Services by Certified Experts</h1>
<p>From Azure DevOps Assessment to Migration and Integration, we provide Azure DevOps Services that help you transform your business practices</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ugins/a3-lazy-load/assets/images/lazy_placeholder. gif" /></p>
<p>Folio3 has been practicing agile and DevOps for more than a decade. Its development, test, release and monitoring practices are a state of the art. Folio3 provides software products swiftly and top-quality, enabling its clients to focus on their strengths in other areas.</p>
<h2>Azure DevOps Services that can help you become a Market Leader</h2>
<h3>Infrastructure<br />Management</h3>
<p>Infrastructur e management is a fundamental building block for any organization striving to achieve a DevOps methodology. Azure DevOps services can work with your company to utilize the cloud in improving scalability and reliability.</p>
<h3>Configuration< ;br />Management</h3>
<p>Configuration management standardizes resource configurations and enforces their state across IT infrastructure. Senior DevOps engineers can help your company do this in an agile and automated manner.</p>
<h3>Code Inspection &<br />Integration</h3>
<p>Clean code is the foundation of continuous integration. Experienced DevOps engineers can work with your team to help test and improve code, verify artifacts for deployment, and help ensure quality build and code reports.</p>
<h3>Staff Augmentation</h3>
<p>One of the most significant hurdles when building out a DevOps team is finding experienced talent. Azure DevOps engineers are among the best in the world, ready to join your team and contribute immediately.</p>
<h3>Virtualization&l t;/h3>
<p>Through virtualization, developer and IT teams are able to use the same compute and network environments, further breaking down barriers in a DevOps organization and reducing costs substantially.</p>
<h3>Automation< /h3>
<p>Automating the deployment process makes companies more efficient and agile while reducing overall production time and the associated risk.</p>
<h2>Azure devops services</h2>

<h3>Azure devops services</h3>

Azure devops services <a href="">National news in english</a> Azure devops services
<h4>Azure devops services</h4>
Microsoft Azure DevOps Services by Award-Winning team of Azure DevOps experts. Get in touch with our Azure consultants today for Digital Transformation.
<h5>Azure devops services</h5>
Azure devops services <a href="">Azure devops services</a> Azure devops services
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops services</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops services</a> Azure devops services
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops services] Azure devops services#tags#[/b]
[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
[url=]daily news[/url]
CoronaDox2021-05-19 03:50:05 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Devops 2.0 - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Devo ps 2.0</h1>
Devo ps 2.0 <a href="">What's the news</a> Devops 2.0
<h1>Devops 2.0</h1>
<p>GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.</p>
<h3>GitHub is where the world builds software</h3>
<p>Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub ? the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.</p>
<p>Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.</p>
<p>Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Xcode</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Visual Studio</h4>
<h2>Latest commit</h2>
<h2>Git stats</h2>
< p>Failed to load latest commit information.</p>
<h2></h2 >
<p>My Driving Team APIs</h1></p>
<p>The DevOps open hack event is designed to foster learning via implementing DevOps practices with a series of challenges.</p>
<p>Link more work items again.</p>
<p>The application used for this event is a heavily modified and recreated version of the original My Driving application.</p>
<p>The team environment consists of the following:</p>
<p>Azure App Service for Linux which has four APIs deployed:</p>
<li>POI (Trip Points of Interest) - CRUD API written in .Net Core 3.1 for points of interest on trips</li>
<li>Trips - CRUD open API written in golang 1.11 for trips connected to the client application</li>
<li>UserProfile - CRUD open API written in Node.JS for the users of the client application</p></ul>
<blockquote&g t;<p>Note:PATCH/POST operations not functional</p></blockquote>
<p> Mobile Apps - for iOS and Android which will display driving trip data</p>
<p>To understand each of the components above in more detail, please visit the readme files inside the root folder of each corresponding part of the application.</p>
<p>It is useful but not required to have a basic knowledge of the following topics:</p>
<li>Azure App Services</li>
<li>Azure Container Registry and Docker</li>
<li>GitHub, Azure DevOps (formally VSTS) or Jenkins</li>
<p >The provisioning of this environment for proctors can be found in the DevOps Openhack Proctor Github repository.</p>
<blockquote><p> <strong>Note</strong>: During the Dry Run relevant code can be found in the <strong>openhack_refresh</strong> branch. Post Dry Run these changes will be committed to master.</p></blockquote>
<h2>De vops 2.0</h2>

