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"Rockets" nenori paleisti D.Motiejūno į Brukliną - planuoja naują pasiūlymą

Autorius: Krepš

Hjustono „Rockets“ klubas nenori paleisti Donato Motiejūno. Nors klubo direktorius Darylas Morey pripažįsta, kad 25-erių lietuvis artimiausiu metu turi sulaukti Bruklino „Nets“ pasiūlymo pasirašyti kontraktą, jis užsimena, kad „Rockets“ savo ruožtu ketina pateikti savo variantą ir pranokti konkurentus.

Visgi to padaryti klubas negali, kol nežino, kokio solidumo pasiūlymo aukštaūgis sulauks iš „Nets“, rašo Krepš

Kaip ketvirtadienį paskelbė žurnalistas Adrianas Wojnarowski, ilgai niekur nežaidęs D. Motiejūnas netrukus gali sulaukti pasiūlymo iš Bruklino klubo, kuris turi pakankamai pinigų algų kepurėje.

„Rockets“ vadovas D. Morey patvirtino, kad D. Motiejūnas iš „Nets“ oficialaus pasiūlymo gali sulaukti jau penktadienį. Jei taip nutiks, Hjustono klubas turės lygiai tris paras, per kurias galės pateikti analogišką arba geresnį variantą . Jeigu „raketos“ to nepadarytų, D. Motiejūnas oficialiai taptų „Nets“ žaidėju ir „apriboto laisvojo agento istorija“ būtų baigta.

„Esame dideli Donato gerbėjai. Ir vis dar tikimės jį matyti komandoje. Tačiau kol nesužinosime, koks yra oficialus pasiūlymas, negalime numanyti, kokio dydžio sutartis tai bus“, – „Houston Chronicle“ cituoja D. Morey.

Kad D. Motiejūną norėtų matyti Hjustone, tikina ir klubo treneris Mike‘as D‘Antoni: „Tikrai tikimės, kad susitarti dar pavyks. Mums D. Motiejūnas patinka ir kaip žaidėjas, ir kaip žmogus. Tačiau turime pamatyti, koks tai bus pasiūlymas, o tada D. Morey priims sprendimą, kuris bus geriausias klubui“.

Visgi sprendimas priklausys nuo to, koks bus „Nets“ pasiūlymas. Kol kas žinios apie tai yra vien spekuliacijos, tačiau beveik neabejojama, kad lietuvis Brukline turėtų gauti garantuotą kontraktą bent dviems sezonams.

Abejotina ir tai, ar pats D. Motiejūnas norėtų pasilikti Hjustone. Visai neseniai jis atmetė „Rokcets“ pasiūlymą, kurio vertė siekė 7 milijonus JAV dolerių, tačiau garantuotas buvo tik vienas sezonas komandoje – kiekvienam čempionatui pasibaigus klubo vadovai būtų pasilikę teisę spręsti, ar lietuvį verta toliau laikyti ekipos sudėtyje.

Kad D. Motiejūno sveikatos būklė yra gera, patvirtino ESPN žurnalistas Marcas Steinas, antot kurio, „Nets“ klubas yra patenkintas lietuvio medicinine apžiūra.

Pažymėtina, kad „Nets“ su apribotais laisvaisiais agentais pastaruoju metu nesisekė. Bruklino ekipa vasarą susitarė su Allenu Crabbe dėl 75 mln. JAV dolerių vertės kontrakto, tačiau „Trail Blazers“ klubas šį pasiūlymą „permušė“ ir krepšininkas liko Portlande.

Panašiai „Nets“ vadovams ir derybininkams nutiko ir su Tyleriu Johnsonu. 50 mln. JAV dolerių sutarties pasiūlymą viršijo Majamio „Heat“ komanda.

NBA lygoje šiuo metu yra šešios komandos, turinčios laisvų pinigų ir galinčios pasiūlyti lietuviui naują kontraktą. Tai Denverio „Nuggets“, Filadelfijos Sixers“, Minesotos „Timberwolves“, Jutos „Jazz“, Fynikso „Suns“ ir minėta „Nets“.

Visgi, nepaisant visų teorinių pasiūlymų, paskutinis ėjimas šioje situacijoje turėtų priklausyti Hjustonui, kuriam vis dar priklauso apribotas laisvasis agentas D-Mo.

NorthLasVegasDox2021-05-19 03:49:35 Cituoti
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy - Devops defined - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Devops defined</h1>
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<p>Dev Ops (a combination of ?development? and ?operations?) is a software application and services development model that integrates development lifecycles with agile operations. In practice, development and operations engineers participate together in the entire DevOps lifecycle, from design and development to production and support.</p>
<p>DevOps emphasizes communication and collaboration between the traditionally separate developer and IT operations teams. DevOps promotes automation and monitoring throughout the software lifecycle, aiming for shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency, more dependable releases, and closer alignment with business objectives. DevOps practices are intended to reduce the time between changing a system and putting that change into normal production, while ensuring high quality. In line with the lifecycle process, many DevOps tools fall into one or more of these categories: Plan, Code, Build, Test, Release, Deploy, Operate and Monitor.</p>
<p>Working together as one team or department, DevOps can help an organization deploy software more frequently while maintaining service stability. In a software-defined infrastructure, DevOps methodologies are critical. Application containers can bring developers and operations engineers closer together by providing a shared resource for continuous integration and continuous delivery. Containers also facilitate the Build step of the DevOps lifecycle. By design, containers are easy to scale and can support the growth of new business applications. Open source technologies and development tools support the DevOps model with automation and lifecycle management products. SUSE CaaS Platform bridges development and operations with a unified container platform that helps save time and makes it easy to deploy microservices. SUSE Manager is an infrastructure management solution that supports multiple Linux distributions, hardware platforms and cloud environments.</p>
<h2>Devops defined</h2>

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<h4>Devops defined</h4>
DevOps (a combination of ?development? and ?operations?) is a software application and services development model that integrates development lifecycles with agile operations. You can learn more about devops and its role in the enterprise linux software environment here.
<h5>Devops defined</h5>
Devops defined <a href="">Devops defined</a> Devops defined
SOURCE: <h6>Devops defined</h6> <a href="">Devo ps defined</a> Devops defined
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[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy[/b]
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MassachusettsDox2021-05-19 03:49:27 Cituoti
<b>Эдуард Кабринский - Hackerrank devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Hackerrank devops</h1>
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<h1>Beware of HackerRank</h1>
<h3>Richard LinnellFollow</h3>
<h4>Agile Delivery Lead</h4>
<li>Like 1,174</li>
<li>Comment 248 </ul>
<p>A colleague of mine recently told me that he was testing potential candidates using HackerRank and asked that I give his test a go. Why not I thought, I?ve hired a lot of developers, and I?ve been coding for a long, long time and have used C# since it was launched in 2001, this should be simple.</p>
<p>You can imagine that I was a little miffed when my colleague forwarded my results, to find I had scored a pathetic 53/105. ?Oh, I wouldn?t even bother interviewing you with that score? my colleague happily announced.</p>
<p>After the initial ?Oh, no, I?m rubbish!? had worn off and my bruised ego had recovered I took a look at the results to see just where I had gone so badly wrong.</p>
<p>The test comprised of 9 questions, 7 of which were multi-choice and 2 actual coding problems. The test needed to be completed in 75 minutes. HackerRank makes you agree that you will not give details of the questions away, so I will obfuscate a little in order to not ?give the game away?.</p>
<p>The multi choice questions were truly awful. They consisted of a question, along the lines of ?which of these are valid c#?? and then five snippets of code, that can?t be copied from the site. So you are effectively playing ?spell-checker?. The errors in the code were along the lines of missing semi-colons or dropped method modifiers.</p>
<p>In my entire development life I can?t imagine a situation where it would have been an advantage having someone on my team that can spot a line of code that the IDE will balk at before I even press compile. Let me make this 100% clear: That kind of testing is pointless! I do not need developers who can successfully code in Notepad, I need creative thinkers. The is the same as criticising J K Rowling?s skill at story telling due to her prowess at spelling, i.e. pointless.</p>
<p>Fortunately these questions only carried 5 marks each, so the 2 I got wrong only cost me ten points.</p>
<p>This brings me to the second point: These 2 questions are the <em>only</em> ones I got wrong, so how the hell did I score so badly?</p>
<p>Well, it transpires that getting the question right is only part of the battle.</p>
<p>The last two questions were considerably better questions, they presented you with a problem and asked you to write some code to solve it.</p>
<p>Unbeknownst to me, one of these questions carried 20 marks, and the other 50! Sadly, I assumed that the intention was to write code that correctly addressed the problem, I was not aware that there were graduations of passing.</p>
<p>Basically, you enter your code and press the ?run? button and it tells you if it has passed or failed. Both of mine passed and yet my scores in the final assessment were 20/20 for one: ?Nice!?, and 8/50 for the other: ?What. ?</p>
<p>And here?s how I failed: As with most development problems, the question had a number of possible solutions. Their scoring system was utilising 11 test cases to assess your solution, there was no indication of scores being attached to these tests. I, as I would recommend all coders do, coded the simplest solution to the problem, pressed ?run? and it said ?Correct Answer? and then showed the output of some tests it had ran. Strangely (to me anyway) some of their test cases had ?timed out? and I assumed they had server issues, or their site wasn't correctly built. How wrong was I? What they had actually meant was ?Your code is not quick enough to deal with the inputs to these tests in the allotted time.?. If I?d have known that I would have optimised it! However, I just thought ?hmm, that?s annoying? and moved on to the next question.</p>
<p>I finished the test in 42 minutes. The limit was 75 minutes. I am pretty sure I could have optimised that code to complete all 11 of the test cases easily in 33 minutes.</p>
<p>I don?t per-se have an issue with these last two questions in theory, but they were poorly executed. It was not clear, to me anyway, what I was being asked to do. And so, I failed.</p>
<p>My take-away from all this is that HackerRank is a poor indicator of a developer's problem solving capabilities, and like so many of these things is only really good at assessing one thing, namely how good the candidate is at completing HackerRank tests.</p>
<p>I will not be using HackerRank to test any potential candidates, and I will not be recommending others do either. If you want good developers you need to assess other things: Are they creative? Do they write good, clean, SOLID code? Do they understand patterns? Can they work with other team members? Do they add to the team? Do they understand the trade-off between speed and maintainability? etc. none of this can be found out from HackerRank.</p>
<p>As with all things, be careful what you measure for that is what you will get. If you are looking for human spell-checkers, HackerRank is for you.</p>
<h2>Hackerrank devops</h2>

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<h4>Hackerrank devops</h4>
A colleague of mine recently told me that he was testing potential candidates using HackerRank and asked that I give his test a go. Why not I thought, I?ve hired a lot of developers, and I?ve been coding for a long, long time and have used C# since it was launched in 2001, this should be simple.
<h5>Hackerrank devops</h5>
Hackerrank devops <a href="">Hackerrank devops</a> Hackerrank devops
SOURCE: <h6>Hackerrank devops</h6> <a href="">Hack errank devops</a> Hackerrank devops
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NEWJERSEYDox2021-05-19 03:49:26 Cituoti
<b>Кабринский Эдуард - Azure devops server 2019 pricing - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops server 2019 pricing</h1>
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<h1>Chart should be updated for version 2019 #4</h1>
< p>Copy link Quote reply</p>
<h3>jawn </strong> commented Mar 15, 2019 ? with </h3>
<p>The chart ends with version 2018.X and should add version 2019.X</p>
<h4>Document Details</h4>
<p>? <em>Do not edit this section. It is required for ? GitHub issue linking.</em></p>
<li>ID: c84a54e9-baa1-521b-c6de-4edb2024e43e</li>
<li>Version Independent ID: 181e6bb5-86e8-91e6-b3cf-9b554d4a97a0</li>
<li>Content: Upgrade your deployment - Azure DevOps Server & Team Foundation Server</li>
<li>Content Source: echnicalContent/_git/tfs-docs-pr?path=%2fdocs%2fup ontents</li>
<li>Product: <strong>devops-server</strong></li& gt;
<li>Git Login: <strong>aaronhallberg</strong></li& gt;
<li>Microsoft Alias: <strong>aaronha</strong></li>
& lt;/ul>
</td></tr></tbody>&l t;/table></p>
<h3>filipliwinski </strong> commented Apr 18, 2019 </h3>
<p>It is also unclear about upgrading directly from the older version of Team Foundation Server (2015/2017) to Azure DevOps Server 2019. This should be specified as on the page Team Foundation Server 2018 Update 3 Release Notes:</p>
<blockquote><p>Direc t upgrade to Team Foundation Server 2018 Update 3 is supported from TFS 2012 and newer.</p></blockquote>
<h3>gho st </strong> commented May 14, 2019 ? with </h3>
<p>I agree with @filipiwinski. The only place I have seen this mentioned in in the Azure DevOps Server 2019 Release notes: er/release-notes/azuredevops2019?view=azure-devops . In addition to updating the chart, the following statement needs to be made on THIS page:</p>
<p>"Direct upgrade to Azure DevOps Server is supported from Team Foundation Server 2012 and newer. If your TFS deployment is on TFS 2010 or earlier, you need to perform some interim steps before upgrading to Azure DevOps Server 2019. "</p>
<h3>jmatcho </strong> commented May 14, 2019 ? with </h3>
<p>The Previous Versions/Upgrade Path chart was JUST updated to include Version 2019 this week (although the date on this article is still not changed to be current).</p>
<p>Bottom line: You can upgrade directly to 2019 from several prior versions.</p>
<h3>pdeveau </strong> commented Aug 20, 2019 ? with </h3>
<p>The chart says you can go from 2012 directly to 2019, this appears to not be the case.</p>
<h2>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h2>

