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"Rockets" nenori paleisti D.Motiejūno į Brukliną - planuoja naują pasiūlymą

Autorius: Krepš

Hjustono „Rockets“ klubas nenori paleisti Donato Motiejūno. Nors klubo direktorius Darylas Morey pripažįsta, kad 25-erių lietuvis artimiausiu metu turi sulaukti Bruklino „Nets“ pasiūlymo pasirašyti kontraktą, jis užsimena, kad „Rockets“ savo ruožtu ketina pateikti savo variantą ir pranokti konkurentus.

Visgi to padaryti klubas negali, kol nežino, kokio solidumo pasiūlymo aukštaūgis sulauks iš „Nets“, rašo Krepš

Kaip ketvirtadienį paskelbė žurnalistas Adrianas Wojnarowski, ilgai niekur nežaidęs D. Motiejūnas netrukus gali sulaukti pasiūlymo iš Bruklino klubo, kuris turi pakankamai pinigų algų kepurėje.

„Rockets“ vadovas D. Morey patvirtino, kad D. Motiejūnas iš „Nets“ oficialaus pasiūlymo gali sulaukti jau penktadienį. Jei taip nutiks, Hjustono klubas turės lygiai tris paras, per kurias galės pateikti analogišką arba geresnį variantą . Jeigu „raketos“ to nepadarytų, D. Motiejūnas oficialiai taptų „Nets“ žaidėju ir „apriboto laisvojo agento istorija“ būtų baigta.

„Esame dideli Donato gerbėjai. Ir vis dar tikimės jį matyti komandoje. Tačiau kol nesužinosime, koks yra oficialus pasiūlymas, negalime numanyti, kokio dydžio sutartis tai bus“, – „Houston Chronicle“ cituoja D. Morey.

Kad D. Motiejūną norėtų matyti Hjustone, tikina ir klubo treneris Mike‘as D‘Antoni: „Tikrai tikimės, kad susitarti dar pavyks. Mums D. Motiejūnas patinka ir kaip žaidėjas, ir kaip žmogus. Tačiau turime pamatyti, koks tai bus pasiūlymas, o tada D. Morey priims sprendimą, kuris bus geriausias klubui“.

Visgi sprendimas priklausys nuo to, koks bus „Nets“ pasiūlymas. Kol kas žinios apie tai yra vien spekuliacijos, tačiau beveik neabejojama, kad lietuvis Brukline turėtų gauti garantuotą kontraktą bent dviems sezonams.

Abejotina ir tai, ar pats D. Motiejūnas norėtų pasilikti Hjustone. Visai neseniai jis atmetė „Rokcets“ pasiūlymą, kurio vertė siekė 7 milijonus JAV dolerių, tačiau garantuotas buvo tik vienas sezonas komandoje – kiekvienam čempionatui pasibaigus klubo vadovai būtų pasilikę teisę spręsti, ar lietuvį verta toliau laikyti ekipos sudėtyje.

Kad D. Motiejūno sveikatos būklė yra gera, patvirtino ESPN žurnalistas Marcas Steinas, antot kurio, „Nets“ klubas yra patenkintas lietuvio medicinine apžiūra.

Pažymėtina, kad „Nets“ su apribotais laisvaisiais agentais pastaruoju metu nesisekė. Bruklino ekipa vasarą susitarė su Allenu Crabbe dėl 75 mln. JAV dolerių vertės kontrakto, tačiau „Trail Blazers“ klubas šį pasiūlymą „permušė“ ir krepšininkas liko Portlande.

Panašiai „Nets“ vadovams ir derybininkams nutiko ir su Tyleriu Johnsonu. 50 mln. JAV dolerių sutarties pasiūlymą viršijo Majamio „Heat“ komanda.

NBA lygoje šiuo metu yra šešios komandos, turinčios laisvų pinigų ir galinčios pasiūlyti lietuviui naują kontraktą. Tai Denverio „Nuggets“, Filadelfijos Sixers“, Minesotos „Timberwolves“, Jutos „Jazz“, Fynikso „Suns“ ir minėta „Nets“.

Visgi, nepaisant visų teorinių pasiūlymų, paskutinis ėjimas šioje situacijoje turėtų priklausyti Hjustonui, kuriam vis dar priklauso apribotas laisvasis agentas D-Mo.

AmarilloDox2021-05-20 03:14:51 Cituoti
Salt devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Salt devops</h1>
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<h1>Salt Cloud Provider Module</h1>
<h2>Introduction</h2&g t;
<p>IONOS provides an enterprise-grade Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution that can be managed through a browser-based "Data Center Designer" (DCD) tool or via an easy to use Cloud API. A great feature of the ProfitBricks platform is that it allows you to define specific settings for cores, memory, and disk size without being tied to a pre-configured instance size.</p>
<li>Salt >= 2016.3.0 from SaltStack Repo. Additional info on Salt is available at SaltStack.</li>
<li>profitbricks >= 3.0.0 from the ProfitBricks Python SDK. Easily add this to your Python installation by running: pip install profitbricks</li>
<h2>Co nfiguration</h2>
<p>Create a cloud configuration file at:</p>
<p>Here is an example configuration file:</p>
<p><strong>Please Note</strong>: Due to changes in Salt versions from 2015.8.0 forward the provider parameter in cloud provider definitions was renamed to driver . This change was made to avoid confusion with the provider parameter that is used in cloud profile definitions. Cloud provider definitions now use driver to refer to the Salt cloud module that provides the underlying functionality to connect to a cloud host, while cloud profiles continue to use provider to refer to provider configurations that you define.</p>
<h2>Virtual Data Center</h2>
<p>ProfitBricks uses the concept of Virtual Data Centers (VDCs). These are logically separated from one another and allow you to have a self-contained environment for all servers, volumes, networking, snapshots, and so forth.</p>
<p>A list of existing virtual data centers can be retrieved with the following command:</p>
<h2>Authentication</h 2>
<p>The username and password are the same as those used to log into the ProfitBricks DCD.</p>
< ;p>Here is an example of a profile:</p>
<h2>Properties</h2> ;
<p>Can be one of the options listed in the output of the following command:</p>
&l t;p>Can be one of the options listed in the output of the following command:</p>
<p>This option allows you to override the size of the disk as defined by the <em>size</em>. The <em>disk_size</em> is set in gigabytes (GB).</p>
& lt;p>This option allow the disk type to be set to HDD or SSD. The default is HDD.</p>
<h3>disk_availability_zone&l t;/h3>
<p>This option will provision the volume in a specific availability zone. The default is AUTO. You may pass in a specific zone with ZONE_1, ZONE_2, or ZONE_3 as the available options.</p>
&l t;p>This option allows you to override the number of CPU cores as defined by the <em>size</em>.</p>
<p>Thi s option allows you to override the amount of RAM defined by the <em>size</em>. The value must be a multiple of 256, e.g. 256, 512, 768, 1024, and so forth.</p>
<h3>availability_zone</ h3>
<p>This option specifies a compute availability zone the server should be built in. Zones include ZONE_1 and ZONE_2. The default is AUTO.</p>
<p>This option will connect the instance to the specified public LAN. If no LAN exists, then a new public LAN will be created. The value accepts a LAN ID (integer).</p>
<h3>public_firewall_ru les</h3>
<p>This option allows for a list of firewall rules assigned to the public network interface.</p>
<p>This option will enable NAT on the private NIC.</p>
<p>This option will connect the instance to the specified private LAN. If no LAN exists, then a new private LAN will be created. The value accepts a LAN ID (integer).</p>
<h3>private_firewall_r ules</h3>
<p>This option allows for a list of firewall rules assigned to the private network interface.</p>
<h3>ssh_private_key< ;/h3>
<p>Full path to the SSH private key file.</p>
<h3>ssh_public_key</h3&g t;
<p>Full path to the SSH public key file.</p>
<h3>ssh_interface</h3> ;
<p>This option will use the private LAN IP for node connections (such as as bootstrapping the node) instead of the public LAN IP. The value accepts 'private_lan'.</p>
<h3>cpu_ family</h3>
<p>This option allow the CPU family to be set to AMD_OPTERON or INTEL_XEON. The default is AMD_OPTERON.</p>
<h3>volumes</h3&g t;
<p>This option allows a list of additional volumes by name that will be created and attached to the server. Each volume requires <em>disk_size</em> and, optionally, <em>disk_type</em>. The default <em>disk_type</em> is "HDD".</p>
<h3>deploy</h 3>
<p>Set to False if Salt should <strong>not</strong> be installed on the node.</p>
<h3>wait_for_timeout</h3 >
<p>The timeout to wait in seconds for provisioning resources such as servers. The default <em>wait_for_timeout</em> is 15 minutes.</p>
<p>You are welcome to contact us with questions or comments at IONOS DevOps Central.</p>
<h2>Salt devops</h2>

<h3>Salt devops</h3>
S alt devops <a href="">Current national news</a> Salt devops
<h4>Salt devops</h4>
From IONOS DevOps Central Community, Salt.
<h5>Salt devops</h5>
Salt devops <a href="">Salt devops</a> Salt devops
SOURCE: <h6>Salt devops</h6> <a href="">Salt devops</a> Salt devops
#tags#[replace: -,-Salt devops] Salt devops#tags# s .com
EURODox2021-05-20 03:14:26 Cituoti
Scrum azure devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Scrum azure devops</h1>
S crum azure devops <a href="">Top news stories</a> Scrum azure devops
<h1>Professional Scrum Development with Azure DevOps</h1>
<p>Register your book to access additional benefits.</p>
<li>By Richard Hundhausen</li>
<li>Part of the Developer Reference series.</li>
<li>List price: $39.99</li>
<p>This eBook includes the following formats, accessible from your Account page after purchase:</p>
<p>EPUB The open industry format known for its reflowable content and usability on supported mobile devices.</p>
<p>MOBI The eBook format compatible with the Amazon Kindle and Amazon Kindle applications.</p>
<p>PDF The popular standard, which reproduces the look and layout of the printed page.</p>
<p>This eBook requires no passwords or activation to read. We customize your eBook by discreetly watermarking it with your name, making it uniquely yours.</p>
<h2>eBook</strong> </h2>
<li>List price: $31.99</li>
<li>Est. release: 12/28/20</li>
<p>This eBook includes the following formats, accessible from your Account page after purchase:</p>
<p>EPUB The open industry format known for its reflowable content and usability on supported mobile devices.</p>
<p>MOBI The eBook format compatible with the Amazon Kindle and Amazon Kindle applications.</p>
<p>PDF The popular standard, which reproduces the look and layout of the printed page.</p>
<p>This eBook requires no passwords or activation to read. We customize your eBook by discreetly watermarking it with your name, making it uniquely yours.</p>
<h2>Book + eBook</strong> </h2>
<li>Your price: $43.19</li>
<li>List price: $71.98</li>
<p>This eBook includes the following formats, accessible from your Account page after purchase:</p>
<p>EPUB The open industry format known for its reflowable content and usability on supported mobile devices.</p>
<p>MOBI The eBook format compatible with the Amazon Kindle and Amazon Kindle applications.</p>
<p>PDF The popular standard, which reproduces the look and layout of the printed page.</p>
<p>This eBook requires no passwords or activation to read. We customize your eBook by discreetly watermarking it with your name, making it uniquely yours.</p>
<p>This eBook includes the following formats, accessible from your Account page after purchase:</p>
<p>EPUB The open industry format known for its reflowable content and usability on supported mobile devices.</p>
<p>MOBI The eBook format compatible with the Amazon Kindle and Amazon Kindle applications.</p>
<p>PDF The popular standard, which reproduces the look and layout of the printed page.</p>
<p>This eBook requires no passwords or activation to read. We customize your eBook by discreetly watermarking it with your name, making it uniquely yours.</p>
<li>Published 12/28/2020</li>
<li>1st Edition</li>
<li>352 pages</li>
<li>Book 978-0-13-678923-9</li>
<li>eBook 978-0-13-678917-8</li>
<p&g t;This is the definitive guide to maximizing the value of today?s Scrum and DevOps methodologies with state-of-the-art Microsoft cloud tools and services, including Azure DevOps Services, specifically Azure Boards and Azure Test Plans. Renowned Scrum expert Richard Hundhausen has comprehensively revamped and updated his classic <i>Professional Scrum Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012</i> to reflect the latest Scrum Guide, Microsoft?s breakthrough development tools, GitHub integration, and developers? deeper experience with Scrum. <br /><i><b>Professional Scrum Development with Azure DevOps</b></i> stands apart from all other Scrum and Azure guides by focusing on the fusion of today?s most popular agile framework (Scrum) and ALM/DevOps toolset (Azure DevOps). Hundhausen shows how a professional Scrum team can more effectively plan, track, and manage its work with Azure Boards, Azure Test Plans, and related Azure DevOps features. He offers detailed coverage of team formation, backlogs, sprints, test plans, collaboration, flow, continuous improvement, and the real-world tradeoffs between using tools and interacting directly with other team members. To make this guide even more valuable, Hundhausen has crafted it to complement popular Professional Scrum Developer (PSD) program, which he personally created with Ken Schwaber. <br /></p>
<h3>Table of Contents</h3>
<li>Part I: Scrumdamentals</li>
<li>1. Professional Scrum</li>
<li>2. Azure DevOps</li>
<li>3. Azure Boards</li>
<li>Part II: Professional Scrum Development</li>
<li>4. The Pre-Game</li>
<li>5. The Product Backlog</li>
<li>6. The Sprint</li>
<li>7. Azure Test Plans</li>
<li>8: Effective Collaboration</li>
<li>Part III: Improving</li>
<li>9. Improving Flow</li>
<li>10. Continuous Improvement</li>
& lt;h3>Features</h3>

<li>Powerful techniques for the 80-90% of modern software teams that use Scrum and its variants</li>
<li>Reflects state-of-the-art tools built into Azure DevOps, as well as its integration with GitHub</li>
<li>Introduces high-productivity features for Scrum teams in Azure Boards and Azure Test Plans</li>
<li>Complements Professional Scrum Developer (PSD) program -- created by this book?s author together with Ken Schwaber</li>
<br /></p>
<p>If you find an error, you can report it to us through our Submit errata page.</p>
<h2>Scrum azure devops</h2>

<h3>Scrum azure devops</h3>
S crum azure devops <a href="">World news online</a> Scrum azure devops
<h4>Scrum azure devops</h4>
This is the definitive guide to maximizing the value of today's Scrum and DevOps methodologies with state-of-the-art Microsoft cloud tools and services, including Azure DevOps Services, specifically Azure Boards and Azure Test Plans.
<h5>Scrum azure devops</h5>
Scrum azure devops <a href="">Scrum azure devops</a> Scrum azure devops
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#tags#[replace: -,-Scrum azure devops] Scrum azure devops#tags# om -san-antonio-meet-the-faculty-webster-university .com
OREGONDox2021-05-20 03:14:14 Cituoti
Azure pipelines slack - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure pipelines slack</h1>
Az ure pipelines slack <a href="">Recent news</a> Azure pipelines slack
<h1>Publish Azure DevOps pipeline artifact to Slack</h1>
<p>I have a pipeline on azure DevOps that creates and publishes an artifact ( releasenotes.txt ).</p>
<p>How can i send releasenotes.txt to Slack? is it possible?</p>
<h2>1 Answer 1</h2>
<blockquote><p>How can i send releasenotes.txt to Slack? is it possible?</p></blockquote>
<p>S orry for any inconvenience.</p>
<p>I am afraid this is impossible to send releasenotes.txt file to Slack from Azure devops.</p>
<p>According to the Official document Azure Pipelines with Slack, we could to know:</p>
<blockquote><p>If you use Slack, you can use the Azure Pipelines app for Slack to easily monitor the events for your pipelines. <strong>Set up and manage subscriptions</strong> for builds, releases, YAML pipelines, pending approvals and more from the app and <strong>get notifications for these events</strong> in your Slack channels.</p></blockquote>
<p>I n addition, if you check the extension Slack Integration, we can find the description:</p>
<blockquote><p> ;Slack is a <strong>messaging app</strong> for teams that makes their working lives simpler, more pleasant, and more productive.</blockquote></p>
<p> ;Slack is a popular team collaboration service that helps teams be more productive by <strong>keeping all communications</strong> in one place and easily searchable from virtually anywhere.</p></blockquote>
<p>S o, Azure DevOps pipeline in the Slack is most used to <strong>receive notifications</strong> instead of the build pipeline itself.</p>
<p>On the other hand, if we frequently use the channel between Slack and Azure devops to transfer a large file (as opposed to notifications), this channel may be under high load, causing Slack to delay receiving other notifications, this is contrary to our original intention of integrating the azure pipeline together.</p>
<h2>Azure pipelines slack</h2>