<h3>Devops 2.0</h3>
Devo ps 2.0 <a href="">Hot news today</a> Devops 2.0
<h4>Devops 2.0</h4>
Devops Openhack Team Environment APIs. Contribute to Openhack-DevOps-2-0-team1/openhack-devops-team development by creating an account on GitHub.
<h5>Devops 2.0</h5>
Devops 2.0 <a href="">Devops 2.0</a> Devops 2.0
SOURCE: <h6>Devops 2.0</h6> <a href="">Devo ps 2.0</a> Devops 2.0
#tags#[replace: -,-Devops 2.0] Devops 2.0#tags#[/b]
[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
[url=]world news[/url]
ElkGroveDox2021-05-19 03:49:44 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Azure team services - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure team services</h1>

Azure team services <a href="">Latest news headlines</a> Azure team services
<h1>Woolworths and Azure team to deliver fresh and fast online service</h1>
<p style="clear: both"> <img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" 0& ent%2Fthemes%2Fmicrosoft-news-center-2016%2Fassets %2Fimg%2Fdefault-avatar.png" />By Sujeet Rana 14 February, 2017 GM Customer Technology, Woolworths Group</p>
<p>It?s almost 18 years since Woolworths first offered our Australian customers an online shopping service. Then called HomeShop, it was launched well before Facebook, Twitter or when the iPhone made their debuts.</p>
<p>Today Woolworths Online is Australia?s premier online grocery site allowing customers from across the country to order goods online for home delivery or collection in store. It works closely with our extensive store network to provide good food at good prices for all Australians.</p>
<p>Woolworths understands that technology is a cornerstone of competitive advantage ? as it is for all organisations. In a world where technological disruption is happening on almost a daily basis, being able to harness technology to shift the dial on customer experience in a meaningful way is what we aim to do, day in and day out.</p>
<p style="clear: both">Over the last 18 years Woolworths Online has grown into a significant business in its own right. To <img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src="https://3er1viui9wo30pkxh1v2nh4w-wpengin e4.jpg" />cater for the extensive growth, the team made the decision that rather than continue to host the service internally, we would seek a cloud alternative. The series of unique requirements we had made our decision to move to Microsoft Azure clear cut.</p>
<p>Firstly, we wanted an Australia-based multi-region active/active cloud solution that ensured maximum uptime and availability. Trying to replicate this internally would have been far too costly.</p>
<p>Secondly, Woolworths Online runs technology that is predominantly from the Microsoft stack. We recognised Azure as an easy transition of current platforms and skills, whilst Microsoft?s strong roadmap gave us comfort that the platform would be able to meet our future needs.</p>
<p>Last and perhaps most importantly, whilst infrastructure is a key component of our customer offering ? it?s not the area that provides us with our competitive advantage. By using Microsoft?s Azure infrastructure and tools, more of our teams? energy and time can be focussed on the areas that do ? whether they be the application layer, system performance or user experience. This is possible because we are confident Azure is handling our day to day needs without requiring direct intervention from us. We also worked with Microsoft?s chosen partner Readify to help deliver this project.</p>
<p>Alongside this, we have access to a rich and continually growing range of Azure apps and services that complement our operational needs. Already we?re using Azure VMs, Traffic Manager, OMS, AppInsights, Azure SQL, Application Service Environment, Azure Blob and Azure functions to name a few.</p>
<p>Azure also allows us to take a genuine DevOps approach to innovation so we can do true blue/green deployments thanks to the platforms active/active setup. It lays the foundation for our A/B testing so we can do live comparisons of different service iterations and provides far easier rollback options.</p>
<blockquote> <p>Combined this means that we can innovate faster than ever before, but also engage the customer at the right time, contextually sculpting solutions that genuinely meet their needs and expectations.</p> </blockquote>
<p>We?re also assured of the security of the data we collect because we use Azure SQL Database?s Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) and also run regular penetration tests of the environment with the Microsoft team.</p>
<p>It?s not just these new functions and features that engage our customers though. Azure?s reliability and robustness means that our site which is available across all devices including desktop, tablet and mobile ? stays available. It means our customers know we?re always there for them. Even at peak periods, the nature of the cloud setup means that the team no longer needs to manually scale the environment either vertically or horizontally ? the Azure stack now takes care of that automatically.</p>
<p>We?ve completed our first Christmas period on Azure and it happened to be our busiest Christmas period ever. For Woolworths, using technology like Azure that allows the systems to blend into the background and allow customers to focus instead on the shopping experience ensures you have a happier customer base, and that?s what really counts.</p>
<h2>Azure team services</h2>