<h3>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h3>
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Azure devops server 2019 pricing <a href="">News update</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
<h4>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h4>
The chart ends with version 2018.X and should add version 2019.X Document Details ? Do not edit this section. It is required for ? GitHub issue linking. ID: c84a54e9-baa1-521b-c6de-4edb2024e43e Version Independent ID: ...
<h5>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h5>
Azure devops server 2019 pricing <a href="">Azure devops server 2019 pricing</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops server 2019 pricing</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
#tags#<replace> -,-Azure devops server 2019 pricing] Azure devops server 2019 pricing#tags#</b>
<b>Эдуард Кабринский& lt;/b>
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RENTDox2021-05-19 03:49:25 Cituoti
<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard - Devops continuous delivery - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Devops continuous delivery</h1>
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<h1>Continuous integration vs. continuous delivery vs. continuous deployment</h1>
<p>We will see in this article what these three practices mean and what's required to use them.</p>
<p>CI and CD are two acronyms frequently used in modern development practices and DevOps. CI stands for continuous integration, a fundamental DevOps best practice where developers frequently merge code changes into a central repository where automated builds and tests run. But CD can either mean continuous delivery or continuous deployment.</p>
<h2>What are the differences between CI, CD, and CD?</h2>
<h3>Continuous integration</h3>
<p>Developers practicing continuous integration merge their changes back to the main branch as often as possible. The developer's changes are validated by creating a build and running automated tests against the build. By doing so, you avoid integration challenges that can happen when waiting for release day to merge changes into the release branch.</p>
<p>Continuous integration puts a great emphasis on testing automation to check that the application is not broken whenever new commits are integrated into the main branch.</p>
<h3>Continuous delivery</h3>
<p>Continuous delivery is an extension of continuous integration since it automatically deploys all code changes to a testing and/or production environment after the build stage.</p>
<p>This means that on top of automated testing, you have an automated release process and you can deploy your application any time by clicking a button.</p>
<p>In theory, with continuous delivery, you can decide to release daily, weekly, fortnightly, or whatever suits your business requirements. However, if you truly want to get the benefits of continuous delivery, you should deploy to production as early as possible to make sure that you release small batches that are easy to troubleshoot in case of a problem.</p>
<h3>Continuous deployment</h3>
<p>Continuous deployment goes one step further than continuous delivery. With this practice, every change that passes all stages of your production pipeline is released to your customers. There's no human intervention, and only a failed test will prevent a new change to be deployed to production.</p>
<p>Continuous deployment is an excellent way to accelerate the feedback loop with your customers and take pressure off the team as there isn't a <em>Release Day</em> anymore. Developers can focus on building software, and they see their work go live minutes after they've finished working on it.</p>
<h3>How the practices relate to each other</h3>
<p>To put it simply continuous integration is part of both continuous delivery and continuous deployment. And continuous deployment is like continuous delivery, except that releases happen automatically.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" a6d1a7-1a60-4c77-aa30-f3eb675d6ad6/ci%20cd%20asset %20updates%20.007.png" /></p>
<h3>What are the benefits of each practice?</h3>
<p>We've explained the difference between continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployments but we haven't yet looked into the reasons why you would adopt them. There's an obvious cost to implementing each practice, but it's largely outweighed by their benefits.</p>
<h2>Devops continuous delivery</h2>

<h3>Devops continuous delivery</h3>
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Devops continuous delivery <a href="">Current news headlines</a> Devops continuous delivery
<h4>Devops continuous delivery</h4>
CI is a practice that makes preparing for a release easier. CD may refer to &amp;quot;delivery&amp;quot; or &amp;quot;deployment,&amp;quot; which are similar but not quite the same.
<h5>Devops continuous delivery</h5>
Devops continuous delivery <a href="">Devops continuous delivery</a> Devops continuous delivery
SOURCE: <h6>Devops continuous delivery</h6> <a href="">Devo ps continuous delivery</a> Devops continuous delivery
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<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy</b>
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CharlestonDox2021-05-19 03:48:44 Cituoti
<b>Кабринский Эдуард - Azure devops versioning - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops versioning</h1>
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<h1>Manage your application version automatically using Git and Azure DevOps</h1>
<h2>Save time when deploying a new version for your application!</h2>
<p>When developing an application you always need to manage different environments and versions for your application. To deliver a new version of your project, one way to do it will be:</p>
<li>Upgrade the version of your application in code</li>
<li>Commit your code</li>
<li>Add a new version tag to your Git repository</li>
<li>Start your pipeline to generate your new application package</li>
<p >This kind of process is too long and error prone, while the only thing you want is to have the same version between your Git tag and your application package delivered. So why not just read the Git tag?</p>
<h2>Introducing Mobile Versions tasks</h2>
<p>To solve this problem I developed a new set of <strong>Azure DevOps</strong> tasks called Mobile Versioning , easy to use in your pipeline and free. This group of tasks provide a way to extract the version from a Git repository tag and apply this version to your mobile application as you want.</p>
<p >First of all, go to your <strong>Azure DevOps</strong> and install the Mobile Versioning extension into your organisation.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" sts/2019-12-19-mobile-versioning-task.png" /></p>
<h3>Extract the version from the tag</h3>
<p>This group contains multiple tasks, the most important one is the ExtractVersionFromTag . To use it in your azure-pipelines.yml you just have to call it like this:</p>
<p>This will extract the version of the last tag you pushed to your Git repository, from the branch you selected to build your pipeline. Then the task will assign each part of your tag to a global variable.</p>
<p>For example if you have a tag with a value of v1.2.3 or 1.2.3 this will automatically assign the global variables $(MAJOR) to 1, $(MINOR) to 2 and $(PATCH) to 3. In addition this task will compute the number of commits from the first commit on your branch to this this tag and assign this value to $(NUMBER_OF_COMMITS) . These 4 variables will then be usable in your azure-pipelines.yml .</p>
<p>Also the extension supports a pre-release tags so if you have an alpha version like this: v1.2.3-alpha6 the alpha6 will be assign to the variable $(PRE_RELEASE) and you can use it like the previous ones.</p>
<p><em>By convention the Git tags are defined like this: v(Major).(Minor).(Patch) . But the ExtractVersionFromTag task also manages the tags defined without the v prefix.</em></p>
<p><strong& gt;This task can be used whatever the technology you use for your Azure DevOps pipelines.</strong></p>
<h3>Upd ate your mobile application version</h3>
<p>The Mobile Versioning tasks currently provide 3 tasks to help mobile developers to automatically update their iOS and Android applications versions whatever the mobile technology you used.</p>
<li>UpdateiOSVersionInfoPlist for the Info.plist</li>
<li>UpdateAndroidVersionManifest for the AndroidManifest.xml</li>
<li>UpdateAndroidVersionGradle for the build.gradle inside the app folder</li>
<p& gt;<strong>These tasks can be used with or without using the ExtractVersionFromTag task before.</strong></p>
<p>To automatically update the version of your application, you just need to add these tasks after using the ExtractVersionFromTag task:</p>
<h2>Azure devops versioning</h2>

<h3>Azure devops versioning</h3>
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Azure devops versioning <a href="">Live news</a> Azure devops versioning
<h4>Azure devops versioning</h4>
Save time when deploying a new version for your application!
<h5>Azure devops versioning</h5>
Azure devops versioning <a href="">Azure devops versioning</a> Azure devops versioning
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops versioning</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops versioning</a> Azure devops versioning
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<b>Эдуард Кабринский& lt;/b>
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DetroitDox2021-05-19 03:47:33 Cituoti
<b>Кабринский Эдуард - Pluralsight devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Plur alsight devops</h1>
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<h1>Visual Studio Dev Essentials</h1>
<h2>Everything you need all in one place</h2>
<p>Get everything you need to build and deploy your app on any platform. With state-of-the-art tools, the power of the cloud, training, and support, it?s our most comprehensive free developer program ever.</p>
<h3>Developer tools</h3>
<p>Editors, designers, and debuggers to develop for any platform</p>
<h3>Cloud services</h3>
<p>Compute, storage, analytics, team collaboration and more</p>
< ;p>Trials and downloads, from operating systems to Office online apps</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ntent/uploads/2019/04/Dev_Essentials_Still.jpg&quo t; /> <img src=" ntent/uploads/2017/04/Dev_Essentials.gif" /></p>
<h2>All the tools you need</h2>
<p>Tools to develop for any platform ? for free. Tools include an extensible integrated development environment and code editors to create apps for macOS, Linux, and Windows, on PC or Mac.</p>
<li>Visual Studio Community</li>
<li>Visual Studio Community for Mac</li>
<li>Visual Studio Code</li>
<li>CODE Magazine*</li>
</ p>
<h2>Comprehensive set of cloud services</h2>
<p>Free access to cloud services such as compute and storage, backend services for your mobile or web apps, services for IoT, machine learning, and analytics.</p>
<li>Azure Free Account ? includes 1 year of free services and $200 credit for the 1st month</li>
<li>Azure DevOps</li>
<li>Visual Studio App Center</li>
<li>App Service free tier</li>
<li>Application Insights free tier</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ntent/uploads/2020/07/Frame-3.svg" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ntent/uploads/2020/07/software_trials_and_download s.png" /></p>
<h2>Software trials and downloads</h2>
<p>Free access to software trials and downloads make it easy for you to develop for multiple platforms.</p>
<li>SQL Server Developer Edition</li>
<li>Universal Windows Platform VM (60 Days)</li>
<li>Power BI</li>
<li>Office Online</li>
<li>Syncfusion Big Data and Dashboard Platforms*</li>
&l t;h2>Pluralsight devops</h2>

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<h4>Pluralsight devops</h4>
Everything you need to build and deploy your app on any platform including tools, services, training, and more. Join our free developer program.
<h5>Pluralsight devops</h5>
Pluralsight devops <a href="">Pluralsight devops</a> Pluralsight devops
SOURCE: <h6>Pluralsight devops</h6> <a href="">Plur alsight devops</a> Pluralsight devops
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FairfieldDox2021-05-19 03:47:28 Cituoti
<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard - Devops itil - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Devops itil</h1>
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<h1>Can DevOps and ITIL Work Together?</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" ed_Blog_Media/devops_vs_itil-336x176.png" />For a number of years, DevOps has been one of the software industry's top buzzwords. With all that talk about this relatively new concept, however, it seems like most IT experts still have but a vague idea about DevOps: sure, it helps enhance IT service management (ITSM), but isn't that what ITIL has been helping us do for decades? So how is DevOps different, and why should I adopt it? Am I to replace ITIL, or can the two work together?</p>
<h2>Clarifying the divide between ITIL and DevOps</h2>
<p>Before we move on to exploring the relationship between these two concepts, it's a good idea to first understand just what ITIL and DevOps are:</p>
<h3>ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)</h3>
<p>ITIL is the most widely adopted approach (and therefore, the de facto standard framework) for IT service management. This formalized framework for IT best practices aims to align IT services with business objectives, and to achieve that end goal, it contains the descriptions of processes, tasks, procedures, and checklists. Essentially, the primary goal of ITIL is to ensure that IT services are provided in a way that focuses on the client, and optimizes costs.</p>
<p>The latest, 2011 version of ITIL describes 26 processes covering the stages of Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation, and Continual Service Improvement. Overall, the framework encourages the early involvement of technical management and functional / development teams in service strategy, design, and transition. The benefits of this, and therefore, of ITIL overall include:</p>
<li>Closer collaboration & better alignment of goals between IT and the business</li>
<li>More transparency and efficiency, leading to reduced IT costs</li>
<li>Enhanced customer satisfaction due to the improved delivery of services, and better management of issues</li>
<li>Overall a more stable service environment</li>
& lt;h3>DevOps</h3>
<p>As explained thoroughly in our 2-part post series on the evolution of DevOps (see links below), the framework can be considered an extension to, and the application of Agile philosophy to IT Operations and the servicing of applications. While ITIL is a formal set of processes, DevOps is more of a philosophy that involves people, processes, and technology in order to encourage cooperation and collaboration between Dev and Ops.</p>
<p><strong>Read our 2-part post series on DevOps:</strong></p>
<p>This approach aims to bridge the divide between these previously siloed disciplines, where Development strives to bring more functionality and appealing features to users, while Ops just wants to make sure the application runs reliably and remains stable at all times. DevOps helps make sure that these seemingly opposing goals are aligned and that members of both teams work together on solving issues, rather than creating issues for each other by simply hurling the output of their work over the wall that divides them. DevOps is implemented to encourage early and frequent communication between these two groups by involving both Dev and Ops people throughout the lifecycle, thus breaking down barriers.</p>
<p>Applying the DevOps approach promises the following benefits:</p>
<li>more frequent releases, more efficient deployment, and faster time to market</li>
<li>increased stability: lower chance of product failure once deployed, and faster time to recovery after unexpected events</li>
<li>increased efficiency through automation</li>
<li>scalability and accountability of (Dev and Ops) processes</li>
< ;h2>Can ITIL and DevOps work together?</h2>
<p>This short introduction to both approaches is enough to understand that collaboration and communication are at the root of both ITIL and DevOps. In their fundamental goals, they are really not much different, and even when you get down to the nuts and bolts of implementing them, it is obvious that ITIL and DevOps are not conflicting approaches. In fact, some even go so far as to claim that "DevOps is not different from mature ITIL Release Management". ITIL's Service Design volume explicitly supports iterative and incremental design, which is the backbone of DevOps's Agile roots. Like DevOps, ITIL also calls for the use of service automation (in change, release, and deployment management) to enhance speed and efficiency, although it does place great emphasis on process mapping, analyzing, and planning.</p>
<p>A modern and integrated approach says that ITIL should actually be regarded as a stepping stone to DevOps: by using ITIL processes, implementing DevOps is easier and more efficient. But they are more intertwined, and so their relationship is not as hierarchical but rather complementary. Implemented the right way, DevOps enhances ITIL, and ITIL improves DevOps.</p>
<p>Looking for a tool to implement DevOps and/or ITIL? codeBeamer ALM is a next-generation Application Lifecycle Management tool with advanced DevOps support, and dozens of integrations with 3rd party tools. To learn more, watch our webinar recording, get in touch with us, or start your free trial of codeBeamer ALM right away!</p>
<h2>Devops itil</h2>