<h3>Azure pipelines slack</h3>
Az ure pipelines slack <a href="">News report</a> Azure pipelines slack
<h4>Azure pipelines slack</h4>
Publish Azure DevOps pipeline artifact to Slack I have a pipeline on azure DevOps that creates and publishes an artifact ( releasenotes.txt ). How can i send releasenotes.txt to Slack? is it
<h5>Azure pipelines slack</h5>
Azure pipelines slack <a href="">Azure pipelines slack</a> Azure pipelines slack
SOURCE: <h6>Azure pipelines slack</h6> <a href="">Azur e pipelines slack</a> Azure pipelines slack
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure pipelines slack] Azure pipelines slack#tags# .com om com
NEF6Dox2021-05-20 03:13:43 Cituoti
Azure devops jenkins - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops jenkins</h1>
Azure devops jenkins <a href="">News websites</a> Azure devops jenkins
<h1>Jenkins vs Azure DevOps Pipelines</h1>
<p>I've been doing some research on the Azure DevOps solution that Microsoft recently unveiled.</p>
<p>Some background, I've been using Jenkins for years, and recently started exploring the containerisation rabbit hole (Docker, Kubernetes, etc),</p>
<p>I'm unsure about some of the aspects of Azure DevOps Pipelines, and it'd be awesome to get some feedback and clarity.</p>
<li>Is Azure DevOps now competing with Jenkins, where they previously supported the Jenkins community via open source plugins for Jenkins?</li>
<li>Is it possible for me to host Azure DevOps Pipelines completely on premise, not just agents?</li>
<li>Is it possible to use a self hosted git solution (like GitLab on-premise) with Azure DevOps Pipelines?</li>
<h2>Long er version</h2>
<li>Microsoft has developed various open-source plugins for Jenkins, such as the Azure App Service Jenkins plugin. There are many examples. To me it seems like the Azure DevOps (specifically Pipelines) solution is now competing directly with Jenkins, or am I missing something?</li>
<li>To me it seems that there is no way to host the Azure Pipelines solution on premise, or in a cloud provider of my choice. Yes, I can host my own agents where the bulk of the work is performed, but the actual execution of the pipeline logic happens on Microsoft's servers. And then I have to pay for parallel jobs. I'm comparing this to an on-premise (or cloud provider of choice) hosted Jenkins instance, where no payment is required, and no 3rd party is even aware that our pipelines are running. Am I missing something?</li>
<li>From what I can tell, Azure Pipelines has no support for self hosted repositories, I either put my code on GitHub or on Azure repos, nothing else. Thus, I can't even use this Pipelines solution if I have a privately hosted GitLab instance?</li>
<p>Thanks for any input.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<h2>3 Answers 3</h2>
<p>I would love to get some clarity too maybe from a more authoritative source than myself (I'm sure I'm guilty of FUD too).</p>
<p>I've been looking to deploy to Azure using Kubernetes. I am similarly confused but I think that is because there isn't one clear path. I can't speak for Microsoft but their attitude to cloud seems to be they are happy to become "<em>all things to all men</em>". If you are using Azure, Microsoft don't seem to have a strong opinion on how you get there.</p>
<p>Microsoft are actively trying to evolve; e.g. Linux now dominates Azure</p>
<p>Clearly <strong>Azure DevOps</strong> deployment pipeline does exactly what Jenkins can do - so in that sense it is a competitor. There is also that slightly off-putting upfront Azure DevOps pricing for parallel pipelines.</p>
<p>On the one hand, Azure DevOps appears to be a re-branding of Visual Studio Team Services. So it will be familiar to people already within the traditional Microsoft development ecosystem. At the same time Microsoft are making great efforts to embrace technologies that are not traditionally Microsoft (Go, Java, Node.js, Python, Ruby, PHP etc).</p>
<p>It is early days - but it is not a surprise that Azure DevOps pipelines should prefer the Microsoft Git properties of Azure Repos and GitHub. In the same way that BitBucket pipelines prefers BitBucket and GitLab pipelines prefer GitLab.</p>
<p><strong><em&g t;Meanwhile;</em></strong></p>
<p>The Azure Marketplace offers a Jenkins deployment that comes with Azure deployment plugins out of the box.</p>
<p>Many Jenkins plugins have been developed by the Azure DevOps team.</p>
<p><strong><em> in addition;</em></strong></p>
< ;p>Microsoft have put their backing behind Kubernetes related projects Helm and Draft. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. You can even use Helm to deploy a Jenkins installation into Kubernetes.</p>
<p>It would be interesting to see someone weigh up the benefits, costs and effort of running your own Jenkins in Azure verses using Azure DevOps pipelines.</p>
<p>. and then there is Jenkins-X.</p>
<p>So it would seem we have many options and decisions to make.</p>
<h2>Azure devops jenkins</h2>

<h3>Azure devops jenkins</h3>
Azure devops jenkins <a href="">Headline news</a> Azure devops jenkins
<h4>Azure devops jenkins</h4>
Jenkins vs Azure DevOps Pipelines I've been doing some research on the Azure DevOps solution that Microsoft recently unveiled. Some background, I've been using Jenkins for years, and recently
<h5>Azure devops jenkins</h5>
Azure devops jenkins <a href="">Azure devops jenkins</a> Azure devops jenkins
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops jenkins</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops jenkins</a> Azure devops jenkins
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops jenkins] Azure devops jenkins#tags# careers-footaction-careers-footaction-careers leges-in-west-virginia-video-2 es-mugshots-4
PasadenaDox2021-05-20 03:13:16 Cituoti
Git azure devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Git azure devops</h1>
G it azure devops <a href="">News highlights today</a> Git azure devops
<h1>How to add an existing project into Azure DevOps repo with GIT</h1>
<p>This short article pretends to show you the steps to follow for adding an existing project from your computer into a repository which has been previously configured inside the Azure DevOps platform and associated it with a specific project.</p>
<p>The tools that you need to install or configure are the next:</p>
<p>The first thing to do is installing GIT in your computer, I don?t want to become this post in three in one article, for this reason, I am only giving some links about how to install and configure GIT and Azure DevOps, above the links which explain in a detailed way how to do it:</p>
<p>Once time that you have completed all the steps to setup your environment, we are going to configure the new Azure develops with a local project which you can store on your local machine.</p>
<p>For this example, I am going to create a new project in Azure DevOps called DevopArticle.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ads/2019/05/2019-05-19_22-38-46-1024x874.png" /></p>
<p>I have chosen GIT as Version Control and configured the project as Private. The next step consists in create a new repository, for this you only need to click in the lateral menu and click on the Repos section as show the next image:</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ads/2019/05/image.png" /></p>
<p>Once time that you have click in the right area is displayed the default configuration for cloning your new empty and shinning repository associated with your project.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ads/2019/05/image-2.png" /></p>
<p>Under the premise of having an existing project for this article where I have two simple .sql files, it would be enough to show you the process. You have to open GitBash which is basically the GIT terminal to work from command line, personally I prefer to use this approach because let me to learn the syntax and remove any dependency to specific IDE. Enter in the Run and type GIT Bash and windows shows you the icon</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ads/2019/05/image-3.png" /></p>
<p>In our case we have an existing project that we want to move into Azure Repo, then you should locate inside the folder first. If you are on Windows you must write the folder following the next pattern:</p>
<p>In my case I used a name which contain an space only for instructive purpose, the only difference consist in close between quotes your folder path</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ads/2019/05/image-4.png" /></p>
<p>I leave the instruction pwd which is useful to identify the folder that GIT Bash is pointing out. The next step consists in initialize a new repository in the target folder configured before, the name is optional and if you leave empty it will be assigned automatically by GIT using the folder name.</p>
<p>The creation of a new repository is the first stage to have the capability of tracking and interact with GIT, as mentioned before the aim of this article is to upload an existing project into Azure DevOps, it makes different to clone in the sense that when you are cloning a repository into your computer a group of steps and configuration are automatically done by GIT without manual intervention.</p>
<p>Every time that you initialize a repository it represents the master branch, unfortunately this interesting topic is not part of content to be covered in this article, but I really encourage you to learn more about it in this excellent post: <br /> gGitFlow.html </p>
<p>Continuing we have to do a global commit which include every file in my folder (in this example I am not adding a .gitignore file), but remember that before to do a commit is required to staging all the files that you pretend to include in the initial commit.</p>
<p>In this picture you can look the life ycle of the status in any files which is part of GIT repository</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ads/2019/05/image-5.png" /></p>
<p>At the initial commit we want basically move from <strong>Untracked</strong> to <strong>Staged</strong>, for staging we have to indicate which file we want to move or specify a pattern, as example:</p>
<p>Now that we are sure about which files are ready for committing the next GIT instructions to allow us to finally commit, on the other hand, is very important to remember that these changes as registered in our computer and it has not integrated on the remote location.</p>
<p>All the command executed until now are enough for preparing our computer for being a version server, however, is necessary to share or distribute the code of this project, specifically, we want to upload at Azure DevOps project then the next command is key to indicate where we want to push this change, the next command basically set up the remote address and an alias to use and by default is origin when you have cloned a repository (you can check with a simple git remote command) .</p>
<p>Finally, we are ready to distribute our version of this project and upload to our shining Azure DevOps project, the last step consists of pushing all the files previously committed.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" ads/2019/05/image-10.png" /></p>
<p>And to confirm that all is ok, the next image show you the files uploaded:</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;" src=" ads/2019/05/image-11-1024x259.png" />Azure repository</p>
<p>I hope this article would be useful and you can start to play with git and Azure DevOps, remember to write me if you have any question and happy querying .</p>
<h2>Git azure devops</h2>

<h3>Git azure devops</h3>
G it azure devops <a href="">The news</a> Git azure devops
<h4>Git azure devops</h4>
How to add an existing project into Azure DevOps repo with GIT This short article pretends to show you the steps to follow for adding an existing project from your computer into a repository
<h5>Git azure devops</h5>
Git azure devops <a href="">Git azure devops</a> Git azure devops
SOURCE: <h6>Git azure devops</h6> <a href="">Git azure devops</a> Git azure devops
#tags#[replace: -,-Git azure devops] Git azure devops#tags# hoenix-25-good-hotels-near-phoenix-sky-harbor-airp ort-phx-see-all-discounts m vacations-careers-our-hiring-process-hilton-hotels -careers-hilton-hotels-careers .com t-4
NevadaDox2021-05-20 03:12:57 Cituoti
Jenkins vsts - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Jenkins vsts</h1>
Jen kins vsts <a href="">News headlines of the day</a> Jenkins vsts
<h1>Integrate Jenkins with Team Foundation Server</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" tent/uploads/2014/08/integrate-jenkins-team-founda tion-server.jpg" /></p>
<p>In my previous article <strong>Getting Started with Jenkins and GitHub</strong> I showed you how to create your first <strong>Jenkins</strong> job and download the source of your project from <strong>GitHub</strong>. <br />Here I will guide you how you can use <strong>Team Foundation Server</strong> for source control management system instead of <strong>GIT</strong>. <br />In order to create your first <strong>Jenkins</strong> job please follow the steps in the previous post.</p>
<h2>Install Jenkins Plugins</h2>
<li>Click <strong>Manage Jenkins</strong> link</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" tent/uploads/2014/08/manage_jenkins_link.png" /></p>
<li>Click <strong>Manage Plugins</strong> link</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" tent/uploads/2014/08/manage_plugins_link.png" /></p>
<li>Click <strong>Available</strong> tab and type the name of the desired plugin in the filter text box</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" tent/uploads/2014/08/available_plugins_jenkins.png " /></p>
<li>Install the <strong>Team Foundation Server Plug-in</strong></li>
&l t;/p>
<h2>Integrate Jenkins Team Foundation Server</h2>
<li>Open <strong>Manage Jenkins</strong> Page</li>
<li>Click <strong>Configure System</strong> link</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" tent/uploads/2014/08/jenkins_configure_jenkins_lin k.png" /></p>
<p>Find Team Foundation Server Section of the page and specify the full path to the tf<strong>.exe</strong> (Default path for VS 2012- <strong>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\tf</strong>)</p>
< ;p style="clear: both"><img src=" tent/uploads/2014/08/tfs_tfexe_path_jenkins_config ure.png" /></p>
<li><strong>Open</strong> the configure page of your <strong>Jenkins</strong> job</li>
<li>Under the Source Code Management section select <b>Team Foundation Server</b></li>
<li><strong>Paste</strong> the <strong>URL</strong> of your <strong>TFS</strong> in the following format <tfs-server-url>/CollectionName</li>
<li>In the <strong>Project Path</strong> text box enter the name of your TFS project starting with <strong>$/</strong></li>
<li><strong>Enter</strong> your <strong>login name</strong> and <strong>password</strong></li>
<li><strong>Save</strong> the settings</li>
< p>Now you are ready to test your setup. Open your job from the link listed on the main Jenkins page. Click the <strong>Build Now</strong> button.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" tent/uploads/2014/08/ g" /></p>
<p>If you open the console output, you can check the status of your build.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" tent/uploads/2014/08/tfs_jenkins_job_console_log.p ng" /></p>
<p><strong>Note</s trong>: <em>The <strong>Delete workspace plugin</strong> is not well integrated with <strong>TFS plugin</strong> so in order to delete your workspace you need to use <strong>Windows batch command</strong>.</em> </p>
<h2>Online Training</h2>
<p>START: <b>21 January 2021</b></p>
<h4>Web Test Automation Fundamentals</h4>
<li>C# Level 1</li>
<li>C# Unit Testing Fundamentals</li>
<li>Source Control Introduction</li>
<li>Selenium WebDriver- Getting Started</li>
<li>Setup Continuous Integration Job</li>
<h5> ;Duration: 20 hours</h5>
<h5>-50% coupon code:</h5>
<p>START: <b>14 December 2020</b></p>
<h4>Test Automation Advanced</h4>
<li>C# Level 2</li>
<li>WebDriver Level 2</li>
<li>Appium Level 1</li>
<li>WinAppDriver Level 1</li>
<li>WebDriver in Docker and Cloud</li>
<li>Test Reporting Solutions and Frameworks</li>
<li>Behavior-Driven Development- SpecFlow</li>
< h5>Duration: 30 hours</h5>
<h5>-20% coupon code:</h5>
<p>START:<b>19 February 2021</b></p>
<h4>Custom Test Automation Framework</h4>
<p>LEVEL: 3 (Master Class)</p>
<p>After discussing the core characteristics, we will start writing the core feature piece by piece. <br />We will continuously elaborate on why we design the code the way it is and look into different designs and compare them. You will have exercises to finish a particular part or extend it further along with discussing design patterns and best practices in programming.</p>
<h2>Jenkins vsts</h2>