<h3>Azure team services</h3>

Azure team services <a href="">Live news</a> Azure team services
<h4>Azure team services</h4>
Woolworths and Azure team to deliver fresh and fast online service By Sujeet Rana 14 February, 2017 GM Customer Technology, Woolworths Group It?s almost 18 years since Woolworths first
<h5>Azure team services</h5>
Azure team services <a href="">Azure team services</a> Azure team services
SOURCE: <h6>Azure team services</h6> <a href="">Azur e team services</a> Azure team services
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[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy[/b]
[url=]breaking news today[/url]
NorthLasVegasDox2021-05-19 03:49:35 Cituoti
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy - Devops defined - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Devops defined</h1>
Devops defined <a href="">Current news events</a> Devops defined
<p>Dev Ops (a combination of ?development? and ?operations?) is a software application and services development model that integrates development lifecycles with agile operations. In practice, development and operations engineers participate together in the entire DevOps lifecycle, from design and development to production and support.</p>
<p>DevOps emphasizes communication and collaboration between the traditionally separate developer and IT operations teams. DevOps promotes automation and monitoring throughout the software lifecycle, aiming for shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency, more dependable releases, and closer alignment with business objectives. DevOps practices are intended to reduce the time between changing a system and putting that change into normal production, while ensuring high quality. In line with the lifecycle process, many DevOps tools fall into one or more of these categories: Plan, Code, Build, Test, Release, Deploy, Operate and Monitor.</p>
<p>Working together as one team or department, DevOps can help an organization deploy software more frequently while maintaining service stability. In a software-defined infrastructure, DevOps methodologies are critical. Application containers can bring developers and operations engineers closer together by providing a shared resource for continuous integration and continuous delivery. Containers also facilitate the Build step of the DevOps lifecycle. By design, containers are easy to scale and can support the growth of new business applications. Open source technologies and development tools support the DevOps model with automation and lifecycle management products. SUSE CaaS Platform bridges development and operations with a unified container platform that helps save time and makes it easy to deploy microservices. SUSE Manager is an infrastructure management solution that supports multiple Linux distributions, hardware platforms and cloud environments.</p>
<h2>Devops defined</h2>