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<h4>Devops itil</h4>
Some claim that DevOps is revolutionizing IT Service Management. How does it relate to ITIL, and can you make the two work together? Find out in this blog post.
<h5>Devops itil</h5>
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<b>Кабринский Эдуард</b>
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SprinfieldDox2021-05-19 03:46:36 Cituoti
<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard - Azure devops artifacts - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops artifacts</h1>
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<h1>Use Azure #Artifacts in dotnet restore while #Docker Build</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*U_ NbQtybRi-iJsjp.jpeg" /></p>
<p>This post run away from the line I want to follow, as I want to write a serie of Docker AKS and Devops articles, but in the meantime I will show a problem I found this week.</p>
<h1>The problem</h1>
<p>Currently I am building an application based on a Microservices Architecture.</p>
<p>I have a very basic structure with Web Apis built with .NET Core with their associated Dockerfiles and I am defining the CI processes in Azure Devops.</p>
<p>We are using Azure Artifacts in the company where we store some packages in order to share them in projects, and my Api use that private feed.</p>
<p>Let me share the initial Dockerfile and the azure-pipeline.yml.</p>
<p>If we run a docker build with the previous file (in our local environment or in our Azure Build Pipeline) we obtain a 401 error due to we didn?t set up the Azure Arifacts feed.</p>
<p>Doing a small research I get into the following choices:</p>
<h1>Solution(1) Did not work</h1>
<p>Looks like the most promising one and the cleanest, using Azure Artifact Credentials.</p>
<p>Steps for this version:</p>
<li>Modify Our docker file including Args to consume the Feed endpoint and a PAT (Personal Access Token) previously defined in Azure Devops with access to the Package Management.</li>
<li>Modify the docker file to download and run the sh for set up the Nuget Credential Provider, and define the environment variables: NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDER_SESSIONTOKENCACHE_ENABLED and VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS. The last one is a json where will set up the feed and the PAT.</li>
<li>In the Azure Pipeline set up a variable group inside the Library, where we will store the Artifact Feed and the PAT, and will allow access to all Build processes.</li>
<li>Modyfy the build definition yml to add parameters to the build definition adding the variables from the group.</li>
<p& gt;All done, and still doesn?t work.</p>
<h1>Soluci?n (2) It works!</h1>
<p>After the previous failure, I found another alternative that does not seem clearer than previous, but It works.</p>
<p>This solution is based on building a Nuget.Config file on the fly consuming the variables defined in the build process.</p>
<p>Let?s take a look on the Docker file and the yml, and expain them:</p>
<p>We have 3 arguments defined: ARTIFACTS_ENDPOINT, ACCESS_TOKEN and USER. We will use this args to setup the Credentials for our Feed.</p>
<p>Before running the ?dotnet restore? command, and in the same work directory, we run an Echo command redirecting to the Nuget.Config file.</p>
<p>As you can see in the file we interpolate the arguments in the file.</p>
<p>Let?s take a look now in the CI yml file:</p>
<p>We allow the use of the group variable defined in the library, and like in the solution 1 we pass the varibles to the docker build process.</p>
<h2>Azure devops artifacts</h2>

<h3>Azure devops artifacts</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops artifacts</h4>
This post run away from the line I want to follow, as I want to write a serie of Docker AKS and Devops articles, but in the meantime I will show a problem I found this week. I have a very basic?
<h5>Azure devops artifacts</h5>
Azure devops artifacts <a href="">Azure devops artifacts</a> Azure devops artifacts
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops artifacts</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops artifacts</a> Azure devops artifacts
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<b>Кабринский Эдуард</b>
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ELENAADox2021-05-19 03:46:10 Cituoti
<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy - Azure pipelines powershell - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure pipelines powershell</h1>
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<h1>Use Azure DevOps Pipeline to Publish a PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery</h1>
<p>Recently I released a new PowerShell Module called PSJwt to the PowerShell Gallery. This is a PowerShell Module for JWT (JSON Web Tokens). The PowerShell Module is using the Jwt.Net library. This library supports generating and decoding JSON Web Tokens.</p>
<p>Part of the code for this PowerShell Module are the build steps and Azure DevOps YAML Build Pipeline.</p>
<p>In this blog post I explain how to use an Azure DevOps YAML Build Pipeline to Publish your PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery.</p>
<h2>Build Steps</h2>
<p>Invoke-Build/InvokeBuil d is a build and test automation tool which invokes tasks defined in PowerShell v2.0+ scripts. It is similar to psake but according to Roman easier to use and more powerful. It is complete, bug free, well covered by tests.</p>
<h3>Install InvokeBuild Module</h3>
<p>And when you use Visual Studio Code I recommend you to also install the following helper PowerShell scripts:</p>
<p>For development of the PowerShell Module I created the following tasks in the script:</p>
<li>Task to Update the PowerShell Module Help Files</li>
<li>Task to retrieve latest version of JWT Packages</li>
<li>Task to Update JWT Package if newer version is released</li>
<li>Task to Copy PowerShell Module files to output folder for release as Module</li>
<li>Task to run all Pester tests in folder .\tests</li>
<li>Task to update the Module Manifest file with info from the Changelog in Readme</li>
<li>Task to Publish Module to PowerShell Gallery</li>
<li>Task clean up Output folder</li>
<p& gt;<strong>Note:</strong></p>
& lt;h3>Publish to PowerShell Gallery Task</h3>
<p>For Publishing the PowerShell Module we need to use the PowerShell Cmdlet <strong>Publish-Module</strong> from the PowerShellGet PowerShell Module.</p>
<p>PublishModule InvokeBuild Task code:</p>
<p>I added a parameter to the script to manage when the PowerShell Module should be publised to the Gallery.</p>
<p>If you call the task as follows the module will be published to the PowerShell Gallery:</p>
<p>The PowerShell Gallery API Key is stored as an Environment variable called PSGallery. On your local system you can create the environment variable as follows.</p>
<p>On the Azure DevOps (Build) Agent we will use a variable (NuGetAPIKey) to configure the PowerShell Gallery API Key.</p>
<h2>Azure DevOps Build Pipeline</h2>
<p>Azure Pipelines is a cloud service that you can use to automatically build and test your code project and make it available to other users. It works with just about any language or project type.</p>
<p>Azure Pipelines combines continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) to constantly and consistently test and build your code and ship it to any target.</p>
<p>Last year Microsoft introduced YAML builds to give you another option for defining and evolving your continuous integration builds as your code evolves. I defined my Azure DevOps Build Pipeline in a YAML file, part of the code in my Github Repository.</p>
<p>During the Build I want to execute some of the tasks I defined in my Invoke-Build script <strong></strong> and that is why I need to do some pre-requisites tasks like installing PowerShell Modules (InvokeBuild) before I can call the Invoke-Build PowerShell Function.</p>
<p>Let?s have a look at the azure-pipelines.yml file:</p>
<p>The following code defines the type of (Build) Agent where the build taks will be run on. In this case a Hosted VS2017 Agent.</p>
<p>The next task in the Build will use the PowerShell Task to run the pre-requisites PowerShell script (bootstrap.ps1) which installs the following PowerShell modules, InvokeBuild, Pester and PlatyPS.</p>
<p>I found this bootstrap script solution on Joel Bennett?s PTUI Github Repository.</p>
<p>The nexts tasks will run the Pester Tests using Richard Fennell?s Pester Test Runner Build Task. This time I?m not using the Test task from my own build script, but you could also use the Test Task from my Build script if you wanted. I choose Richard?s Task because it creates a results file which is used in the next task to publish the test results.</p>
<p>With the last task the Invoke-Build script ( is run on the Build Agent. The tasks Clean, CopyModuleFiles and PublishMode are executed.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2018-12-30_16-57-45.png" /></p>
<p>The NugetAPIKey variable will be configured as an environment variable which will be used during the PublishModule Build Task.</p>
<h2>Build Trigger</h2>
<p>I want to trigger the Build and the Publish PowerShell Module task only for the Master Branch and when the PowerShell Module Manifest file is commited to the Github Repository.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2018-12-30_17-19-41.png" /></p>
<p>Above configuration triggers the Build when a new Module Manifest (PSJwt.psd1) commit is made. All other file commits don?t trigger a new build.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2018-12-31_12-13-06.png" /></p>
<p>Hope this inspired you to use Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines to publish your PowerShell Modules to the PowerShell Gallery.</p>
<h2>Azure pipelines powershell</h2>

<h3>Azure pipelines powershell</h3>
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<h4>Azure pipelines powershell</h4>
This is my personal blog. I work at Microsoft as a Consultant. You can find some of my open source projects on Github. I like to share my knowledge about Azure, PowerShell and DevOps
<h5>Azure pipelines powershell</h5>
Azure pipelines powershell <a href="">Azure pipelines powershell</a> Azure pipelines powershell
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<b>Кабринский Эдуард</b>
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IZRAELDox2021-05-19 03:45:32 Cituoti
<b>Кабринский Эдуард - Azure devops agile process - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops agile process</h1>
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<h1>Azure DevOps Processes Part 4: Overview of the Agile Process</h1>
<p>There are two process which are based on the agile methodology within Azure DevOps. The Agile and Scrum processes are similar but there are key differences which I?ve mentioned in my previous blog introducing the Azure DevOps processes. This blog specifically aims to provide an overview of the agile process.</p>
<p>The agile process is based on agile principles and allows users to track user stories and tasks at a more granular level than the Scrum process.</p>
<p>The work items of note which are available as a part of the agile process are:</p>
<p>Epic: Epics within the Agile process are the same as Epics within the Basic and CMMI process. Epics contain the high level process of what is to be delivered. An example of this would be the delivery of different channels e.g phone or chat within a call centre.</p>
<p>Feature: Features are a grouping of functionality that provides business value when delivered. The Feature work item is the same as when used in a CMMI process. E.g telephony integration and call verification features would be required in order to deliver an epic related to the delivery of a telephone channel in a call centre.</p>
<p>User Story: User Stories work items are meant to capture the description of what is expected from the end user. User stories are typically captured in the format: As a <user>role], I want <goal> so that <defined>reason]. The user story work item also prompts for the acceptance criteria to be defined. The acceptance criteria documented in the user story is extremely important, as testers and developers rely on what is documented here to create test cases and solution designs.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src="https://triciasinclairdotcom.files.wordp" />User Story Work Item</p>
<p>Task: As with the CMMI process, a task defines what needs to be completed in order to complete the user story. An example of a task which could be associated with the above requirement could be to create the credit limit field on the contact record. (Assuming you?re using a CDS database the name, address and date of birth fields should already exist).</p>
<p>Issue: The Issue work item in the agile process has the same purpose as the work item in the CMMI process. It relates to project related problems, allowing a resolution and plan to be available and visible to those within the project that need to have access to the information.</p>
<p>Some of the key fields to be aware of within the agile process are:</p>
<li>Story Points ? Story Points are associated to user stories to indicates the effort needed to complete the user story. Populating this field allows the velocity to be tracked and enables the standard forecasting functionality.</li>
<li>Acceptance Criteria ? The acceptance criteria attribute available on the user story work item allows users to define what conditions must be met in order for the user story to be accepted.</li>
<li>Priority ? Setting the priority allows product owners to share what is important for the business and ensures that the user stories with the highest priorities are delivered quicker than those with a lower priority.</li>
< ;p>If you have been following this series of blogs, you may notice that the Agile process shares many work items with the CMMI process. The image below shows how work items are different between the two processes.</p>
<p>In my next blog, we will complete the process overviews with a look at the Scrum process!</p>
<h2>Azure devops agile process</h2>