<h3>Jenkins vsts</h3>
Jen kins vsts <a href="">Top stories</a> Jenkins vsts
<h4>Jenkins vsts</h4>
Tutorial with images and explanations how to setup your first Jenkins job. Fully integrate Jenkins Team Foundation Server.
<h5>Jenkins vsts</h5>
Jenkins vsts <a href="">Jenkins vsts</a> Jenkins vsts
SOURCE: <h6>Jenkins vsts</h6> <a href="">Jenk ins vsts</a> Jenkins vsts
#tags#[replace: -,-Jenkins vsts] Jenkins vsts#tags# com
RochesterDox2021-05-20 03:11:37 Cituoti
Azure devops token - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e devops token</h1>
Az ure devops token <a href="">News update today</a> Azure devops token
<h1>Microsoft Azure DevOps ? REST APIs ? Part 3 ? Personal Access Tokens (PATs) ? ?Revoke?, ?Edit? and ?Regenerate? operations</h1>
<p>LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL ?? I hope we all are safe ?? STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY, STAY HOME ??</p>
<p><strong>Background< ;/strong>: We have started discussing Azure DevOps. In last 9 articles of Azure DevOps we discussed</p>
<p><strong><em >In this article we will move ahead and will discuss few more operations ? <strong><em>?Revoke?, ?Edit? and ?Regenerate?</em></strong> on Personal Access Token</em></strong> (PAT), which we created in last article. We need PATs for authenticating Azure DevOps. In one of the upcoming article we need to discuss ? calling REST APIs programmatically where we need Personal Access Token for authenticating DevOps.</p>
<p><strong>Take away from this article</strong>: At the end of this article we will got to know about different operations ? ?<strong>Revoke</strong>?, ?<strong>Regenerate</strong>? and ?<strong>Edit</strong>? on PAT and their scenarios.</p>
<p><strong>Detai ls</strong> : There are few options available for the respective PAT as shown in below Fig</p>
<li>Navigate to Personal Access Token (PAT) home page from <strong><em>User settings >> Personal access tokens</em></strong>as shown in below Fig</li>
<ul> ;
<li>We will be redirected to Personal home page =><strong><em> / /_usersSettings/tokens ?</em></strong>here, <em><strong> hamsabadra/_usersSettings/tokens</strong>< ;/em> as shown in below Fig</li>
<li>On <strong>Personal Access Tokens home page</strong>, if we will select any PAT we will have options ? <strong>Revoke</strong>, <strong>Edit</strong> and <strong>Regenerate</strong> options available in command bar as shown in below Fig</li>
<p><strong&g t;Edit Personal access token</strong> :</p>
<li>Select Personal access token which we want to Edit</li>
<li>Click on ?<strong>Edit</strong>? link from top command bar as shown in below Fig</li>
<li>We will have ?<strong>Edit a personal access token</strong>? dialog as shown in below fig which is similar when we have dialog while creating new Personal Access Token as shown in below fig</li>
<li>From this dialog we can edit the respective metadata (Expiry date, Scopes ?)</li>
<li><strong>Here we have an option to extend the expiry date for selected PAT</strong></li>
</p >
<p><strong>Regenerate</strong > :</p>
<li>If some how we lost previous copied PAT or expired the existing PAT and forgot to edit respective PAT then we have ?<strong>Regenerate</strong>? option there</li>
<li>There is ?<strong>Regenerate</strong>? option in command bar appears after selecting the respective PAT from the listings as shown in below fig</li>
<ul> ;
<li>Once we have clicked on ?<strong>Regenerate</strong>? command and it success then we have ?<strong>Success!</strong>? pane as shown in below fig</li>
<li>Please read carefully the warning ? We need to copy the PAT and save it properly. DevOps doesnt stores it and once ?<strong>Success!</strong>? pane is closed we wont have opportunity to recover it. We need to again ?<strong>Regenerate</strong>? it.</li>
<li>On successful regeneration of PAT we have get <strong>email notification</strong> as shown in below fig</li>
<p><strong&g t;Revoke</strong> :</p>
<li><strong>If we are done with the respective PAT or if it is compromised</strong> (<strong><em>in this case need to take immediate action</em></strong>) then we have an option to ?<strong>Revoke</strong>? it</li>
<li>We will have an ?<strong>Revoke</strong>? option available from the command bar</li>
<li>On clicking of ?<strong>Revoke</strong>? link we will have ?<strong>Confirmation</strong>? dialog for ?<strong>Revoke</strong>? as shown in below fig</li>
<ul> ;
<li>Once we have ?<strong>Revoke</strong>? operation done successfully, the respective PAT will be removed from the PAT listing as shown in below fig</li>
<p><strong&g t;Best Practices</strong> : <strong>Generate PAT for smaller duration. If it expires then regenerate</strong>. User who created the PAT receives notification one week before expiration then respective user can take necessary action like extending expiry, regenerating new token or editing the scopes for given expiration and so on</p>
<p><strong>Note</stro ng> : <strong><em>Once user left the company and if he removed from Azure AD, then PATs token invalidate within an hour, since refresh token is valid only for an hour</em> </strong></p>
<p><strong> References</strong>:</p>
<p>< ;strong>Next Article</strong>:</p>
<p><st rong>We have very good series going on Azure DevOps</strong>. Please have a look once ? <em> <strong> ure+DevOps</strong> </em> </p>
<p>Thanks for reading ?? Feel free to discuss / comment / questions ?? SHARING IS CARING ??</p>
<p>Enjoy the beautiful life ?? Have a FUN ?? HAVE A SAFE LIFE ?? TAKE CARE ??</p>
<h2>Azure devops token</h2>

<h3>Azure devops token</h3>
Az ure devops token <a href="">Current news headlines</a> Azure devops token
<h4>Azure devops token</h4>
In the Azure DevOps series, today we will discuss different operations on Personal Access Token - Edit, Revoke and Regenerate.
<h5>Azure devops token</h5>
Azure devops token <a href="">Azure devops token</a> Azure devops token
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops token</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops token</a> Azure devops token
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops token] Azure devops token#tags# F%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD% D0%B5%D1%80-%D0%B8%D0%B7-%D0%B1%D1%8B%D0%B2%D1%88% D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE-%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B6%D 0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%BF%D1%80 life-insurance-tiaa-annual-renewable-term-life-ins urance-quote dowhall-careers-hollisterco-com-careers-hollisterc o-com-2 of-pa-directory-video
Bridgeportsr2021-05-20 03:10:33 Cituoti
Azure pipelines vmimage - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure pipelines vmimage</h1>
Azure pipelines vmimage <a href="">To day news</a> Azure pipelines vmimage
<h1>Azure Pipelines</h1>
<h2>Linux?macOS?Window s ???????????????????????????Web???????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????</h2>
< ;p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/pipelines /screenshot.jpg" /></p>
<h2>???????????????????< /h2>
<p>Node.js?Python?Java?PHP?Ruby?C/C ++?.NET?Android???? iOS ?????????????????????Linux?macOS???? Windows ???????????????</p>
<h2>?????? Kubernetes</h2>
<p>?????????????Docke r Hub ? Azure Container Registry ???????? ???????????????????????????? Kubernetes ???????????????</p>
<p>?????????????? ?????????????? ???????Slack ??SonarCloud ?????????????????????</p>
<h2>??????? ??????</h2>
<p>Azure?AWS?GCP ??????????????????????????? (CD) ?????????????????????????????????????</p>
& lt;h2>????????????</h2>
<p>??????? ????????/???????? (CI/CD) ??????????????? ??? ?????????????????????? ??? ???????????? 10 ?????????? (????????) ?????????</p>
<h2>????????????</h2 >
<p>?????? ???????????????????????????YAML???????????? ????????????????????</p>
<h2>GitHub ?????????????</h2>
<p>GitHub ?????????????????????????????GitHub ? pull request??????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/pipelines /github-integrations.png" /></p>
<h3>Pipelines ?????????????????</h3>
<h3>Microsoft ?????? Linux?macOS?Windows ???????</h3>
<p>Microsoft ?????????? ???????????????????? VM ???????????????????????????????????? CI/CD ????????? ????????????</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/pipelines /agents.jpg" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/pipelines /workflows.jpg" /></p>
<h3>??????????????????????? ????</h3>
<h3>Kubernetes????????VM ?????????</h3>
<p>Kubernetes?VM?Azure Functions?Azure Web Apps?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????Jenkins ????? CI ????????????????????</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/pipelines /deployments.jpg" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/shared/customers/pandas_m.png& quot; /></p>
<blockquote><p>Pandas is a community-maintained project, and Azure Pipelines lets me be more efficient at reviewing pull requests and contributions. It automatically tests the pandas code on Windows, Linux and Mac, and I can see results in one place. If the tests fail for a pull request, I can just tell the contributor to "ping me on green".</blockquote></p>
<p&g t;Jeff Reback ? (maintainer of the Pandas project)</p> </blockquote>
<h2>Azure pipelines vmimage</h2>

<h3>Azure pipelines vmimage</h3>
Azure pipelines vmimage <a href="">Today' s national news headlines</a> Azure pipelines vmimage
<h4>Azure pipelines vmimage</h4>
Linux?macOS?Windows ?????????? CI/CD ??????? 10 ???????????????????Azure Pipelines ???????????????????????????????????????
<h5> ;Azure pipelines vmimage</h5>
Azure pipelines vmimage <a href="">Azure pipelines vmimage</a> Azure pipelines vmimage
SOURCE: <h6>Azure pipelines vmimage</h6> <a href="">Azur e pipelines vmimage</a> Azure pipelines vmimage
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure pipelines vmimage] Azure pipelines vmimage#tags# e-auto-insurance-license-plates-titles-transfers-g eneral-liability-group-health-commercial-gl-worker s-compensation-homeowners-insurance-auto-insurance -baton-rouge-la-2
TampaDox2021-05-20 03:08:59 Cituoti
Azure repos vscode - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure repos vscode</h1>
A zure repos vscode <a href="">News sites</a> Azure repos vscode
<h1>How to Import project code from local machine to Azure Repos?</h1>
<p>I have existing code on local PC in Visual Studio that I want to Import to the Azure Repos project. I have already created the Project in Azure DevOps. I have used Team Explorer in VS 2017 to Connect to my DevOps project. I don't know how to do the initial Import.</p>
<h2>3 Answers 3</h2>
<p><strong>If you are using Git repo in Azure Devops</strong>, please refer below commands to import projects to Azure Git repo:</p>
<p>Then the project in the local machine will be managed in Azure Git repo.</p>
<p>Note: if the local project has already been managed in a local git repo, then you can skip git init command.</p>
<p><strong>If you are using TFVC repo in Azure Devops</strong>, please refer below steps to import the local project to Azure TFVC repo:</p>
<p>connect TFVC with VS</p>
<p>In VS -> team explorer -> Manage Connections -> Add an account -> enter the email address and password for sign in Azure Devops -> select the TFVC repo -> Connect.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /> <img src="" ; /></p>
<p>map TFVC repo in a local directory.</p>
<p>Click Map & Get button to map the TFVC repo and download the files in the specified directory (as C:\Users\Administrator\Source\Workspaces\Git2 in below example).</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>copy the local project to the mapped directory and checkin changes</p>
<p>Copy your project in the TFVC repo mapped directory -> team explorer -> Source Control Explorer -> click Add items to folder icon -> select all the project files you copied in the mapped directory -> Finish -> Team Explorer -> Pending changes -> checkin the changes.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="" ; /></p>
<p>So the local project will be imported into the TFVC repo in Azure devops.</p>
<h2>Azure repos vscode</h2>

<h3>Azure repos vscode</h3>
A zure repos vscode <a href="">Current news update</a> Azure repos vscode
<h4>Azure repos vscode</h4>
How to Import project code from local machine to Azure Repos? I have existing code on local PC in Visual Studio that I want to Import to the Azure Repos project. I have already created the
<h5>Azure repos vscode</h5>
Azure repos vscode <a href="">Azure repos vscode</a> Azure repos vscode
SOURCE: <h6>Azure repos vscode</h6> <a href="">Azur e repos vscode</a> Azure repos vscode
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure repos vscode] Azure repos vscode#tags# er-quizzes-to-find-your-dream-job-the-muse-career- path-quiz-career-path-quiz
PompanoBeachDox2021-05-20 03:08:38 Cituoti
Vsts cli - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Vsts cli</h1>
Vsts cli <a href="">Today' s news headlines</a> Vsts cli
<h1>Vsts cli</h1>
<p>GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.</p>
<h3>GitHub is where the world builds software</h3>
<p>Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub ? the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.</p>
<p>Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.</p>
<p>Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Xcode</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Visual Studio</h4>
<h2>Latest commit</h2>
<h2>Git stats</h2>
< p>Failed to load latest commit information.</p>
<h2></h2 >
<p>Azure DevOps Extension for Azure CLI</h1></p>
<p>The Azure DevOps Extension for Azure CLI adds Pipelines, Boards, Repos, Artifacts and DevOps commands to the Azure CLI 2.0.</p>
<blockquote><p>The Azure CLI with the Azure DevOps Extension has replaced the VSTS CLI. The VSTS CLI has been deprecated and will no longer be receiving new features. We recommend that users of the VSTS CLI switch to the Azure CLI and add the Azure DevOps extension. See the Command Mapping section to view the mapping between VSTS CLI and Azure DevOps Extension commands.</p></blockquote>
<p>I nstall the Azure CLI. You must have at least v2.0.69 , which you can verify with az --version command.</p>
<p>Add the Azure DevOps Extension az extension add --name azure-devops</p>
<p>Run the az login command.</p>
<p>If the CLI can open your default browser, it will do so and load a sign-in page. Otherwise, you need to open a browser page and follow the instructions on the command line to enter an authorization code after navigating to in your browser. For more information, see the Azure CLI login page.</p>
<p>See the Get started guide for detailed setup instructions.</p>
<p>Adding the Azure DevOps Extension adds devops , pipelines , artifacts , boards and repos groups. For usage and help content for any command, pass in the -h parameter, for example:</p>
<li>Checkout the CLI docs at - Azure DevOps CLI.</li>
<li>Check out other examples in the How-to guides section.</li>
<li>You can view the various commands and its usage here - - Azure DevOps Extension Reference</li>
<p>See our contribution guidelines to learn how you can contribute to this project.</p>
<h2>Vsts cli</h2>

<h3>Vsts cli</h3>
Vsts cli <a href="">Latest national news</a> Vsts cli
<h4>Vsts cli</h4>
Azure DevOps Extension for Azure CLI. Contribute to Azure/azure-devops-cli-extension development by creating an account on GitHub.
<h5>Vsts cli</h5>
Vsts cli <a href="">Vsts cli</a> Vsts cli
SOURCE: <h6>Vsts cli</h6> <a href="">Vsts cli</a> Vsts cli
#tags#[replace: -,-Vsts cli] Vsts cli#tags# ajes-mazzocchi-agencia-de-viajes-en-margarita-agen cia-corporativa-de-turismo-asesor-de-viajes-en-mar garita-asesor-de-cruceros-en-margarita-asesor-de-c ruceros-en-venezuela-agencias-d-2 om
DowneyDox2021-05-20 03:05:59 Cituoti
Heroku devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Heroku devops</h1>
H eroku devops <a href="">Latest current news</a> Heroku devops
<h1>Azure DevOps (VSTS) Dynamic Serverless Agents with Heroku</h1>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*dm bNkD5D-u45r44go_cf0g.png" /></p>
<h4>Freelance DevOps Consultant</h4>
<h4>Oct 5, 2018 В· 6 min read</h4>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="*KRkVH_7 OpiFMCz90kH7tCA.png" /></p>
<p>Azure DevOps, formerly VSTS, out of the box provides you with hosted build agents. Initially, these seem fine, however as time goes on you will soon notice some of the pain points that I did which are detailed below.</p>
<li>Unpredictable Agent Queues</li>
<li>Agent available but job still waiting to run</li>
<li>Costly concurrent build/release pipelines (not really, but it?s money nonetheless)</li>
<li>Missing dependencies</li>
<p>Due to the above pain points I started to think about how to solve these issues in the most effective way. I actually came up with two different solutions. This is solution 1. Solution 2 will follow as it is a bit more in depth and requires a little more effort to setup and maintain.</p>
<p>This s o lution will detail how to run a free!! Azure DevOps agent in Heroku that will overcome the 30 minute sleep time that heroku has on their free tier. I do not actually use this solution myself as I needed to have a lot more than just 1 agent readily available and I also needed my agents to be inside my Azure vNets. I will be detialing this process in the coming months ? but this iteration seemed like the sort of thing a lot of people might need or want in their early days of using Azure DevOps/VSTS due to the limitations of the hosted agents.</p>
<p>This tutorial will make use of the following:</p>
<li>Azure DevOps</li>
<li>Heroku/Heroku CLI</li>
<li>Git CLI</li>
<h1> ;Create a Heroku Account</strong></h1>
<p>Head over to and create a free Heroku account.</p>
<h2>Installing the Heroku CLI</h2>
<ul& gt;
<h1> ;Login to the Heroku cli on your terminal</strong></h1>
<h2>Hero ku devops</h2>

<h3>Heroku devops</h3>
H eroku devops <a href="">Top headlines</a> Heroku devops
<h4>Heroku devops</h4>
Azure DevOps, formerly VSTS, out of the box provides you with hosted build agents. Initially, these seem fine, however as time goes on you will soon notice some of the pain points that I did which?
<h5>Heroku devops</h5>
Heroku devops <a href="">Heroku devops</a> Heroku devops
SOURCE: <h6>Heroku devops</h6> <a href="">Hero ku devops</a> Heroku devops
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McAllenDox2021-05-20 03:05:58 Cituoti
Azure devops calculator - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops calculator</h1>
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<h1>Azure devops calculator</h1>
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<h2>Azure devops calculator</h2>