<h3>Devops defined</h3>
Devops defined <a href="">World news today live</a> Devops defined
<h4>Devops defined</h4>
DevOps (a combination of ?development? and ?operations?) is a software application and services development model that integrates development lifecycles with agile operations. You can learn more about devops and its role in the enterprise linux software environment here.
<h5>Devops defined</h5>
Devops defined <a href="">Devops defined</a> Devops defined
SOURCE: <h6>Devops defined</h6> <a href="">Devo ps defined</a> Devops defined
#tags#[replace: -,-Devops defined] Devops defined#tags#[/b]
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy[/b]
[url=]daily news[/url]
MassachusettsDox2021-05-19 03:49:27 Cituoti
<b>Эдуард Кабринский - Hackerrank devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Hackerrank devops</h1>
<p><youtube></p& gt;
Hackerrank devops <a href="">World news today live</a> Hackerrank devops
<h1>Beware of HackerRank</h1>
<h3>Richard LinnellFollow</h3>
<h4>Agile Delivery Lead</h4>
<li>Like 1,174</li>
<li>Comment 248 </ul>
<p>A colleague of mine recently told me that he was testing potential candidates using HackerRank and asked that I give his test a go. Why not I thought, I?ve hired a lot of developers, and I?ve been coding for a long, long time and have used C# since it was launched in 2001, this should be simple.</p>
<p>You can imagine that I was a little miffed when my colleague forwarded my results, to find I had scored a pathetic 53/105. ?Oh, I wouldn?t even bother interviewing you with that score? my colleague happily announced.</p>
<p>After the initial ?Oh, no, I?m rubbish!? had worn off and my bruised ego had recovered I took a look at the results to see just where I had gone so badly wrong.</p>
<p>The test comprised of 9 questions, 7 of which were multi-choice and 2 actual coding problems. The test needed to be completed in 75 minutes. HackerRank makes you agree that you will not give details of the questions away, so I will obfuscate a little in order to not ?give the game away?.</p>
<p>The multi choice questions were truly awful. They consisted of a question, along the lines of ?which of these are valid c#?? and then five snippets of code, that can?t be copied from the site. So you are effectively playing ?spell-checker?. The errors in the code were along the lines of missing semi-colons or dropped method modifiers.</p>
<p>In my entire development life I can?t imagine a situation where it would have been an advantage having someone on my team that can spot a line of code that the IDE will balk at before I even press compile. Let me make this 100% clear: That kind of testing is pointless! I do not need developers who can successfully code in Notepad, I need creative thinkers. The is the same as criticising J K Rowling?s skill at story telling due to her prowess at spelling, i.e. pointless.</p>
<p>Fortunately these questions only carried 5 marks each, so the 2 I got wrong only cost me ten points.</p>
<p>This brings me to the second point: These 2 questions are the <em>only</em> ones I got wrong, so how the hell did I score so badly?</p>
<p>Well, it transpires that getting the question right is only part of the battle.</p>
<p>The last two questions were considerably better questions, they presented you with a problem and asked you to write some code to solve it.</p>
<p>Unbeknownst to me, one of these questions carried 20 marks, and the other 50! Sadly, I assumed that the intention was to write code that correctly addressed the problem, I was not aware that there were graduations of passing.</p>
<p>Basically, you enter your code and press the ?run? button and it tells you if it has passed or failed. Both of mine passed and yet my scores in the final assessment were 20/20 for one: ?Nice!?, and 8/50 for the other: ?What. ?</p>
<p>And here?s how I failed: As with most development problems, the question had a number of possible solutions. Their scoring system was utilising 11 test cases to assess your solution, there was no indication of scores being attached to these tests. I, as I would recommend all coders do, coded the simplest solution to the problem, pressed ?run? and it said ?Correct Answer? and then showed the output of some tests it had ran. Strangely (to me anyway) some of their test cases had ?timed out? and I assumed they had server issues, or their site wasn't correctly built. How wrong was I? What they had actually meant was ?Your code is not quick enough to deal with the inputs to these tests in the allotted time.?. If I?d have known that I would have optimised it! However, I just thought ?hmm, that?s annoying? and moved on to the next question.</p>
<p>I finished the test in 42 minutes. The limit was 75 minutes. I am pretty sure I could have optimised that code to complete all 11 of the test cases easily in 33 minutes.</p>
<p>I don?t per-se have an issue with these last two questions in theory, but they were poorly executed. It was not clear, to me anyway, what I was being asked to do. And so, I failed.</p>
<p>My take-away from all this is that HackerRank is a poor indicator of a developer's problem solving capabilities, and like so many of these things is only really good at assessing one thing, namely how good the candidate is at completing HackerRank tests.</p>
<p>I will not be using HackerRank to test any potential candidates, and I will not be recommending others do either. If you want good developers you need to assess other things: Are they creative? Do they write good, clean, SOLID code? Do they understand patterns? Can they work with other team members? Do they add to the team? Do they understand the trade-off between speed and maintainability? etc. none of this can be found out from HackerRank.</p>
<p>As with all things, be careful what you measure for that is what you will get. If you are looking for human spell-checkers, HackerRank is for you.</p>
<h2>Hackerrank devops</h2>