<h3>Azure devops agile process</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops agile process</h4>
There are two process which are based on the agile methodology within Azure DevOps. The Agile and Scrum processes are similar but there are key differences which I've mentioned in my previous blog introducing the Azure DevOps processes. This blog specifically aims to provide an overview of the agile process. The agile process is based&hellip;
<h5>Azure devops agile process</h5>
Azure devops agile process <a href="">Azure devops agile process</a> Azure devops agile process
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<b>Эдуард Кабринский& lt;/b>
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ARIZONADox2021-05-19 03:44:54 Cituoti
<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy - New relic devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >New relic devops</h1>
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<h1>New Relic takes DevOps beyond product launch</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 2/images/ g" /></p>
<p>New Relic enables DevOps culture through better digital intelligence in both the development of new applications and ongoing systems management. When you give your teams the right business information, you can expect better business performance.</p>
<p>As the leader in full-stack visibility and analytics for IT organizations, there?s no better guide than New Relic to take your DevOps past project development and toward improving the overall performance of your business. Download the new e-guide, <strong><em>5 Key Elements of Successful DevOps Post-Deployment</em></strong>. In it, New Relic demonstrates its easily adopted DevOps approach that helps all your teams achieve:</p>
<li><strong>Reduced friction</strong> between development and operations teams from a common view of the data, issues, and viable resolution strategies.</li>
<li><strong>More informed and empowered teams</strong> that see the full business implications of their actions and can act on them in real time.</li>
<li><strong>Improved collaboration and faster iterations,</strong> resulting in shorter time to market for products and faster optimization of existing products.</li>
< ;p style="clear: both"><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" 2/images/New_Relic-Email-00-Thank_You.png" />New Relic provides the real-time insights that software-driven businesses need to innovate and deliver better-quality software faster. New Relic?s multi-tenant SaaS platform is built for speed and scale and makes every aspect of modern software and infrastructure observable, so companies can find and fix problems faster, build high-performing DevOps teams, and accelerate transformation projects. Learn why more than 50 percent of the Fortune 100 trust New Relic.</p>
<p>Get the full DevOps picture <br />Take advantage of an array of DevOps resources. <br /></p>
<h2>New relic devops</h2>

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<h4>New relic devops</h4>
<h5>New relic devops</h5>
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SOURCE: <h6>New relic devops</h6> <a href="">New relic devops</a> New relic devops
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<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy</b>
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GlendaleDox2021-05-19 03:44:47 Cituoti
<b>Эдуард Кабринский - Azure devops sharepoint integration - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops sharepoint integration</h1>
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Azure devops sharepoint integration <a href="">English news</a> Azure devops sharepoint integration
<h1>Azure Devops: How to add automated integration test during release pipeline</h1>
<p>I have a staged release pipeline that deploys to Development and then to Staging.</p>
<p>I want my Integration Test project to run during release pipeline only before deployment to staging. How do I do that? is there a specific test task that I will be able to hook into before the staging deployment? like a pre-deploy task or something?</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<h2>2 Answers 2</h2>
<p>In order to run Integration Tests in your release pipeline. You should include your Test projects or test assembly dll files in the artifacts published in your build pipeline. So that your Integration test projects are accessible to the test tasks in your release pipeline.</p>
<p>To Include your test files in the artifacts. You can add a second <strong>publish build artifacts</strong> task in your <strong>Build Pipeline</strong>. Specify <strong>Path to publish</strong> to the location of your test files. Fore below example.</p>
<p>I add a another publish build artifacts task to publish all the test files that needed to run the tests.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>Then I specify the <strong>Path to publish</strong> field to folder that contains all the test files.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>After the build pipeline completed. You will see the Test folder being added to the build artifacts and published to the azure devops pipeline server.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>Now you can run your tests in your release pipeline by adding the VsTest task or other test tasks in your release pipeline. The release pipeline will download your artifacts to folder $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) (eg. C:\agent_work\r1\a).</p>
<p>For above example you will find the test files in folder $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\artifact_alias\T est and the artifacts to be deployed in $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\artifact_alias\d rop .</p>
<p>Then you can either create a new stage with vstest task before deployment stage as @Kontekst mentioned, or just add the vstest task on the top of your deployment stage before your deployment task.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>In above screenshot I add the Vstest task before the Azure deployment task and point the <strong>Search folder</strong> to the Test folder where the test files reside.</p>
<p>You can find the artifacts-alias in the field shown in below screenshot.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>The main idea is to publish the test files in the artifacts in build pipeline and then add the test tasks in the release pipeline to run the tests.</p>
<h2>Azure devops sharepoint integration</h2>

<h3>Azure devops sharepoint integration</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops sharepoint integration</h4>
Azure Devops: How to add automated integration test during release pipeline I have a staged release pipeline that deploys to Development and then to Staging. I want my Integration Test project
<h5>Azure devops sharepoint integration</h5>
Azure devops sharepoint integration <a href="">Azure devops sharepoint integration</a> Azure devops sharepoint integration
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops sharepoint integration</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops sharepoint integration</a> Azure devops sharepoint integration
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<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy</b>
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BURGERDox2021-05-19 03:44:36 Cituoti
<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard - Kibana devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Kibana devops</h1>
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<h1>Kibana - Create Visualization</h1>
<p>We can visualize the data we have in the form of bar charts, line graphs, pie charts etc. In this chapter, we will understand how to create visualization.</p>
<h2>Create Visualization</h2>
<p>Go to Kibana Visualization as shown below ?</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/visualization.jpg" /></p>
<p>We do not have any visualization created, so it shows blank and there is a button to create one.</p>
<p>Click the button <b><i>Create a visualization</i></b> as shown in the screen above and it will take you to the screen as shown below ?</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/create_visualization.jpg" /></p>
<p>Here you can select the option which you need to visualize your data. We will understand each one of them in detail in the upcoming chapters. Right now will select pie chart to start with.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/pie_chart.jpg" /></p>
<p>Once you select the visualization type, now you need to select the index on which you want to work on, and it will take you the screen as shown below ?</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/visualization_type.jpg" /></p>
<p>Now we have a default pie chart. We will use the countriesdata-28.12.2018 to get the count of regions available in the countries data in pie chart format.</p>
<h2>Bucket and Metric Aggregation</h2>
<p>The left side has metrics, which we will select as count. In Buckets, there are 2 options Split slices and split chart. We will use the option Split slices.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/bucket_metric_aggregation.jpg" /></p>
<p>Now, select Split Slices and it will display following options ?</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/split_slices.jpg" /></p>
<p>Now, select the Aggregation as Terms and it will display more options to be entered as follows ?</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/aggregation_as_terms.jpg" /></p>
<p>The Fields dropdown will have all the field from the index:countriesdata chosen. We have chosen the Region field and Order By. Note that we have chosen, the metric Count for Order By. We will order it Descending and the size we have taken as 10. It means here, we will get the top 10 regions count from the countries index.</p>
<p>Now, click the analyse button as highlighted below and you should see the pie chart updated on right side.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Pie chart display</h3>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" ges/pie_chart_display.jpg" /></p>
<p>All the regions are listed at the right top corner with colours and the same colour is shown in the pie chart. If you mouse over the pie chart it will give the count of the region and also the name of the region as shown below ?</p>
<p>So it tells us that 22.77% of region is occupied by Sub-Saharan Afri from the countries data we have uploaded.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/countries_data.jpg" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/countries_data_uploaded.jpg" /></p>
<p>Asia region covers 12.5% and the count is 28.</p>
<p>Now we can save the visualization by clicking on the save button on top right corner as shown below ?</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/new_visualization.jpg" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/save_visualization.jpg" /></p>
<p>Now, save the visualization so that it can be used later.</p>
<p>We can also get the data as we want by using the search option as shown below ?</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ges/search_visualization.jpg" /></p>
<p>We have filtered data for countries starting with Aus*. We will understand more on pie-chart and other visualization in the upcoming chapters.</p>
<h2>Kibana devops</h2>

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<h4>Kibana devops</h4>
Kibana - Create Visualization - We can visualize the data we have in the form of bar charts, line graphs, pie charts etc. In this chapter, we will understand how to create visualization.
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Kibana devops <a href="">Kibana devops</a> Kibana devops
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<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard</b>
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SouthBendDox2021-05-19 03:44:26 Cituoti
<b>Эдуард Кабринский - Azure repos - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e repos</h1>
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<h1>Azure devops users cant see repos even though they have full read/contribute permissions. How could we fix?</h1>
<p>If we add new users to a team, by just adding their email address, the new user can login to the project, but they can't see any of the repos, and don't even see the repos icon on the left (they do see overview, boards, pipelines and artifacts). These users have been given full access rights to all the repos, i.e. they are in the contributors group. If I look at repositories in the project settings, then find the user, they have all the permissions to all the repos, including read and contribute.</p>
<p>How I can I give them "more" access so they can see and use the git repos?</p>
<p>I have seen similar posts which mention users as being "basic" or "stakeholder", however this is not something I can see or change.</p>
<p>I am full administrator to the project.</p>
<h2>1 Answer 1</h2>
<blockquote><p>They can't see any of the repos, and don't even see the repos icon on the left (they do see overview, boards, pipelines and artifacts</p></blockquote>
<p>A ccording to your description, these users should only have stakeholder access.</p>
<p>Actually, to use Code you need be qualified with two things: <strong>Permission</strong> , <strong>Access Level</strong>.</p>
<p>Have you checked that User?s Access Level you are? Is that user a Stakeholder in your organization?</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p><strong>User with Stakeholder access level, he will not be able to use Azure Repos for your private project.</strong> </p>
<p>You could check this info from Organization Setting-- Users--Access Level</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>Please change the user access level to Basic and above, then this user should be able to see and access these repos.</p>
<p><strong>Note:< /strong> To change access level, you must have Project Collection Administrator or organization Owner permissions in Azure DevOps.</p>
<h2>Azure repos</h2>

<h3>Azure repos</h3>
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<h4>Azure repos</h4>
Azure devops users cant see repos even though they have full read/contribute permissions. How could we fix? If we add new users to a team, by just adding their email address, the new user can
<h5>Azure repos</h5>
Azure repos <a href="">Azure repos</a> Azure repos
SOURCE: <h6>Azure repos</h6> <a href="">Azur e repos</a> Azure repos
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<b>Кабринский Эдуард</b>
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SARADox2021-05-19 03:43:50 Cituoti
<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard - Azure devops powershell - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops powershell</h1>
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<h1>How to Download Files from Azure DevOps Repos from a PowerShell Script</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*rC dQNYJrIJor6Ww4xhAWVg.jpeg" /></p>
<h4>Guillermo Musumeci</h4>
<h4>Apr 10 В· 3 min read</h4>
<p>Sometimes, we need to execute or download a script locate on a private Azure DevOps Repo.</p>
<p>In this story, we will learn how to use a Personal Access Token (PAT)</strong> to download a file from private repo located on Azure DevOps.</strong></p>
<h1>Creati ng a Personal Access Token (PAT)</strong></h1>
<p>The first step is to create a PAT.</p>
<p>Login into Azure DevOps</strong> and click on the User Settings</strong> menu located on the top right. Then click on the Personal access tokens</strong> menu.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*pMYteyE ps" /></p>
<p>Then we click on the New Token</strong> button.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*90fSDq5 iHCfOjlDusRb6Ww.png" /></p>
<p>Then we enter the name</strong>, set the expiration</strong> and configure the scope</strong>:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*XCcDozU 5K5dwHJhjwmNUbg.png" /></p>
<p>Finally , we copy the token and store it in a safe place. We will not able to see it again.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*7yP_CQX 32TlvW7xuw-oe_w.png" /></p>
<h1>Downloading a File in Private Repo in Azure DevOps</h1>
<p>We have a PowerShell script</strong> located in a repo:</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*nhRRsXe r4ZGUqD7GMkfVow.png" /></p>
<p>We are looking to download this PowerShell script and execute it in our machine.</p>
<p>First, we will need to define some variables (please look to the above screenshot to understand variables):</p>
<p>Then we encode the PAT to Base64 String</p>
<p>We construct the download URL</p>
<p>Finally, we download the file to our default folder</p>
<p>And that?s all folks. If you liked this story, please show your support by ?? this story. Thank you for reading!</p>
<h2>Azure devops powershell</h2>