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<h4>Azure devops calculator</h4>
Azure DevOps Engineer - Outside IR35 - Working from Home Flexibility! Location - ManchesterRate - ?500-?600Length - 6 Month contract One of my clients is looking to on-board an Azure...
<h5>Azure devops calculator</h5>
Azure devops calculator <a href="">Azure devops calculator</a> Azure devops calculator
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops calculator</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops calculator</a> Azure devops calculator
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CorpusChristiDox2021-05-20 03:05:55 Cituoti
Sonarqube tfs - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Sonarqube tfs</h1>
Sona rqube tfs <a href="">Latest headlines</a> Sonarqube tfs
<h1>Sonarqube tfs</h1>
<p>GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.</p>
<h3>GitHub is where the world builds software</h3>
<p>Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub ? the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.</p>
<p>Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.</p>
<p>Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Xcode</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Visual Studio</h4>
<h2>Latest commit</h2>
<h2>Git stats</h2>
< p>Failed to load latest commit information.</p>
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<p>SonarQube/SonarCloud Azure Pipelines Extension</h1></p>
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<p>Please be aware that we are not actively looking for feature contributions. The truth is that it's extremely difficult for someone outside SonarSource to comply with our roadmap and expectations. Therefore, we typically only accept minor cosmetic changes and typo fixes.</p>
<p>With that in mind, if you would like to submit a code contribution, please create a pull request for this repository. Please explain your motives to contribute this change: what problem you are trying to fix, what improvement you are trying to make.</p>
<p>Make sure that you follow our code style and all tests are passing (Travis build is executed for each pull request).</p>
<h2>Sonarqube tfs</h2>

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<h4>Sonarqube tfs</h4>
SonarQube TFS/VSTS Marketplace Extension. Contribute to SonarSource/sonar-scanner-vsts development by creating an account on GitHub.
<h5>Sonarqube tfs</h5>
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SOURCE: <h6>Sonarqube tfs</h6> <a href="">Sona rqube tfs</a> Sonarqube tfs
#tags#[replace: -,-Sonarqube tfs] Sonarqube tfs#tags# .com 67 op-93-reviews-and-complaints-about-abt
APARTMENTsr2021-05-20 03:05:43 Cituoti
Tfsmigrator - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Tfsm igrator</h1>
Tfsmigrator <a href="">News headlines in english</a> Tfsmigrator
< ;p> <i>The overwhelming majority of organizations that we have helped wanted to migrate from TFS (or Azure DevOps Server) to Azure DevOps Services. From on-premise to the cloud. The following is a description of the steps required for a successful migration.</i> </p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" stappenplan-migreren-naar-azure-devops.png" /></p>
<h2>Migration from TFS to Azure DevOps</h2>
<p>Microsoft has published a migration manual for the migration from TFS to Azure DevOps. The process is subdivided into six phases, which are easy to follow. The manual details all of the steps that are required to carry out the migration yourself. The following is a brief outline of those steps.</p>
<h3>A Microsoft Partner for the Migration to Azure DevOps?</h3>
<p>In the migration manual, Microsoft points out that joining forces with a certified Microsoft Partner is always recommended. A Microsoft Partner specialized in Azure DevOps knows the steps required, the pitfalls, and the Services and tools that best match the requirements and challenges of your organization. A Microsoft Partner can help you to get the maximum out of Azure DevOps.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" migratie-azure-devops.png" /></p>
<h3>1. Get Started</h3>
<p>This phase is all about preparing for the migration. You choose a location for your Azure DevOps Services organization data. You find out which licenses you need. And you establish the name of your Azure DevOps environment. You can then download the TFS Migrator Tool.</p>
<h3>2. Prerequisites</h3>
<p>The second phase focuses on the requirements for migrating your data to the cloud. Your team must have an active Azure Active Directory tenant which is used for authentication of your team members. By synchronizing your local Active Directory with your Azure Active Directory, team members can use the current login details.</p>
<h3>3. Upgrade TFS</h3>
<p>You cannot just migrate from every version of TFS to Azure DevOps Services. You need to start by upgrading TFS to a version that is supported by the TFS Migrator Tool. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Azure DevOps Server.</p>
<h3>4. Validation</h3>
<p>Once you have upgraded to a supported version of Azure DevOps Server, the database needs to be validated for the migration. The TFS Migrator Tool is used to carry out verifications and to identify any errors. Any errors that are found must be repaired at this stage.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" azuredevops-validate.png" /></p>
<h3>5. Get Ready</h3>
<p>Nearly there! In this phase, you need to make preparations for the <em>dry run</em> and the final imports. You can use the TFS Migrator Tool to generate the import settings and related files. This involves creating an Azure Storage Container in the same data center as your ultimate Azure DevOps Services organization.</p>
<p>We recommend that you use this phase to prepare thoroughly for the new environment and to ensure that all subscriptions are properly organized.</p>
<h3>6. Import</h3>
<p>Time for the final phase: the import. You must start by completing a <em>dry run</em>. You should monitor how long each step takes so that you can schedule the final import properly. But what are the steps?</p>
<p>You must first disconnect the Team Project Collection in the Administration Console. You should then make a backup of the Team Project Collection SQL Database and then upload the SQL Database and Identity Map to your Azure Storage Container.</p>
<p>You then need to generate a shared access signature (SAS) key for your Azure Storage Container and populate the final fields of your import specifications (such as your SAS key and the name that you chose in phase one).</p>
<p>You configure the invoicing settings based on the subscriptions that you identified in phase five. Finally, you need to create the new connection ? from your on-premise servers to the Azure DevOps Services environment that you have just imported.</p>
<p>If you?d like to know more about the various Azure DevOps Services sign up for our newsletter.</p>
<h2>Tfsmigrator</h 2>

<p&g t;[youtube]</p>
Tfsmigrator <a href="">Headlines today</a> Tfsmigrator
Tfs migrator The overwhelming majority of organizations that we have helped wanted to migrate from TFS (or Azure DevOps Server) to Azure DevOps Services. From on-premise to the cloud. The
Tfsmigrator <a href="">Tfsmigrator </a> Tfsmigrator
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FortWorthDox2021-05-20 03:05:25 Cituoti
Implementing devops with microsoft azure - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Implementing devops with microsoft azure</h1>
Im plementing devops with microsoft azure <a href="">Breaking news</a> Implementing devops with microsoft azure
<h1>Become a DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure</h1>

<h6>Estimated Time</h6>
<h5>3 months</h5>
<p>At 5-10 hours/week</p>
<h6>Enroll by</h6>
<p>Get access to the classroom immediately on enrollment</p>
<h6>Prerequisites</ h6>
<h5>Intermediate Python, familiarity with Linux shell scripting and cloud concepts</h5>
<p>In Collaboration With</p>
<h4>What You Will Learn</h4>
& lt;h2>DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure</h2>
<p>Microsoft Azure is one of the most popular cloud services platforms used by enterprises, making it a crucial tool for cloud computing professionals to add to their skillset. The DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure Nanodegree program teaches students how to deploy, test, and monitor cloud applications on Azure, thereby preparing learners for success on MicrosoftРІ??s AZ-400 DevOps Engineer Expert certification exam.</p>
<p>The DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure Nanodegree program teaches students how to deploy, test, and monitor cloud applications on Azure, one of the most popular cloud services platforms.</p>
<p>3 months to complete</p>
<h6>Prerequisite Knowledge</h6>
<p>Intermediate Python, familiarity with Linux shell scripting and cloud concepts. See detailed requirements.</p>
<h4>Azure Infrastructure Operations</h4>
<p>In modern deployments, automated deployment and management of cloud infrastructure is crucial for ensuring the high uptimes that customers expect. Understand the DevOps lifecycle and the basics of infrastructure management in Microsoft Azure. Learn about cloud security best practices to keep infrastructure secure. Leverage modern technologies to create robust and repeatable deployments in Microsoft Azure.</p>
<p>Deploying a Web Server in Azure</p>
<h4>Agile Development with Azure</h4>
<p>Automated Deployment of high quality software using DevOps principles is a critical skill in the cloud era. Master the theory and practice of Agile project management with hands-on examples. Execute a Python centric Continuous Integration strategy that uses testing best practices, including open source code quality tools such as pylint and pytest. Couple Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) with Continuous Delivery using Azure Pipelines to streamline the deployment of applications to Azure.</p>
<p>Building a CI/CD Pipeline</p>
<h4>Ensuring Quality Releases (Quality Assurance)</h4>
<p>Applications that have been built and released into the cloud need to be evaluated to ensure proper performance. Test cloud-based application performance and functionality within the pipeline itself, as well as after it has been deployed by using different types of test suites such as Selenium and Postman. Exercise those test suites against a variety of endpoints, including a sample eCommerce UI, and REST APIs. Build a systemic application monitoring process based on alert triggers in Azure Monitor and custom log files in Azure Log Analytics.</p>
<h2>Implementing devops with microsoft azure</h2>

<h3>Implementing devops with microsoft azure</h3>
Im plementing devops with microsoft azure <a href="">National news stories</a> Implementing devops with microsoft azure
<h4>Implementing devops with microsoft azure</h4>
Our new DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure online course will teach you how to develop and deploy cloud-based applications on Microsoft Azure. Learn online with Udacity.
<h5>Implementing devops with microsoft azure</h5>
Implementing devops with microsoft azure <a href="">Implementin g devops with microsoft azure</a> Implementing devops with microsoft azure
SOURCE: <h6>Implementing devops with microsoft azure</h6> <a href="">Impl ementing devops with microsoft azure</a> Implementing devops with microsoft azure
#tags#[replace: -,-Implementing devops with microsoft azure] Implementing devops with microsoft azure#tags# es-to-file-for-bankruptcy-next-week-fortune-payles s-shoes-careers-payless-shoes-careers .info/? lmart-job-application-online-att-careers-att-caree rs
AntiochDox2021-05-20 03:04:22 Cituoti
Devopsdays 2018 - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Devopsdays 2018</h1>
Dev opsdays 2018 <a href="">Today' s news headlines in english</a> Devopsdays 2018
<p>The NEX , Newcastle Exhibition and Convention Centre</p>
<h1>Getting here</h1>
<p>From Visit Newcastle's Getting Here :</p>
<blockquote><p>Five airlines service Newcastle Airport at Williamtown (a 25-minute drive north of Newcastle). Jetstar flies from Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Melbourne, Virgin Australia flies from Brisbane and Melbourne, QantasLink flies from Brisbane, Rex Airlines flies from Sydney and Fly Pelican flies from Canberra, Sydney, Ballina / Byron Bay, Dubbo and Coffs Harbour. Port Stephens Coaches runs buses between the airport and the bus terminal next in Newcastle. Hunter Valley Buses runs buses from the airport to East Maitland via Raymond Terrace. Or, for those show-offs, why not charter a seaplane from Sydney's Rose Bay and land in Newcastle just 30 minutes later.</blockquote></p>
<p>The Newcastle Airport Information Services Desk can arrange door-to-door transfers. Please phone 02 4928 9822, or email [email protected] .</p> </blockquote>
<p>For more information about getting to and staying in Newcastle you can check out Visit Newcastle , in particular Getting Here and Accommodation .</p>
<h1>Buy Tickets - $99</h1>
<p>We want to ensure that anyone who?s interested in attending a devopsdays is able to, and that price is not a barrier. Therefore, we have adopted a flat $99 price for all tickets so everyone can help shape the culture and practice of DevOps world-wide.</p>
<h1>Diversity Scholarship</h1>
<p>Thanks to the REA Group the 2018 DevOpsDays Newcastle?s diversity scholarship program provides support to those from traditionally underrepresented and/or marginalized groups in the technology and/or open source communities who may not otherwise have the opportunity to attend DevOpsDays events for financial reasons.</p>
<p>Equal access and diversity are important to the DevOpsDays Newcastle conference, and we aim to remove this obstacle. We want you at our events, and we want to help you get there! Scholarships are awarded based on a combination of need and impact. Selection is limited and will be made by a group of reviewers who will assess each applicant?s request.</p>
<p>Scholarship recipients will receive a complimentary registration pass (non-transferrable). We may consider travel and accommodation support for recipients who need it.</p>
& lt;p>Applicants must be from a traditionally underrepresented and/or marginalized group in the technology and/or open source communities including, but not limited to: persons identifying as LGBTQ, women, persons of colour, students and/or persons with disabilities; and be unable to attend without some financial assistance.</p>
<h3>How to Apply</h3>
<p>Please contact us at: [email protected] to apply for the scholarship.</p>
<h1>Agenda</h1> ;
<p>Click or tap through for more information on a talk!</p>
<h2>Devopsdays 2018</h2>

<h3>Devopsdays 2018</h3>
Dev opsdays 2018 <a href="">News stories</a> Devopsdays 2018
<h4>Devopsdays 2018</h4>
Where? The NEX , Newcastle Exhibition and Convention Centre Getting here From Visit Newcastle's Getting Here : Five airlines service Newcastle Airport at Williamtown (a 25-minute drive
<h5>Devopsdays 2018</h5>
Devopsdays 2018 <a href="">Devopsdays 2018</a> Devopsdays 2018
SOURCE: <h6>Devopsdays 2018</h6> <a href="">Devo psdays 2018</a> Devopsdays 2018
#tags#[replace: -,-Devopsdays 2018] Devopsdays 2018#tags# ts-and-cheap-car-parts-in-phoenix-az-pick-a-part-o f-arizona-auto-wrecking-yards-auto-wrecking-yards
PENNSYLVANIAsr2021-05-20 03:04:22 Cituoti
Tfs vsts - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Tfs vsts</h1>
Tfs vsts <a href="">Latest headlines</a> Tfs vsts
<h1>What Is Team Foundation Server?</h1>
<h2>What Team Foundation Server Does</h2>
<blockquote> <p>Team Foundation Server (Microsoft TFS) helps manage teams and their code. It's because TFS offers a combo of version control, issue tracking, and application lifecycle management. </p></blockquote>
<h3>What Is Microsoft TFS Used For?</h3>
<p>Microsoft TFS for source control has been around for more than a decade. And it has evolved a lot since its inception in 2005. There are professionals in the industry whose entire careers have been dedicated to managing TFS. Such expertise has been necessary because it was quite complicated to administer.</p>
<p>Hands-on management was critical to deal with database changes, service packs, and countless upgrades that added numerous small features. TFS was complicated to use, because it was created when user experience (UX) was not a top priority for Microsoft. When comes to TFS testing, there was no to what was happening. Testing in TFS steps was difficult because there was relationship between bugs and failed tests.</p>
<h2>Microsoft TFS Project Management</h2>
<p>In 2012, TFS morphed into a tool that helped teams manage their software development projects using Agile. One of the primary reasons it became popular for Agile was because companies already had Microsoft licenses. It was a simple choice. This made it easier for teams to adopt and support new Agile software development process.</p>
<p>Microsoft also created a dedicated TFS ALM tool. This light-weight tool could manage some requirements, but it lacked a robust and flexible model that can support large-scale global teams.</p>
<p>On the version control side of things, TFS has had a couple of different approaches. Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) was one centralized version control system. This system saved historical data using path-based branches created and maintained on a Windows server.</p>
<h2>Microsoft TFS in the Cloud</h2>
<p>Many people continue to run older on-premises versions of TFS. But Microsoft has been moving all the software it makes to the cloud. Some obvious examples include Office 365 and Azure, along with numerous smaller initiatives. For many, Microsoft?s cloud move was unexpected, but the benefits are clear. Azure has become a fast, secure, and integrated platform for Windows shops.</p>
<p>It seems like no one ever expected Microsoft to openly embrace open source. But when you look at it closely, it makes sense. A big part of Microsoft?s strategy has been to win the hearts and minds of developers. Open Source has become popular with both developers and the companies they work for. As a result, Microsoft has put Git front and center in Visual Studio?s Source Code Control (SCC) integration.</p>
<h3>TFS Evolution: What Is the Difference between VSTS and TFS?</h3>
<p>So, TFS has morphed again. Today, VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services) is Microsoft?s Git code hosting, collaboration, and DevOps platform. It offers features comparable to other cloud-based Git tools and is the default version control system in Visual Studio. The on-premises version of VSTS is now called TFS. It looks nothing like the TFS of old. Microsoft?s GVFS (Git Virtual File System) runs on Windows servers and turns Git into a centralized, server-based system.</p>
<p>You can continue to use your legacy TFVC with Visual Studio and other popular VCS systems. Perforce Helix Core continues to have very strong integrations with the popular integrated development environment (IDE). Helix Core?s plugin for Visual Studio (P4VS) has been downloaded almost 400,000 times.</p>
<h2>TFS for Source Control: Evaluating the Git Takeover</h2>
<p>But even after all of this, yet another morph for TFS for source control may be on the horizon with Microsoft?s recent acquisition of GitHub, the actual home of open source software. Public announcements from the leadership of both companies say they will continue to operate ?business as usual?, serving their respective communities.</p>
<p>This being said, we all know things can change quickly in the technology marketplace. It seems very likely that, at some point in the future, GitHub and VSTS will merge. It isn?t much of a stretch to think that NuGet and other tools might make their way over to this combination. It will be interesting to see how Microsoft version control will evolve.</p>
<h2>What?s the Best Replacement for Team Foundation Server?</h2>
<p>If you are still using an older on-premises version of Microsoft TFS, consider joining many other companies who are taking advantage of this turning point to evaluate. Is Git and the new VSTS really the right set of technologies for your team?</p>
<li>Large numbers of developers.</li>
<li>Geographic locations.</li>
<li>Very large files (and a lot of them).</li>
<li>Automation needs.</li>
<p& gt;Then Git may not be the right solution for you.</p>
<h3>Helix Core + Git Support</h3>
<p>TFS is like an old friend. But it?s one who wants give you handwritten directions, rather than plug an address into Google maps. It?s probably holding you back, or at least delaying your arrival.</p>
<p>And at this point, it isn?t just the VCS in the mix, but also Agile project management and lifecycle management. Perforce tools deliver best-in-class functionality that exceeds the comparable functionality in TFS and TFVC.</p>
<p>Helix Core ?version control from Perforce ? outperforms TFS for course control in performance for common operations such as branching, checking out files, and tagging files. It provides a solution that supports your DevOps and automation initiatives (and even works with Git).</p>
<p>It can easily handle your version management operations more reliably. And Helix Core delivers satisfaction to your organization with faster performance, global scalability, better security, and support for DevOps at scale.</p>
<p>Plus, you can try Helix Core free for five users</p>
<h2>Tfs vsts</h2>