<h3>Hackerrank devops</h3>
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Hackerrank devops <a href="">Today' s national news headlines</a> Hackerrank devops
<h4>Hackerrank devops</h4>
A colleague of mine recently told me that he was testing potential candidates using HackerRank and asked that I give his test a go. Why not I thought, I?ve hired a lot of developers, and I?ve been coding for a long, long time and have used C# since it was launched in 2001, this should be simple.
<h5>Hackerrank devops</h5>
Hackerrank devops <a href="">Hackerrank devops</a> Hackerrank devops
SOURCE: <h6>Hackerrank devops</h6> <a href="">Hack errank devops</a> Hackerrank devops
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<b>Кабринский Эдуард - Azure devops server 2019 pricing - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops server 2019 pricing</h1>
<p><youtube></p >
Azure devops server 2019 pricing <a href="">News report</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
<h1>Chart should be updated for version 2019 #4</h1>
< p>Copy link Quote reply</p>
<h3>jawn </strong> commented Mar 15, 2019 ? with </h3>
<p>The chart ends with version 2018.X and should add version 2019.X</p>
<h4>Document Details</h4>
<p>? <em>Do not edit this section. It is required for ? GitHub issue linking.</em></p>
<li>ID: c84a54e9-baa1-521b-c6de-4edb2024e43e</li>
<li>Version Independent ID: 181e6bb5-86e8-91e6-b3cf-9b554d4a97a0</li>
<li>Content: Upgrade your deployment - Azure DevOps Server & Team Foundation Server</li>
<li>Content Source: echnicalContent/_git/tfs-docs-pr?path=%2fdocs%2fup ontents</li>
<li>Product: <strong>devops-server</strong></li& gt;
<li>Git Login: <strong>aaronhallberg</strong></li& gt;
<li>Microsoft Alias: <strong>aaronha</strong></li>
& lt;/ul>
</td></tr></tbody>&l t;/table></p>
<h3>filipliwinski </strong> commented Apr 18, 2019 </h3>
<p>It is also unclear about upgrading directly from the older version of Team Foundation Server (2015/2017) to Azure DevOps Server 2019. This should be specified as on the page Team Foundation Server 2018 Update 3 Release Notes:</p>
<blockquote><p>Direc t upgrade to Team Foundation Server 2018 Update 3 is supported from TFS 2012 and newer.</p></blockquote>
<h3>gho st </strong> commented May 14, 2019 ? with </h3>
<p>I agree with @filipiwinski. The only place I have seen this mentioned in in the Azure DevOps Server 2019 Release notes: er/release-notes/azuredevops2019?view=azure-devops . In addition to updating the chart, the following statement needs to be made on THIS page:</p>
<p>"Direct upgrade to Azure DevOps Server is supported from Team Foundation Server 2012 and newer. If your TFS deployment is on TFS 2010 or earlier, you need to perform some interim steps before upgrading to Azure DevOps Server 2019. "</p>
<h3>jmatcho </strong> commented May 14, 2019 ? with </h3>
<p>The Previous Versions/Upgrade Path chart was JUST updated to include Version 2019 this week (although the date on this article is still not changed to be current).</p>
<p>Bottom line: You can upgrade directly to 2019 from several prior versions.</p>
<h3>pdeveau </strong> commented Aug 20, 2019 ? with </h3>
<p>The chart says you can go from 2012 directly to 2019, this appears to not be the case.</p>
<h2>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h2>

<h3>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h3>
<p><youtube></p >
Azure devops server 2019 pricing <a href="">News update</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
<h4>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h4>
The chart ends with version 2018.X and should add version 2019.X Document Details ? Do not edit this section. It is required for ? GitHub issue linking. ID: c84a54e9-baa1-521b-c6de-4edb2024e43e Version Independent ID: ...
<h5>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h5>
Azure devops server 2019 pricing <a href="">Azure devops server 2019 pricing</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops server 2019 pricing</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops server 2019 pricing] Azure devops server 2019 pricing#tags#</b>
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