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<h4>Azure devops powershell</h4>
In this story, we will learn how to use a Personal Access Token (PAT) to download a file from private repo located on Azure DevOps. Login into Azure DevOps and click on the User Settings menu located?
<h5>Azure devops powershell</h5>
Azure devops powershell <a href="">Azure devops powershell</a> Azure devops powershell
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<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard</b>
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RaleighDox2021-05-19 03:43:48 Cituoti
<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard - Tfs devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Tfs devops</h1>
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<h1>Connecting TFS repository to Azure DevOps</h1>
<p>I have TFS repository for my Java maven project. I want to access that project in Azure DevOps by creating new pipeline. In Azure DevOps we have 5 options, one of them says to Create new Pipeline via TFVC where it asks for Repository URL (Connection URL).I mentioned Connection URL but still project structure is not displayed in Azure DevOps.</p>
<p>I also tried adding a new service connection(Add azure repos/Team Foundation Service connection), but it is not verifying connection.</p>
<p>I gave Connection Name,Connection URL Username and Password. Error which I receive is - Failed to query service connection API.</p>
<p>In short ,my TFS project is not importing in Azure DevOps. Please suggest what am I doing wrong.</p>
<h2>1 Answer 1</h2>
<p>Guess you were talking about <strong>Azure DevOps Service</strong>. Since Azure DevOps also have a server call Azure DevOps 2019 which actually is the latest version of TFS at present.</p>
<p>There maybe some misunderstanding. It's <strong>not able to directly access any TFS on-premise repository from Azure DevOps Service</strong>.</p>
<p>You need to migrate data from TFS to Azure DevOps Services by using the data migration tool.</p>
<blockquote><p>The data migration tool helps you bring your data from Azure DevOps Server to Azure DevOps in the cloud. Keep the same work item numbers, Team Foundation Version Control check-in numbers, Git commit IDs, and much more after you land in Azure DevOps.</p></blockquote>
<p>But it do have some limitations of this tool. For example it <em>only supports the two latest releases of Azure DevOps Server at a given time</em>. Currently the following versions of Azure DevOps Server are supported for import:</p>
<li>Azure DevOps Server 2019.0.1</li>
<li>Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1</li>
<p>If you just need the source code in TFS repository without keeping any history, work items. The simplest solution is creating a new repository in Azure DevOps and download your code to your local repo from TFS. Finally commit/check in your local repo to your Azure DevOps Service.</p>
<p>If you are using TFVC in your TFS server and want to use Git in Azure DevOps Service. Then use git-tfs as a two-way bridge.</p>
<h2>Tfs devops</h2>

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<h4>Tfs devops</h4>
Connecting TFS repository to Azure DevOps I have TFS repository for my Java maven project. I want to access that project in Azure DevOps by creating new pipeline. In Azure DevOps we have 5
<h5>Tfs devops</h5>
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<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard</b>
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DavenportDox2021-05-19 03:43:40 Cituoti
<b>Кабринский Эдуард - Azure devops xcode - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops xcode</h1>
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<h1>Caching CocoaPods on Azure DevOps Pipeline</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*e- PATfL6S-DezkfB.jpg" /></p>
<h4>Zaheer Moola</h4>
<h4>Apr 5 В· 3 min read</h4>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*pqCw_Yz Yc-HIjKICzMocsA.png" /></p>
<p>I?ve been using Azure DevOps as a repository and CI/CD for the past three months for the iOS project I am currently part of. I was rather sceptical at first, moving from the wondrous seamlessness of Github combined with Bitrise but I must admit, I have started warming to it. The only major remaining issue was: my builds take so darn long. (That, and I can?t add images to a Pull Request description directly. That really needs to be fixed.)</p>
<p>The reason for my le n gthy builds was my cocoapods step; so if you?re having the same issues, look no further. I?ve already experimented with the quickest and most efficient way to reduce the time taken.</p>
<p>Let?s first go over the two options that you have when caching your cocoa pods. You can:<br />a) Cache the</p>
<p>/.cocoapods folder to slightly reduce the time taken when downloading dependencies.<br />b) Cache the actual Pods folder in your project</p>
<p>Both options have value in certain situations, but caching your project?s Pods folder is almost always a better choice. This lets you ignore any actual downloading/building of files and complex repositories, especially if you?re using private repos. We will be using this approach.</p>
<p>Let?s jump into it by looking at our YAML file. I?ve pulled out a few of the unnecessary tasks to show a basic cocoa pods task followed by an XCode build:</p>
<p>What we?re going to want to do to improve this is to simply add a cache step which is already part of the tasks supported by Azure Pipelines. You can read more about it in the official Documentation. The task requires a key and a path to what will be cached. We?ve already decided to cache our Pods folder and so we can add exactly that as our path but you?d change this if you?re not.</p>
<p>The next part would be to decide on our key and here is where things get interesting. Since we?re caching our Pods folder, we need it to actually not restore from the cache if we?ve made changes to the Pods folder as it won?t be correct. The way we do this is by looking at our Podfile.lock hash to see if it has changed. The cache step actually expects this so if you enter Podfile.lock as part of your key, you?re perfectly good to go. We?ll also add a name and agent os to help identify the key as per Azure recommendations in the following format:</p>
<p>We?re not done yet though, as we need to tell our normal step not to run as it would be defeating the purpose of this altogether. Let?s do that by setting a hit variable to true. Your final pipeline yml should look something like this:</p>
<p>That?s it! Your pipeline will now be caching your Pods folder to save you precious time in your builds. I do hope this helps someone save some time figuring this out and I?d love to hear any opinions on this.</p>
<h2>Azure devops xcode</h2>

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<h4>Azure devops xcode</h4>
I?ve been using Azure DevOps as a repository and CI/CD for the past three months for the iOS project I am currently part of. I was rather sceptical at first, moving from the wondrous seamlessness of?
<h5>Azure devops xcode</h5>
Azure devops xcode <a href="">Azure devops xcode</a> Azure devops xcode
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<b>Эдуард Кабринский& lt;/b>
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JessiDox2021-05-19 03:43:36 Cituoti
<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy - Tfs scrum - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Tfs scrum</h1>
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<h1>Scrum, Agile Practices, and Visual Studio</h1>
<h3>This chapter is from the book</h3>
<h3>This chapter is from the book</h3>
<h3>This chapter is from the book ? </h3>
<li><em>One methodology cannot possibly be the ?right? one, but. there is an appropriate, different way of working for each project and project team</em>. 1</li>
<li>?Alistair Cockburn</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" chap2_9780321864871/elementLinks/02fig01.jpg" /></p>
<p>Figure 2.1. The rhythm of a crew rowing in unison is a perfect example of flow in both the human and management senses. Individuals experience the elation of performing optimally, and the coordinated teamwork enables the system as a whole (here, the boat) to achieve its optimum performance. It?s the ideal feeling of a ?sprint.?</p>
<p>The preceding chapter discussed the Agile Consensus of the past decade. That chapter distinguished between complicated projects, with well-controlled business or technical risk, and complex ones, where the technology and business risks are greater. Most new software projects are complex; otherwise, the software would not be worth building.</p>
<p>This chapter covers the next level of detail?the characteristics of software engineering and management practices, the ?situationally specific? contexts to consider, and the examples that you can apply in Visual Studio (VS). In this chapter, you learn about the mechanisms that VS (primarily Team Foundation Server <TFS>) provides to support the team enacting the process. Whereas Chapter 1, ?The Agile Consensus,? gave an outside-in view of what a team needs, this chapter provides an inside-out overview of the tooling that makes the enactment possible.</p>
<h2>Visual Studio and Process Enactment</h2>
<p>Through three classes of mechanisms, VS helps the team follow a defined software process:</p>
<li>As illustrated in Chapter 1, TFS captures backlogs, workflow, status, and metrics. Together, these keep the work transparent and guide the users to the next appropriate actions. TFS also helps ensure the ?doneness? of work so that the team cannot accrue technical debt without warning and visibility.</li>
<li>Each team project tracked by TFS starts off with a process template that defines the standard workflows, reports, roles, and artifacts for the process. These are often changed later during the course of the team project as the team learns and tunes its process, but their initial defaults are set according to the chosen process template.</li>
<li>On the IDE clients (VS or Eclipse), there are user experiences that interact with the server to ensure that the policies are followed and that any warnings from policy violations are obvious.</li>
< h2>Tfs scrum</h2>

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<h4>Tfs scrum</h4>
This chapter covers the characteristics of software engineering and management practices, the ?situationally specific? contexts to consider, and the examples that you can apply in Visual Studio (VS). In this chapter, you learn about the mechanisms that VS (primarily Team Foundation Server <TFS>) provides to support the team enacting the process.
<h5>Tfs scrum</h5>
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<b>Кабринский Эдуард</b>
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FortLauderdaleDox2021-05-19 03:43:25 Cituoti
<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard - Google devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Goog le devops</h1>
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<h1>Google Devops Engineer Jobs</h1>

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<h2>Google Devops Engineer Jobs</h2>
<table> <thead> <tr> <th>Job Title</th> <th>Employer</th> <th>Location</th> </tr> </th> <tbody> <tr> <td >Data Center Electrical Protection and Controls Systems Engineer</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Henderson, NV</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, Professional Services</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Sunnyvale, CA</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Corporate Sales Engineer, Google Cloud</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >New York, NY</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Strategic Google Cloud Engineer, Telecom</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Addison, TX</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Staff Software Engineer, Configuration and Policy Automation</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Seattle, WA</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Enterprise Application Modernization Engineer, Google Cloud Professional Services</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Atlanta, GA</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, Global Public Sector, Google Cloud</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Austin, TX</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Enterprise Cloud Architect, Google Cloud</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Sunnyvale, CA</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Enterprise Cloud Architect, Travel, Transportation and Hospitality</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Austin, TX</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Linux Systems Engineer, Developer Operations</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Sunnyvale, CA</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Controls Systems Engineer, Machine Learning, Data Centers</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Sunnyvale, CA</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Data Center Controls Systems Engineer, Operations</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Sunnyvale, CA</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Systems Engineer, Site Reliability Engineering</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >San Francisco, CA</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Infrastructure Engineer, Google Cloud Professional Services</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Frankfurt am Main</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Enterprise Cloud Architect, Google Cloud</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Toronto</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Database Engineer, Google Cloud</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Bengaluru</td> </tr> <tr> <td >System Engineer, Power and Performance Software</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Bengaluru</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Cloud Architect Manager, Professional Services, Google Cloud</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Bengaluru</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Software Engineering or Site Reliability Engineering Intern</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Amsterdam</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Enterprise Cloud Architect, Google Cloud</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Brussels</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Software Engineering or Site Reliability Engineering Intern</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Brussels</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Systems Engineer, Site Reliability Engineering</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Sydney</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Enterprise Cloud Architect, Google Cloud (English, Italian)</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Milan</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Senior Systems Engineer, Site Reliability Engineering</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Dublin</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Sales Engineer, Application Modernization, Google Cloud</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Tel Aviv-Yafo</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Enterprise Cloud Architect, Google Cloud</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> <td >Oslo</td> </tr> <tr> <td >Enterprise Cloud Architect, Google Cloud (English, Italian)</td> <td >Google Inc.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
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<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy</b>
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INSURANCDox2021-05-19 03:43:20 Cituoti
<b>Kabrinskiy Eduard - Azure devops widgets - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops widgets</h1>
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Azure devops widgets <a href="">America news today</a> Azure devops widgets
<h1> The Azure Guy </h1>
<p>Tales about Microsoft Azure and DevOps from the field.</p>
<p>В© 2020 The Azure Guy. All rights reserved.</p>
<h1>Azure DevOps 101: Dashboards</h1>
<p>From my experience, one of the less known features of Azure DevOps is the Dashboards feature. In this post we look at the features and functionality of this part of the tool in more detail.</p>
<p>First of all, just like many other areas of the tool we have talked about, you will find that Dashboards also have the ability to be scoped to teams that you set up within your project.</p>
<p>Dashboards are basically composed of two components, queries and widgets. I want to caveat that by saying that a number of the widgets derrive their data from queries but not all of them. Some are pre-defined with some configuration options available and some are simple ways of displaying data.</p>
<h3>Adding Widgets to Dashboards</h3>
<p>Adding a widget is a really simple process. If you're dashboard is blank then you simply click the button in the middle of the screen. Otherwise, as shown below, simply click the <strong>Edit</strong> button at the top of the screen.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 06/azdo-dash-ribbon.png" /></p>
<p>Once you have done one of the steps above, you will be in the widget screen where you can see your existing dashboard and the canvas for it as well as the widgets available to you down the right side of the screen.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 06/azdo-dash-addwidget.png" /></p>
<p>More widgets are available in the marketplace if you don't find what you need. You can also search for widgets to save scrolling through the list. Once you have found the widget you need, then you can click <strong>Add</strong> and it will add it to the canvas.</p>
<h3>Query based widgets</h3>
<p>First, let's look at query based widgets, you can add them pretty easily and you do need to have a query available to use them. Scroll down the list or search for <strong>Query Tile</strong> and then click <strong>Add</strong>.</p>
<p >This will add a 1x1 tile to the grid and by default not really do anything for you. Click the little settings cog on the widget. You can for a query tile widget then set a title for the widget, select the query you wish to use, default background colour and then if you wish apply conditional formatting depending on the value of the query result.</p>
<p>Writing queries is pretty simple, the interface is similar to most other cloud based tools with a reporting feature, I will do a separate post though on queries.</p>
<p>One note for queries you wish to use in widgets, when you save them, you must save them as <strong>Shared Queries</strong>, otherwise you will not be able to see them in the drop down list.</p>
<h3>Pre-defined widgets</h3>
<p>Widgets also exist which can be added directly to the dashboard and if that matches your requirements, no further action is needed. However, most of them do have configuration options for you to select to customise the display or the experience.</p>
<p>One example of this might be the <strong>Lead Time</strong> widget. For information, lead time is the time from creation of the work item through to completion.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 06/azdo-dash-config.png" /></p>
<p>As you can see from the screenshot above, a number of options exist for the display of the widget.</p>
<h3>Dashboard permissions</h3>
<p>Some simple permissions do exist for dashboards, you can grant either edit or delete permissions to a dashboard. You can do this by going to the settings cog on the dashboard and clicking the link under <strong>Security</strong>.</p>
<p>Posted In: DevOps В·</i> AzDO, Azure DevOps, Dashboards, Reporting</p>
<h2>Azure devops widgets</h2>