<h3>Tfs vsts</h3>
Tfs vsts <a href="">News sites</a> Tfs vsts
<h4>Tfs vsts</h4>
Team Foundation Server (Microsoft TFS) helps manage teams and their code. It's because it offers TFS offers a combo of version control, issue tracking, and application lifecycle management. But with the recent Microsoft Git addition, what is the future for TFS for source control?
<h5>Tfs vsts</h5>
Tfs vsts <a href="">Tfs vsts</a> Tfs vsts
SOURCE: <h6>Tfs vsts</h6> <a href="">Tfs vsts</a> Tfs vsts
#tags#[replace: -,-Tfs vsts] Tfs vsts#tags# om .com
SimiValleysr2021-05-20 03:04:14 Cituoti
Azure devops sonarqube - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops sonarqube</h1>
Azure devops sonarqube <a href="">News headlines of the day</a> Azure devops sonarqube
<h1>Eliminate Bugs and Vulnerabilities <br />in your <em>Azure DevOps</em> repositories</h1>
<p>SonarQube Commercial Editions integrate tightly with Microsoft Azure DevOps <br />Environments so your team can write clean, quality code without distraction.</p>
<h6>Find issues before you merge</h6>
<p>SonarQube analyzes branches and Pull Requests so you spot and resolve issues BEFORE you merge to master. Clean code becomes the norm!</p>
<iframe src=" U"></iframe>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-devops-integration/index/issues.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-devops-integration/index/code-health-top.png&quo t; /> <img src=" e-devops-integration/index/code-health-bottom.png& quot; /></p>
<h6>Always know your code health</h6>
<p>SonarQube publishes Quality Gate and code metric results right in your analysis summary. You?re always getting the right info, at the right time and in the right place.</p>
<h6>SonarQube helps you find AND fix</h6>
<p>Finding code issues is great. and fixing them is awesome! SonarQube dives directly into detected issues and offers contextual help so you can resolve them quickly.</p>
<p>Bonus: you learn clean coding practices each day.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-devops-integration/index/sq-helps.png" /></p>
<h4>See the benefits for yourself!</h4>
<iframe src=" Y"></iframe>
<li><strong><em>0:46min</em&g t;</strong></li>
<p&g t;
<strong><em>1:34min</em></str ong></p>
<p>PR Decoration Demo</p>
<strong><em>3:14min</em></str ong></p>
<strong><em>3:51min</em></str ong></p>
<h3>Built-in features make analysis a snap!</h3>
<h6>Seamless .NET integration</h6>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-devops-integration/index/net.png" /></p>
<p>C# and VB.NET analysis is simple and straightforward - just update your build definition to include the SonarQube Code Analysis task.</p>
<h6>Auto issue assignment</h6>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-devops-integration/index/laura.png" /></p>
<p>Native Git data support so issues are automatically assigned and tracked.</p>
<h6>Continuous inspection</h6>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-devops-integration/index/continous.png" /></p>
<p>Configure your CI chain to automatically analyze pull requests and branches and publish the Quality Gate results in the build summary.</p>
<h3>End-to-End CI/CD benefits</h3>
<p>With its tight coupling to Azure DevOps, SonarQube analyzes your projects and provides code health metrics at the right time and in the right place.</p>
<p>It?s your same efficient workflow improved with cleaner, safer code.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-devops-integration/index/build.png" /></p>
<p>Non-disruptive code quality analysis overlays your workflow so you can intelligently promote only clean builds.</p>
<p>Your project?s Quality Gate status is clearly decorated right in your build summary along with code coverage and duplication metrics. Live updating keeps everyone in the team on the same page.</p>
<h6>Transparency is best</h6>
<p>It?s OK to be proud. Share your <strong>GREEN</strong> Quality Gate with the community!</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" e-devops-integration/index/transparency.png" /></p>
<h3>Code Quality and Security in your language?</h3>
<p>SonarQube Developer Edition supports 20+ languages including modern <br />favorites and classic workhorses</p>
<h2>Azure devops sonarqube</h2>

<h3>Azure devops sonarqube</h3>
Azure devops sonarqube <a href="">News headlines of the day</a> Azure devops sonarqube
<h4>Azure devops sonarqube</h4>
SonarQube static analysis enhances your Microsoft Azure DevOps workflow through automated code review, CI/CD integration and pull request decoration.
<h5>Azure devops sonarqube</h5>
Azure devops sonarqube <a href="">Azure devops sonarqube</a> Azure devops sonarqube
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops sonarqube</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops sonarqube</a> Azure devops sonarqube
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops sonarqube] Azure devops sonarqube#tags# .com/news com
SouthCarolinaDox2021-05-20 03:04:06 Cituoti
Azure devops continuous integration - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Azure devops continuous integration</h1>
<p>[youtube]</p&g t;
Azure devops continuous integration <a href="">Main news today</a> Azure devops continuous integration
<h1>Continues Integration and Delivery with Azure DevOps Service</h1>
<h2>Че� �у вы научите� �ь</h2>
<h2>РўСЂРµР&pl usmn;ования</h2>
<h 2>Описание</ h2>
<p>In this course <strong><em>Continues Integration and Delivery(CI/CD) with Azure DevOps Service 2020,</em></strong> we will understand the complete workflow of</p>
<p>Of applications in its complete software development lifecycle.</p>
<p>We will learn about the great new way to collaborate with the team to get the work done across the board using methodologies such as Scrum, Agile and Kanban boards.</p>
<p>We will also learn about all the service offering from Azure DevOps service in-depth details and their related workflow such as</p>
<p>Azure Board - Creating work items like Epics --> Features --> Stories --> Tasks/Bugs</p>
<p>Azure Repos - Importing Repos from local/GitHub or Azure Repos</p>
<p>Azure Pipelines - Working with Build pipelines/Release pipelines, Local agents and Hosted agents and Deployment groups</p>
<p>Azure Test plan - Creating automated tests with Selenium and looking at the report, along with manual test cases</p>
<p>Azure Artifacts - Creating your own NPM or Nuget package manager within your project for your organization.</p>
<p>Continuous Test - Writing BDD Specflow scenario in .NET Core and checking reports in the Release pipeline</p>
<p>Historical Test Report - Understand how to get the complete analytical historical Test report with Azure DevOps</p>
<p>Hands-on Labs - Labs to working with</p>
<p>Local Jenkins and configuration</p>
<p>3rd party application integration</p>
<p>This is the first-ever course on the internet covering all the aspects of Azure DevOps Service 2020 in so many details in it. This course is not just for DevOps, but it's more towards QA, Test Engineers, Developers and anyone who is interested in cutting edge CI/CD pipeline</p>
<h2>Р”Р»С Џ РєРѕРіРѕ этот РєСѓСЂСЃ:</h2>
<h2&g t;МатериаР&r aquo;С‹ РєСѓСЂСЃР°</h2>
<h3>Intr oduction 4 лекции ? 22 мин</h3>
<h3>Azure Boards 3 лекции ? 22 мин</h3>
<h3>Azure Repos 3 лекции ? 22 мин</h3>
<h3>Azure Pipelines - Build pipelines 10 лекции ? 1 ч 8 мин</h3>
<h3>Azure Pipelines - Release Pipelines 6 лекции ? 43 мин</h3>
<h3>Azure Test plan 2 лекции ? 14 мин</h3>
<h3>Deploying Azure App Service with Azure Pipelines 3 лекции ? 27 мин</h3>
<h3>Deploying app with Docker container Service 4 лекции ? 20 мин</h3>
<h3>Deploying app in parallel and staged deployment with Azure DevOps 2019 3 лекции ? 22 мин</h3>
<h3>Azure Artifacts 4 лекции ? 14 мин</h3>
<h2>РџСЂР&micr o;подавате ль</h2>
<p>I am Karthik K.K. I do consulting, blogging and researching on various different tools and technologies which inspires my interest. I have been into Software Automation Testing for over <strong>14+ <em>years</em></strong> now and my interest in learning new stuffs which enables automation has never been compromised.</p>
<p>Due to my passion in automation testing I got fully exposed to tools and languages like</p>
<p><strong>Desktop & Web</strong> : Cypress, Selenium, Specflow,Puppeteer,Plawright, UFT, VS Coded UI, Ranorex ,Test Complete and Cucumber<br /><strong>Mobile</strong> : Appium, Robotium,Calabash, Espresso, Selendroid<br /><strong>Languages</strong> : C#, Java, Ruby, Powershell, Javascript, VBScript <br /><strong>Cloud Tools</strong> : Azure, Dockers<br /><strong>Misc Tools:</strong> Mockito, Rest-assured, Bound-Box,FluentAutomation<br /><strong>Interested in</strong>: MVC, Entity framework, LINQ, Fakes, Distributed deployment, SAAS</p>
<h2>Azure devops continuous integration</h2>

<h3>Azure devops continuous integration</h3>
<p>[youtube]</p&g t;
Azure devops continuous integration <a href="">Breaking news</a> Azure devops continuous integration
<h4>Azure devops continuous integration</h4>
Understand Continuous Integration, Development, Delivery &amp; Testing with Azure DevOps service 2020
<h5>Azure devops continuous integration</h5>
Azure devops continuous integration <a href="">Azure devops continuous integration</a> Azure devops continuous integration
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops continuous integration</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops continuous integration</a> Azure devops continuous integration
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops continuous integration] Azure devops continuous integration#tags# etary-of-state-business-search-video-2
ChulaVistaDox2021-05-20 03:04:01 Cituoti
Azure devops for beginners - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops for beginners</h1>
Azure devops for beginners <a href="">Latest news online</a> Azure devops for beginners
<h1>Azure DevOps for beginners</h1>
<h2>What is DevOps?</h2>
<p>DevOps is a gradual process which enables continuous delivery to provide an end-to-end tool chain. DevOps starts with project planning and end with project deployment and monitoring.</p>
<p><b>Note: Azure DevOps is formerly known as Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)</b></p>
<h2>How to create Azure DevOps?</h2>
<p>To create an Azure DevOps account.</p>
<li>Go to and click on start free.</li>
<li>Sign in with Microsoft account</li>
<li>Click on New Organization</li>
<li>Give a name to your Azure DevOps Organization</li>
<li>Select your region where you want to host your project</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" x2M68OhNrI/AAAAAAAAC1I/1ue05gD8QtU_G0za9juDVzBrLO0 4JuJXQCNcBGAsYHQ/w500-h379/1.png" /></p>
<p>Next, we will create a Project.</p>
<h2>Create a Project in Azure DevOps</h2>
<p>To create a project in Azure DevOps, follow below steps -</p>
<li>Click on +Create Project button</li>
<li>In new window, give a name to your project and provide description of your project.</li>
<li>Select the visibility of your project - Public or Private</li>
<li>In Advance section, select Version control and Work item process for your project</li>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" x2NCnJQK2I/AAAAAAAAC1M/k9kKqzLITqMZbqC1X5PNV7swviW ezNBUwCNcBGAsYHQ/w400-h380/2.png" /></p>
<h2>What is Azure Boards?</h2>
<p>After making the project, it is now the turn to make Azure Boards. Azure DevOps helps the team members to plan their work with the help of Azure Boards. Azure Boards is just like To-Do list.Actually, Azure Boards is a graphical presentation to track the work and plan it accordingly.</p>
<h2>Create Azure Boards</h2>
<li>From the left side menu, hover mouse on Broads and select Broads from sub-menu <br /><img src=" x2NRD_s7aI/AAAAAAAAC1U/RQt9yJL0pOIQoppsJl2RlZvj6sq abeNoQCNcBGAsYHQ/w500-h291/3.png" /></li>
<li>Click on + New Item</li>
<li>Type a name of task and press enter</li>
<li>Click on . and select open <br /><img src=" x2NZEtbHkI/AAAAAAAAC1c/4DJUKLcMZOcYJjuUfO2Ozz-RDzv 7oVRRACNcBGAsYHQ/w500-h361/4.png" /></li>
<li>Type the description in the description box and click on Save and Close <br /><img src=" x2NiK2KP3I/AAAAAAAAC1k/JzfCud_Jo_8JhEesIwdt_1CVfUl bRBSXQCNcBGAsYHQ/w500-h219/5.png" /></li>
<li>If you want to assign this task/ item to particular team member then you can do this. <br /><img src=" x2NoQPHwAI/AAAAAAAAC1o/Yxw-lXpnzUEESKyFkWZgZHORcg5 H3iJsgCNcBGAsYHQ/w500-h164/6.png" /></li>
<li>Similarly, you can create multiple items in Azure Boards, also you can drag-drop the items to set the order in which you are going to execute your project.</li>
<h2>Sprint </h2>
<p>Now, we will define Sprint. Click on Sprints from left side menu. Click on Set dates (From upper left corner) and define Start and End Date.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" x2NutLtKAI/AAAAAAAAC1w/f7GbUac7r1QXgMy5U0aalhowTdf rjH1DACNcBGAsYHQ/w335-h400/8.png" /></p>
<h2>Azure Pipelines</h2>
<p>Hope, you like this blog, we will see further details about Azure DevOps in upcoming blogs.</p>
<p>I will continue my blogs on Microsoft Azure. Please follow and like our Facebook page.</p>
<h2>Azure devops for beginners</h2>

<h3>Azure devops for beginners</h3>
Azure devops for beginners <a href="">What's the news</a> Azure devops for beginners
<h4>Azure devops for beginners</h4>
What is Microsoft Azure DevOps? How to create Azure DevOps?
<h5>Azure devops for beginners</h5>
Azure devops for beginners <a href="">Azure devops for beginners</a> Azure devops for beginners
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops for beginners</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops for beginners</a> Azure devops for beginners
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops for beginners] Azure devops for beginners#tags# inc-akela-pharma-inc-3 pposition-calls-on-female-supporters-to-use-fake-p regnant-bellies-during-protests-in-belarus
ColumbusDox2021-05-20 03:03:22 Cituoti
Azure devops publish artifact - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops publish artifact</h1>

Azure devops publish artifact <a href="">Daily news</a> Azure devops publish artifact
<h1>Publish Build Artifacts task</h1>
<p><strong>Azure Pipelines | TFS 2018 | TFS 2017 | TFS 2015.3</strong></p>
<p>Use this task in a build pipeline to publish build artifacts to Azure Pipelines, TFS, or a file share.</p>
<p>Looking to get started working with build artifacts? See Artifacts in Azure Pipelines.</p>
<h2>YAML snippet</h2>
<table> <thead> <tr> <th>Argument</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </th> <tbody> <tr> <td>pathToPublish <br />Path to publish</td> <td>The folder or file path to publish. This can be a fully-qualified path or a path relative to the root of the repository. Wildcards are not supported. See Artifacts in Azure Pipelines.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ArtifactName <br />Artifact name</td> <td>Specify the name of the artifact that you want to create. It can be whatever you want. For example: drop</td> </tr> <tr> <td>publishLocation <br />Artifact publish location</td> <td>Choose whether to store the artifact in Azure Pipelines ( Container ), or to copy it to a file share ( FilePath ) that must be accessible from the build agent. To learn more, see Artifacts in Azure Pipelines.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>TargetPath <br />File share path</td> <td>Specify the path to the file share where you want to copy the files. The path must be a fully-qualified path or a valid path relative to the root directory of your repository. Publishing artifacts from a Linux or macOS agent to a file share is not supported.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Parallel <br />Parallel copy (<strong>Azure Pipelines</strong>, <strong>TFS 2018</strong>, or newer)</td> <td>Select whether to copy files in parallel using multiple threads for greater potential throughput. If this setting is not enabled, a single thread will be used.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ParallelCount <br />Parallel count (<strong>Azure Pipelines</strong>, <strong>TFS 2018</strong>, or newer)</td> <td>Enter the degree of parallelism (the number of threads) used to perform the copy. The value must be at least 1 and not greater than 128. Choose a value based on CPU capabilities of the build agent. Typically, 8 is a good starting value.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>FileCopyOptions <br />File copy options</td> <td>Pass additional options to the Robocopy command.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Control options</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
<p>You cannot use <strong>Bin</strong>, <strong>App_Data</strong> and other folder names reserved by IIS as an artifact name because this content is not served in response to Web requests. Please see ASP.NET Web Project Folder Structure for more details.</p>
&l t;p>A typical pattern for using this task is:</p>
<li>Build something</li>
<li>Copy build outputs to a staging directory</li>
<li>Publish staged artifacts</li>
< ;h2>Open source</h2>
<p>This task is open source on GitHub. Feedback and contributions are welcome.</p>
<h4>Q: I'm having problems. How can I troubleshoot them?</h4>
<p>On the variables tab, add system.debug and set it to true . Select to allow at queue time.</p>
<p>In the explorer tab, view your completed build and click the build step to view its output.</p>
<p>The control options arguments described above can also be useful when you're trying to isolate a problem.</p>
<h2>Azure devops publish artifact</h2>

<h3>Azure devops publish artifact</h3>

Azure devops publish artifact <a href="">Newspaper headlines today</a> Azure devops publish artifact
<h4>Azure devops publish artifact</h4>
Publish build artifacts to Azure Pipelines, Team Foundation Server (TFS), or to a file share
<h5>Azure devops publish artifact</h5>
Azure devops publish artifact <a href="">Azure devops publish artifact</a> Azure devops publish artifact
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops publish artifact</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops publish artifact</a> Azure devops publish artifact
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops publish artifact] Azure devops publish artifact#tags# .com 10 s-2
AnnArborDox2021-05-20 03:02:52 Cituoti
Rancher devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Rancher devops</h1>
R ancher devops <a href="">World news today live</a> Rancher devops
<h1>Rancher Upgrader</h1>
<h2>Thiago Barradas</h2>
<h2>Rancher Upgrader</h2>
<p>Easy upgrade, rollback and finiish upgrade in your rancher cluster.</p>
&l t;p>Add a new task, select <strong>Rancher Upgrader</strong> from the <strong>Deploy</strong> category and configure it as needed.</p>
&l t;ul>
<li>Rancher Upgrader Service</li>
<li>Rancher Rollback Last Upgrade</li>
<li>Rancher Finish Last Upgrade</li>
<li>Rancher Get Current Version</li>
<h2>Env Var Ouput:</h2>
<p>For task Rancher Get Current Version :</p>
<h3>Parameters include:</h3>
<p style="clear: both"><img src="https://thiagobarradas.gallerycdn.vsasse 367462170/images/rancher-parameters.png" /></p>
<li><strong>Service API Url</strong>: Ranchel API URL to service. e.g. /<projectId>>/services/</li>
<li><strong>Access Key</strong>: Access Key generated in Rancher ('API' > 'Keys')</li>
<li><strong>Secret Key</strong>: Secret Key generated in Rancher ('API' > 'Keys')</li>
<li><strong>Force Finish</strong>: Force finish before upgrade, if last upgrade is pending</li>
<li><strong>Wait Complete</strong>: Wait upgrade and new services up</li>
<li><strong>Image</strong>: Image slug name or full address. e.g.</li>
<li><strong>Tag</strong>: New tag. e.g. 'master-20190701.1', '1.5.3' or 'latest'</li>
<li><strong>Install Docker</strong>: This task needs docker to work, if you haven't it installed, check this box. Works only with linux</li>
<li><strong>Environment Vars Prefix</strong>: Import all env vars with this prefix to container</li>
<li><strong>Additional Environment Vars</strong>: Import this env vars to container</li>
< ;h2>Release notes</h2>
<p><strong>New in 1.1.4</strong></p>
<p><ul> ;
<li>Add env vars by prefix;</li>
<li>Add env vars by name;</li>
<li>Add option to install docker (only linux)</li>
<p& gt;<strong>New in 1.0.18</strong></p>
<p><ul&g t;
<li>Fix get current version task output;</li>
<li>Add docs for env vars output;</li>
<p ><strong>New in 1.0.17</strong></p>
<p><ul&g t;
<li>Add get current version task;</li>
<p&g t;<strong>New in 1.0.16</strong></p>
<p><ul&g t;
<li>First version with basic commands;</li>
<li>Upgrade service;</li>
<li>Rollback last upgrade;</li>
<li>Finish last upgrade;</li>
<li>Change image or tag;</li>
<li>Force finish before upgrade;</li>
<li>Wait results to continue tasks (success) or abort (fails);</li>
< h2>Did you like it? Please, make a donate :)</h2>
<p>if you liked this project, please make a contribution and help to keep this and other initiatives, send me some Satochis.</p>
<p>BTC Wallet: 1G535x1rYdMo9CNdTGK3eG6XJddBHdaqfX</p>
< h2>Rancher devops</h2>

<h3>Rancher devops</h3>
R ancher devops <a href="">Latest world news</a> Rancher devops
<h4>Rancher devops</h4>
Extension for Azure DevOps - Easy upgrade, rollback and finiish upgrade in your rancher cluster
<h5>Rancher devops</h5>
Rancher devops <a href="">Rancher devops</a> Rancher devops
SOURCE: <h6>Rancher devops</h6> <a href="">Ranc her devops</a> Rancher devops
#tags#[replace: -,-Rancher devops] Rancher devops#tags# /1579 correctional-facility
CREDITLOANDox2021-05-20 03:02:18 Cituoti
Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging</h1>
Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging <a href="">Local news today</a> Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging
<h1>Why I Prefer Trunk-Based Development Over Feature Branching and GitFlow</h1>
<h3>Check out the components of Trunk-based Development as implemented by Facebook and Google, and see how it helps resolve and prevent merge conflicts.</h3>
<p>Join the DZone community and get the full member experience.</p>
<p style="clear: both"> <img src=" tree-trunks.jpg" /></p>
<p>Learn the details of Trunk-based Development</p>
<p>Have you ever taken a look at a development workflow and thought, "There must be a better way to do this"? I know I have.</p>
<p>We?re not the only ones. Companies such as Facebook and Google have been successfully adopting Trunk-Based Development in their projects as well. How can you take advantage of Trunk-Based Development, and how can you implement it? Read on to find out.</p>
<h2>Feature Branch Development (a.k.a., GitFlow)</h2>
<p>Before we start detailing the rules of Trunk-Based Development, let?s take a look at its counterpart: Feature Branch Development, also known as the GitFlow model.</p>
<p>The classical approach to the development of a product is to create a new branch for every feature we take care of and maintain this branch until we can merge it with the mainline.</p>
<p>In the meantime, we must check out to a hotfix branch, resolve merge conflicts, remember about our branches, etc.</p>
<p>The Feature Branch Development workflow is illustrated below.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1577951038067.png" /></p>
<p>What you see above is an example flow of just one developer?s work. Could you image how many branches we would have if our company grew to 100 developers? And what would happen if the number of teams grew to 100? There would probably be continuous merging development. And any merges often would end with conflicts.</p>
<p>In other words, you?d be facing merge hell.</p>
<p>No one likes a merge conflict. When it occurs, one needs to focus both on his/her part of the code as well as the code of another developer.</p>
<h2>Trunk-Based Development</h2>
<p>There is a solution to merge hell, but like all changes, this can take some time.</p>
<p>Trunk-Based Development rejects any feature branches, hotfix branches, or parallel release branches. There is only one branch available to the developers ? the Trunk.</p>
<p>This new approach depends on four simple rules:</p>
<li>There is one branch called the "trunk" where developers directly commit;</li>
<li>A release manager can create release branches and no one can commit to those;</li>
<li>Developers commit small changes as often as they can;</li>
<li>Commits should be reviewed and tested and must not destroy the mainline.</li>
< ;p>Please take a look at the picture below. Developers perform commits, as many as they can, on the "trunk" branch. Every commit is a small part of the code, e.g. one function or method with unit tests (green squares).</p>
<p>At some point, when the trunk branch contains every feature that we want, one person, the release manager or the release engineer, creates a new release branch from the trunk. <br /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1577952128467.png" /></p>
<h3>Typical Cases in A Developer?s Work</h3>
<p>In our job, there are some typical cases such as:</p>
<li>planning a new feature</li>
<li>creating a new feature</li>
<li>fixing a bug in production</li>
<li>code review</li>
<li>merging/resolving conflicts</li>
<li>drinking coffee</li>
<h3 >Typical Use Cases for The Release Manager</h3>
<p>The release manager plays a specific role in Trunk-Based Development. This is the only person (or group of people) who can create release branches and fix bugs in production.</p>
<p>The release manager has only two responsibilities:</p>
<li>creating a new release branch</li>
<li>cherry-picking a possible hotfix</li>
<h2 >Summary</h2>
<p>Trunk-Based Development is not a new idea, but it has been growing in popularity recently. With projects at major IT companies gaining traction using the TBD approach, now is a great moment for you to introduce Trunk-Based Development at your company.</p>
<p>Let?s sum up how you can benefit:</p>
<li>TBD saves you from merge hell.</li>
<li>TBD supports the best developing practices, including feature planning, committing small changes, and writing backward-compatible code.</li>
<li>TBD creates an opportunity to deploy new features faster than using feature branching.</li>
<li>In the long-term, small commits could help split your big monolith application into neat services.</li>
< ;h2>Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging</h2>

<h3>Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging</h3>
Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging <a href="">World news</a> Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging
<h4>Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging</h4>
Check out the components of Trunk-based Development as implemented by Facebook and Google, and see how it helps resolve and prevent merge conflicts.
<h5>Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging</h5>
Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging <a href="">Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging</a> Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops conflicts prevent automatic merging</a> Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging] Azure devops conflicts prevent automatic merging#tags# -planner-routes-maps-and-directions-aa-aa-auto-aa- auto on-us
CapeCoralDox2021-05-20 03:01:29 Cituoti
Artifacts in devops - Kabrinskiy Eduard

<h1>Artifacts in devops</h1>
A rtifacts in devops <a href="">Current news stories</a> Artifacts in devops
<h1>Azure Artifacts</h1>
<p>Create, host and share packages with your team</p>
<h2>Create and share Maven, npm, NuGet and Python package feeds from public and private sources</h2>
<p>Add fully integrated package management to your continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines with a single click. Create and share Maven, npm, NuGet and Python package feeds from public and private sources with teams of any size.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /screenshot.png" /></p>
<h2>Share code efficiently</h2>
<p>Easily share code across small teams and large enterprises.</p>
<h2>Manage all package types</h2>
<p>Get universal artifact management for Maven, npm, NuGet and Python.</p>
<h2>Add packages to any pipeline</h2>
<p>Share packages and use built-in CI/CD, versioning and testing.</p>
<h2>Simplify complex build jobs with Artifacts</h2>
<h3>Keep your artifacts organised</h3>
<p>Share code effortlessly by storing Maven, npm, NuGet and Python packages together. And there is no need to store binaries in Git?simply store them using Universal Packages.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /organized.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /protect-packages.png" /></p>
<h3>Protect your packages</h3>
<p>Keep every public source package you use?including packages from npmjs and in your feed where only you can delete it and where it is backed by the enterprise-grade Azure SLA.</p>
<h3>Integrate seamless package handling into your CI/CD pipeline</h3>
<p>Easily access all your artifacts in builds and releases?Artifacts integrates natively with the Azure Pipelines CI/CD tool.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /integrate.png" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/page/services/devops/artifacts /integrations.jpg" /></p>
<h3>Use with your favourite tools</h3>
<p>Azure Artifacts is based on standard package formats and works with your favorite tools and services.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 1ac13f7655ba1bd2a7669f8629318e228f2c132536db3a5733 d3722666f31f/images/shared/customers/swissre_m.png " /></p>
<blockquote><p>With Azure DevOps, we can share packages across all projects at Swiss Re?there's nothing but an upside to this.</blockquote></p>
<p>Alan Wales, Senior Solution Architect, Property and Casualty</p> </blockquote>
<h2>The DevOps Journey at Microsoft</h2>
<p>The road to DevOps adoption is not easy and at Microsoft we believe that the best way to navigate this challenging path is by following the footsteps of those who have already walked it. Explore the challenges and learnings of teams across Microsoft as they adopted a DevOps culture.</p>
<h2>Artifacts in devops</h2>

<h3>Artifacts in devops</h3>
A rtifacts in devops <a href="">New newspaper</a> Artifacts in devops
<h4>Artifacts in devops</h4>
Create Maven, npm and NuGet package feeds from public and private sources. Share code, get security compliance and add package sharing to pipelines.
<h5>Artifacts in devops</h5>
Artifacts in devops <a href="">Artifacts in devops</a> Artifacts in devops
SOURCE: <h6>Artifacts in devops</h6> <a href="">Arti facts in devops</a> Artifacts in devops
#tags#[replace: -,-Artifacts in devops] Artifacts in devops#tags# ar-knoxville-tn-video-2 m
HaywardDox2021-05-20 03:00:19 Cituoti
Azure artefacts - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Azur e artefacts</h1>
Azure artefacts <a href="">World news</a> Azure artefacts
<h1>Azure artefacts</h1>
<p>GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.</p>
<h3>GitHub is where the world builds software</h3>
<p>Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub ? the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.</p>
<p>Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.</p>
<p>Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching GitHub Desktop</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Xcode</h4>
<p>If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again.</p>
<h4>Launching Visual Studio</h4>
<h2>Latest commit</h2>
<h2>Git stats</h2>
< p>Failed to load latest commit information.</p>
<h2></h2 >
<p>Azure Pipelines Artifact Caching Tasks</h1></p>
<p>This repo contains the tasks that enable the caching of intermediate artifacts from an Azure Pipelines build using Universal Artifacts.</p>
<p>This build task is meant to add an easy way to provide caching of intermediate build artifacts. To demonstrate, let's examine the following build definition snippet:</p>
<p>Conceptually, this snippet creates a lookup key from the keyfile argument and checks the vstsFeed for a matching entry. If one exists, it will be downloaded and unpacked. After more node_modules are restored via yarn the SaveCache task runs to create a cache entry if it wasn't available previously (if a cache entry was downloaded, this is a no-op).</p>
<li>keyfile : The file or pattern of files to use for creating the lookup key of the cache. Due to the nature of node_modules potentially having their own yarn.lock file, this snippet explicitly excludes that pattern to ensure there is a consistent lookup key before and after package restoration.</li>
<li>targetfolder : The file/folder or pattern of files/folders that you want to cache. The matching files/folders will be represented as the universal package that is uploaded to your Azure DevOps artifact feed.</li>
<li>vstsFeed : The guid representing the artifact feed in Azure DevOps meant to store the build's caches.</li>
<p >If you do not want to add two build steps to your build definition, you can also use a single task that implicitly adds the SaveCache task at the end of the build. For example:</p>
<p>Optimistic cache restoration</h2></p>
<p>If a cache was restored successfully, the build variable CacheRestored is set to true . This can provide a further performance boost by optionally skipping package install commands entirely.</p>
<p>In the following example, the 'yarn' task will only run if there was not a cache hit. Although this can provide faster builds, it may not be suitable for production builds.</p>
<p>By default, the name of the variable used for optimistic cache restoration defaults to CacheRestored . However, this can be problematic in restoring multiple caches in the same build (E.g. caches for build output and for packages). To work around this, you may set an optional task variable to control the naming of the CacheRestored variable.</p>
<p>Platform independent caches</h2></p>
<p>By default, cached archives are platform <em>dependent</em> to support the small differences that may occur in packages produced for a specific platform. If you are certain that the cached archive will be platform <em>independent</em>, you can set the task variable platformIndependent to true and all platforms will restore the same archive.</p>
<li>Install the extension from the marketplace into your Azure DevOps organization.</li>
<li>Ensure Azure Artifacts is enabled for your organization.</li>
<li>Create a new Azure Artifacts feed to store caches in. After creating the feed, the GUID will be referenced in your build definition. In the examples above, ArtifactFeed is a build variable equal to the GUID of the Azure Artifact feed.</li>
<p><em> Note:</em> The GUID for your Azure Artifact feed can be found either by using the Azure DevOps rest apis or by creating a build task in the traditional visual designer that references the feed and then selecting "View YAML".</p>
<p>The task is designed to only cache artifacts that are produced within the build's root directory. This works best for packages that follow this convention (e.g. NPM and NuGet), but not for artifacts that are produced outside of the repo's directory (e.g. Maven).</p>
<p>The task skips restoring and saving caches on forked repositories by design. This is a security measure to protect cached artifacts from forked sources and a limitation from the Azure Artifacts permissions model (users of forked repositories don't have access to download these artifacts).</p>
<p>The task is only available to be used within Azure DevOps Services because Azure DevOps Server does not support Universal Packages.</p>
<p>Prerequisites: Node and NPM</h3></p>
<p><strong>W indows and Mac OSX</strong>: Download and install node from</p>
<p><strong>Linux </strong>: Install using package manager</p>
<p>From a terminal ensure at least node 4.2 and npm 5:</p>
<p>To install npm separately:</p>
<p>Note: On Windows, if it's still returning npm 2.x, run where npm . Notice hits in program files. Rename those two npm files and the 5.6.0 in AppData will win.</p>
<p>The following instructions demonstrate how to build and test either all or a specific task. The output will be sent to the _build directory. You can then use the tfx client to upload this to your server for testing.</p>
<h2>Azure artefacts</h2>