<h3>Azure devops widgets</h3>
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<h4>Azure devops widgets</h4>
The Azure Guy Tales about Microsoft Azure and DevOps from the field. В© 2020 The Azure Guy. All rights reserved. Azure DevOps 101: Dashboards From my experience, one of the less known
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Azure devops widgets <a href="">Azure devops widgets</a> Azure devops widgets
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops widgets</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops widgets</a> Azure devops widgets
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<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy</b>
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NewYorkDox2021-05-19 03:43:06 Cituoti
<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy - Angular devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Angu lar devops</h1>
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<h1>CD Angular App in Azure DevOps</h1>
<p>Continues Delivery (CD) has gained more power since DevOps duties have become easy to obtain by developers. In simple terms, Continues Delivery is the constant publish/deployment of asset. Call it REST API, web site, etc. Previously, I showed you how to make a <em>CI Angular app in Azure DevOps</em>. Now, I?ll show you to make a CD for your Angular app.</p>
<p>In your project expand Pipelines, click on Releases, and click on New pipeline (should be in the middle of the screen)</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/02/image-12-1024x398.png" /></p>
<p>Select Azure App Service Deployment.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/02/image-13-1024x257.png" /></p>
<p>Before we step into the tasks. Let?s focus our eyes in the little box that is before the stages box. On the Artifacts box we define which build pipeline we want the CD to start with. In other words we tell the next step this is the artifact I want you to deploy. The artifact is of course is the one we setup in the previous step. So we select Angular App DEMO ? CI. After entering all the data we click on add.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/02/image-14-1024x413.png" /></p>
<p>To make it continues we now click on the little thunderbolt</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/02/image-15.png" /></p>
<p>We enable Continues Deployment trigger</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/02/image-16-1024x361.png" /></p>
<p>We have configured the continues part. Let?s focus on the Stage 1 box. click on 1 job, 1 task. It will take you to the following screen</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/02/image-17-1024x397.png" /></p>
<p>Change the state name to whatever appropriate name conventions are you using. Select your Azure subscription (how are we going to pay for it). Select you App type, which in our case is a Web app on Windows. Then, select the App service that you previously created in your Azure postal.</p>
<p>The next step is to select the package or folder where the artifact is. Don?t forget to change the name of the task as well as making sure you select where the artifact is.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/02/image-18-1024x643.png" /></p>
<p>Finally change the name of the pipeline and save.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" /2019/02/image-19-1024x180.png" /></p>
<p>CONGRATULATION! you have a CD pipeline for you angular app!<br /></p>
<p>Just make a change in your code and push it to master fort he CI to build it and CD to deploy it.</p>
<h2>Angular devops</h2>

<h3>Angular devops</h3>
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<h4>Angular devops</h4>
CD Angular App in Azure DevOps Continues Delivery (CD) has gained more power since DevOps duties have become easy to obtain by developers. In simple terms, Continues Delivery is the constant
<h5>Angular devops</h5>
Angular devops <a href="">Angular devops</a> Angular devops
SOURCE: <h6>Angular devops</h6> <a href="">Angu lar devops</a> Angular devops
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<b>Eduard Kabrinskiy</b>
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SanAntonioDox2021-05-19 03:42:56 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Jira vsts - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Jira vsts</h1>
Jir a vsts <a href="">Latest news headlines</a> Jira vsts
<h1>Azure DevOps (VSTS) Integration with Jira</h1>

<p>Azure DevOps (VSTS) and Jira Integration ensures there is no scope for communication gaps or miscommunication between project management and development teams.</p>
<h2>Azure DevOps (VSTS) and Jira Integration Overview</h2>
<p>In an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) ecosystem, the choice of systems, and the collaboration between the cross-functional teams play a great role. While the choice of systems impacts the productivity of a team, the cross-functional collaboration helps the teams get complete context of the business requirements.</p>
<p>Best-of-breed systems such as Jira and Azure DevOps (VSTS) bring rich functionalities to the ecosystem. By integrating Azure DevOps (VSTS) with Jira, enterprises can seamlessly manage product development. The developers using Jira will have clear visibility into the exact feature requirements and real-time access to any changes/enhancements made to the requirements. On the other hand, Azure DevOps (VSTS) users will have a complete view of the development of a requirement that is progressing.</p>
<h3>How Azure DevOps (VSTS) and Jira Integration is Beneficial for an Enterprise</h3>
<li>Access to all test cases, defects, and QA plan</li>
<li>Trace the requirement breakdown completely ? access the features, stories, tasks associated with the requirement</li>
<li>Developers are always up-to-date on feature requirements and associated updates</li>
<li>Track the estimated and actual development efforts</li>
<li>Get complete context of the business requirement and receive real-time updates when there is a change in the plan</li>
<li>Coordinate on the delivery timelines seamlessly with concurrent updates on changes</li>
<h3>With Azure DevOps (VSTS) and Jira integration, enterprises can:</h3>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" y,ret_img/ s/2018/02/VSTS-JIRA.png" /></p>
<h3>How OpsHub Integration Manager integrates Jira and Azure DevOps (VSTS)</h3>
<p><strong>OpsHub Integration Manager</strong> integrates Azure DevOps (VSTS) and Jira bi-directionally. It ensures that all historical and current data is available to each user, in that user?s preferred system, with full context, in real-time. All ?requirements? from Azure DevOps (VSTS) automatically synchronize to Jira where they are broken down to ?stories?. The completion of the story and the status of test results against it automatically synchronizes to Azure DevOps (VSTS).</p>
<h3>Popularly synchronized entities</h3>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" y,ret_img/ s/2018/02/VSTS-JIRA-entities.png" /></p>
<h3>Use Case: Jira integration with Azure DevOps (VSTS)</h3>
<p><strong>Problem statement:</strong> Development team uses Jira and project management team uses Azure DevOps (VSTS). Both teams collaborate manually to exchange data and insights. This leads to miscommunication at multiple times. <br /><strong>Solution:</strong> When Jira and Azure DevOps (VSTS) are bi-directionally integrated using OpsHub Integration Manager, there is no scope for communication gaps or miscommunication between project management and development teams.</p>
<h2>Jira vsts</h2>

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<h4>Jira vsts</h4>
Azure DevOps (VSTS) JIRA Integration Ensures There Is No Scope for Communication Gaps Between Teams. Integrate Azure DevOps (VSTS) with JIRA using OpsHub
<h5>Jira vsts</h5>
Jira vsts <a href="">Jira vsts</a> Jira vsts
SOURCE: <h6>Jira vsts</h6> <a href="">Jira vsts</a> Jira vsts
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[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard[/b]
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NEF2Dox2021-05-19 03:42:53 Cituoti
[b]Кабринский Эдуард - Azure devops scrum - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops scrum</h1>
Az ure devops scrum <a href="">Latest news</a> Azure devops scrum
<h1>Azure DevOps: Change Project Process from Scrum to Basic</h1>
<p>I want to change an Azure DevOps project's Process from Scrum to Basic.</p>
<li>Previously it was not possible to change between System Project Processes (eg. Scrum->Basic) in Azure Devops. Rather, it was only possible to switch between System & Inherited Processes of the same parent System Process.</li>
<li>But that it is now possible to switch between all Processes.</li>
&l t;p><strong>Documented Process A</strong></p>
<p>According to this web page, I should be able to:</p>
<blockquote><p>Organiza tion Settings -> Boards -> Process -> Projects -> Scrum -> Select ". " next to the Scrum Project -> Select "Basic" -> Save</p></blockquote>
<p>Howeve r, this is what happens instead:</p>
<blockquote><p>Org anization Settings -> Boards -> Process -> Projects -> Scrum -> There is no ". " next to any Projects</p></blockquote>
<p>&l t;strong>Documented Process B</strong></p>
<p>Whilst I could not find the "Change process" option above, I could find the option mentioned on this web page:</p>
<blockquote><p>Organi zation Settings -> Boards -> Process -> Processes -> Select ". " next to the Basic Process -> "Change team projects to use Basic"</p></blockquote>
<p> ;So I wonder whether this has replaced the the Documented Process A above OR whether it is in addition to it?</p>
<p>However, when I tried this I just get an error:</p>
<blockquote><p>There are currently no projects available to change to the Basic process.</p></blockquote>
<p>AN D this web page states that</p>
<blockquote><p>Only those projects created from the Agile process or one that inherits from Agile appear under the Available projects column.</p></blockquote>
<p>Whi ch seems like it is referring to the days when we could not switch between System Processes.</p>
<p><strong>Other checks</strong></p>
<p>I don't think this is related to permissions because I have "Basic" access, am the Project Administrator and I am also in the "Project Collection Administrators" group, which the documentation says gives me the permissions required to change a project's Process.</p>
<p>I have no Work Items either.</p>
<p>I have tried with combinations of System Project processes and inherited Project Processes. No change, still can't move to any Process based upon Basic.</p>
<p>The referenced web page's example is for Basic-to-Agile. I couldn't find any documented examples of the reverse: Agile->Basic, Scrum->Basic, etc. So I am wondering if this just doesn't work yet with Basic as the target?</p>
<p>I have submitted a Microsoft Support request without response so I am reaching out here.</p>
<h2>Azure devops scrum</h2>

<h3>Azure devops scrum</h3>
Az ure devops scrum <a href="">Current news headlines</a> Azure devops scrum
<h4>Azure devops scrum</h4>
Azure DevOps: Change Project Process from Scrum to Basic I want to change an Azure DevOps project's Process from Scrum to Basic. Previously it was not possible to change between System
<h5>Azure devops scrum</h5>
Azure devops scrum <a href="">Azure devops scrum</a> Azure devops scrum
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops scrum</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops scrum</a> Azure devops scrum
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[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
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SacramentoDox2021-05-19 03:42:19 Cituoti
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy - Ibm devops - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Ibm devops</h1>
I bm devops <a href="">Top news today</a> Ibm devops
<h1>DevOps Agile Tools and Practices</h1>
<h2>In his latest ?IT Trendz? post, Joseph Gulla explores DevOps, an increasingly common approach to agile software development</h2>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 77c3c2cb-6a5c-4a8a-a5c2-9b1ba2263b73/2020-blog-her o-ittrenz.jpg" /></p>
<p>By Joseph Gulla</p>
<h3>What Approach Is Best for DevOps?</h3>
<p>DevOps is becoming an increasingly common approach to agile software development. With this approach, developers and operations organize into a team to build, test, deploy and monitor applications. If you developed applications where development and operations were disconnected, you can appreciate the potential of DevOps. With today?s DevOps teams, the persistent focus of their activity is speed to market, extraordinary quality and a high level of control of outcomes.</p>
<p>DevOps is useful for any kind of software project regardless of architecture or platform. DevOps is commonly being used for cloud-native and mobile applications, application integration, and modernization and multicloud management. Middleware intersects with DevOps as effective DevOps implementations generally rely on an integrated set of software tools to remove manual steps, reduce errors, increase team agility and scale beyond small, isolated teams. Let?s discuss three of these software tool chains from IBM.</p>
<h3>Continuous Delivery with IBM UrbanCode</h3>
<p>IBM UrbanCode? is used to automate builds, deployments and releases of applications. The applications can be monolithic, microservices-based or a mixture of both. The deployments can be on the cloud, on-premise, in a data center or on the mainframe.</p>
<p>IBM UrbanCode is a collection of complimentary products. With IBM UrbanCode Deploy, organizations can automate application deployments across their IT environments, deploying applications to a wide variety of environments. With IBM UrbanCode Velocity, organizations can improve visibility, identify bottlenecks and improve DevOps flow across the organization. With IBM UrbanCode Build, organizations can utilize a continuous integration and build management server optimized for their systems. And, with IBM UrbanCode Release<u>,</u> companies utilize a collaborative release management tool that helps handle the growing number and complexity of releases.</p>
<h3>Software Testing with IBM Rational Testing</h3>
<p>IBM Rational? Test is a collection of continuous testing offerings for automated test creation, execution and analysis. Automated testing helps organizations assess the current state of software to give them the quality assessment data needed to make decisions about when to release. This is important as business success largely depends on the quality of the software that runs the business. IBM Rational Test is an effective solution for automated end-to-end testing of software across the broadest set of technology.</p>
<p>The IBM Rational Test toolset handles a wide variety of test challenges. Here are six examples of situations where a specific testing tool excels for a variety of uses in challenging contexts as different as API and load testing. The content of the items below are test challenge, tool used and examples in context: <br /><ol>
<li>For API testing with Rational Integration Tester. Used for system modeling and API validation across on-premise and cloud environments.</li>
<li>For functional testing for modern web applications with Rational Functional Tester. Used for recording, editing, and running of tests and evaluating test results.</li>
<li>For functional testing for applications written in many environment and languages including HTML, Java?, Windows?, .NET, Mainframe, Visual Basic, Silverlight, Eclipse, Siebel, Flex, Ajax, Dojo, GEF, and PowerBuilder applications with Rational Functional Tester. Used for the recording of test scripts in simple English statements, playing back tests and improving the tests through verification points and data-driven commands.</li>
<li>For load and scalability testing with Rational Performance Tester. Used for creating and recording tests, emulating workloads utilizing IBM Cloud? for scale management and evaluating results.</li>
<li>For service virtualization with Rational Test Virtualization Server. Used for virtualizing third-party interfaces, simulating databases and virtualizing applications.</li>
<li>For web-based testing with Rational Test Automation Server (RTAS). Used to run a breadth of tests including API, Functional and Performance tests and view test results.</li>
< h3>Application Performance Management with IBM Cloud App Management</h3>
<p>IBM Cloud App Management is a product built to provide application management tools for software engineers performing monitoring activity. These tools provide a consistent method, tools and view across hybrid cloud environments. This includes user monitoring (response time and user satisfaction), key exception monitoring (latency, errors, traffic and saturation across technologies) and other monitoring like tracking Kubernetes clusters (for problems with nodes, pods and containers).</p>
<p>There are different product versions that give customers a variety of function and deployment options including a SaaS offering. IBM Cloud App Management Base is deployed in a cloud-native, containerized architecture. It delivers scalability and resiliency with imbedded tools to help identify root causes before end-users are impacted. IBM Cloud App Management Advanced includes the functionality of the base version, plus Kubernetes environment management running on IBM Cloud Private and Red Hat? OpenShift?. IBM Cloud APM SaaS is set up to monitor and manage application infrastructure performance. It?s a service that?s hosted outside your applications. There is an interactive demo available to show what can be done with the tools that come with this service.</p>
<h2>Ibm devops</h2>