<h3>Azure artefacts</h3>
Azure artefacts <a href="">Latest it news</a> Azure artefacts
<h4>Azure artefacts</h4>
Azure Pipelines Tasks to cache intermediate artifacts from build (e.g. resolved node packages) - microsoft/azure-pipelines-artifact-caching-tasks
<h5>Azure artefacts</h5>
Azure artefacts <a href="">Azure artefacts</a> Azure artefacts
SOURCE: <h6>Azure artefacts</h6> <a href="">Azur e artefacts</a> Azure artefacts
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure artefacts] Azure artefacts#tags# hek-latest-gossip-6 ail-view
SacramentoDox2021-05-20 03:00:16 Cituoti
Maven in devops - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Mave n in devops</h1>
M aven in devops <a href="">Important news today</a> Maven in devops
<h1>DevOps: CI/CD with Jenkins pipelines, Maven, Gradle</h1>
<h2>Чем у вы научите� �ь</h2>
<h2>Материалы РєСѓСЂСЃР°</h2>
<h3>Welc ome And Introduction 4 лекции ? 14 мин</h3>
<h3>Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery With Jenkins 3 лекции ? 15 мин</h3>
<h3>Getting Started With Jenkins 7 лекции ? 54 мин</h3>
<h3>CI & CD Pipeline With Jenkins, Gradle & Artifactory 4 лекции ? 29 мин</h3>
<h3>CI & CD Pipeline With Jenkins & Maven 4 лекции ? 30 мин</h3>
<h3>Manage Relational Database Schema With Jenkins And Sqitch 3 лекции ? 28 мин</h3>
<h3>Operational Considerations For Jenkins 4 лекции ? 33 мин</h3>
<h3>Conclusion 1 лекция ? 4 мин</h3>
<h2>РўСЂР&micr o;бования</h2>
<h2>ОписаниР&micr o;</h2>
<p><strong>This online DevOps course will teach you how to build sophisticated continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines using Jenkins and many of its plugins. Especially the pipeline plugins.</strong></p>
<p>This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Jenkins and setting up DevOps pipelines, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help implement these DevOps practices which will streamline your development processes.</p>
<p><strong>Maste r Jenkins and pipeline plugins. Get familiar with advanced DevOps techniques and take your DevOps career to the next level.</strong></p>
<p>While there are plenty of DevOps courses that focus on generic continuous integration and continuous delivery practices - it's hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which focuses on using some of the most useful plugins in the Jenkins ecosystem.</p>
<p>This course is designed for all levels of DevOps practitioners who want to improve their skills, implement automation in their environments, and continue to be in great demand as DevOps engineers.</p>
<p><strong>Just a few of the things you'll learn:</strong></p>
<p><ul&g t;
<li>Understand What Jenkins Is All About</li>
<li>How To Install, Configure And Operationalize Jenkins</li>
<li>How To Build Projects Automatically Using Maven</li>
<li>How To Build Projects Automatically Using Gradle</li>
<li>How To Manage Your Build Artifacts Using Artifactory</li>
<li>How To Manage Your Relational Database Schema Using Sqitch</li>
<p& gt;<strong>Improve Your DevOps Skills, Become More Marketable, And Make More Money</strong></p>
<p>Regardles s of what your level of experience is; whether you work in a small startup or large corporation - this in-depth course is designed to provide you with everything you need to take your DevOps skills to the next level.</p>
<p>Whether you are you using Java, Python, Node.JS or any other stack - a seasoned engineer photographer knows how to design, build and run advanced build and deployment systems which can perform build, test and analysis steps - all automatically. Jenkins is a tried and test automation tool written in Java - which provides all the bells and whistles necessary to implement these processes with ease. Not only that, Jenkins is very robust and scalable system which can scale to hundreds of nodes building many projects in a multi-user and multi-team environments.</p>
<p>By honing these skills, you will be chased by recruiters and companies who are looking to hire professionals with experience on Jenkins. This course shows you how.</p>
<p><strong>Contents and Overview</strong></p>
<p>This course aims at teaching software, IT and DevOps engineers what it takes to improve your skills, experience, and techniques to earn more money.</p>
<p>You will start with the basics and tackle how to install Jenkins. You will get familiar with the Jenkins plugin ecosystem and install a bunch of very useful plugins into the Jenkins instance. You'll then dive into the different hands-on exercises to implement advanced build and deployment pipelines using various build tools in conjunction with Jenkins, Artifactory, shell scripting, etc.</p>
<p>You'll learn about various other tools which work very well with Jenkins like Maven, Gradle, Sqitch, etc. You'll use these tools to master how to properly design an end to end build and deployment pipeline, which:</p>
<li>Builds the source code</li>
<li>Keeps the relational database schema in sync with the latest source code</li>
<li>Manages the artifacts in a robust manner</li>
<li>Helps you visualize the entire pipeline in a graphical format</li>
<li>Helps you diagnose your DevOps pipelines by providing detailed diagnostic logs</li>
<p> ;By the end of this master course, your confidence as a DevOps engineer will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of Jenkins and various other DevOps tools, and you can use them to their fullest potential to take small to large, simple to complex DevOps pipelines and be a part of this DevOps revolution and take your career to the next level.</p>
<h2>Maven in devops</h2>

<h3>Maven in devops</h3>
M aven in devops <a href="">Latest news online</a> Maven in devops
<h4>Maven in devops</h4>
Build continuous integration, continuous delivery and DevOps pipelines with Java, Gradle, Maven, Artifactory &amp; Sqitch.
<h5>Maven in devops</h5>
Maven in devops <a href="">Maven in devops</a> Maven in devops
SOURCE: <h6>Maven in devops</h6> <a href="">Mave n in devops</a> Maven in devops
#tags#[replace: -,-Maven in devops] Maven in devops#tags# com .com htsanw%D0%B4lte-d%D1%8Csseldorf-kapitalanlagerecht -anwalt-anlegerschutz-verm%D1%86gensverwaltung-rec htsanwalte-dusseldorf eo-2
ColoradoSpringsDox2021-05-20 02:57:37 Cituoti
Azure devops unity - Eduard Kabrinskiy

<h1>Azure devops unity</h1>
Az ure devops unity <a href="">Recent news headlines</a> Azure devops unity
<h1>unity-azure-pipelines-tasks</h 1>
<h2>Azure DevOps extension adding tools to build and deploy Unity 3D projects using Azure Pipelines</h2>
<p>This Azure DevOps extension contains build, test and release tasks for use in Azure Pipelines to implement continuous intergration and delivery with Unity 3D projects. This documentation will guide you on how to setup your pipeilnes and get started using the extension.</p>
<h2>1. Installing the extension</h2>
<p>Please install the extension ?Unity Tools for Azure DevOps? for use in your Azure DevOps organization.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" -azure-pipelines-tasks/images/vs-marketplace-get-e xtension.PNG" /></p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" -azure-pipelines-tasks/images/vs-marketplace-insta ll.PNG" /></p>
<p>Now that you have installed the extension, you can use the following tasks in your pipelines:</p>
<h2>2. Supported Build Agents</h2>
<p>The extension supports Microsoft hosted agents as well as custom agents. Some of Unity?s target build platforms are not supported on hosted agents, since they require manual configuration of SDKs & Tools, which we can?t do on hosted agents. For full control over the tools and software, we recommend using your own build agent. This table illustrates the supported platforms on either agent:</p>
<p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Target Platform</th> <th style="text-align: center">Hosted Agents</th> <th style="text-align: center">Custom Agents</th> </tr> </th> <tbody> <tr> <td>PC & Mac Standalone</td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Android</td> <td style="text-align: center"> Android requires SDK / NDK paths to be set in editor preferences</td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>iOS</td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>tvOS</td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Universal Windows Platform</td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>WebGL</td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> <td style="text-align: center"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </p>
<p><strong>Please note that a Unity Plus / Pro seat with at least one available activation is required to build using hosted agents. This is a requirement by Unity not this extension</strong></p>
<h3>2.1 Configuring a custom agent</h3>
<p>Setting up your own agent is a one time operation and quite easy to do. We?ve prepared setup guides to help you get started. For a full documentation on how to setup build agents, please refer to the official documentation by Microsoft.</p>
<h2>3. Define build pipelines</h2>
<p>Feel free to use one of these guides to get you started building for your desired platform. Keep in mind every project has different requirements and your pipeline might require additional steps. Depending on the type of your agent, choose one of the following guides:</p>
<h2>Azure devops unity</h2>

<h3>Azure devops unity</h3>
Az ure devops unity <a href="">News highlights</a> Azure devops unity
<h4>Azure devops unity</h4>
Azure DevOps extension adding tools to build and deploy Unity 3D projects using Azure Pipelines
<h5>Azure devops unity</h5>
Azure devops unity <a href="">Azure devops unity</a> Azure devops unity
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops unity</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops unity</a> Azure devops unity
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops unity] Azure devops unity#tags# sport-coupes-video-5 om
GARYsr2021-05-20 02:57:00 Cituoti
Devops services company - Кабринский Эдуард

<h1>Devo ps services company</h1>
Devops services company <a href="">Local news today</a> Devops services company
<h1>DevOps Services</h1>
<p>Need DevOps professional services? SCAND offers DevOps as a Service or as a part of the software development process. We also provide DevOps services which include continuous integration and continuous delivery of software, DevOps automation, release management, maintenance, and support.</p>
<h2>Our DevOps Services</h2>
<p>For the past decade, our dedicated DevOps teams have accumulated impressive expertise in uniting development and operations using advanced DevOps technologies: Gradle, Jit, Jenkins, Bamboo, etc. DevOps services we provide allow businesses to enjoy the stability of operating environments, cut the development time, and get faster feature delivery.</p>
<p>Our main focuses are:</p>
<li>DevOps Consulting Services</li>
<li>DevOps Configuration Management</li>
<li>DevOps Automation</li>
<li>End to End Testing</li>
<li>Monitoring & Back-Up</li>
<li>Installation of Third-Party Software Solutions</li>
<li>Maintenance and Support</li>
<h 2>DevOps Solutions</h2>
<p>Software infrastructure, either cloud or local, needs monitoring, maintenance, support, and improvement with time. The SCAND DevOps engineers help in solving the issues on the resources optimization, reassigning the load, and adjusting the scale. They also help with project creation, configuration and support of secure environments, remote configuration, and security recommendations.</p>
<h3>Build Configuration and Automation</h3>
<p>Our DevOps team works out and implements different software build automation systems for such technological platforms as Java (Maven, Ant, Gradle, etc), .NET (NAnt, etc.), Mobile applications for iOS/Android, Node.js<i>,</i> and others.</p>
<h3>Continuous Integration and Deployment</h3>
<p>Our DevOps team has significant expertise in designing and implementing Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) for software development. Utilizing the best CI platforms (Jenkins/Hudson) and orchestration tools (Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc.), allows us to improve the quality of software and provide a reduction in delivery time.</p>
<h3>Release Management</h3>
<p>SCAND DevOps developers succeeded in the development of release management processes establishing contacts with all the teams involved providing highly efficient cooperation channels among them. That includes the introduction of VCS, Project Management systems, Release and Delivery Planning Systems.</p>
<h3>Monitoring & Back-up</h3>
<p>Our DevOps team will help to implement a proactive approach to support management. This minimizes downtime and improves the quality of customer service. It could be performed by infrastructure monitoring and predicting possible changes with the use of Zabbix, Nagios, Graphite, NewRelic, etc. Back-up is an absolute necessity as it allows effective and quick restoration of the infrastructure.</p>
<h3>Third Party Software Complexes Installation</h3>
<p>In addition, our DevOps team operates and sets up various third-party solutions such as Relational databases, NoSQL databases, Version Control Systems, artifact repositories, search platforms, message brokers, web and application servers, bug tracking and project management systems and many others.</p>
&l t;p>Cloud Services are quite common nowadays. Either private or public, they let customers launch the applications without having their own server farm. Our DevOps cloud services increase software scalability, resiliency, elasticity, and availability.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 0/01/serv04-aws.jpg" /></p>
<h2>Amazon Web Services</h2>
<p>Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading platform to host cloud web services. Our DevOps team has solid expertise in using such components as <i>EC2, S3, CloudFront, CloudSearch, VPC, Route 53, IAM, Transcoder, SQS, SES, and SNS</i>.</p>
<p>Also, the AWS cloud library is a constituent of our own service, EpubCloud, that provides hosting, storing, and sharing EPUB files.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 0/01/serv04-containerization.jpg" /></p>
<h2>Virtualization and Containerization</h2>
<p>The SCAND DevOps team has vast experience not only in operating various virtualization and containerization platforms but also in private cloud maintenance. Among them are <i>OpenStack, Xen Cloud, and DigitalOcean platforms</i>, <i>Xen, QEMU, KVM, and Hyper-V hypervisors, Docker containers,</i> and their associated infrastructure.</p>
<p style="clear: both"><img src=" 0/01/serv04-cloud.jpg" /></p>
<h2>Cloud Infrastructure</h2>
<p>SCAND DevOps team offers cloud infrastructure deployment including private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud. We also provide IaaS services, pay-as-you-go access to storage, networking, servers and other computing resources in the cloud (<em>Amazon AWS, Google, Microsoft Azure, and IBM</em>).</p>
<h2>Devops services company</h2>

<h3>Devops services company</h3>
Devops services company <a href="">Current news stories</a> Devops services company
<h4>Devops services company</h4>
SCAND offers DevOps services like continuous integration and continuous delivery of software. Meet our talented team of DevOps engineers.
<h5>Devops services company</h5>
Devops services company <a href="">Devops services company</a> Devops services company
SOURCE: <h6>Devops services company</h6> <a href="">Devo ps services company</a> Devops services company
#tags#[replace: -,-Devops services company] Devops services company#tags# com gossip-7 m 655
BridgeportDox2021-05-20 02:54:44 Cituoti
Azure devops server 2019 pricing - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h1>
Azure devops server 2019 pricing <a href="">Latest news today</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
<h1>Azure DevOps Server 2019 Cookbook</h1>
<h2>Proven recipes to accelerate your DevOps journey with Azure DevOps Server 2019 (formerly TFS), 2nd Edition</h2>
<h2>Beschreibung des Verlags</h2>
<p>Over 70 recipes to effectively apply DevOps best practices and implement Agile, Git, CI-CD & Test automation using Azure DevOps Server (TFS) 2019<br />Key Features<br />Learn improving code quality using pull requests, branch policies, githooks and git branching design</p>
<p>Accelerate the deployment of high quality software by automating build and releases using CI-CD Pipelines.</p>
<p>Learn tried and tested techniques to automate database deployments, App Service & Function Deployments in Azure.<br />Book Description<br />Azure DevOps Server, previously known as Team Foundation Server (TFS), is a comprehensive on-premise DevOps toolset with a rich ecosystem of open source plugins. This book is your one stop guide to learn how to effectively use all of these Azure DevOps services to go from zero to DevOps.</p>
<p>You will start by building high-quality scalable software targeting .NET, .NET core or Node.js applications. You will learn techniques that will help you to set up end-to-end traceability of your code changes from design through to release. Whether you are deploying software on-premise or in the cloud in App Service, Functions, or Azure VMs, this book will help you learn release management techniques to reduce release failures. Next, you will be able to secure application configuration by using Azure KeyVault. You will also learn how to create and release extensions to the Azure DevOps marketplace and reach million developer ecosystem for feedback. The working extension samples will allow you to iterate changes in your extensions easily and release updates to the marketplace quickly.</p>
<p>By the end of this book, techniques provided in the book will help you break down the invisible silos between your software development teams. This will transform you from being a good software development team to an elite modern cross functional software development team.<br />What you will learn<br />Set up a team project for an Agile delivery team, importing requirements from Excel</p>
<p>Plan,track, and monitor progress using self updating boards, Sprint and Kanban boards</p>
<p>Unlock the features of Git by using branch policies, Git pull requests, forks, and Git hooks</p>
<p>Build and release .NET core, SQL and Node.js applications using Azure Pipeline</p>
<p>Automate testing by integrating Microsoft and open source testing frameworks</p>
<p>Extend Azure DevOps Server to a million developer ecosystem<br />Who this book is for<br />This book is for anyone looking to succeed with DevOps. The techniques in this book apply to all roles of the software development lifecycle including developers, testers, architects, configuration analysts, site reliability engineers and release managers. If you are a new user you'll learn how to get started; if you are an experienced user you'll learn how to launch your project into a modern and mature DevOps enabled software development team.</p>
<h2>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h2>