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<h4>Ibm devops</h4>
In his latest ?IT Trendz? post, Joseph Gulla explores DevOps, an increasingly common approach to agile software development
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Ibm devops <a href="">Ibm devops</a> Ibm devops
SOURCE: <h6>Ibm devops</h6> <a href="">Ibm devops</a> Ibm devops
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[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy[/b]
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NapervilleDox2021-05-19 03:42:07 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Bamboo devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Bamb oo devops</h1>
B amboo devops <a href="">Headline news</a> Bamboo devops
<h1>Bamboo vs. Jenkins: Which CI/CD Tool to Choose and Why?</h1>
<p>Bamboo and Jenkins are top-rated continuous integration (CI) automation tools. They both speed up the DevOps process and make the operations seamless and efficient.</p>
<p>When it comes to the selection of the right CI tool tailored to your specific business needs, it is a bit tedious. Why? The reason being the availability of a range of automation tools. Let us take the opportunity to make this easy for you. This blog post covers both the benefits and comparison of Bamboo and Jenkins. Keep reading to find out the basics and the best.</p>
<p><strong>What is Bamboo?</strong></p>
<p>Bamboo is a continuous integration (CI) tool that automates the software application release cycle and provides continuous delivery (CD) pipeline.</p>
<li>It provides end-to-end visibility over the entire software development life cycle.</li>
<li>It is an Atlassian product and easily integrates with tools like Jira Software, Fisheye, and Bitbucket.</li>
&l t;p><strong>Benefits of Bamboo</strong></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" image/fetch/s--1fMtPMbw--/c_limit%2Cf_auto%2Cfl_pr ogressive%2Cq_auto%2Cw_880/https://dev-to-uploads." /></p>
<p><strong>What is Jenkins?</strong></p>
<p>Jenkin s is a popular, open-source, java-based CI/CD tool. Jenkins facilitates the automation process and enables the development team to focus on continuous delivery.</p>
<li>It can support over 1400+ plugins for other software tools.</li>
<li>It is a server-based system that runs in a servlet (a java program that runs in a web server) containers.</li>
& lt;p><strong>Benefits of Jenkins</strong></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" image/fetch/s--A30qFj1---/c_limit%2Cf_auto%2Cfl_pr ogressive%2Cq_auto%2Cw_880/https://dev-to-uploads." /></p>
<p>Now that you have a basic understanding of these robust CI/CD tools. Let?s see how they vary from one another and also let?s discover the best one.</p>
<p><strong>Comparison: Bamboo vs. Jenkins</strong></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" image/fetch/s--3X0vV32i--/c_limit%2Cf_auto%2Cfl_pr ogressive%2Cq_auto%2Cw_880/https://dev-to-uploads." /></p>
<p><strong>Choose Bamboo When:</strong></p>
<p><ol> ;
<li>You are using Bitbucket and JIRA</li>
<li>You want to utilize the branches safely using the CI solution</li>
< p>Choose Jenkins When:</p>
<li>You want maximum functionality and global support C</li>
<li>Budget-friendly, open-source and popular CI solution is the must-have parameters for you</li>
<p> <strong>Summing Up</strong></p>
<p>Well, the winner of the ?Best CI/CD Tool? is a ?Tie?. Both Bamboo and Jenkins are the prominent tools in the DevOps cycle. To choose one, you must consider your business and DevOps requirements along with the following aspects:</p>
<li>The kind of management and support the tool offers.</li>
<li>UI and Integration Support.</li>
<li>Type of systems. (for example, standalone or large software systems)</li>
< p>Successive Technologies offers robust and flexible DevOps solutions that ensure agile delivery for software-driven innovation. We create strategic and client-focused solutions that deliver higher efficiency, faster time to market, and data-driven business results. Contact us to get started with your DevOps Journey.</p>
<h2>Bamboo devops</h2>

<h3>Bamboo devops</h3>
B amboo devops <a href="">Top stories</a> Bamboo devops
<h4>Bamboo devops</h4>
Bamboo and Jenkins are top-rated continuous integration (CI) automation tools. They both speed up the... Tagged with devops, bamboo, jenkins, cicdtools.
<h5>Bamboo devops</h5>
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SOURCE: <h6>Bamboo devops</h6> <a href="">Bamb oo devops</a> Bamboo devops
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[b]Кабринский Эдуард[/b]
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EMMADox2021-05-19 03:41:59 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Devops and microservices - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Devops and microservices</h1>
<p>[youtube]</p >
Devops and microservices <a href="">Current national news</a> Devops and microservices
<h1>What are Microservices?</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" evops/learn/_img/microservices_600x300-1.png" /></p>
<p><em>Microservices& lt;/em> describes the architectural pattern of composing a distributed application from separately deployable services that perform specific business functions and communicate over web interfaces. DevOps teams encapsulate individual pieces of functionality in microservices and build larger systems by composing the microservices like building blocks. Microservices apply an example of the open/closed principle: they are open for extension (using Р’ the interfaces they expose), and closed for modification (in that each is implemented and versioned independently).</p>
<p>Microservices provide many benefits over monolithic architectures. They can remove single points of failure (SPOFs) by ensuring issues in one service do not crash or impact other parts of an application.Р’ Individual microservices can be scaled out independently to provide additional availability and capacity. DevOps teams can extend functionality by adding new microservices without unnecessarilyР’ affecting other parts of the application.</p>
<p>Using microservices can increase team velocity. DevOps practices, such as Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, are used to drive microservice deployments. Microservices nicely compliment cloud-based application architectures by allowing software development teams to take advantage of several patterns such as event-driven programming and autoscale scenarios.Р’ The microservice components expose APIs (application programming interfaces), typically over REST protocols for communicating with other services.</p>
<p>An emerging pattern is to use container clusters to implement microservices. Containers allow for the isolation, packaging, and deployment of microservices, and orchestration scales out a group of containers into an application.</p>
<h2>Devops and microservices</h2>

<h3>Devops and microservices</h3>
<p>[youtube]</p >
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<h4>Devops and microservices</h4>
Microservices provide many benefits over monolithic architectures.
<h5>Devops and microservices</h5>
Devops and microservices <a href="">Devops and microservices</a> Devops and microservices
SOURCE: <h6>Devops and microservices</h6> <a href="">Devo ps and microservices</a> Devops and microservices
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[b]Кабринский Эдуард[/b]
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SANMDox2021-05-19 03:41:52 Cituoti
[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy - Devops challenges - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Devo ps challenges</h1>
<p>[youtube]</p> ;
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<h1>The 6 Biggest Challenges Facing DevOps</h1>
<p>Like any process or strategic approach, the field of DevOps is constantly changing. First emerging as a collective term nearly a decade ago, the DevOps field now embraces millions of software developers and entrepreneurs who have adjusted their teams and core philosophies to fall in line with the DevOps vision. However, these guiding principles are still evolving, and if you want to remain relevant and agile in 2018, you?ll need to evolve with them.</p>
<p><strong>Why DevOps is still thriving</strong></p>
<p>There are critics who have argued that DevOps is a fad, or is more of a buzzword-driven rebranding campaign than a truly significant change in the industry, but there?s significant evidence to the contrary. The rise and continued success of SaaS platforms, increasing customer demands, and even the new perspectives of young developers are all pushing for DevOps to remain strongly relevant in business. The biggest transformation has been in how the term is used; rather than referring to specific roles, like ?DevOps developers,? DevOps refers to a work culture that all individuals within it follow.</p>
<p>These are some of the biggest challenges DevOps will face in 2018:</p>
<p><strong>Formalizin g your definition of ?DevOps.?</strong> For the past few years, DevOps has been an informally described way of doing things, combining the roles of development and operations in some way. When first introduced to a company, it serves as a useful thought experiment more than a specific set of guidelines for how to work moving forward. Now, with DevOps more formalized, businesses need to define exactly what DevOps means in the context of their own teams, and ensure that all members of their team understand and agree with that definition.</p>
<p><strong>Choo sing the right projects.</strong> The DevOps approach is efficient and time-saving, but it isn?t right for every project. Development teams and companies will need to work harder in 2018 to choose which projects are the best fits and highest priorities for their business, especially if they?re also working on projects where DevOps isn?t as effective an approach. Utilizing project portfolio management software can help you concretely understand the working variables of each project, and allocate the right resources to get them done as efficiently as possible.</p>
<p><strong>Testin g products thoroughly.</strong> You may be able to build and release your products faster, but are you sure they?re bug-free? QA testing is one of the biggest limiting factors for DevOps?s cost-efficiency, so it?s going to be one of your biggest hurdles this year. Thankfully, there are more automated QA testing tools than ever before, which can help you get the work done faster, but you?ll also need to make sure you have the right human resources on your team to oversee things.</p>
<p><strong>Reducing legacy systems.</strong> Legacy apps are always difficult to maintain, especially when you?re trying to focus on new apps and systems, but when you?re trying to transition to a stronger focus on DevOps, that challenge is escalated even further. You?ll need to work with your team to find new ways to manage legacy apps, or preferably, work on phasing them out altogether. You can start with a gradual phase-out, transitioning customers to a newer version of the older app (or transitioning employees to new systems), or segment your team so your legacy systems don?t interfere with your most efficient projects and approaches.</p>
<p><strong>Impr oving support for complex apps.</strong> DevOps allows you to build and manage apps faster and more efficiently, but even this approach has problems with especially complex apps. Unfortunately, there?s no easy solution here, since complex apps are often necessary to meet customer demand or stay modernized; instead, you?ll have to prepare to face this challenge head-on with a bigger budget and more skilled team members.</p>
<p><strong>Finding ways to grow and improve.</strong> Every DevOps team will face problems as the culture is adopted and continues to grow. The key is to learn from your mistakes, and pinpoint specific, actionable strategies that can help you learn, adapt, and eventually improve. You need to set aside time and money specifically for team development, and commit yourself to learning new tactics and best practices if you want to be successful.</p>
<p>If you have a DevOps culture already in place, or if you?re looking to adopt one, you?ll need to be aware of these challenges. Fortunately, with multiple possible approaches and solutions available for each one, it shouldn?t take much time, money, or effort to compensate for them.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 18/01/1330881/Larry-Alton-prof-pic.jpg" /></p>
<p><em>Larry Alton is an independent business consultant specializing in tech, social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.</em></p>
<p>The InformationWeek community brings together IT practitioners and industry experts with IT advice, education, and opinions. We strive to highlight technology executives and subject matter experts and use their knowledge and experiences to help our audience of IT . View Full Bio </p>
<h2>Devops challenges</h2>