<h3>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h3>
Azure devops server 2019 pricing <a href="">Newspaper headlines</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
<h4>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h4>
?Over 70 recipes to effectively apply DevOps best practices and implement Agile, Git, CI-CD &amp;amp; Test automation using Azure DevOps Server (TFS) 2019 Key Features Learn improving code quality using pull requests, branch policies, githooks and git branching design Accelerate the deployment of high q?
<h5>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h5>
Azure devops server 2019 pricing <a href="">Azure devops server 2019 pricing</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
SOURCE: <h6>Azure devops server 2019 pricing</h6> <a href="">Azur e devops server 2019 pricing</a> Azure devops server 2019 pricing
#tags#[replace: -,-Azure devops server 2019 pricing] Azure devops server 2019 pricing#tags# car-video-2 .com
HuntsvilleDox2021-05-20 02:53:42 Cituoti
Cycloid devops - Эдуард Ка� �±СЂРёРЅСЃРєРёР№

<h1 >Cycloid devops</h1>
C ycloid devops <a href="">Current news</a> Cycloid devops
<h1>Orange Digital Ventures invests in Cycloid DevOps platform</h1>
<p>Orange Digital Ventures has invested ?3 million in the French start-up Cycloid. These funds will allow the start-up to develop its business in France and Europe and extend its network of service and technology partners.</p>
<p>Since 2015, Cycloid has bridged the gap between teams, cloud infrastructures, applications and the many existing tools. This platform industrialises the DevOps approach between developers and administrators, while accommodating each person?s skills, thanks to a suite of functionalities compatible with the existing tools integrated in a collaboration and control interface. In order to make further technological progress, Cycloid is launching a new innovative functionality, an ?infrastructure as a code? generation engine from an architecture diagram.</p>
<p>This platform addresses three main situations: companies? major transition to the cloud, a shortage of the most competent resources and organisational changes to teams, and the increasing fragmentation of tools and hosting platforms.</p>
<p>Cycloid is also developing a network of indirect partners for its integration and distribution, in France and in Europe, to offer a holistic approach: organisation, service and platform. In line with its partnership with Amazon Web Services, Cycloid will deploy new technological partnerships to guarantee complete interoperability with the environments and tools already deployed by its clients.</p>
<p>Orange is therefore welcoming a new player into its innovation ecosystem and confirms its leading position in DevOps transformation: Cycloid will be accessible to Group teams and its business partners to rapidly simplify tools and improve teams? operational efficiency.</p>
<p>Benjamin Brial, founder and CEO of Cycloid: ?This investment is a new step in Cycloid?s mission to support the adoption of DevOps and the Cloud by constantly pushing the boundaries of agility and automation without ever compromising on openness, neutrality, interoperability and security, allowing everyone to focus on added-value tasks. Orange Digital Ventures is the right partner to expand our platform to all companies transitioning to the cloud, in Europe and worldwide in the future.?</p>
<p>Marc Rennard, Chairman of Orange Digital Ventures states: ?we are proud to support a future French leader in a fast-growing industry. Thanks to its network of partners, Cycloid has a unique ability to respond to the challenges of small companies seeking greater agility, as well as major companies undergoing complete transformation.?</p>
<h2>Cycloid devops</h2>

<h3>Cycloid devops</h3>
C ycloid devops <a href="">Headlines today</a> Cycloid devops
<h4>Cycloid devops</h4>
- Orange Digital Ventures has invested ?3 million in the French start-up Cycloid. These funds will allow the start-up to develop its business in France and Eu?
<h5>Cycloid devops</h5>
Cycloid devops <a href="">Cycloid devops</a> Cycloid devops
SOURCE: <h6>Cycloid devops</h6> <a href="">Cycl oid devops</a> Cycloid devops
#tags#[replace: -,-Cycloid devops] Cycloid devops#tags# r-renta-coches-en-cuba-alquiler-renta-coches-en-cu ba-viajes-a-cuba-con-cubacation-auto-rentals ort-coupes-video-6 etary-of-state-business-search-video-2
Naujienos ir pranešimai iš krepšinio pasaulio
Atkrintamųjų viltis išsaugojęs "Nevėžis" nutraukė "Neptūno" pergalių seriją
Atkrintamųjų viltis išsaugojęs "Nevėžis" nutraukė "Neptūno" pergalių seriją
Lietuvos krepšinio lygoje („Betsafe-LKL“) intrigos nepašykštėjo mūšis pajūryje. Klaipėdos „Neptūnas“ (14-13) savo arenoje 79:92 (26:24,
Po lenta dominavusio Valančiūno komandai atkrintamųjų starte pritrūko vieno metimo
Po lenta dominavusio Valančiūno komandai atkrintamųjų starte pritrūko vieno metimo
Vienintelė NBA atkrintamosiose varžybose dalyvaujanti „lietuviška“ ekipa savo pirmo etapo seriją pradėjo atkakliu, bet nesėkmingai pasibaigusiu mūšiu favoritų teritorijoje
 Naudingiausiu NBA krepšininku šeštus metus iš eilės taps ne amerikietis
Naudingiausiu NBA krepšininku šeštus metus iš eilės taps ne amerikietis
NBA lyga paskelbė po tris pretendentus į asmeninius reguliaraus sezono apdovanojimus, rašo Krepš žaidėju pretenduoja tapti Denverio „Nuggets“ serbas Nikola
"Juventus" suspendavo savo naudingiausią žaidėją
"Juventus" suspendavo savo naudingiausią žaidėją
Balandį dar nė sykio ant parketo neišbėgęs Utenos „Juventus“ legionierius iš Kroatijos Ivanas Vranešas daugiau komandoje gali ir nebepasirodyti, rašo Krepšų
NBA atkrintamosiose varžybose – favoritų diktatas ir Lillardo fenomenas
NBA atkrintamosiose varžybose – favoritų diktatas ir Lillardo fenomenas
NBA atkrintamosios varžybos kol kas šykšti staigmenų – pergalėmis startavo ir aukščiau už savo varžovus reitinguotos Milvokio „Bucks“, Los Andželo „Clippers“
Po lengvo pasivaikščiojimo Trinchieri vardijo, ko nori iš naujoko, o Šeškus baisėjosi: man gėda
Po lengvo pasivaikščiojimo Trinchieri vardijo, ko nori iš naujoko, o Šeškus baisėjosi: man gėda
LKL reguliariojo sezono nugalėtojų vardo link užtikrintai artėjantys Kauno „Žalgirio“ (23-3) krepšininkai sekmadienį net namuose 101:57 nepasigailėjo Jonavos „CBet“
Naujoko debiuto sulaukęs "Žalgiris" rekordiniu skirtumu nušlavė jonaviečius
Naujoko debiuto sulaukęs "Žalgiris" rekordiniu skirtumu nušlavė jonaviečius
Kauno „Žalgiris“ (23-3) labai lengvai papildė pergalių sąskaitą Lietuvos krepšinio lygoje („Betsafe-LKL“) ir namuose 101:57 (30:15, 21:10, 26:13, 24:19) sutrypė Jonavos
Urbonas uteniškiams užkūrė pirtį, bet "Šiauliai" krito paskutinę minutę
Urbonas uteniškiams užkūrė pirtį, bet "Šiauliai" krito paskutinę minutę
Žydrūnas Urbonas stojo į kovą su klubu, kuriame praleido keliolika metų, tačiau puikiai pažįstama aplinka jo komandai svarbios pergalės neatnešė.Oliverio Kostičiaus treniruojama Utenos
Dominavęs "Rytas" privertė Mažeikių klubą kristi trečiąsyk paeiliui
Dominavęs "Rytas" privertė Mažeikių klubą kristi trečiąsyk paeiliui
Vilniaus „Ryto“ (22-5) komandai neprireikė pilnos sudėties, kad įveiktų Mažeikių „M Basket-Delamode“ (11-16) ekipą.Lietuvos krepšinio lygos („Betsafe-LKL“)
Po krepšiais karaliavęi "Cavaliers" užtikrintai pradėjo atkrintamąsias
Po krepšiais karaliavęi "Cavaliers" užtikrintai pradėjo atkrintamąsias
NBA atkrintamosios varžybos prasidėjo Klivlando „Cavaliers“ pergale, kuri namuose 97:83 (33:26, 15:20, 17:20, 24:25) įveikė Orlando „Magic“ ir serijoje iki keturių pergalių
Žalgiriečių Eurolygos epizodų dešimtuke – Hayeso dominavimas
Žalgiriečių Eurolygos epizodų dešimtuke – Hayeso dominavimas
Praėjusią savaitę stipriausiame Senojo žemyno klubiniame krepšinio turnyre kovas baigę Kauno „Žalgirio“ krepšininkai šį sezoną pažymėjo gausybe efektingų epizodų.„Žalgiris
Sabonio perimtas iš Valančiūno kamuolys bei dėjimas – tarp įspūdingiausių momentų
Sabonio perimtas iš Valančiūno kamuolys bei dėjimas – tarp įspūdingiausių momentų
Nacionalinė krepšinio asociacija (NBA) paskelbė balandžio 19 dieną vykusių įkrintamųjų varžybų gražiausių epizodų penketuką.Į jį pateko ir Lietuvos rinktinės bokštai.Trečią
Sabonio sezonas – baigtas: kelionę link NBA žiedų pratęs tautietį pranokęs Valančiūnas
Sabonio sezonas – baigtas: kelionę link NBA žiedų pratęs tautietį pranokęs Valančiūnas
Naktį iš penktadienio į šeštadienį Naujajame Orleane vykusiose lemiamose NBA įkrintamųjų rungtynėse vietos „Pelicans“ krepšininkai 105:98 (22:24, 32:21, 29:22,
"Heat" ir vėl aplaužė ragus "Buliams" bei įšoko į atkrintamąsias
"Heat" ir vėl aplaužė ragus "Buliams" bei įšoko į atkrintamąsias
Paskutiniais šių metų NBA Rytų konferencijos atkrintamųjų dalyviais tapo praėjusių metų lygos finalininkai Majamio „Heat“ krepšininkai, rašo Krepš
Štreimikytė-Virbickienė: krepšinis tapo pirma meile, kuri nerūdija (interviu)
Štreimikytė-Virbickienė: krepšinis tapo pirma meile, kuri nerūdija (interviu)
Viena žinomiausių ir tituluočiausių Lietuvos krepšininkių – Jurgita Štreimikytė-Virbickienė – turėjo įspūdingą karjerą. Puolėja yra viena iš dviejų Lietuvos
Į Lietuvą jau atvykęs "Žalgirio" naujokas paaiškino, kuo gali padėti kauniečiams
Į Lietuvą jau atvykęs "Žalgirio" naujokas paaiškino, kuo gali padėti kauniečiams
Kauno „Žalgirio“ gretas ketvirtadienį oficialiai papildęs 28-erių metų 203 cm ūgio Demetre Riversas jau penktadienio popietę pasiekė Lietuvą.Su antra puse ir šuniu į Vilniaus
Sedekerskis ir "Baskonia" pačiupo paskutinį Eurolygos atkrintamujų bilietą
Sedekerskis ir "Baskonia" pačiupo paskutinį Eurolygos atkrintamujų bilietą
Penktadienį nuaidėjo pirmųjų istorijoje Eurolygos įkrintamųjų paskutinis mačas, po kurio paaiškėjo paskutinė į atkrintamąsias įšokusi komanda. Paskutinį bilietą sugriebė Tadas
Lemtinga Lietuvos bokštų kaktomuša: ar ji taps paskutine Valančiūno giesme „Pelikanuose“?
Lemtinga Lietuvos bokštų kaktomuša: ar ji taps paskutine Valančiūno giesme „Pelikanuose“?
Naktį iš penktadienio į šeštadienį Naujajame Orleane vyksiančiose lemiamose NBA įkrintamųjų rungtynėse tarp vietos „Pelicans“ ir Sakramento „Kings“
Mažeikiškio Antetokounmpo pokalbiai su teisėju, treneriu ir komandos draugais
Mažeikiškio Antetokounmpo pokalbiai su teisėju, treneriu ir komandos draugais
„Betsafe-LKL TV“ dėmesio sulaukė Mažeikių „M Basket Delamode“ žaidėjas Alexas Antetokounmpo.Jauniausias iš brolių Antetokounmpo, rungtynių metu naudojo sportininkams
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalių mūšių datas
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalių mūšių datas
Eurolyga paskelbė ketvirtfinalio etapo tvarkaraštį, kuriame aiškūs visi rungtynių laikai, jeigu porose užtektų keturių mačų, rašo Krepš netrūks
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Jaunimo rinktinėms – palankūs Krivo, Murausko, Jakučionio ir Jocytės atsakymai
Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos (LKF) būstinėje ketvirtadienį susirinkę šalies jaunimo rinktinių treneriai pristatė savo pasirengimo ateinančios vasaros pirmenybėms planus ir pasidalino
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
ASVEL krizė gali paveikti ir Jocytės ateitį
Lietuvos moterų krepšinio žvaigždė Justė Jocytė ateinantį sezoną gali pradėti naujoje komandoje, praneša Prancūzijos žiniasklaida.Skelbiama, kad Vilerbano ASVEL mažins biudžetus
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Murauskas keičia universitetą, žais kartu su Marčiulioniu
Paulius Murauskas nusprendė pakeisti universitetą po neitin sėkmingo pirmojo sezono NCAA. 20-metis antrąjį sezoną suvienys jėgas su Augustu Marčiulioniu, rašo Krepš Murauskas
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Generolui atiduota pagarba: Vilniuje iškelti "Ryto" legendos Eidsono marškinėliai
Ketvirtadienio vakarą Vilniaus „Rytas“, minėdamas 15-ąsias triumfo Europos taurėje metines, LKL rungtynių su Šiaulių „Šiauliais“ ilgosios pertraukos metu savo
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Oficialu: "Žalgirio" gretas sustiprino amerikietis (Jankūno komentaras)
Traumų išretintą Kauno „Žalgirio“ puolėjų liniją netrukus papildys naujokas. Lietuvos čempionų klubas iki sezono pabaigos pasirašė sutartį su 203 cm ūgio amerikiečiu
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
LKF pristatyti jaunimo rinktinių treneriai paskelbė pasiruošimo planus
Ketvirtadienį Lietuvos krepšinio federacijoje vyko susirinkimas, kuriame dalyvavo visų Lietuvos jaunimo rinktinių vyr. treneriai. Susirinkimo metu treneriai pristatė rinktinių pasiruošimo
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
Trinchieri mojavo protokolu: nesitikėjau tokio teisėjavimo krepšinio šalyje (pretenzijų turėjo ir Vovoras)
38 pražangos ir penki jų limitą išnaudoję vienos komandos krepšininkai – Andrea Trinchieri teatrališkai tvirtino tokio atvejo per savo karjerą nepamenantis, užtat ilgai
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
NBA įkrintamosiose Karnišovo klubas laimėjo pirmą išlikimo mūšį, laukia akistata su "Heat"
Reguliariajame NBA sezone Rytuose 9-ą vietą užėmęs Čikagos „Bulls“ klubas namuose pergalingai pradėjo įkrintamąsias varžybas: 131:116 (40:22, 33:45, 37:25, 21:24) pranoko Atlantos

Vartotojo meniu
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