<h3>Devops challenges</h3>
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<h4>Devops challenges</h4>
About decade after it debuted the DevOps concept has evolved and built up a base of advocates, but it still presents challenges.
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[b]Eduard Kabrinskiy[/b]
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TemeculaDox2021-05-19 03:40:11 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Azure devops effort - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops effort</h1>
A zure devops effort <a href="">Today' s news headlines</a> Azure devops effort
<h1>Azure DevOps HandBook !</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*bh zqrSsS_gZWHy87KllAow.jpeg" /></p>
<h4>Arun Kumar Singh</h4>
<h4>Sep 9 В· 4 min read</h4>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*2vHwGED eB5iTO5aPFP7OHA.png" /></p>
<p>Azure DevOps is an offering from Microsoft which accelerate and simplify the DevOps process. This service comes with version control, reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, testing and release management capabilities. It covers the entire application life-cycle, and enables DevOps capabilities. In this post I am trying to cover some important points which can help you while working on pipelines. Before you start reading further I must warn you that this post expects basic knowledge of Azure DevOps pipeline.</p>
<h1>Important Predefined variables -</h1>
<p>Agent.BuildDirectory [Pipeline.Workspace]</strong> ? The location on the agent pool machine where all folders for a given build pipeline are created.</p>
<p>Agent.TempDirectory ?</strong> A temporary folder that is cleaned after each pipeline job. You can use to create some secure file and clean it up after that</p>
<p>Build.ArtifactStagingDire ctory ?</strong> Use it for publishing artifacts, This directory is purged before each new build</p>
<p>System.DefaultWorkingDir ectory ?</strong> As the name says default working dir</p>
<p>Build.BuildId</strong&g t; or Build.BuildNumber</strong> choice is yours !</p>
<h1>Container Jobs -</h1>
<p>Sometimes it?s important to run Jobs on container. It will help you to reduce dependency on agent pool nodes. Containers offer a lightweight abstraction over the host operating system.</p>
<h1>Agent Node Pool</h1>
<p>In some cases you may need to select specific node from node pool. This is helpful in those cases when you need to identify node issues or specific node has some package which is required for your Job.</p>
<h1>Run time Parameters</h1>
<h1>Pipeline Variables</h1>
<p>Agent creates working space on disk to hold the source code, artifacts, and outputs used in the run.</p>
<p>Other items that the agent can upload include artifacts and test results. These are also available after the pipeline completes. If you want to publish artifact</p>
<p>By default, files are downloaded to $(Pipeline.Workspace)/ <artifact>, where artifact is the name of the artifact.</p>
<h1>Classic Pipeline vs YAML based</h1>
<p>Azure DevOps Classic pipeline is the original mechanism for pipeline building. Then Microsoft came with newer and improved concept of YAML based pipelines. These pipelines allowed to work on pipelines as code and you can keep them in repository. This allowed greater flexibility and control.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*oJv9gVw kzxRzbkqEcR9Hjg.png" /></p>
<p>Classic pipelines are not going to hold longer and Microsoft is putting less attention to it. Both mechanisms are having their pros and cons but the things is Microsoft is putting effort on YAML based. So I believe its time to move on.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*XM64LER RyLVOK-lMxWUsew.png" /></p>
<p>More detailed comparison can be referred here ?</p>
<h2>Azure devops effort</h2>

<h3>Azure devops effort</h3>
A zure devops effort <a href="">Breaking news headlines</a> Azure devops effort
<h4>Azure devops effort</h4>
Azure DevOps is an offering from Microsoft which accelerate and simplify the DevOps process. This service comes with version control, reporting, requirements management, project management, automated?
<h5>Azure devops effort</h5>
Azure devops effort <a href="">Azure devops effort</a> Azure devops effort
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops effort</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops effort</a> Azure devops effort
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AnnArborDox2021-05-19 03:39:58 Cituoti
[b]Эдуард Кабринский - Azure devops git submodule - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops git submodule</h1>
Azure devops git submodule <a href="">Latest national news in english</a> Azure devops git submodule
<h1>Using Git submodules in (private) Azure DevOps repositories</h1>

<p>I often use Git Submodules in my repositories, it?s a handy way to have external source code in your repo, without having to worry much about the external updates and source management (you can just checkout, pull etc as every normal git repo).</p>
<p>Often the external sources are hosted in public GitHub repos, without any need to authenticate. <br />You create <em>.gitmodules</em> file look like:?</p>
<p>And with a few more command you are ready to go.</p>
<p>Lastly I wanted to use submodules between my private Azure DevOps repositories in the same Azure DevOps Project.<br />So I added the submodule with its full path, like:</p>
<p>But during the runs of my YAML Multi-Staged Pipelines (I love them!) I was getting the following error:</p>
<p>After reading the Azure DevOps documentation I noticed this sentence: <em>?Added by using a URL relative to the main repository?</em><br />So I changed the path of the submodule <strong>relative</strong> to the main repository, like:</p>
<p>After this change, everything was working fine!<br /></p>
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<p>Focus and dedication to everything that has to do with technology and, most of all, software development and architecture is what describes Marco. Marco is curious and interested in everything that is new and seeks to understand the more quickly the potential and the ability to implement these technologies in the real world. Marco loves open source and thinks that sharing knowledge is the key to make better things. View all posts by Marco Mansi </p>
<h2>Azure devops git submodule</h2>

<h3>Azure devops git submodule</h3>
Azure devops git submodule <a href="">Today' s news headlines in english</a> Azure devops git submodule
<h4>Azure devops git submodule</h4>
I often use Git Submodules in my repositories, it's a handy way to have external source code in your repo, without having to worry much about the external updates and source management (you can just checkout, pull etc as every normal git repo). Often the external sources are hosted in public GitHub repos, without any&hellip;
<h5>Azure devops git submodule</h5>
Azure devops git submodule <a href="">Azure devops git submodule</a> Azure devops git submodule
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops git submodule</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops git submodule</a> Azure devops git submodule
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops git submodule] Azure devops git submodule#tags#[/b]
[b]Эдуард Кабринский[/b]
RanchoCucamongaDox2021-05-19 03:38:57 Cituoti
[b]Kabrinskiy Eduard - Azure devops generate git credentials - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops generate git credentials</h1>
<p>[youtube]</p&g t;
Azure devops generate git credentials <a href="">Current news</a> Azure devops generate git credentials
<h1> A Software Consultant's Notes For Software Developers, Engineers & Architects. </h1>
<p>Random papers and nuggets of truth on coding <<i><b>C#, JavaScript, PowerShell, Cloudshell, SQL, Python, R</b></i>>; SDLC <<i><b>Waterfall, V-Shaped, Iterative, Spiral, Big Bang, Agile</b></i>>; Cloud Computing <<i> <b>Azure, Google Cloud, AWS</b></i>>; Design Patterns <<i><b>Gang Of Four, Enterprise, 3-Tier/N-Tier, Head First, Repository, Unit Of Work, MVC, MVVM, CQRS</b></i>> and Soft Skills <<i><b>Career, Productivity, Relationships, Life WHY</b></i>> for Developers, Engineers and Architects.</p>
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<h3>How to use Azure DevOps Git Repos for the first time?</h3>
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<p>I used Visual SourceSafe for source control many many years back. I later used TFS (Team Foundation Server) from the beta version to today's latest version, VSTS which is now Azure DevOps.</p>
<p>Some years back I started playing with "G<b>it</b>", the distributed version control system , when there was no integration in Visual Studio whatsoever.</p>
<p>Today, Microsoft offers TFVC (Team Foundation Version Control) and TFGit as first class citizens in Team Foundation Server or Azure DevOps.</p>
<p>I usually tell developers on teams I help Setup development environments that it is really a matter of preference in certain circumstances.</p>
<p>Now, if your team members are geographically dispersed and you want them to access source code over the internet, you are going to have to use Git or some other distributed source control systems.</p>
<p>But if all your team members are all in the same campus network or can remotely access the Team foundation server, then, it is really a matter of preference (Read Git(TFGit) vs TFVC).</p>
<p>Azure DevOps that was recently launched to replace Visual Studio Team Services, will almost force you to go with the Microsoft implementation of Git (especially if you need to setup public repos).</p>
<p>The steps I am giving below assume that you don't have any IDE integration (or even if you do, the command line option will only make your overall experience more pleasant).</p>
<p>Over the past days, I decided to launch a small but useful intellectual exercise: <br />Setup a team project in Azure DevOps, Simulate a Scrum agile process, use git for my repos. The project is simply to track all my study session, practice code and tests in preparation for Exam70-487.</p>
<p>I created a sample ASP.NET MVC application in Visual Studio 2017 and pushed my initial code to my Exam70487 repos found here: <br /> </p>
<p>The first thing after the project is created is to open it in Azure DevOps and click "Clone" <br /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" DqJW1ymkhI/AAAAAAAAB0s/OOqTScqvmbM3cK5ASg-wxqJaCn_ 2jLjngCLcBGAs/s640/Exam70487%2B-%2BRepos%2B-clone. png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" DqKw6mtcuI/AAAAAAAAB04/y94-Yuau_KQ2Oh9ermfTGZoveDs gjM27QCLcBGAs/s320/Exam70487%2B-%2BGit%2BCredentia ls.png" /></p>
<p>I will also recommend to get the credentials by clicking the "Generate Git credentials" button:</p>
<p>That's it for the Azure DevOps side.</p>
<p>Now, back in your local development machine: <br />Make sure you install Git for Windows on your computer if not already done: <br />Download it at <br />You can safely just pick the default option.</p>
<p>Once you are done, just navigate to the folder where your code is and do this: <br />Right click anywhere in the folder and select "Git Bash here", you will a window like this: <br /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" DqM-Qca58I/AAAAAAAAB1c/59yc1dSfr2QeFPbqnlsh85qL3Gc 3blr8ACLcBGAs/s400/Local-Projects_Exam70487.png&qu ot; /></p>
<p>Type "git init": This will turn your folder into a git-aware workspace or git local repository where you could track your changes <br />Next, link your local repo to the remote repo in Azure DevOps: <br /><b>git remote add origin /Exam70487</b> </p>
<p>Add your files to the local repo: <br />git add .</b> </p>
<p>Commit your changes to your local repo <br />git commit -m "Initial Commit"</p>
<h2>Azure devops generate git credentials</h2>

<h3>Azure devops generate git credentials</h3>
<p>[youtube]</p&g t;
Azure devops generate git credentials <a href="">American news headlines</a> Azure devops generate git credentials
<h4>Azure devops generate git credentials</h4>
A Software Consultant's Notes For Software Developers, Engineers & Architects. Random papers and nuggets of truth on coding C#, JavaScript, PowerShell, Cloudshell, SQL, Python, R >; SDLC
<h5>Azure devops generate git credentials</h5>
Azure devops generate git credentials <a href="">Azure devops generate git credentials</a> Azure devops generate git credentials
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops generate git credentials</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops generate git credentials</a> Azure devops generate git credentials
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Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalio etapo tvarkaraštį, kuriame aiškūs visi rungtynių laikai, jeigu porose užtektų keturių mačų, rašo Krepš netrūks
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos (LKF) būstinėje ketvirtadienį susirinkę šalies jaunimo rinktinių treneriai pristatė savo pasirengimo ateinančios vasaros pirmenybėms planus ir pasidalino
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
Lietuvos moterų krepšinio žvaigždė Justė Jocytė ateinantį sezoną gali pradėti naujoje komandoje, praneša Prancūzijos žiniasklaida.Skelbiama, kad Vilerbano ASVEL mažins biudžetus
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Paulius Murauskas nusprendė pakeisti universitetą po neitin sėkmingo pirmojo sezono NCAA. 20-metis antrąjį sezoną suvienys jėgas su Augustu Marčiulioniu, rašo Krepš Murauskas
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Ketvirtadienio vakarą Vilniaus „Rytas“, minėdamas 15-ąsias triumfo Europos taurėje metines, LKL rungtynių su Šiaulių „Šiauliais“ ilgosios pertraukos metu savo
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Traumų išretintą Kauno „Žalgirio“ puolėjų liniją netrukus papildys naujokas. Lietuvos čempionų klubas iki sezono pabaigos pasirašė sutartį su 203 cm ūgio amerikiečiu
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
Ketvirtadienį Lietuvos krepšinio federacijoje vyko susirinkimas, kuriame dalyvavo visų Lietuvos jaunimo rinktinių vyr. treneriai. Susirinkimo metu treneriai pristatė rinktinių pasiruošimo
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
38 pražangos ir penki jų limitą išnaudoję vienos komandos krepšininkai – Andrea Trinchieri teatrališkai tvirtino tokio atvejo per savo karjerą nepamenantis, užtat ilgai
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
Reguliariajame NBA sezone Rytuose 9-ą vietą užėmęs Čikagos „Bulls“ klubas namuose pergalingai pradėjo įkrintamąsias varžybas: 131:116 (40:22, 33:45, 37:25, 21:24) pranoko Atlantos

Vartotojo meniu
Krepšinio torentai (220) 10.22 16:33
Ką šiuo metu klausotės? (2364) 12.19 00:07
NBA 2014-2015 (1022) 01.08 18:51
EuroBasket 2015 (56) 01.09 07:15
Nauja versija (755) 11.17 15:45